Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 169 Generous Death

"I came from the Far West, but the distance is much farther than yours!"

As Yang Jian spoke, the three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand drew an arc, facing the falling fairy rope.But the three-pointed and two-edged knife could not cut off the fairy-binding rope. Instead, the three-pointed and two-edged knife rolled towards Yang Jian.

"What are you doing there?"

While Yuan Hong was talking, he swung the long stick in his hand upwards viciously, and smashed back the Demon Subduing Pestle sacrificed by Dao Xing Tianzun.

"Yang Jian, you are just a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Immortal Stage. Even if you have cultivated the Ninth Rank Yuan Gong, you are only as good as me. You dare to talk and deal with me at the same time. You have to pay the price for your frivolity!"

Afraid that Liusun would say this, he shook his right hand and bound Yang Jian with the fairy rope.

"Senior Brother Yuan Hong, didn't you ask me why I went to the West? That's why I went to the West, hoo!"

Yang Jian raised his hair and let out a tiger roar, which shook the whole field, exuding a natural majesty of the king.

The joints of the whole body swayed, and at the same time, Yang Jian's figure continued to grow, and a huge white tiger appeared on the spot.Countless auras of sharp gold emanated from the white tiger, and the fairy rope tied to Yang Jian's body was snapped.

"White tiger blood! Yang Jian, you actually got the white tiger blood!"

Immortal Yuding, who was attacking Yuan Hong, was shocked when he saw Yang Jian's transformation, and looked at the huge white tiger in disbelief.

Seeing the appearance of Reverend Yuding, Yuan Hong couldn't be more polite, and directly smashed Reverend Yuding with a stick.

After transforming into a white tiger, Yang Jian's strength soared.At this time, Yang Jian's strength was already equivalent to that of a late Da Luo Jinxian monk.

"Senior Brother Yuan Hong, leave these people to me!"

Yang Jian transformed into a white tiger, with a lunge and a flick of the tiger's tail, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Daoxing Tianzun, Huanglong Daoist, and Lingbao Master are all within the attack range of the tiger's tail.

At the same time, Yang Jian also raised his tiger claws, and slapped Fearless grandson fiercely.

"Okay. Leave the rest to me!"

Yuan Hong circled the stick in his hand.Then he attacked the few remaining people, only the Qingxu Daodezhenjun remained, and Yuan Hong didn't bother him.

In Yuan Hong's eyes, Qingxu Dazheng stood aside.Just fanning the flames with a broken fan.There is no threat.Yuan Hong didn't take him seriously at all.

The thick left arm was raised high, as if a sledgehammer was being thrown at the real Yuding, and at the same time the two monkey legs were constantly attacking.It was only at this time that Master Yuding realized that although he did not have the attack of the long stick, he was still no match for Yuan Hong in hand-to-hand combat.

The long stick held by Yuan Hong's right arm was not idle either, he slashed in the air, and smashed back the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier that flew again.Then he jumped up, turned over, and took advantage of the momentum to slam his left arm down on the head again, suppressing Master Yuding tightly.

At the same time, the long stick in the right hand also took advantage of the momentum to push up Fan Tianyin who fell again. Fan Tianyin's huge weight fell on Yuan Hong's body, making Yuan Hong's left arm even stronger. , Immediately smashed Jade Cauldron into the ground.

Chi Jingzi's yin and yang mirror has no effect on Yuan Hong at all.Immortal Puxian also took the Wugou sword back from Mu Zha at this time, but it didn't work at all. The two sword lights flashed across Yuan Hong's body, but sparks burst out. Yuan Hong didn't even have the interest to stop him. attacked by him.

The Cihang Taoist sacrificed the jade bottle in his hand, emitting bursts of suction, but Yuan Hong didn't seem to notice it, and continued to attack without any influence.

The monks selected by Yang Jian did not have any powerful magic weapons. At this time, when the realm of cultivation was suppressed, Yang Jian was beaten to the point where he was powerless to fight back.

Pounce, flick its tail, slap its claws, the white tiger transformed by Yang Jian has a strong attack power, and it exudes an endless sharp golden aura all the time.

"Hahaha, it's fun, it's really fun. It's been a long time since I played so happily! But you are really useless when you teach the Twelve Golden Immortals! Twelve people are actually cleaned up by our two senior brothers!"

Yuan Hong was there, attacking recklessly while laughing loudly.

The attack was arrogant and domineering, and the words were even more arrogant. Yuan Hong's behavior made the Meishan six monsters who stood behind watching the battle shake their hearts and wished they could rush up and accompany Yuan Hong in a battle.

However, fortunately, they still had some rationality, and for the sake of their own lives, they didn't rush up without authorization.

Wen Zhong, who was sitting on the horse, looked at Yang Jian who was fighting, and was deeply moved for a while.Unexpectedly, the brothers in the past are now so powerful.

Hearing Yuan Hong's distasteful voice, Daoist Ran Deng's face became more and more ugly, but he was suppressed by Shi Tianjun's heaven and earth formation, and he couldn't spare his hands to deal with Yuan Hong.

The heaven and earth array, which was continuously attacking, suddenly paused, and then continued to attack.Although this pause did not have any effect, Qin Wan and the others had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"Brother Yao Bin, what's going on?"

Qin Wan shouted at Yao Bin.Just now there was something wrong with Yao Bin's downcast formation.

"Senior Brother Qin Wan, the Taiji Diagram that landed in my formation is becoming more and more coercive, and it has already begun to affect the operation of the formation!"

Yao Bin's face was solemn and his brows were tightly wrinkled.

Qin Wan and the others also felt that the operation of the entire heaven and earth array was getting slower and slower.

Taoist Ran Deng also felt at this time that there must be something wrong with the heaven and earth formation, because he clearly felt that the attack of the heaven and earth formation was much slower than before.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the heaven and earth formation, the beam of light was half black and half white, and then a picture emerged, slowly floating out from the heaven and earth formation, the heaven and earth formation was suppressed and almost stagnated.

At the beginning, a ray of light suddenly shot out from the Heaven and Earth Formation, which startled Daoist Ran Deng, thinking that some powerful attack was brewing from the Heaven and Earth Formation, but seeing the Tai Chi diagram that emerged, Taoist Ran Deng knew that he was wrong just now .

Seeing that the heaven and earth formation was suppressed by the Taiji diagram, and the formation almost stopped functioning, Daoist Ran Deng showed an ecstatic expression on his face.

"A light is always on!"

For the first time, the coffin lamp in the world behind Taoist Ran Deng's head flew out, turned into a cold rainbow, and flew towards the stagnant heaven and earth formation.

The Tai Chi diagram, which can suppress all magic weapons and magical attacks, did not react at all to the coffin lamp flying over.

And wherever the coffin lamp flies, the suppressing power will disappear there, until the coffin lamp touches the heaven and earth formation, the suppression of the heaven and earth formation will disappear.

The Heaven and Earth Formation began to operate again at this time, but it was too late. For the first time since the battle, the Heaven and Earth Formation was knocked into the air by the Lantern Taoist.

At this time, the Taiji diagram also flashed with light and disappeared in place.

"Thank you, master, for your help!" Daoist Ran Deng bowed respectfully to the place where the Taiji diagram disappeared.

Ancient star field.

There are four figures fighting, and one of them controls four fairy swords, suppressing the other three.

The attack power of these four people is earth-shattering, as long as the surrounding stars are brushed by the attacks of these four people, they will all explode and scatter, turning into countless star fragments.

Suddenly, the figure of Yujian seemed to be stimulated by something. Regardless of the attacks of the other two, the four fairy swords attacked the figure on top of the tower frantically.

"Lao Tzu, with the honor of a saint, you actually plotted against my disciples, you are really low!"

Lao Tzu's Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, although the defense is extremely strong, but in the face of the crazy attack of the four-handed fairy sword of Tongtian Daoist, even the Xuanhuang Pagoda is shaking and unstable at this time, as if it will fall down at any time.

At this moment, a ray of light flashed by, and the Taiji Diagram appeared beside Lao Tzu. Combining the two defensive treasures, Lao Tzu was immediately invincible.

When Taijitu came back, Lao Tzu's strength increased greatly, but Taoist Tongtian began to be suppressed by the three of them. Although Taoist Tongtian was unwilling, he could only start to defend.

Lao Tzu also knew that he was in the wrong, so he didn't answer the question from Taoist Tong Tian at all.

At this time, it is completely impossible for Taoist Tongtian to defeat the trio.

Ran Deng used the coffin lamp to strike just now, and the heaven and earth formation had been broken at this time, and the ten heavenly kings all vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Everyone, I have harmed everyone!" Yao Bin smiled wryly, full of regret and hatred.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Yao Bin doesn't need to blame himself. Who would have thought that a dignified saint would use such a method to plot against us."

Although Qin Wan was injured, his arrogance remained undiminished, and he laughed loudly, but there was a bit of sadness hidden in the laughter.

"Qin Wan, you are so brave, you dare to frame the saint! The master just took back his magic weapon, why is it called plotting against you?"

Daoist Ran Deng felt a burst of relief at this moment, and the depression that had just been beaten by ten true immortal monks dissipated.

Qin Wan reluctantly stood up, seeing the appearance of Taoist Ran Deng, a disdainful smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

"Randeng, do you think it's over for ten of us? As long as the formation is not destroyed, ten of us can still block you! Formation! Ten formations in one!"

Qin Wan didn't have the demeanor of a fairy at this time, his eyes were red, and he roared hoarsely.

Ten rays of brilliance lit up, and the Heaven and Earth Formation once again appeared in front of Ran Deng.

It's just that the Heaven and Earth Formation at this time is not as powerful as it was just now, and its power at this time is even weaker than that of Taoist Ran Deng, but the will to die, like the essence, soars into the sky.

This kind of will often only appears in the most tragic battlefields in the world. Immortals live happily and forever, so how can this kind of situation happen.

"The strength of the ten of you is not as good as mine. Even if you try to die, it will only hurt me!"

Taoist Ran Deng frowned and said as he looked at the heaven and earth formation formed by Qin Wan and ten people.Ran Deng is unwilling to fight with these ten people, it is not worth it, after all, this is not his going down the mountain to kill.

"That's enough!" Qin Wan yelled loudly, and was about to activate the heaven and earth formation, and the power of the world was shot out, wrapping the heaven and earth formation, ready to hit the Taoist burning lamp.

"Actually, if the ten of you form a separate formation, it will be counted as a ten-way conquest army!" (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you "Poison You Ten Thousand Times" book friend for your reward, thank you for your support all the time!

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