Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 159 The Demon Family 4 Will Die

() As soon as Huang Tianhua got off the jade unicorn, the real Yuding, who had been sitting in Jiang Ziya's mansion with his eyes closed, opened his eyes.

"he came!"

Jiang Ziya, who was by the side, saw the reaction of Master Yuding, and knew that Huang Tianhua must have arrived.

Just then, a guard came in to report.

"Prime Minister, there is a Taoist robed youth outside asking to see you!"

"Come in quickly!"

After a while, I saw the guards leading a Taoist robed youth in.

The young man was nine feet tall, his face was like suet, he was very heroic, he was wearing a purple Taoist robe with a silk sash around his waist, and hemp shoes on his feet.

"I met Uncle Jiang! I met Uncle Yuding!"

Huang Tianhua had no expression on his face, and bowed to Jiang Ziya and Master Yuding respectively.

"Martial nephew Huang is wearing this Taoist robe, which really shows my fairy demeanor in teaching!"

Seeing Huang Tianhua's heroic appearance, Jiang Ziya couldn't help admiring.

Huang Tianhua didn't speak any more, just stood there quietly, not even offering the most basic courtesy.

Seeing Huang Tian's appearance, Master Yu Ding frowned slightly, Huang Tianhua's mood didn't look right!

"Martial nephew Huang, tomorrow you go out to challenge the four generals of the Demon family, and I will fight for you!"

Although Master Yuding was worried about Huang Tianhua's state, he still spoke up for it.

"Thank you, Uncle Yuding, I know what to do. I don't know if Uncle has any orders? If not, I'll go back and rest first!"

Huang Tianhua's voice was firm. Ever since Qingxu Daodezhenjun said those words, Huang Tianhua no longer had a good impression of the people who explained the teachings.

"Martial nephew Huang, since you just came today, let's hold a welcome banquet!"

Jiang Ziya also saw that Huang Tianhua's mood was very wrong, but he had to say some things, especially in front of Master Yuding.

Jiang Ziya originally thought that Huang Tianhua would refuse, but after hearing this, Huang Tianhua nodded and agreed directly.

Now that Huang Tianhua agreed, Jiang Ziya naturally did not hesitate to have a banquet.

Jiang Ziya invited many generals in the city, and set up a banquet. Although Jiang Ziya taught his disciples not to eat meat, but there were other generals, the table naturally had big fish and meat.

After everyone introduced each other, they all sat down.But Huang Tianhua's next move surprised Jiang Ziya.

After Huang Tianhua took his seat, he directly picked up the meat and vegetables on the table, and began to eat in big mouthfuls. While eating, he poured a few glasses of water and wine into his mouth from time to time.

The Xiqi generals who originally planned to communicate with Huang Tianhua all looked at Jiang Ziya who was sitting at the top with strange expressions.

Didn’t Prime Minister Jiang’s lecture say that students are not allowed to drink alcohol and eat meat?

Feeling the eyes of several generals, Jiang Ziya's face became a little uneasy.

"Nephew Huang, you just came down the mountain, how can you look like this?"

Hearing Jiang Ziya's reprimand, Huang Tianhua stopped eating, took a piece of silk from the side, and wiped it on the corner of his mouth.

"Do as the Romans do! Eat some wine and meat, nothing will happen!"

Huang Tianhua said indifferently with a casual look.

After finishing speaking, Huang Tianhua got up and left the table, and walked directly outside, riding the jade unicorn, and headed directly towards Huang Feihu's original residence, the Kaiguo Wucheng Prince's Mansion.

Seeing Huang Tianhua's appearance, Jiang Ziya burst into anger, and was about to stand up and scold him.But he was stopped by Daoist Yuding beside him.

"Junior Brother Ziya, this Huang Tianhua is the eldest son of Huang Feihu. We forced him to be an enemy of his father. He must have a problem in his heart. It is normal for him to put on a face for us! As long as he is willing to fight the enemy, why bother?" Leave him alone."

After hearing the words of Master Yuding, Jiang Ziya sat down full of anger.

The military generals who accompanied him, who dared to stare at Prime Minister Jiang at this time, all lowered their heads and ate carefully without saying a word.

On the second day, Jiang Ziya sat in the prime minister's mansion and beat the Jujiang drum.

With the sound of the drum, all the generals hurried into the hall.

Jiang Ziya looked around, only Huang Tianhua was missing, Jiang Ziya wanted to get angry, but the three-way jujiang drum hadn't finished ringing, Jiang Ziya could only suppress his anger.

Just when the third drum was about to finish playing, Huang Tianhua walked into the hall with unhurried steps, and happened to get stuck on the drumbeat.

Huang Tianhua's attire today is not the Taoist robe he was wearing yesterday, but a golden chain mail, a skyrocketing crown on his head, a golden forehead on the front, a big red robe outside the chain mail, and a jade belt.

What a general, a young general who fought on the battlefield.

But when Jiang Ziya saw Huang Tianhua's attire, his eyes were cold and his face turned blue.

Jiang Ziya just praised him yesterday, wearing a Taoist robe, showing the demeanor of educating and teaching immortals.This Huang Tianhua took off his Taoist robe today and put on a suit of armor.

"Huang Tianhua! I, Jiang Ziya, have been down the mountain for many years, but I dare not forget my roots. You just went down the mountain yesterday, and you drank and ate meat. Today, you even changed your Taoist robe. Have you forgotten my teachings?"

Hearing Jiang Ziya's scolding, Huang Tianhua's expression remained unchanged, as if he had never heard of it.


Jiang Ziya wanted to say more, but was stopped by Master Yuding.

"Martial nephew Huang, you wear a jade belt around your waist, I'm afraid it won't be easy to use on the battlefield! It's better to put on a silk belt!"

Hearing Master Yuding's words, Huang Tianhua raised his head to look at him, and then put on the silk belt without haste.

"Hum..." Jiang Ziya snorted angrily when he saw Huang Tianhua changed the silk sash, and sat down.

All the generals listed below held their breath, for fear that Prime Minister Jiang would turn his anger on them.

They could tell that Prime Minister Jiang, the new nephew, didn't seem to take him seriously.

"Huang Tianhua listens to the order, today you will go out to fight and take down the four generals of the Demon Family!"

Jiang Ziya took out a token and threw it down.

Huang Tianhua stepped forward, stretched out his right hand, and the token flew into his hand, clasped his fists together, and said: "Design!"

Afterwards, Huang Tianhua left the Prime Minister's Mansion, stepped onto the Jade Qilin, went to the barracks to order a soldier, left the city gate, and ran directly towards the Dashang barracks.

Hearing someone fighting, the four generals of the Mo family also came out directly, but seeing the appearance of this young general outside, the four of them were slightly startled.

Because the face of this young general is very similar to Huang Feihu, the Wucheng king of Dashang.

"What's your relationship with me, King Wucheng of Dashang Township?"

Mo Liqing urged the horse forward a few steps, and asked with a frown.

Hearing Mo Liqing's question, Huang Tianhua's face was flushed with shame.

"Huang Feihu is my father!"

After hearing Huang Tianhua's words, the faces of the four generals of the Mo family suddenly became serious.

"Young General Huang, what are you hiding?"

"Tianhua has nothing else to ask for, but a quick death!"

Huang Tianhua suddenly roared, urged Yu Qilin to sit down, and brandishing two sledgehammers, rushed towards the four generals of the Demon family.

Seeing Huang Tianhua's pained and crazy face, Mo Liqing sighed, and the vajra white jade bracelet in his hand flew up, hitting Huang Tianhua's chest, and Huang Tianhua immediately fell to the ground.

Mo Liqing was about to go forward to put away Huang Tianhua's body, so that Huang Feihu could meet him in the future, but at this moment, Nezha came out of the city.

When Mo Liqing saw it, she was a little annoyed, and the white jade diamond bracelet in her hand flew up again, and threw it at Nezha. Nezha's Qiankun circle had already been collected by Mo Lihong, so he could only sacrifice gold bricks.

Mo Liqing's white jade vajra bracelet was not a powerful magic weapon in the first place, he originally wanted to use this magic weapon to injure Huang Tianhua and bring it back to Chaoge.

At this time, when Nezha's gold brick touched it, it was smashed to pieces.

Seeing that Mo Liqing was going to get the Qingfeng sword, Nezha dared to stay, rolled up Huang Tianhua, and flew back to Xiqi City.

Looking at Huang Tianhua's body, Jiang Ziya didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Junior Brother Ziya, don't worry. Someone will pick him up later."

Immortal Yuding on one side said to Jiang Ziya, and as soon as the words fell, a Taoist boy fell from the cloud head and saluted to Immortal Yuding and Jiang Ziya.

After Dao Tong explained his purpose, Jiang Ziya asked him to take Huang Tianhua's body back to Qingfeng Mountain.

Huang Tianhua suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, he yelled loudly, and woke up.

Opening his eyes, Huang Tianhua realized that he was in the Ziyang Cave of Qingfeng Mountain. There was a stone bed in front of him, and the Pure and Virtuous Lord was sitting cross-legged on it.

Could it be that everything that happened just now was a dream?However, the cold gaze of Qingxu Moral True Monarch knocked Huang Tianhua out of his fantasy.

"Huang Tianhua, this is your choice? Do you think that after you die, you will repay my teaching and nurturing? Delusion!"

This Huang Tianhua is the one who should be robbed for the Qingxu Moral True Monarch, how could he allow Huang Tianhua to die so easily.

Huang Tianhua remained silent when asked by Qing Xu Dao Zhenjun.

"As long as you are willing to help Xiqi through the 36th conquest, I will not ask you whether you will stay or not in the future!"

Huang Tianhua raised his head in surprise at the words of the True Monarch Qingxu.

"You talk, do you count?" Huang Tianhua asked in a deep voice.

"I'm pure, moral, true, and imposing, Da Luo Jinxian, so I won't break my trust in you!"

"Okay, I promise you! I will do my best to help Xiqi survive the 36th conquest!" Huang Tianhua's face was firm.

You must go back to see your father, even if you die at his hands.

"This is the heart nail, you use it to deal with the four generals of the Mo family!"

Outside Xiqi City, on the endless wilderness.

Huang Tianhua was riding on the jade unicorn, facing the four generals of the Mo family.

There was still a hint of joy on the faces of the four generals of the Mo family. Huang Tianhua was not dead, so they were not sorry for Huang Feihu.

"Four uncles, I have to help Lord Xiqi cross the 36th road conquest. Only in this way can I meet my father, so..."

The four generals of the Mo Family looked at each other and laughed loudly.

"Tianhua, the four of us have been here for a long time! Originally, we were still thinking about who we would die under, but we didn't expect it to be you. Forget it! The four of us have been taught and taught. You have learned those skills over the years !"

Mo Liqing smiled boldly. (To be continued.)

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