Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 170 Zhao Gongming should be robbed

As soon as Taoist Ran Deng's words fell, the heaven and earth formation, which was still very powerful, suddenly calmed down.

Seeing that Shi Tianjun was moved by his words, Taoist Ran Deng hurriedly continued to persuade.

"Think about it, each of you is in formation alone, and your strength is comparable to that of the early monks of Daluo Jinxian. With such strength, you can definitely be counted as a conquest army."

Seeing that Shi Tianjun still didn't respond, Daoist Ran Deng gritted his teeth and decided to say something. He didn't want to fight these ten people to the death.

"Do you know why I, Teacher Zhangjiao, set up the 36th route to conquer the army?"

When Daoist Ran Deng said this, he clearly felt that Shi Tianjun's eyes fell on him all of a sudden.

"Don't forget, what was the reason for conferring the gods in the first place. I taught the Twelve Golden Immortals that they committed a calamity of killing immortals and needed to go down the mountain to overcome the calamity, but you..."

Taoist Ran Deng's words are very cold, and the meaning is very clear. I explain that my disciples need to cross the catastrophe and use your lives to fill it!Daoist Ran Deng knew that although his words made people resentful, they would not make the Jiejiao disciples want to die.

These words will only make them more determined that as long as they are sacrificed, Jujiao will be safe and sound.

Of course, there are still some things that Taoist Ran Deng did not say. These 36 conquests were more to sharpen Jiang Ziya, which was Jiang Ziya's fate.

In the words of later generations, even if the heavens are about to assign great responsibilities to people, they must first work hard on their hearts and minds, and work hard on their bones...

These 36 conquest armies are God's test for Jiang Ziya.After passing through, Jiang Ziya will truly take over the power of conferring the gods and become the person who was appointed to confer the gods.

Jiang Ziya's Chanjiao's luck will also increase greatly because of this, and the hostile Jujiao will naturally lose luck. Between one increase and one decrease, the chance of Chanjiao's extinction of Jujiao will be a little bit higher.

At this time, Qin Wanshi's hearts were already a little shaken. If the purpose of the 36th route to conquer the army was set, it would really be for it.Let the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao survive the catastrophe.Then it would be meaningless for ten of them to fight to the death with Taoist Ran Deng.

What makes them hesitate now is that they are not sure.What Taoist Ran Deng said was true or false.

"Even if you defeat us, so what? It's just another visit of the Four Saints to Jin'ao Island!"

The last words of Taoist Burning Lamp.It was the straw that broke the camel's back.Qin Wan's ten people dispersed from the heaven and earth formation, and stood quietly in place, their figures appearing extremely tragic.

If ten of them desperately could kill Taoist Burning Lamp.Then the ten of them might do that, but if Daoist Ran Deng was only injured, it wouldn't change the battle situation much.

Instead of that, they might as well trust Taoist Ran Deng and save their lives to save the teaching.

After Qin Wan and the others disarmed the heaven and earth formation, they all looked nervously at Taoist Ran Deng, for fear that he would sneak attack.

Although Daoist Ran Deng was very angry at being suppressed and beaten just now, he didn't want to. He killed these ten people for a moment's pleasure, and memorized the cause and effect for Chanjiao. He will go to teach in the West in the future!

Turning around, Taoist Ran Deng appeared beside Yuan Hong in a few steps, and sent Yuan Hong flying with his palm.Then he turned around again and came to the side of the white tiger that Yang Jian had transformed into. As if he didn't notice the sharp golden aura around Yang Jian, he beat Yang Jian back to his human form with one palm, vomiting blood and flying back.

Seeing that Yuan Hong and Yang Jian were injured, Guang Chengzi and the others wanted to catch up and attack, but Taoist Ran Deng stretched out his hand to stop them.

"You guys went down the mountain this time to break the Ten Jue Formation, and we'll talk about the rest later!"

Hearing Taoist Ran Deng's words, although Guang Chengzi and the others were unwilling, they could only listen to Taoist Ran Deng's orders.

Yuan Hong and Yang Jian were repulsed by Taoist Ran Deng. Although their injuries recovered quickly, they did not dare to rush forward again.

"Yuan Hong, Yang Jian, you two, return! Just leave it to the rest of us. This can be regarded as the last effort of us to contribute to Jiejiao!"

Qin Wan spoke to Yuan Hong and Yang Jian who were standing in front of them, and then turned to face the nine people behind them.

"Do you still remember that senior brother Yu Yuan took us to the overseas fairy island to find materials for the formation, and almost died of serious injuries? Senior brother Yu Yuan may not understand our pursuit of formations, but for the future of the teaching, he Surviving a near death, led us to find the formation materials."

Qin Wan paused, and glanced at Zhao Jiang's nine people. At this time, they all showed some relieved smiles on their faces.

"That day, we wanted to go back in order not to put Senior Brother Yu Yuan in danger. We were scolded by Senior Brother Yu Yuan, do you remember how we answered that time? We can only protect me and stop teaching with all our heart!"

After speaking, Qin Wan turned around and strode towards Chanjiao and his group.

"This first battle will start with me!"

Qin Wan stood still, and with a wave of his robe sleeves, Tianjue flew up in waves and landed on the ground, a large formation rose from the ground.

"Tell me who is going to break into my heavenly formation!"

Qin Wan's heroic voice echoed on the battlefield, and his body was full of momentum. For a moment, he actually suppressed the group of Chanjiao.

Here, Qin Wan finished shouting and drinking, but there was no movement on the teaching side. Guang Chengzi and the others were a little anxious, and they all looked at Taoist Ran Deng. After all, Taoist Ran Deng was presiding over it at this time.

Taoist Ran Deng just closed his eyes slightly, ignoring Guang Chengzi and the others who were very anxious at the side.

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and a monk landed in the air, holding a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand.

This monk, Guang Chengzi and the others also knew each other, it was Deng Hua who took up the mountain with Jiang Ziya, but Jiang Ziya was a direct disciple, and this Deng Hua was just a registered disciple.

Seeing Deng Hua rushing over suddenly, Guang Chengzi and the others were a little puzzled.This Deng Hua is only a Celestial Immortal, that is, he is slightly stronger than Jiang Ziya, so coming here doesn't help much.

"I have seen the teacher, I am ordered by the teacher to come and break the sky!" Deng Hua held the halberd in both hands, and saluted the Taoist burning lamp.

Hearing Deng Hua's words, Daoist Ran Deng opened his eyes and nodded slightly.

"Qin Wan, don't be so arrogant, I, Deng Hua, will meet you!" Deng Hua walked towards Qin Wan with Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand.

Seeing Deng Hua coming out, Qin Wan shook his head, thinking about it, he understood that this Deng Hua was just a poor man who was robbed for others, but You didn't know it!

To say that Yuanshi Tianzun really cared about his disciples.First, they arranged for them to recruit a group of disciples to respond to the robbery for them, and then arranged for various people to come out to block the robbery for them.

Even, after Yu Yuan killed Nezha, he personally resurrected Nezha, in order to let Nezha go down the mountain and take the place of Daoist Taiyi.

Back then, because of the conflict between Yu Yuan and Master Yu Ding, he asked Yu Ding and others to arrest Yu Yuan to Yuxu Palace. Even if Taoist Tong Tian made a move, he would sink Yu Yuan into the North Sea.

Really short-term protection is powerful!If anyone touches his disciple, it is tantamount to plucking a tiger's beard, and it will definitely be a big trouble!

Qin Wan was seriously injured at this time. Although Deng Hua was only a celestial being, Qin Wan was also struggling. After fighting with Deng Hua for a few rounds, he was introduced into the Tianjue Formation, only to activate the formation for a while. , Deng Hua turned into a powder.

"Wenshu, go break the formation!"

Seeing that Deng Hua was dead, Ran Deng opened his mouth and let Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun step forward to break the formation. Qin Wan also understood at this time that he was destined to die and not live, as if he was going through a scene.

After Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun entered the formation, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and a white lotus supported his feet. He opened his mouth and spit out, and there was a big golden lotus.

A celebration cloud rises above the head, and there are countless wreaths and golden lamps inside.

Although both Qin Wan and the Tianjue array had been severely damaged, Manjusri was still cautious and used all of Yuanshi Tianzun's Qingyun Yingluo and the Buddhist methods. Anyway, across the Tianjue array, People outside can't see it either.

Seeing Manjusri's appearance, Qin Wan was stunned for a moment, but he burst out laughing.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Yuanshi Tianzun is so defensive, and his disciples repay him in this way!"

After hearing Qin Wan's words, Manjusri's face remained unchanged. He glanced at Qin Wan and said coldly, "Anyway, you are going to become a dead person. I don't mind letting you know something."

Qin Wan shook his head, and ignored Manjusri. He just urged the Tianjue Formation, and the thunder shook several times, but Manjusri couldn't help it. In the end, he just smiled wryly.

Manjusri sacrificed the Dunlong stake, surrounded Qin Wan, and cut off Qin Wan's head with a sword, Qin Wan died.


With a loud noise, the Tianjue Formation collapsed, and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun came out holding Qin Wan's head.

Although they already knew this, seeing Qin Wan's head with his eyes closed, Zhao Jiang's nine people still couldn't help being heartbroken, and Wen Zhong even cried out, tears streaming down his face.

"Damn it, damn it, Manjusri, don't go, watch me, Yuan Hong, beat you to death with a stick!" Yuan Hong's eyes widened in anger, and the long stick in his hand became bigger, and he wanted to charge forward.

Yang Jian next to him also gave a tiger roar, and changed into the white tiger's real body again, wanting to pounce on it.

"Stop! It's none of your business here! Back off!" Zhao Jiang stopped Yuan Hong and Yang Jian.

"It's time for me this time! The most indispensable thing in my teaching is those who die generously! The only thing I can do is to protect my teaching with all my heart!"

Zhao Jiang walked over in a big stride, raised the formation plate of the Earth Fiery Array, and when it fell down, it turned into an Earth Fierce Array.

"Which one of the teachings, come to break my strong formation?"

In the imperial palace in Xiqi City, Zhou Gongdan clenched his fists and closed his eyes slightly, but there were tears running down his face.

"I can't make a move, I can't! Junior brothers, forgive me! Only, do your best to protect me!"

Receive and guide the Taoist in the palm of the Buddha Kingdom.

Daoist Duobao and his group all sat cross-legged with their eyes closed, except when they first came in, after the Taoist guide had talked with Taoist Duobao for a while, the Taoist guide never showed up again.

"Zhao Gongming, you should go out! It's time for you to go down the mountain to face the robbery!"

The face of Taoist Jieyin appeared in the sky, and then Zhao Gongming suddenly disappeared in place. (To be continued..)

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