Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 162 Yao Bin worships Jiang Shang

After Shen Gongbao left, although Shi Tianjun still didn't care, he started to hurry up and practice the operation of ten formations in one.

Everyone in Ten Heavenly Lords has used their respective formations perfectly.But the cooperation of these ten people still needs some adjustments.

Within a few days, Wen Zhong returned to Jin'ao Island on a black unicorn.

After Wen Zhong was defeated by Jiang Ziya, he was very depressed. In the final analysis, there were too few monks on the Dashang side.

It's just that now is the catastrophe of conferring the gods, Wen Zhong didn't dare to go back to Jin'ao Island for help, after all, no matter who he invites, it's equivalent to bringing him into the fire pit.

But just a few days ago, Wen Zhong heard that Shen Gongbao had gone to Jin'ao Island to find Shi Tianjun. Wen Zhong had no choice but to bite the bullet and return to Jin'ao Island.

Just when Wen Zhong was hesitating whether to go to look for Shi Tianjun, Shi Tianjun came to see Wen Zhong first.

"Fellow Daoist Wen Zhong, this time you are going back to Jin'ao Island, but you want us to go down the mountain to help you conquer Xiqi?"

Headed by Qin Wan, Shi Tianjun flew towards Wen Zhong on a cloud, and Qin Wan asked from a distance.

After hearing Qin Wan's words, Wen Zhong's face was full of shame.

"Wen Zhong is incompetent, and I have to involve a few fellow Taoists to come down the mountain with me, and go to the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods!"

"Fellow Daoist Wen Zhong, don't need to say too much. Since that Shen Gongbao came to us, it means that our doom has come. How can we blame you?"

Qin Wan waved his hand and said very proudly.

"Stop chatting, let's go! Go to Xiqi first. Put up the formation, and we'll talk about other things!"

Jianwen Zhong was apologetic and wanted to speak, so Zhao Jiang stepped forward and said.

Seeing Lord Shitian like this, Wen Zhong silently retracted what he wanted to say.If he keeps pestering and talking endlessly, Shi Tianjun will probably feel that Wen Zhong looks down on them.

"Fellow daoists, let's go!"

Wen Zhong patted the black unicorn and sat down, and the black unicorn rose to the clouds at its feet, carrying Wen Zhong forward.Ten Tianjun also hurriedly drove the cloud to follow.

Not long.Xiqi City was already in sight, Wen Zhong lowered the cloud head and asked Yu Li to take the black unicorn away, while he led Shi Tianjun into the handsome tent.

"Fellow Daoists. I wonder how your formation is doing?"

After listening to Wen Zhong's question.Ten Tianjun and the others all had smiles on their faces.Look very confident.

"Our array, if separated, can only deal with the monks of the Daluo Jinxian early stage. But as long as we combine ten arrays, the power may be able to match the quasi-sage level master."

Dong Quan explained to Wen Zhong with a smile.

After listening to Dong Quan's words, Wen Zhong finally realized that the real fighting power of the ten people in front of him was definitely very powerful.

Although the cultivation bases of the ten of them are not high, they are only in the true immortal stage, but in reality they can compare with the masters of the Daluo Golden Immortal stage.

"Fellow Daoist Wen Zhong, let's get out of camp and go to Xiqi now! Tomorrow, ten of us can go directly to the battle. Although the ten of us came here this time with the consciousness of falling, there are really many people who can make us fall. many!"

Qin Wan's words were full of arrogance.After hearing Qin Wan's words, Wen Zhong passed down the military order, and the whole army set off.

As soon as Shi Tianjun arrived in the Dashang barracks here, Yuanshi Tianzun already knew about it.Ever since Yu Yuan rescued the Four Sages of Jiulong Island last time, Yuanshi Tianzun has been paying attention to this place.

Yuanshi Tianzun knew the strength of Lord Shitian after he deployed the formation, so he didn't hesitate, and directly sent Baihe Boy to send a message, and asked Twelve Golden Immortals and Taoist Randeng to prepare to go down the mountain.

In the middle of the night that day, a place far away from the merchant camp was shrouded in black mist.The whole black mist exudes endless resentment and hostility.

Surrounded by the black fog, there is a place that is not covered by the black fog, and several lights are on.

There was a Taoist inside, who kept worshiping to a straw figure. There were three lamps on the head of the straw man, and seven lamps were placed on the ground under his feet.

There are a total of ten lamps, all of which exude a faint light, exuding a gloomy atmosphere.

On this grass figure, there is also a note with the word Jiang Shang written on it.

"Junior Brother Yao, what are you doing?"

From outside the black mist, Qin Wan suddenly shouted, and then a figure walked in through the black mist.

Qin Wan looked at Yao Bin angrily.It turned out that it was Yao Bin, one of the Ten Heavenly Lords, who was doing all this here.

Seeing Qin Wan's appearance, Yao Bin smiled slightly, and said with a relaxed face: "What can I do, but here is to test the power of my desperate array!"

"Do you think I don't know? Are you using a forbidden method?" Qin Wan said, pushed Yao Bin aside, stepped forward a few steps, and walked in front of the straw man.

Seeing the note on the grass man, Qin Wan was even more angry.

"Yao Bin, don't you know the consequences of using the forbidden law? It is still possible for you to die now. If you worship Jiang Ziya to death, under the punishment of heaven, you may not even be eligible for reincarnation. Ashes, ashes! "

Qin Wan pointed at the straw man with his right hand, and shouted at Yao Bin with some excitement.

"Senior Brother Qin, if Jiang Ziya dies, this conferment of gods will not be carried out. At that time, Yuanshi Tianzun and the others will have nothing to sing, and I will survive this calamity safely by cutting off the teaching."

"Are you stupid? This great catastrophe that swept across all monks will stop because of the death of Jiang Ziya?"

"There are always some possibilities in this way, and this may be worth doing for me!"

Yao Bin's eyes were very firm, a kind of will to die, revealed from his eyes.

"No, it's not worth it! None of my disciples are greedy for life and afraid of death, let alone be afraid of the Four Sages joining forces, so what if they fight to the death? So what if they fight to the death?"

Today in the account of the commander of the Shang army, Qin Wan found that Yao Bin's expression was a bit wrong, but he did not expect that Yao Bin would be so dangerous!Seeing that Yao Bin, his good friend who has been with him for countless times, wants to exchange his own death for a chance, Qin Wan loses control.

"The strength of the ten of us is already comparable to that of the Da Luo Jinxian in the early stage. Together, we are equivalent to quasi-saint monks. Even if Taoist Burning Lamp comes, we are not afraid. Why do you have to make such an extreme decision?"

Qin Wan continued to shout at Yao Bin.Yao Bin just stood there without saying a word, quietly listening to Qin Wan's roar.

"When the Four Saints went to Jinao Island together, Yuanshi Tianzun proposed a 36-way conquest of the army. Didn't he know the strength of Senior Brother Duobao and Senior Brother Yu Yuan? All the disciples under his sect combined may not be Senior Brother Duobao With Senior Brother Yu Yuan's opponent, can't he deal with all these situations?"

After hearing Yao Bin's words, Qin Wan fell silent.None of the monks who have practiced for many years is stupid.

He had also thought about what Yao Bin said.If Yu Yuan or Daoist Duobao joined the 36th conquest army, then Yuanshi Tianzun would definitely make a move.

The purpose of the 36th conquest army is to die. If a powerful monk appears, the saint will take action.

This is why Taoist Tongtian said that when the Four Sages went to Jinao Island to persecute them, he would not send his disciples to the list of gods.Because when Yuanshi Tianzun first announced his plan, Taoist Tongtian already knew what he was thinking.

But in order to stop teaching all the disciples, Taoist Tongtian could only agree with anger.

Although Qin Wan and other Jiejiao disciples also thought of this possibility, they ignored it unconsciously, because the consequences of the saint's action were too terrible.

Seeing Qin Wan's appearance, Yao Bin knew that he had thought about this question too, and Yao Bin unconsciously put on a wry smile.

"Senior brother Qin Wan, do you hate the teacher? He asked us to go to the list of gods, so that other disciples can continue to be at ease." Yao Bin's gaze became a little deep as he spoke.

"No. The 36th conquest army was not assigned by the teacher in the first place, it was completely our own destiny. If other brothers and sisters, I believe they will do the same."

"Back then, I, Yao Bin, was just a lonely soul, wandering between the heavens and the earth. I got some essence of the sun and the moon by chance, and embarked on the road of cultivation. It was the teacher who opened up the teachings so that I could learn the Dao. I heard the Dao in the morning, and I learned it in the evening. Death is inevitable! Brother Qin, if you know this forbidden method, I'm afraid you will stand here too."

Yao Bin said with a smile, his voice was full of peace, as calm as water, without any waves.

"Yao Bin..."

Qin Wan was about to open his mouth to dissuade Yao Bin from his actions again, when Yao Bin waved his robe sleeve, the originally calm black mist surged up all of a sudden, sending Qin Wan out of the desperate formation.

Afterwards, the brilliance flickered, and it was officially activated.All those black air turned into countless black sand, condensed into creatures of various shapes.

But regardless of the shape of the creature, they all maintained a posture, roaring to the sky, roaring to the sky.

The shape of these creatures is exactly the shape of those half-demons. At this moment, Luobazhen exudes a soaring resentment.

Blame God for injustice!

This shocking resentment even alarmed the rest of the people in the distant business camp.

Wen Zhong hurriedly rushed towards the place where the resentment came out, together with several other members of the Ten Heavenly Lord.

"This seems to be Yao Bin's downcast formation!" Zhao Jiang frowned while hurrying on his way.The rest of the people are also frowning, obviously they have recognized Luoluozhen.

It's just that they didn't know what happened to make Yao Bin fully arouse the power of the Lost Formation.

When they arrived at the place where the resentment came out, Wen Zhong and the others found that Qin Wan, who hadn't been found just now, was standing there in a daze, silently looking at the desolate formation in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist Qin Wan, what's going on? Why did Fellow Daoist Yao Bin activate the Luoba Formation?"

Wen Zhong and the others came closer and asked with worried faces.

"Yao Bin wants to use the forbidden technique and worship Jiang Ziya to death!" Qin Wan's voice was very low.

"What? Fellow Taoist Yao Bin can worship Jiang Ziya directly to death? This is a good thing! Why do you look like this?" Hearing what Qin Wan said, Wen Zhong said happily.

After hearing Qin Wan's words, the rest of the people's faces changed drastically. (To be continued..)

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