On the head of Lao Tzu is the Xuanhuang Linglong Tower of Heaven and Earth, and the air of Xuanhuang hangs down, blocking all the surging earth, water, fire and wind outside, and emitting bursts of suppressive power.

Yuanshi Tianzun held a Pangu banner in his hand, and countless chaotic airflows extended from the banner, moving and stretching, stirring the surrounding void.

The Qibao Miaoshu in Zhunti's hand is weaker, but it still exudes bursts of seven-color brilliance.

"En?" Seeing that Lao Tzu only sacrificed the Xuanhuang Pagoda and did not sacrifice the Taiji Diagram, Daoist Tongtian was a little surprised.

Taoist Tongtian immediately calculated the whereabouts of the Taiji diagram from various directions, and finally he vaguely calculated the whereabouts of the Taiji diagram, which turned out to be in Yao Bin's desperate formation.

"Lao Tzu, what do you mean? You put the Taiji Diagram in my disciple's big formation, are you planning to plot against the younger generation?"

Daoist Tongtian roared at Lao Tzu, and following his roar, the four immortal swords also let out bursts of sword sounds, and the Qi of the four Tongtian swords became even more violent.

"It was your disciple who left my Taiji diagram, I just don't want to take it back for the time being! When I want to take it back, I will take it back naturally!"

"Lao Tzu, I really can't believe you would say such a thing. Don't you always claim to be quiet and inaction? Why do you keep helping Yuan Shi against me? But, you don't have the Taiji diagram, do you think the three of you are still mine?" Opponent?"

Hearing Taoist Tongtian's words, Laozi frowned slightly, and was even more displeased with Jujiao.The teaching of this interception teaching is to intercept a ray of life between heaven and earth.Therefore, we should be firm and straightforward in our actions, and would rather bend than bend.I don't know how to follow the trend.In fact, it is the biggest variable between heaven and earth, and Lao Tzu has always wanted to eliminate it.

"Junior Brother Tongtian, although the three of us are not your opponents, we are more than enough to hold you back!" I said calmly with a blank face.

After hearing Laozi's words, Taoist Tongtian didn't say much, and the formation under his feet suddenly became countless times larger, including Yuanshi Tianzun, Laozi and Zhunti.The four fairy swords beside him were restrained.But above the blade.But exuded a more powerful breath.

Taoist Tongtian waved his hands, and under his control, the four fairy swords flew towards the three people facing him.Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi each had a fairy sword plundered at them, but.The weakest Zhunti Taoist ushered in two fairy swords.

Tongtian Taoist did not intend to fight a protracted war with them.His purpose is to win Zhunti first.

The dao pattern in the four fairy swords twisted.Coupled with the blessing of the Jade Immortal Formation, the power of the four immortal swords is astonishing. Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu easily blocked the two immortal swords.

But Taoist Zhunti was in a panic.He was just able to barely brush aside a fairy sword.The two celestial swords attacked in turn, and Taoist Zhunti only took a while, and some of them couldn't resist.

Daoist Tongtian saw the two swords that were attacking Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu with his hands together, and they flew in front of Taoist Zhunti at once.

Taoist Zhunti's expression changed all of a sudden, and the Dao power in his body frantically poured into the Qibao Miaoshu in his hand, and the Qibao Miaoshu trembled crazily,

Slices of seven-colored precious light were brushed out, trying to brush the four fairy swords aside.

But before the colorful precious light got close to the four fairy swords, it was torn to pieces by the sword energy escaping around the four fairy swords.

Seeing that Taoist Zhunti was about to be seriously injured by Taoist Tongtian's four swords, the Pangu Banner and Xuanhuang Pagoda fell in front of Taoist Zhunti and blocked the attack for him.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi also flashed away at the same time, appearing next to Taoist Zhunti.

"Hum..." Taoist Tongtian snorted angrily when he saw that he had failed to injure Taoist Zhunti just now, and the situation became stalemate again.

The battle of the four saints here has caused a mess in the ancient star field, while outside Xiqi City over there, the Ten Heavenly Lords have also put up a stance, preparing to face the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao.

In the twilight of the sky, there was a sound of drums in Xiqi City. Many soldiers heard this sound, and hurriedly dressed and went to the school grounds to assemble.

Then Jiang Ziya led the army out of Xiqi City.In the business camp, Wen Zhong also gathered his generals, set up a formation, and waited for Jiang Ziya.

"Wen Zhong, you are really despicable villains, you actually used sorcery to harm me. If senior brother Chi Jingzi hadn't rescued you, I'm afraid you would have succeeded. Now that many of my senior brothers are going down the mountain, why don't you surrender quickly?"

As soon as he saw Wen Zhong, Jiang Ziya couldn't help being angry, urged his horse forward, and shouted at Wen Zhong.

"Hehe, Jiang Ziya, don't you know the ins and outs of the incident? What's the matter? By forcing us to die, have we been deprived of the right to counterattack?"

As soon as Wen Zhong finished speaking, a group of people came from a distance, led by Taoist Ran Deng, followed by the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao.

"Junior Brother Ziya, don't engage in any more verbal disputes. Wen Zhong, you will display your ten formations! I want to see if you have the qualifications to counterattack!"

Taoist Ran Deng stood beside Jiang Ziya, and said to Wen Zhong who was on the black unicorn.

"Since Fellow Daoist Ran Deng wants to teach you, then we can't let you down, let's set up a battle!"

Qin Wan yelled loudly, then threw it casually, and a formation plate flew out, and when it landed on the ground, it expanded rapidly, forming a powerful formation with continuous rumbling thunder.

After Qin Wan threw out the formations, Zhao Jiang and the others behind him also threw out their own formations, and saw large formations rising from the ground, with a terrifying momentum.

The ten large formations towered above the ground, as if ten ancient giant beasts were crouching on top of each other, making people dare not act rashly.

"Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, how about our ten formations?"

Qin Wan asked Taoist Ran Deng with a smile on his face.

After Qin Wan's ten men put up a ten-jue formation just now, Taoist Ran Deng's face looked very solemn.Hearing Qin Wan's question at this time, he put away his serious expression and put a smile on his face.

"It's just some rough formations. The person I teach randomly comes out and breaks your formations. It's just a matter of flipping your hands."

Qin Wan and the others were not angry when they heard Taoist Ran Deng's words. Who would say such big words, they could clearly see the expression on Taoist Ran Deng's face just now.

"Since this is the case, then please come out and give some pointers!"

After hearing Qin Wan's words, Taoist Ran Deng stopped responding, and spoke slowly after a while.

"For the time being, let us watch the formation and discuss the order of breaking the formation!"

With that said, Taoist Ran Deng strode forward, as if he wanted to watch the formation.

Qin Wan and the others were very disdainful of Taoist Ran Deng's behavior. They obviously didn't know how to break the formation, but they still wanted to be stubborn.They didn't care about the behavior of Taoist Randeng watching the formation.

If the weaknesses of these ten unique formations can be seen just by looking at them, then these ten unique formations will be of little value.

Taoist Ran Deng walked slowly to the front of the formation, and watched around the Tianjue Formation. Suddenly, Taoist Ran Deng burst out with a powerful aura, his mana surged, his robe sleeves swelled, and the world of Yinhuo rules emerged behind his head .

Stretching out a palm, countless yin fires circled around his palm, this mighty palm was about to hit the Tianjue formation.

It turns out that Taoist Ran Deng knew that ten formations can still be combined into one, and now that they are scattered, they have such power. If the ten formations are really united, Taoist Ran Deng is not sure that he can break the formation, let alone explain the teachings. Twelve Golden Immortals.

Therefore, Taoist Ran Deng walked up to see that the formation was fake, and his main purpose was to make a sudden attack, and with extremely strong strength, completely break a formation and disperse it.

Although Qin Wan and the others did not expect Taoist Ran Deng to be so shameless, they were not without a little bit of precaution.

"Ten formations in one!"

The moment Daoist Ran Deng shot, Qin Wan shouted loudly, and then the immortal power on his body poured into the Tianjue formation, and Zhao Jiang and the others hurriedly activated the formation.


Under the urging of Shi Tianjun, the ten large formations were restored to the formation plate, and then they flew across the air, collided together, formed a large formation, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Then Shi Tianjun was sucked in by the heaven and earth formation after the ten formations merged into one in an instant.

Just now, one of the ten formations was completed in a blink of an eye, and Qin Wan even shouted that the ten formations were in one, so he only shouted at this time.

The palm of Daoist Burning Lantern, which was full of yin fire, was printed on the big formation of heaven and earth, and a force of the world derived from the formation of heaven and earth swept out, sweeping away the yin fire on the palm of Taoist Burning Deng, And shake off the Taoist burning lamp.

"Ran Deng Daoist, you are really shameless! Ten of us let you watch the formation, and you took the opportunity to sneak attack!"

"It's all about each other! Aren't you also using despicable methods to deal with Junior Brother Ziya?" Taoist Ran Deng didn't have any embarrassment on his face after the failed attack, and still had a smile on his face.

"Ran Deng Daoist, since you have seen the formation, let's try the power of our heaven and earth formation!"

At this time, Qin Wan and ten people had no interest at all, and they started a verbal dispute with Taoist Ran Deng. Instead, they directly activated the large formation, soared into the air, and rolled towards Taoist Ran Deng to crush them.

"Phantom Fire Ten Thousand Darks!"

Seeing the big formation of heaven and earth crushing towards him, Daoist Ran Deng also looked dignified, and directly used his own trick.Immediately, countless Yin fires surged out, completely enveloping the surface of the Great Formation of Heaven and Earth.

The yin fire of Daoist Lantern is the blessing of rules, which can burn mana and soul, which is very sinister.


The power of countless worlds burst out from the surface of the Great Formation of Heaven and Earth, sweeping away all the Yin Fire attached to it, and the surface of the Great Formation of Heaven and Earth was restored again.

"Old Ancestor Ran Deng, is this all you have? It seems that you have lived for such a long time, and you lived on dogs!" Qin Wan laughed, with sarcasm in his voice.

"I just regret it! I didn't kill the few of you on the overseas fairy island. Especially that Yu Yuan, if I had killed him earlier, why would there be so many troubles now!"

Daoist Ran Deng no longer had a smile on his face at this time, but instead had a stern look on his face. (To be continued..)

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