Lei Zhenzi is the incarnation of Tianlei, with a very violent temper. He can call others a monster, but others can't call him a monster.

"you wanna die!"

Lei Zhenzi waved the golden stick in his hand, and Fenglei's wings vibrated, and a wave of air was drawn in the air, leaving a white trace. The golden stick carried a mighty force, and the strong wind brought by it blew over Xin Huan's face.

The moment Lei Zhenzi appeared in front of him, before Xin Huan had time to think, the silver diamond in his hand had already been raised, facing the seemingly powerful golden stick.

"When" "Boom"

Lei Zhenzi's gold stick and Xin Huan's silver diamond collided together.It wasn't until this moment that the thunderbolt moved quickly and the sound of detonating the air was heard.

Although, the silver diamond in Xin Huan's hand blocked Lei Zhenzi's attack.But his cultivation was far behind Lei Zhenzi's, and he was directly knocked into the air by Lei Zhenzi.

"Hey, you ugly bastard still has some skills!"

Xin Huan took a sip and said bitterly.

"You monster, how dare you say, look, I won't beat you to death with a stick!"

After hearing Xin Huan's words, Lei Zhenzi went completely berserk.Lei Zhenzi's original appearance was also pretty, but after eating two fairy apricots, he regained his true body of Lei Fa, and his appearance was ugly.This time, Lei Zhenzi was hit hard.

Lei Zhenzi's Fenglei flapped his wings crazily, and suddenly pieces of thunderclouds appeared around him, among which there were countless lightning flashes, and from time to time, long dragons of lightning appeared.

Seeing that Lei Zhenzi was able to condense such a thundercloud, Xin Huan was slightly surprised.But there was no trace of panic.

Under the urging of Lei Zhenzi, lightning dragons flew out of the thunder cloud, engulfing the power of heaven and earth, and flew towards Xin Huan.

Lei Zhenzi originally thought that even if Xin Huan was not struck to death by the thunder dragon, he would be flustered and in a panic.But Xin Huan just smiled, flapping his wings slightly, stagnating in the air.

The huge thunder dragon directly swallowed Xin Huan, where Xin Huan was.completely covered by lightning.But strangely, there was no movement.

Lei Zhenzi showed doubts on his face, could it be that the monster just now was powerless to resist, and was directly smashed to pieces by this thunder dragon?

After a while.The thunder light gradually dissipated.Xin Huan's intact figure was revealed.

Lei Zhenzi frowned slightly.He looked Xin Huan up and down.

"Unexpectedly, you still have some means to survive these thunder and lightning!"

"Just your little Thunder Dragon. What can I do?" Xin Huan said with some disdain.

Although Xin Huan could not give birth to thunder clouds like Lei Zhenzi, he was completely immune to thunder and lightning.It can only be said that it is because he has not started to practice, otherwise, he can control the thunder and lightning freely.

"Little Thunder Dragon? I'll let you see it today, and the thunder will fall from the sky!"

Lei Zhenzi opened his hands, and the two wings of Fenglei behind him beat vigorously. The entire thundercloud immediately went berserk, countless thunderbolts brewed, and then thunderbolts fell like rain, hitting Xin Huan frantically.

Seeing such a violent scene, Xin Huan also felt a little palpitated. He was glad that he was immune to lightning, otherwise he would have been chopped into pieces.

"Ugly, I won't play with you anymore, I'll go first! Hahaha!"

Seeing that Wen Zhong had gone far away, Xin Huan no longer entangled with Lei Zhenzi, flapped his wings, passed through the dense thunder and lightning, and galloped away towards the distance.

Lei Zhenzi's face was a little pale, and his wings were a little weak. The endless thunder and lightning that stimulated him also consumed a lot of Lei Zhenzi's energy, making it impossible for him to chase Xin Huan again.

After a while, Lei Zhenzi recovered, looked at the direction Xin Huan left, snorted heavily, spread his wings, and flew towards Xiqi City.

Jiang Ziya returned to the city victorious, full of ambition, with an unconcealable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Let the left and right prepare the banquet, and in Jiang Ziya's prime minister's mansion, the celebration banquet began.

Just as everyone was drinking wine, a soldier suddenly came in and reported that there was a strange-looking person outside who asked to see him, saying that he was the nephew of the prime minister.

Seeing the expression on the soldier's face, Jiang Ziya frowned slightly. It seems that this person's appearance is really special!But Jiang Ziya still greeted him.

As soon as he went out, he suddenly saw Lei Zhenzi's appearance, Jiang Ziya was really shocked, but after all Lei Zhenzi had gone down the mountain once, Jiang Ziya knew what he looked like.

"It turns out to be Lei Zhenzi's nephew, please come in quickly!"

Received Jiang Ziya's invitation, Lei Zhenzi hastily saluted, and followed Jiang Ziya into the prime minister's residence.

As soon as Lei Zhenzi entered the hall, everyone in the hall was taken aback. Lei Zhenzi's appearance was really scary, but considering Jiang Ziya's face, everyone restrained their surprise.

"Lei Zhenzi, go sit there! After the banquet is over, I will take you to meet His Majesty!"

After Jiang Ziya arranged a position for Lei Zhenzi, he returned to the main position, and everyone continued to exchange cups and cups.

Lei Zhenzi sat there, but he felt a little embarrassed. He didn't know anyone in the hall, and he could only say hello to Nezha and others who were also disciples of Chanjiao.

The performance of Nezha and the others was much better.Among the monks, there are quite a few people with strange shapes, and they will not react much anymore.

In addition, Lei Zhenzi was a fellow apprentice after all, so they all responded to Lei Zhenzi's greeting.

After the celebration banquet was over, Jiang Ziya led Lei Zhenzi into the carriage, and the carriage drove slowly towards the palace.

Hearing Lei Zhenzi's arrival, Ji Chang's wife, Concubine Yuan, hurriedly led a group of people towards this side, she wanted to see this son in name.

Zhou Gongdan sat on the dragon chair and looked at Lei Zhenzi standing below. This Lei Zhenzi's face was indeed different from ordinary people, but Zhou Gongdan could still accept it.

However, after seeing Lei Zhenzi's appearance, Concubine Yuan who rushed over turned pale with fright, and hurried back to her bedroom.

"Lei Zhenzi, since father has adopted you as a foster son, you will be my younger brother from now on!"

Seeing Concubine Yuan running away in fright, Lei Zhenzi's expression became even more embarrassing, both sad and embarrassing, but Zhou Gongdan's gentle voice gave him great comfort.

"Okay, Brother Wang, you go back with Prime Minister Jiang first! He will arrange a residence for you!"

"Thank you, Brother Wang, my brother is leaving!"

Although Lei Zhenzi was very moved, he didn't show it, but there was an uncontrollable tremor in his voice.

Zhou Gongdan waved his hand with a smile on his face, and Lei Zhenzi left the palace with Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya also discovered at this time that Zhou Gongdan was not as mediocre as he had imagined, and this method of appeasing Lei Zhenzi showed a bit of skill.

Jinao Island.

Zhang Shao has been back for a long time. After collecting enough red sand in Wuyi Mountain, Zhang Shao hurried back to Jin'ao Island and began to refine the red sand array.

After several months of refining, Zhang Shao finally finished refining the red sand array.It took another period of time for Zhang Shao to make the red sand formation round and satisfactory.

Once the refining was finished, Zhang Shao couldn't wait to leave the cave to find the other nine of the Ten Heavenly Lords.

Over the years, those nine people have always shown off their formations in front of Zhang Shao, and now that Zhang Shao has refined his own formations, of course he has to show off.

Zhang Shao went to the place where the ten people often gathered to take a look. Sure enough, all nine of them were here, and none of them was missing.

"Zhang Shao, you're here! How's your formation going?" Qin Wan said with a smile when he saw Zhang Shao approaching from afar.

"Of course I have refined it. If I didn't refine it well, how could I come out!"

While talking, Zhang Shao waved his right hand, and a small formation with a radius of more than ten feet was formed. There were countless red sand rolling in the formation. Although it was only a small formation, you could feel it from a distance. A wave of hostility.

"Good formation! The lethality is really not small!"

Seeing that Zhang Shao had put up a small formation to display, the other nine people gathered together one after another. Seeing the momentum of the formation, they all praised it one after another.

"Hahaha, these Dao brothers are so leisurely! Now they are still talking and laughing leisurely!"

A heroic voice came from a distance, and a figure appeared in the distance, riding on a black panther, walking towards this side.

This Taoist was dressed in a black Taoist robe with the sun, moon and stars embroidered on it, and a Tai Chi pattern was embroidered on each of the two sleeves.

Two sword-shaped eyebrows slanted into the temples, a nose with gallbladder hanging, straight nose bridge, and tight lips, giving people a feeling of confidence and strength, and bright eyes, making people feel very credible.

It was just a hint of viciousness and resentment that flashed from time to time in the depths of his eyes.This man was Shen Gongbao.

"The disaster is coming, it must be time for us to go down the mountain!" Seeing Shen Gongbao, Qin Wan sighed.

"Well, let's get acquainted with the formation again! It is estimated that in a short time, Fellow Daoist Wen Zhong will come to find us!" Zhao Jiang on the side also said.

Yu Yuan had already told his disciples to intercept the sect, and this Shen Gongbao was also one of the leaders of the Conferred Gods, and he and Jiang Ziya promoted the general trend of the Conferred Gods, so whoever Shen Gongbao found would indicate who should be robbed.

Shen Gongbao rode a black panther, and soon came to Shi Tianjun. As expected, he told Shi Tianjun to go down the mountain to help Wen Taishi and conquer Xiqi.

"Ten brothers, Taoist Wen Zhong was defeated by Jiang Ziya in Xiqi, and we need your help. If you don't go, I'm afraid that Taoist Wen Zhong will be killed by Jiang Ziya in a short time!"

"Fellow Daoist Shen, ten of us are also preparing, and plan to go to Xiqi to help Fellow Daoist Wen Zhong soon!"

Now that he knew that he couldn't avoid this catastrophe, Qin Wan didn't make any excuses, and said to Shen Gongbao very straightforwardly.

Hearing what Qin Wan said, Shen Gongbao was also pleasantly surprised.During this catastrophe, he originally thought that it would take a lot of talking to invite Lord Ten Heaven to come down the mountain, but he didn't want them to agree just as soon as he opened his mouth.

After getting the affirmative answer from Shi Tianjun, Shen Gongbao left.He still has to hurry up, lobby other monks, go down the mountain to help Da Shang, and attack Xiqi. (To be continued..)

ps: The prelude to the war has slowly begun.Another head-on confrontation between elucidation and interception.I will write the following plot, please support!

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