() Huang Tianhua held up the double hammers, with a serious face, looking at the four generals of the Mo family opposite.

"Tianhua, let's fight, but we can't let that big man in Xiqi City be idle! Get up!"

Mo Liqing laughed, and the Qingfeng sword in his hand was sacrificed, and flew towards Xiqi City, carrying endless black wind and fierce flames.

Molihong, Molihai, and Molishou also sacrificed their own treasures, and all flew over Xiqi City, pouring their attacks on Xiqi City.

Jiang Ziya and the others, who were standing on the top of the wall watching the battle, were all a little terrified when they saw this sudden attack.


Standing beside Jiang Ziya, Immortal Yuding made a move, and directly transformed into the body of a flying snake. The countless swords, swords, spears and spears rolled up in the black wind were all blocked by Immortal Yuding.

And countless raging fires were burning, but they couldn't help Master Yuding at all.

However, Immortal Yuding had no choice but to take these magic weapons for a while.

In order to protect the soldiers and civilians in Xiqi City, Master Yuding was dragged where he was.

Here, Huang Tianhua has already fought with the four generals of the Mo family.The two sledgehammers in Huang Tianhua's hands were like two big mountains, attacking would suppress one side, while defending would be like sealing them.

However, even so, Huang Tianhua was not an opponent of the four generals of the Mo family, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Huang Tianhua took out the heart nail from his bosom, and shouted: "Be careful!"

As soon as the mana was stimulated, the heart nail immediately emitted a bright brilliance, and then turned into a golden light, which passed through Mo Liqing's chest, and Mo Liqing fell to the ground without a sound.

"Hahaha, I'll be the second one, don't let the big brother go too far!" Mo Lihong laughed and danced wildly.

Another flash of brilliance flashed by, and Mo Lihong also fell into the dust.This brilliance flickered twice more, and Mo Li Hai and Mo Li Shou also died.

The four treasures that were attacking Xiqi City, when the four generals of the Mo family died, wailed, turned into four beams of light, and flew towards the four generals of the Mo family.

"Uncle Yuding, our magic weapon is in that umbrella!"

Nezha was watching, but he was a little anxious.If that umbrella goes far away, then your universe circle will be useless.

When Master Yuding heard Nezha's shout, he frowned, but still flicked the snake's tail, and drew it towards the brilliance transformed from the Hunyuan Umbrella.

The Hunyuan Umbrella suddenly swelled up, and several treasures spewed out from it, and then turned into a beam of brilliance, flying above Mo Lihong's head.

Four dots of light rose above the heads of the four generals of the Mo family, threw them into the four treasures, and flew towards Qishan.

"I'm sorry..." Huang Tianhua said in a low voice, and at the same time two teardrops fell on the ground.

"Hey~~" A sigh came out from the depths of the palace in Xiqi City.

The news of the death of the four generals of the Mo family spread to Chaoge, but it did not cause any disturbance, but Wen Taishi, who was guarding Chaoge, decided to go out in person.

A few months later, outside Xiqi City, a large barracks of great merchants appeared again.In front of the barracks, there were several figures standing, observing Xiqi City.

The leader is a three-eyed old man, who is the Grand Master Wen Zhong.Six people followed him, two of them were Ji Li and Yu Qing.The other four were the four generals that Wen Zhong had just conquered in Huanghua Mountain.

These four people are: Deng Zhong, Xin Huan, Zhang Jie, Tao Rong.

The methods of these four people are just average, they are all the methods of mortal generals.Only Na Xin Huansheng has a pair of fleshy wings, which is a bit more miraculous, and Tao Rong accidentally got a wind-gathering flag, which is a bit more capable.

Wen Zhong was here to investigate the situation in Xiqi City, and soldiers there had already reported to Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya went up to the city wall and observed the arrangement and distribution of the big merchant barracks outside the city for a while.

On the first day, neither side had any intention of going to war.After watching the general situation of the other party, they went back to make plans for the next step.

On the second day, Wen Zhong brought a group of generals to challenge at the gate of Xiqi City.

Wen Zhong sat on the black unicorn, looking at the gate of Xiqi, but some fragments flashed unconsciously in his heart.

In Chaoge City, when he was about to set off, Wen Zhong was thrown off his back by his mount, the black unicorn.

Afterwards, Wen Zhong also asked Hei Qilin, and Hei Qilin said yes, he felt a flash of hostility at that time, he was startled, and accidentally threw Wen Zhong off.

On the way here, Wen Zhong saw a stone tablet, Juelongling.Wen Zhong clearly remembered the warning given to him by his master and the instructions from Uncle Yu Yuan when he went down the mountain for the first time.

Every time must die!

Just when Wen Zhong recalled, the gate of Xiqi city opened, and five-color square arrays lined up from the city in turn.

"Master Wen, Jiang Shang is polite!"

Jiang Ziya cupped his fists at Wen Zhongyao and gave a salute.

"Jiang Shang, stop talking nonsense. Not only did you, Xiqi, not plead guilty, you resisted the heavenly soldiers and repeatedly killed the court ministers. Today, my army has arrived, and you will be restrained as soon as possible!"

"I heard that the grand master was joking. I have been keeping my own law and order in the Western Zhou Dynasty. On the contrary, the army of the great merchants has come to invade our borders repeatedly. We have to stand up and resist!"

"False words, Jiang Shang, no matter how much you argue, you can't change your crime of disrespect! Attack!"

Following Wen Zhong's order, the four behind them, Deng Xin and Zhang Tao, waved their weapons and rushed towards Jiang Ziya and the others.

Nezha, Jinzha, Muzha, and Huang Tianhua behind Jiang Ziya also greeted him.There were also some other generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty, such as Xin Jia and Wu Ji, who also rushed up together.

For a while, the two sides fought inextricably, but the four of them, Deng Xin and Zhang Tao, were mortals after all, and after a long time, they fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing this situation, Grand Master Wen frowned slightly, and the two golden whips in his hands flew up into the air, turning into two dragons, rising and falling, attacking Nezha and the others.

Although they are also at the stage of true immortality, compared to Grand Master Wen, Nezha and the others are far from enough to watch. After resisting a few times, Nezha was knocked down by Wen Zhong.

As for Jin Zha and Mu Zha, they were even more vulnerable, and Wen Zhong whipped them one by one, knocking them off their horses.Han Dulong, Xue Ehu and his ilk couldn't get close, and they were blown away by the strong wind brought by the two golden whips.

Seeing that all the generals of the enemy army were wounded by Grand Master Wen, Tao Rong took the opportunity to take out his secret weapon, the Jufeng Banner.

The Jufeng Banner waved slightly, and suddenly a gust of wind blew up, blowing gusts of wind and sand, and all the soldiers of the Western Zhou Dynasty were blinded and unable to see.

The big merchant army took the opportunity to fight for a while and defeated the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Jiang Ziya saw that the defeat of the Western Zhou Dynasty was doomed, so he had no choice but to ask for money to withdraw his troops.

After saying goodbye to Xiqi City, Jiang Ziya remembered that he was so confused today that he forgot to use the magic whip.

The next day, the two sides opened up again, and a famous general fought against each other.

This time, Wen Zhong had just sacrificed the male and female double whips, and Jiang Ziya immediately sacrificed the magic whip. Although the power range of the magic whip is relatively narrow, it is definitely a top-level magic weapon.

Wen Zhong's male and female double whips were the opponents of the whip. The female whip was broken into two pieces by the whip, and then Jiang Ziya sacrificed the whip again and hit Wen Zhong directly.

Although Wen Zhong's cultivation base is profound, he is also a celebrity on the list of gods after all, how can he withstand the power of the magic whip, and be knocked off the dust by the magic whip.

Ji Li and Yu Qing, who followed Wen Zhong, hurriedly helped Wen Zhong and fled back to the barracks. Seeing that Wen Zhong was injured, Deng Xin and Zhang Tao had no intention of fighting, so they called back early and retreated.

Back at the barracks, Wen Zhong was comforting the generals, when suddenly a bad wind blew out of nowhere inside the camp, Wen Zhong's heart moved, he pinched his fingers to calculate his own fortune, and soon he knew the reason of the incident.

"Everyone, Jinya and Jiang Ziya will come to rob the camp. Deng Zhong and Zhang Jie, you two guard the left camp, Xin Huan and Tao Rong, you two guard the right camp, Ji Li and Yu Qing guard the grain and grass, and I personally guard the middle camp." camp."

With Wen Zhong's order, they all went to their respective places to prepare for the Western Zhou's camp robbery.

Although he already knew that the camp would be robbed tonight, when countless boulders fell into the camp like rain, Da Shang's entire military camp was still in chaos.

In addition, Wen Zhong was suppressed by Jiang Ziya's magic whip. Although he was prepared, the Dashang army was still retreated by the impact.

In desperation, Wen Zhong could only order the entire army to retreat, and Yu Li and Ji Qing also stood by Wen Zhong's side.

Zhongnan Mountain.

There are many beautiful mountain peaks, surrounded by clouds and mist. In one of the caves, Yun Zhongzi sits quietly in it, transports the soul, and tempers the body.

With a thought, Yun Zhongzi woke up with a start, counted his fingers, and knew that it was time for Lei Zhenzi to go down the mountain.But Yun Zhongzi felt that there seemed to be something else happening, but he couldn't figure it out.

After repeated calculations to no avail, Yun Zhongzi had no choice but to let go of the matter and asked the boy to call Lei Zhenzi over.

"Lei Zhenzi, you can go down the mountain now and join Xiqi to help Xiqi survive the 36th conquest!"

After listening to Yun Zhongzi's order, Lei Zhenzi did not hesitate. After bidding farewell to Yun Zhongzi, he flapped his wings and flew towards Xiqi City quickly.

On the way, Lei Zhenzi saw a defeated army. This army was well-disciplined. Although the defeat was not chaotic, in front of the army, several people dressed as generals protected a three-eyed old general from moving forward.

As soon as Lei Zhenzi saw it, and then thought about what Yun Zhongzi told him, he immediately concluded that this must be the defeated army of Grand Master Wen Zhong.

With a flutter of wings, Lei Zhenzi flew towards Grand Master Wen, intending to kill Grand Master Wen, make a contribution, and then go to Xiqi.

Before Lei Zhenzi flew over, Wen Zhong saw him from a distance.

"Xin Huan, be careful, there's another general over there, who also has the ability to fly!"

After listening to Grand Master Wen's order, Xin Huan flapped his fleshy wings and flew towards Lei Zhenzi.When Lei Zhenzi came close, he saw Xin Huan flying over. Lei Zhenzi's interest was suddenly raised.

"Who are you monster? What is your position in this business?" Lei Zhenzi opened his mouth and called Xin Huan a monster, but he didn't think about his own appearance.

Xin Huan smiled disdainfully and spit.

"Monster, who are you asking?" (To be continued.)

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