Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 158 The Demon Family 4 Will Die

() Seeing that the magic weapons of Nezha and the others were easily taken away by Mo Lihong, Jiang Ziya was also a little anxious, and without thinking about it, he threw out the magic whip in his hand.

The magic whip flew in the air, emitting bursts of golden light, which seemed extremely powerful, but when it touched the chaotic airflow around the Hunyuan Umbrella, it was easily sucked in.

Seeing this scene, the people on Jiang Ziya's side were all dumbfounded.If it is a well-known monk in the Jiejiao, they still have some fears.And the four brothers of the Mo family were generals in Dashang, Jiang Ziya didn't think they would be so powerful.

However, the reality is far more cruel than imagined.

Neither cultivation nor martial arts were the opponents of the four generals of the Demon family, and they planned to rely on magic weapons, which were easily taken away by Mo Lihong.

"Jiang Ziya, since you want magic weapons, the four of us brothers, let you open your eyes!"

Mo Liqing laughed and said, stretched out his hand and pulled the Qingfeng sword from behind, pinched the formula, and threw the Qingfeng sword in his hand into the air, and disaster struck immediately.

An extremely strong black wind appeared, and there were countless swords and spears inside. This black wind blew past, and a large number of Western Zhou soldiers died tragically, their limbs and arms were broken, and they flew around.

At the same time, a raging fire rose up everywhere, spreading and burning. The chaotic soldiers of the Western Zhou Dynasty couldn't bear it anymore, dropped their weapons, turned around and ran towards Xiqi City.

Molihong turned the Hunyuan Umbrella that had not been put away, left and right, the sky collapsed, the earth cracked, and countless soldiers were swallowed inside.

Mo Lihai also played the pipa, and the already exuberant power of wind and fire became even crazier.Countless wind and fire forces were entangled together, forming several wind dragons and fire dragons, charging towards Jiang Ziya and Jin Zha.

Feeling the powerful power contained in those wind dragons and fire dragons, Jiang Ziya and the others dared to stop them.Nezha hurriedly drove the Hot Wheels and fled in embarrassment.Jiang Ziya also drove Sixiang and quickly disappeared in place.

Both Jin Zha and Mu Zha escaped by means of soil, and Longxuhu also escaped by means of water and returned to Xiqi City.

Mo Lishou also released his Huahu mink, which turned into a giant beast, floating in the air, and with just one suction, countless soldiers fell into its mouth.

After a big kill, the four generals of the Mo family collected their treasures and returned to the barracks.

On the second day, the fourth general of the Mo family provoked again, but this time Jiang Ziya did not dare to go out again, so he raised his exemption card.

Seeing that Jiang Ziya refused to leave the city, the four generals of the Mo Family set up ladders and attacked from all sides.

But Jiang Ziya had been prepared for a long time, and the defense was tight. In addition to Xiqi City, the city was thick and the walls were high.

Seeing this result, Mo Liqing frowned slightly, looking at the majestic Xiqi City in front of him, a fierce light flickered in his eyes.

"Second brother, third brother, fourth brother. The four of us will attack Xiqi City tonight!"

There was a ruthlessness in Mo Liqing's voice.

"Brother, in that case, we..."

Mo Lihong's voice was a little trembling. If she did this, I'm afraid that the Dao of Heaven will commit a great crime. I'm afraid that at that time, she won't even be able to make it to the list of gods.

"As long as the foundation of the Western Zhou Dynasty is destroyed, I, Da Shang, can win without a fight. Even those saints can't help it."

Hearing the firmness in Mo Liqing's voice, the three of Mo Lihong only nodded silently.

Jiang Ziya was discussing with his subordinates in the mansion how to deal with the four generals of the Demon family, when suddenly a strange wind blew up outside, and the banner outside was broken by the wind.

As soon as Jiang Ziya saw it, he knew something bad was going to happen, and something must be happening.

After pinching his fingers and counting, Jiang Ziya felt that there was a thick fog, so he realized it. Now that the machine is messed up, it is impossible to figure it out.Jiang Ziya quickly changed direction and calculated his own good and bad, only then did he gradually understand what was about to happen.

"The four generals of the Demon family are also devoted to Da Shang. They actually want to sacrifice themselves to fight for Da Shang's life."

After figuring out the cause of the incident, Jiang Ziya gasped, his face full of surprise.

Jiang Ziya has already seen the power of the magic weapon in the hands of the four generals of the Demon family. He doesn't think he can block the attack of the magic weapon of these four people by himself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya quickly dismissed the crowd, while he bathed and burned incense, came to the quiet room, and prayed to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Afterwards, Jiang Ziya quickly did it, using the technique of moving mountains and seas, moved a piece of sea water, and threw it upside down on Xiqi City.

When Jiang Ziya was burning incense, Yuanshi Tianzun already knew the cause of the incident, dumped the clear glass bottle in his hand, and sprinkled a piece of Sanguang Shenshui, covering the sea water above Xiqi City.

The four generals of the Mo family sacrificed their magic weapons and continuously bombarded the city of Xiqi. Although their magic weapons were powerful, the three-color light shining above the city of Xiqi easily blocked these attacks, allowing the Mo family to attack. Four will return without success.

"It's Yuanshi Tianzun's Sanguang Shenshui!"

Mo Liqing took a deep breath, and said with a serious expression.

"This sage really thinks highly of us, and actually blocked the attack of our four brothers!" Mo Lihai also said with a sneer.

"Since this is the case, it seems that our plan cannot be realized. The four of us have to wait to die. I believe that in the near future, someone from Chanjiao will definitely come down and deal with our four brothers. Return to the camp!"

After Mo Liqing said these words, he took another deep look at Xiqi City, turned around and went back to the business camp.

As expected, Chanjiao came, but the time was beyond the expectations of the four generals of the Mo family. They were besieged for two months before Chanjiao sent people to Xiqi City.

The arrival of Han Dulong and Xue Ehu was welcomed by Xiqi, and what was even more welcome was the food they brought.

After being trapped for two months, the food in Xiqi City has been exhausted.

"Jiang Ziya, Jiang Ziya, do you think you can fool me with such a small trick? This batch of life-saving food will improve your status a lot! This stage is given to you, you should heat up the stage first! I want to See what you can sing!"

In the depths of the palace, Zhou Gongdan played with the jade seal in his hand, with a playful smile on his face.

However, Zhou Gongdan's expression became a little worried, and he looked towards Wuyi Mountain from afar.

"I don't know when the deity will be able to come out, and I don't know if the four generals of the Demon family will be saved in time, but I can't make a move!"

If the arrival of Han Dulong and Xue Ehu only solved the urgent need of Xiqi City, then the arrival of Daoist Yuding made Jiang Ziya overjoyed.

This Jade Cauldron is a monk of the Daluo Golden Immortal Stage, and it is not easy to deal with the four generals of the Demon Family outside.

Jiang Ziya welcomed Daoist Yuding into the Prime Minister's mansion with a look of joy.

"Senior Brother Yuding, this time, I feel much more at ease when you come here in person. However, I don't know when Senior Brother Yuding plans to defeat the enemy?"

"Junior Brother Jiang, this time I'm here, I don't intend to make a move, I'm here to suppress the formation!"

Daoist Yuding shook his head and asked him to deal with the four true immortal monks?Isn't that too low!

"Suppressing the formation? Brother Yuding, I wonder who you plan to send to deal with the four generals of the Mo family?"

"Son of Huang Feihu, Huang Tianhua!"

Qingfeng Mountain, Ziyang Cave.

Huang Tianhua stood honestly in front of Qingxu Daodezhenjun, not knowing why his master asked him to come.

"Tianhua, my teacher wants you to go down the mountain to do something. I wonder if you can do it?"

"Please tell Master!"

"You go down the mountain to assist your uncle Jiang Ziya, and protect Zhou and defeat merchants!"

"Ah? Then I can see my father and younger brother again? Master, I'm going down the mountain now!"

Huang Tianhua was very happy when he heard the words of Qingxu Daodezhenjun, and then he turned around to pack his things.

"No, your father has already returned to Dashang. If you go down the mountain, you will be an enemy of your father!"

True Lord Qingxu Daode said these words lightly, while observing Huang Tianhua's reaction.

The words of Qingxu Daodezhenjun fell into Huang Tianhua's heart like a big mountain.

The originally excited smile on Huang Tianhua's face suddenly froze.He turned around slowly and looked at Qingxu Daodezhenjun with an unbelievable look on his face.

He doesn't understand, why?Why did things become like this?Some time ago, the master told him that he could be a courtier with his father in the future, but now he told him that he would be an enemy with his father.

"Master, I don't want to go down the mountain! I want to continue practicing on Qingfeng Mountain."

Huang Tianhua's voice was a little deep, and he felt an indescribable loss in his heart. < ren, is this how you repay me? "

Qingxu Daodezhenjun's voice suddenly rose, and every word he said hit Huang Tianhua's heart one by one.

Master!If you don't bring me to this mountain, I still have my father, I still have my mother, and I still have my brothers, but you have deprived me of all these.

I thought you taught me just to help me better help my father in the future, but I didn't think you wanted me to be my father's enemy!

Huang Tianhua stood there quietly, with his head down, without saying a word, but his heart was roaring with grief and indignation.

"Master, I am willing to go down the mountain, and I am willing to help Xiqi! Even if it is, even if it is to repay the love of master and apprentice for these years!"

After being silent for a while, Huang Tianhua spoke.His voice was dry, hoarse, full of endless bitterness.

Hearing Huang Tianhua's words, Qingxu Daodezhenjun's eyes narrowed slightly, and his brows frowned.

"Tianhua, come here. I'll pass you these two hammers, and this fire dragon dart. You ride my jade unicorn down the mountain!"

Huang Tianhua took a few steps forward, took these things from Qingxu Daodezhenjun, then turned around silently and left Ziyang Cave, rode on the jade unicorn, tapped his legs lightly, and the jade unicorn flew towards the center of Xiqi city. go.

The jade unicorn walked very fast, and it came to the sky above Xiqi City not long after. Under the guard of the surrounding soldiers, Huang Tianhua got off the jade unicorn calmly, entered the prime minister's mansion, and paid a visit to Jiang Ziya. (To be continued.)

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