Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 163 Red Sperm Into Despair

() Wen Zhong laughed a few times, and seeing the serious faces of the people around him, he also knew that something was wrong, and begging Jiang Ziya to die was not as simple as he thought.

"To cast this type of forbidden technique, the stronger the target's cultivation base, the stronger the luck, and the greater the backlash! Jiang Ziya is now presiding over the Conferred God, and his luck is unimaginable. If it really succeeds, Junior Brother Yao Bin will undoubtedly die !"

Seeing Wen Zhong's confused expression, Zhao Jiang at the side explained slowly.

After hearing Zhao Jiang's explanation, Wen Zhong's brows also frowned. It would be great if Jiang Ziya could be easily worshiped to death, but it would not be worth it if Yao Bin paid his life.

None of the Jiejiao disciples would want others to sacrifice their lives so that they could survive.

Wen Zhong looked at the black wind blowing in front of the Luopi formation, thought for a while, then sacrificed his only remaining male whip, turned into a flood dragon, swooped down, and landed on the Luopi formation with its claws.

"Since we can't persuade Fellow Daoist Yao Bin, we can only forcibly break the Lost Formation to prevent him from continuing to cast spells!"

When Qin Wan and the others heard what Wen Zhong said, they all sacrificed their own formations, and immediately another nine large formations appeared in this open space.

Nine paths of brilliance with different colors soared into the sky.Nine powerful auras were released in all directions. This time, not only the Dashang barracks could feel them, but also the monks in Xiqi City could feel these powerful auras.

Nine large formations surround the Luoluo formation in the middle, like nine huge sharp knives, constantly stirring and oppressing, trying to break the Luoluo formation.

Under the oppression of the nine formations, the Lost Formation seemed a little precarious.However, it persisted tenaciously, showing no sign of being breached.

As for the flood dragon that Wen Zhong's golden whip turned into, just as soon as he came into contact with the Luopo Formation, he was shocked by the overwhelming resentment and turned back into a golden whip, which fell into Wen Zhong's hands, as if he had suffered some damage. .

After attacking for a while, Qin Wanjiu and the others all put away their own formations, looking at the desolate formation in front of them with a somewhat ugly expression.

"Junior Brother Yao Bin has already integrated himself with the formation. The moment we break through the formation, I am afraid that Junior Brother Yao Bin will die."

Dong Quan's voice was full of heaviness and helplessness.Several other people also sighed, and then quietly sat cross-legged around the Lost Formation.

"Fellow Taoist Wen Zhong, you go back first! A few of us stay here with fellow Taoist Yao Bin for a while!"

Qin Wan spoke to Wen Zhong who was standing aside.

Wen Zhonggang wanted to refuse, but thought that the Dashang army camp would leave him, he was afraid that the army's morale would be unstable.Wen Zhong could only salute Qin Wanjiu with a shameful face, then turned around and flew away.

Jiang Ziya stood on the city wall of Xiqi, looking at the darkness in the distance, his face was full of sadness.

The sudden burst of powerful aura just now was obviously the reinforcements Wen Zhong invited. The strength of these rescuers made Jiang Ziya feel palpitations.

Jiang Ziya finally let out a long sigh, then went down the city wall and returned to the prime minister's mansion. He believed that the teacher in charge must have considered this situation, and it was useless for him to worry about it.

But what puzzled Jiang Ziya was that after a long time, he never heard of Zhong coming to attack the city.And there are no brothers from the same sect who came to help.

Jiang Ziya could only summon the generals to discuss the military situation.But Jiang Ziya felt that his energy was getting weaker and weaker, and he always yawned as if he hadn't had enough sleep.

Jiang Ziya's strange behavior also made Nezha and others feel strange. You must know that although Jiang Ziya's cultivation base is not high, he is still an earth immortal cultivation base anyway, so there is no worry about insufficient energy.

After seven or eight days, Jiang Ziya's symptoms became more serious.Jiang Ziya only felt that he couldn't even open his eyes, but felt so sleepy that he fell asleep as soon as he touched the bed.

As soon as they saw Jiang Ziya like this, Nezha and the others knew that something was really wrong.Jiang Ziya, an earth immortal monk, would never sleep soundly like this.

However, Jiang Ziya finally knew his responsibility, so he resisted his sleepiness and came out to meet the generals.

Another seven or eight days later, Jiang Ziya couldn't hold on anymore, and fell asleep almost all day, and couldn't even hold on.

Nezha and the others are sure at this time that Jiang Ziya must have been plotted against, but they don't know where the source is, and they have nothing to do.

Under the call of Nezha and the others, Jiang Ziya was able to barely open his eyes, said a few words, and then went back to sleep.Jiang Ziya also knew that he had been plotted against at this time, but he couldn't resist sleepiness.

After a few more days, Jiang Ziya couldn't even wake him up. No matter what method Nezha and the others used, they couldn't wake Jiang Ziya up.

If so, in a day or two, Jiang Ziya will be worshiped by Yao Bin with all his souls.However, Jiang Ziya is worthy of being the person in charge of the Conferred God, and his luck is so strong that it is unimaginable.

Jiang Ziya's last soul left his body directly and flew towards Qishan.Bai Jian saw Jiang Ziya's soul, so he didn't dare to accept it, so he quickly pushed him out.

Under the blessing of heaven, Jiang Ziya's remaining soul, which was so weak that it could be blown away by a gust of wind, arrived at Yuxu Cave in Kunlun Mountain safely.

At this time, at the gate of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains, Nanji Xianweng and Chijingzi were standing there. They had received the orders of Yuanshi Tianzun and were waiting for the arrival of Jiang Ziya's remnant soul.

Seeing Jiang Ziya's remnant soul floating slowly from a distance, the Antarctic Immortal held his right hand lightly, and Jiang Ziya's remnant soul was received into the gourd on the Antarctic Immortal's left hand.

"Chi Jingzi, take this gourd down the mountain and go to Xiqi! The teacher told me that if you can't get back the other souls of Junior Brother Ziya, you can go to the uncle."

While speaking, Nanji Xianweng handed the gourd to Chi Jingzi beside him.

Chi Jingzi nodded, took the gourd, set up Dunguang directly, and flew towards Xiqi City.

At this time, Xiqi City was in a mess.

All the disciples of Chanjiao gathered in Jiang Ziya's bedroom, Zhou Gongdan also stood in front of Jiang Ziya's bed, looking at Jiang Ziya who was lying there without breathing.

Zhou Gongdan was expressionless, but he was sighing in his heart, if Jiang Ziya really died, it would be great!

However, Zhou Gongdan knew that this wish was unrealistic after all.As the absolute advantage of explaining education in the Conferred God, Yuanshi Tianzun would never let Jiang Ziya, the Conferred God in charge, die.

Sure enough, Chi Jingzi came to Xiqi before Zhou Gongdan felt emotional for a long time.

Seeing Chi Jingzi coming, Nezha and his group finally found the backbone, and quickly let Chi Jingzi in.

Although Zhou Gongdan was unhappy seeing Chi Jingzi, he could only get out of the way and let Chi Jingzi come over.

Chi Jingzi walked to the bedside and probed Jiang Ziya's heart. There was still some temperature, which was an ordinary state of leaving the soul, not considered death.

Feeling Jiang Ziya's situation, Chi Jingzi felt relieved.

"Uncle Chi Jingzi, I don't know how is Uncle Jiang's situation?"

Seeing that Chi Jingzi had finished investigating, Nezha on the side asked hurriedly.

"It's okay, I'll do it tonight, and I can save Junior Brother Ziya's soul soon!"

At night, Chi Jingzi pinched the formula with both hands, and then the gourd containing Jiang Ziya's soul flew up automatically, as if being pulled by an invisible thread.

Seeing the gourd flying up, Chi Jingzi didn't hesitate, and followed behind directly on the cloud.

Seeing the gourd flying faster and faster, Chi Jingzi knew that the distance was getting closer.

Flying over the Dashang barracks, and after a while, Chi Jingzi saw a large formation appearing on the ground in the distance.

There were nine monks sitting cross-legged around the big formation, and when they saw Chi Jingzi coming, they all stood up at this time.

Chi Jingzi hurriedly put away the gourd, suppressing its restlessness.

"Chi Jingzi, what are you doing here? Don't you want to start a war in the middle of the night?"

Hearing Qin Wan's question, Chi Jingzi smiled.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm just joking. I'm not the kind of scumbag who does some shameful things in the dark night. The purpose of my coming here is mainly for the soul of my Junior Brother Ziya. You guys, hurry up and kill my Junior Brother Ziya." Bring back your soul!"

Chi Jingzi said with disdain, his words were sarcasm, and finally he sternly shouted.

"Chi Jingzi, don't even think about it..." Bai Li's face was full of anger, obviously irritated by Chi Jingzi's words.Just when Bai Li was about to continue talking, Qin Wan stopped him.

"Chijingzi, this Jiang Ziya's soul was collected by my Junior Brother Yao Bin. If you have the courage, then enter the formation and try!" Qin Wan looked at Chijingzi with a sneer.

Hearing Qin Wan's words, Zhao Jiang and the others looked at Qin Wan in surprise. Could it be that they just let the red mirror go to trouble Junior Brother Yao Bin like this?Afterwards, several people had suddenly realized expressions on their faces.

"Hmph, you have learned a few rough formations, so you are showing off here. Today I will go in and test your abilities!"

Chi Jingzi really felt that the attraction to the gourd in his arms came from the big formation in front of him. Even if he knew that going there might be dangerous, Chi Jingzi could only bite the bullet and break through.

With a dodge, Chi Jingzi came to the top of the big formation, and the gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes on his body emitted light, and then he resisted the black sand's attack and entered the big formation.

"Senior Brother Qin Wan, if we let Chijingzi in like this, if Chijingzi kills Junior Brother Yao Bin..." Zhao Jiang said hesitantly, with some worries in his words.

"Don't worry, it's fine. Chi Jingzi has just broken through Da Luo Jinxian, and there is not much time for him to consolidate his foundation. He will not be Yao's opponent."

Qin Wan said very firmly.

"Then isn't it useless for us to let him in? Junior brother Yao Bin will eventually be killed by the heavens because of Jiang Ziya's death!"

"Do you think the saint will have no back-up? Jiang Ziya is the person in charge of the Conferred God, and the one in Yuxu Palace will never allow him to have trouble. If Chi Jingzi couldn't save Jiang Ziya's soul, he would have done it long ago! Wait!"

Qin Wan said, looking at the dark night sky, his voice seemed a bit long. (To be continued.)

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