() After fighting for dozens of rounds, Feng Lin became anxious when he saw that the battle was stalemate and he couldn't take Ji Shugan down.Then he thought about it, and used his own strange skills to kill Ji Shuqian under the horse.

Feng Lin betrayed an opening, and then rode back. Uncle Ji thought that Feng Lin had already shown signs of defeat, so he would not let her go, so he immediately rode behind.

Feng Lin looked back and saw that Uncle Ji was following closely, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, turned his head and opened his mouth, exhaled a mouthful of black smoke, with a bowl of big red beads in the middle, the black smoke turned into a big net, and caught Uncle Ji in one go horse.

When Feng Lin came back, he dropped the mace and beat Uncle Ji to death with one blow.

Here, Zhang Guifang saw that Feng Lin had finished the battle, and couldn't bear the entanglement with Nangong Shi, so she sank into her dantian, and shouted: "Nangong Shi, hurry up and get off the horse and be bound!"

Hearing this cry, Nangong Shi immediately felt insane, dizzy, and fell off the horse for some reason.

If it was according to Zhang Guifang's character, Nan Gongshi might be captured, so that he could be escorted back to Chaoge in the future and ask Di Xin for credit.

But before Emperor Xin came, he repeatedly explained that if there is a general who is captured, he will be beheaded on the spot without asking for instructions.

After Nangong Shi fell from the horse, Zhang Guifang came back and directly shot him in the heart. Nangong Shi, who was originally in the Conferred Gods and had to make some contributions, was beheaded by Zhang Guifang in the first battle of Conferred Gods.

Afterwards, Zhang Guifang swung the spear in his hand, and many soldiers behind him took advantage of the situation and rushed towards the Western Zhou army formation.

Two generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty were beheaded in a row, especially Nangong Shi, who enjoyed a high reputation in the entire Western Zhou army. He was easily beheaded by Zhang Guifang like this, and all the soldiers of the Western Zhou Dynasty were terrified.

Seeing that the army's morale had been lost, Jiang Ziya had no choice but to call for gold and retreat, but Zhang Guifang led the army to take advantage of the situation and kill him.

In the next few days, Jiang Ziya hung up his exemption card and stopped playing.

Since Nezha was resurrected from the list of gods by Yuanshi Tianzun, he has been studying hard in the golden cave of Qianyuan Mountain.Since he is also considered a person who should be tribulated, his cultivation base has improved rapidly, and he is already in the late stage of true immortality.

As soon as Jiang Ziya started to hang up the free battle card over there, the real Taiyi received the decree from Yuanshi Tianzun, asking Nezha to go to Xiqi City to help Jiang Ziya.

Master Taiyi called Nezha over, and after giving instructions, he let him go down the mountain.

The arrival of Nezha made Jiang Ziya very happy.In particular, knowing Nezha's true immortality cultivation base greatly increased Jiang Ziya's confidence in Nezha.

On the second day, Feng Lin came to Xiqi city to challenge, and Nezha went out to fight directly.

After a few rounds of fighting between the two, Feng Lin felt that his hands and feet were weak, and he was not Nezha's opponent at all.

In desperation, Feng Lin had no choice but to use his own spells, spit out a mouthful of black smoke, and wanted to knock Nezha off Fenghuolun.

However, with Nezha's cultivation as a true immortal, how can he take this little magic of his in his eyes? With just a finger, the black smoke of Feng Lin has been broken, and it has turned into a red bead and landed on Nezha. hands.

Then Nezha smashed Feng Lin's shoulder blades in a circle.Feng Lin fled back to the business camp with all his might.

Then, Nezha provoked Zhang Guifang loudly. Zhang Guifang saw that Feng Lin was injured by Nezha, and also saw that Nezha was a disciple of Chanjiao, so she was cautious.

Seeing Zhang Guifang coming out of the army, Nezha immediately pointed the pointed spear in his hand at him, and asked, "Are you Zhang Guifang who knows how to call magic?"

Zhang Guifang just looked up at Nezha in the air, with the spear in his hand swinging sideways, without any intention of answering.

Seeing Zhang Guifang's attitude, Nezha immediately became furious, urging the Hot Wheels under his feet, and directly attacked Zhang Guifang.

Nezha is a true immortal, with immortal power surging in his body, and Zhang Guifang is not an opponent at all. In just a few rounds, Zhang Guifang is already sweating profusely, blocking from left to right.

"Nezha, if you haven't finished the round yet, when will you wait?"

Zhang Guifang yelled at Nezha.At the same time, an invisible wave attacked Nezha, but a circle of light lit up around Nezha's body, blocking that wave directly from the outside.

Nezha's current body was created by a golden fairy-level innate spirit creature, and with its own special surname, it is enough to resist the attacks of these souls.

Zhang Guifang called Nezha's name several times, but Nezha didn't respond at all.Seeing the circle of light around Nezha, Zhang Guifang knew that something was wrong, so she quickly turned her horse's head and ran towards the barracks.

Nezha threw the Qiankun circle again, and the Qiankun circle landed on Zhang Guifang's left arm, directly smashing the bones in his left arm to pieces.

This time, it was replaced by Zhang Guifang's exemption card.

Jiang Ziya was naturally quite satisfied with the result.

This day, Jiang Ziya was discussing the military situation with the generals in the mansion, and suddenly got the decree from Yuanshi Tianzun, asking him to go back to Yuxu Palace.

Jiang Ziya dared to be negligent, and after talking to Zhou Gongdan, he quickly set up Tudun and rushed towards Kunlun Mountain.

After Jiang Ziya arrived at Yuxu Palace, he was awarded the Zhongyang Xutu Apricot Yellow Banner, the God Whip and the God List by Yuanshi Tianzun.

After receiving some instructions from Yuanshi Tianzun, Jiang Ziya took these three treasures out of Yuxu Palace, and prepared to drive back to Xiqi.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya heard a wave of greetings from behind, and remembered that Yuanshi Tianzun told him to leave Yuxu Palace, no matter who called him, he could not answer.

Jiang Ziya walked forward in silence, without answering.

But the man fled faster, and caught up with Jiang Ziya in a short time, and stopped Jiang Ziya. It turned out to be Shen Gongbao who was practicing magic with Jiang Ziya on the mountain.

As far as Shen Gongbao is concerned, just like Jiang Ziya, he is not very proficient in spells.Barely survived the catastrophe and became a celestial being.

But Jiang Ziya's cultivation base is superficial because he is born stupid and has no qualifications for cultivation.But Shen Gongbao was because Yuanshi Tianzun didn't want to teach him at all.

Although Jiang Ziya's cultivation base is not high, Yuanshi Tianzun's attitude towards Jiang Ziya is very gentle, but he is cold-eyed towards Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao was very excluded in the teaching, he couldn't even figure out why Yuanshi Tianzun sent him to Yuxu Palace since he was not happy to see him like this.

Shen Gongbao usually doesn't want to stay in Yuxu Palace, but is willing to travel all over the world and make some friends.Shen Gongbao has a straightforward personality and treats people with sincerity, and he has made some friends.

Especially the disciples of Jiejiao are very fond of Shen Gongbao.As a result, Shen Gongbao was increasingly excluded in Yuxu Palace.

This time when he returned to Yuxu Palace, a news reached Shen Gongbao's ears. The reason why Jiang Ziya was favored by Yuanshi Tianzun was mainly because he was a man appointed by heaven to enshrine the gods.

However, what surprised Shen Gongbao even more was that he himself was also one of the Destiny Conferred Gods, which was the reason why Yuanshi Tianzun took him into his sect at the beginning.If he can get the list of gods, then he can also exercise the power of gods.

Shen Gongbao has been holding his breath, why can Jiang Ziya be a god, but I can't?I want to prove to the teacher that I, Shen Gongbao, can also do the task of being a god.

Therefore, Shen Gongbao has been waiting at the gate of Yuxu Palace, waiting for Jiang Ziya to come back and take away the list of gods.In this way, he can find a way to get the list of gods from Jiang Ziya.

"Junior Brother Ziya, why don't you answer me when I call you like that?"

Shen Gongbao caught up and complained to Jiang Ziya.

When Jiang Ziya saw that it was Shen Gongbao who was chasing him, he couldn't help but look a little embarrassed.In this Yuxu Palace, only the two of them have the lowest cultivation level, so they are also very familiar with each other.

But later, Jiang Ziya felt that other seniors rejected Shen Gongbao, so he unconsciously distanced himself from Shen Gongbao.

"Senior brother Shen Gongbao was joking! I just obeyed the teacher's orders. If I knew that the senior brother was behind me, then I would definitely respond."

Seeing what Jiang Ziya said, Shen Gongbao didn't pursue it anymore.Instead, his eyes fell on a few things in Jiang Ziya's hands.

"Junior brother, what are you holding in your hand?"

"This is the list of gods bestowed by the teacher! I'm going to Xiqi to build the platform of gods and hang this list of gods on it!"

"Are you going to the Western Zhou Dynasty?"

Shen Gongbao knew a little more about this matter of conferring gods than Jiang Ziya.Knowing that this conferment of gods is just to take advantage of the change of dynasties in the world, as for the final result, it is not very important!

"In the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was a phoenix singing on Qishan Mountain, and a virtuous lord came to the world. Of course, I will protect Zhou and defeat merchants!"

Hearing what Jiang Ziya said, Shen Gongbao knew that Jiang Ziya had already managed the business in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and his only choice was Dashang.

"Junior Brother, Emperor Xin, the master of the Great Merchants, is wise and martial, with literary and martial virtues. He is the master of great sages. The Western Zhou Dynasty was just a rebellion. How can you go to protect the Western Zhou Dynasty?"

Hearing what Shen Gongbao said, Jiang Ziya's expression fell.

"Senior brother Shen, since you and I disagree, there is no need to discuss it anymore!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

"Jiang Ziya, you just learned some techniques of the five elements and moved mountains and seas, but this list of gods falls into your hands, but it is a secret investment!" Seeing Jiang Ziya wanting to leave, Shen Gongbao spoke aggressively.

"What kind of spells do you know? Let you speak such wild words?" Jiang Ziya said a little angrily.

"I can cut off the head and throw it in the air, and after an hour or three quarters, it can return to its original shape!"

When Jiang Ziya heard Shen Gongbao say this, he was very disdainful.You must know that this head is the head of the six suns, if you cut it off, you will die immediately.

Seeing Jiang Ziya's expression of disbelief, Shen Gongbao secretly rejoiced.

"Jiang Ziya, if I can cut off my head and survive, how about you hand over this list of gods to me?"

"Okay!" Jiang Ziya thought for a while and replied.He really didn't believe that Shen Gongbao had such spells.

Shen Gongbao cut off his own head and threw it in the air, while still talking.Jiang Ziya was surprised when he saw this scene.

At this time, the Nanji fairy who was hiding aside came out and asked Baihe Boy to take Shen Gongbao's head away, and then comforted Jiang Ziya, and then let Jiang Ziya go back to Xiqi.

As soon as the Antarctic fairy beckoned, the boy Baihe sent Shen Gongbao's head back. After Shen Gongbao's head returned to his body, he was reprimanded by the Antarctic fairy.

Shen Gongbao's heart was full of resentment, but he didn't realize that at the moment his head was about to return to his body, Nanji Xianweng sent an extremely dark airflow into his body.

That air flow is full of endless resentment, jealousy, greed and many other negative emotions.

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