Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 168 The Arrival of Yuan Hong and Yang Jian

"Which thing that doesn't have eyes? It's really embarrassing for you to want to kill my master!"

As soon as Taoist Ran Deng finished speaking, there was an arrogant and domineering voice, which came from a distance.The owner of the voice is still approaching rapidly.


A pillar reaching the sky hit the ground directly, and a huge pit appeared on the spot. On the top of this pillar, a monkey was standing on it, looking down at Taoist Ran Deng with disdain.

"Old man Ran Deng, do you want to die?" Yuan Hong crossed his arms and asked, looking at Taoist Ran Deng, completely ignoring Taoist Ran Deng.

Daoist Ran Deng's face turned red, and his eyes were full of anger. Yuan Hong's performance made him so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Hozen, you are courting death!"

Daoist Ran Deng could no longer care about Shi Tianjun and the others. His only thought now was to kill the dead monkey to vent his anger.

Taoist Ran Deng slapped the big pillar in front of him with one palm.

Seeing Taoist Ran Deng make a move, Yuan Hong jumped up, stretched out his right hand, and the pillar that reached to the sky shrank sharply, turned into a long blue stick, and fell into Yuan Hong's hands.

Yuan Hong didn't even think about it, he swung the long stick in his hand, and threw it at the palm of Taoist Ran Deng.

Although Yuan Hong is one of the four monkeys in heaven and earth, he was born with a fighting body, and he also cultivated the nine-turn Yuan Gong, but his cultivation is only at the peak of the Golden Immortal.

At this time, his strength is equivalent to that of Da Luo Jinxian in the later stage, but compared to Taoist Ran Deng, his strength is still not enough.

Taoist Ran Deng sent Yuan Honglian monkey flying with his stick.

Yuan Hong flipped in the air for a while.It landed on the ground, landed with a long stick, and slid for a while before stopping.


Yuan Hong couldn't bear it in the end, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You hozen, I thought you were capable? It turns out that it's just your mouth!" Seeing Yuan Hong's appearance, Taoist Burning Deng opened his mouth and laughed.

"Old Randeng, why are you so arrogant? With your strength, you don't dare to fart in front of my master! You dare to speak cruelly behind your back! Nasty things!"

Yuan Hong is a standard opponent who never loses a fight. Even if he can't fight, he still has to scold Taoist Ran Deng a few words.

But Yuan Hong was also muttering in his heart.This old man who burns the lamp is really powerful.It seems that his mid-term quasi-sage strength is not bragging.

"You hozen, I will beat you to death today, let me see if your master dares to go to Yuxu Palace to find me!"

Taoist Ran Deng once again waved his palms to attack Yuan Hong.The huge palm is surrounded by endless Yin fire.mighty.

The heaven and earth array controlled by ten people from Qin Wan.Suddenly appeared in front of Yuan Hong, blocking the palm of Taoist Ran Deng.

Just now, Taoist Ran Deng made a sudden move.Coupled with Yuan Hong's confident appearance, Qin Wan and the others did not make a move. Seeing that Yuan Hong was not the opponent of Taoist Ran Deng, of course he would not allow Taoist Ran Deng to continue to attack Yuan Hong.

Taoist Ran Deng couldn't resist the Heaven and Earth Formation, and with Qin Wan and ten people joining forces, he could only retreat steadily.

Seeing Taoist Ran Deng being blocked by the heaven and earth formation, Yuan Hong standing behind was unwilling to settle down, turning his monkey eyes around.

The Six Demons of Meishan had just arrived at this time, just now Yuan Hong heard from a distance that someone was threatening to kill Yu Yuan.

"Brother, what do we need to do?" Wu Long moved to Yuan Hong's side and said flatteringly.

"Go, go, stay away from here. The few over there are all Da Luo Jinxians. If you are accidentally affected, you will lose your life!"

Yuan Hong waved his hand. Although he said something bad, he actually didn't want his subordinates to die.

Hearing what Yuan Hong said, the six demons of Meishan shrank their necks, and retreated obediently.

Yuan Hong looked around with a pair of monkey eyes, and saw that Taoist Ran Deng was suppressed by the heaven and earth formation, and he had no time to take care of other things.

"Hey." Yuan Hong's eyes swept across the group of Chanjiao who were standing behind watching the battle, and couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter.

The Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao stood in front of the Western Zhou army, headed by Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren, and watched the battle between Randeng Taoist and Qin Wanten.

Seeing Taoist Ran Deng being suppressed by the Heaven and Earth Formation controlled by Qin Wan and ten people, and at a disadvantage, the Chanjiao and others were a little anxious.But they didn't dare to intervene. Once they intervened in this quasi-sage level battle, if they failed, they would die in it.

The headed Master Yuding is also frowning at this time. There are no masters out of Jiejiao yet, just ten monks of the true immortal stage. suppress.This result made Master Yuding feel worried.

Just when Daoist Yuding was slightly distracted, a whistling wind came into his ears, and at the same time he heard another shout.

"Reverend Yuding, give me a stick!"

It was Yuan Hong who was idle on one side. He saw that there were no masters among the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, so he came over immediately and prepared a big stick to crush the immortals!

Master Yuding raised his hands quickly, blocking the whistling blue long stick.


Although he blocked the blow with his arm, the real Yuding was still sent flying by Yuan Hong.

"Yuan Hong! You despicable hozen, you actually made a sneak attack, I'm going to kill you!" Master Yu Ding lost his composure and yelled at Yuan Hong frantically.

"Tch, come here if you have the ability! Back then, in order to snatch my junior brother Yang Jian, you fought against my master, and was beaten by my master and fled in embarrassment. Now, you can't even beat me, how do you still have the face to live?"

Yuan Hong has occupied the mountain as king for so many years, and his mouth has become particularly poisonous.

Yuan Hong attacked Master Yuding just now, and before everyone could react, Master Yuding was knocked into the air.The few people who reacted looked at Yuan Hong warily, and at the same time they were secretly terrified.

Fortunately, Yuan Hong's sneak attack just now was Daoist Yuding, if he sneaked on himself, he might be seriously injured if he didn't die!All the people in Chanjiao were in cold sweat.

Master Yuding has stood up at this time, although he was injured just now, he is almost healed now, this is the horror of the first combat skill, "Nine Turns of Yuan Gong".

As for Yuan Hong, he has already recovered to the original state, and the injury he suffered in the fight with Taoist Ran Deng has already healed.

"Recovery? Then come again!"

Seeing Reverend Yu Ding standing up, Yuan Hong glanced at him sideways, jumped up, soared into the air, and smashed the long stick in his hand like a pillar of heaven, and smashed down on Reverend Yu Ding's head.

Immortal Yuding hurriedly drew out his Immortal Slaying Sword, and faced Yuan Hong's stick.However, Yuan Hong smashed the fairy sword back with a stick.

Both Yuding and Yuan Hong had practiced the "Nine Turns of Yuan Gong". Although the real Yuding's strength was not as strong as Yuan Hong's, his strength was ridiculously large. Something like a fairy sword couldn't exert its strength at all.

After fighting for a few rounds, Master Yuding simply put away the Immortal Slaying Sword and directly fought with a pair of fleshy palms. Anyway, Master Yuding's physical strength was not weaker than Yuan Hong's long staff.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

There was a sound of clashing sticks and fists.

"One stick fixes the sea", "One stick breaks through the sky", "Poisonous python emerges from its hole", "Angering dragon overturns the river", "The blue dragon crosses the sky"

Yuan Hong slammed one stick after another, continuously, towards Master Yuding.Yuan Hong was born with great strength, each stick was heavy, it made the arms of Master Yuding go numb, and he retreated one after another, while Yuan Hong attacked recklessly.

"Reverend Yuding, come and pick me up for the last move, and hit Huanglong directly!"

Yuan Hong sent a long blue stick with his right arm, and smashed it towards the chest of Master Yuding. Master Yuding hurriedly raised his hands, overlapping his hands, and covering his chest.


The blue long stick in Yuan Hong's hand directly pressed the palms of the real Yuding on his chest, and the metacarpal bones of the real Yuding's hands and the bones in his chest were all broken.

"Guang Chengzi, how long are you going to watch the show?"

Master Yuding turned his head and yelled at Guang Chengzi, he couldn't hold it anymore, this Yuan Hong's attack was too strong.

Seeing the appearance of Reverend Yuding, Guang Chengzi couldn't stand watching the show any longer. Reverend Yuding had already learned enough lessons, if Reverend Yuding really fell, the consequences would be serious.

Guang Chengzi didn't feel any embarrassment in his heart when the Twelve Golden Immortals teamed up to deal with the three generations of Jiejiao disciples.

Didn't you see over there, the Ten Heavenly Lords who intercepted the teaching are teaming up to deal with Taoist Randeng?

As soon as Guang Chengzi and others who were originally on the side joined the battlefield, Yuan Hong immediately felt the pressure doubled.

At this time, Yuan Hong didn't care about taking advantage of the momentum to pursue him. He lifted the long blue stick in his hand upwards, and lifted the Fantian seal that Guang Chengzi had sacrificed. At the same time, Yuan Hong was also shocked by the huge power carried by the Fantian seal. You have to step back.

At this moment, a hood burning with raging flames flew towards Yuan Hong. Yuan Hong would not let it float over. With a swing of the long stick in his hand, he pulled the hood back.

Chi Jingzi, who was standing aside, took the opportunity to shake the yin and yang mirror in his hand at Yuan Hong.

A restraining force was generated, trying to pull Yuan Hong's soul out and seal it into the yin and yang mirror.


Yuan Hong's spirit fluctuated violently, and he let out a high-pitched roar, which contained endless ferocity.The Yin Yang mirror's attack aroused the hostility in Yuan Hong's soul that belonged to the four monkeys of heaven and earth.

The power attached to Yuan Hong's soul by the yin and yang mirror was completely disintegrated.

Fearing Liusun sacrificed the immortal rope, looking at the immortal rope, Yuan Hong's eyes were slightly condensed.Although he is powerful, he really has no good way to tie the fairy rope.

Originally, this bundle of immortal ropes couldn't trap him, so if he tied it up, it would just burst open.But now, if he is delayed for a while, he may be seriously injured by others.

"Senior Brother Yuan Hong, you go and deal with the others! Leave this fairy rope to me!"

A flash of brilliance flashed, and Yang Jian appeared on the spot, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, staring at the falling fairy rope.

"Junior Brother Yang Jian, you are here, your speed is a bit slow! Hahaha!"

Seeing Yang Jian coming, Yuan Hong finally breathed a sigh of relief. (to be continued..)

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