Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 171 Zhao Gongming should be robbed

Seeing that Zhao Gongming disappeared suddenly, Taoist Duobao and the others all stood up at once, staring at the big face that suddenly appeared, leading Taoist.

"Teacher Guiding, I don't know where you got my junior brother Zhao Gongming?"

Daoist Duobao frowned and looked at the Taoist who was leading him, and asked.

"Zhao Gongming has already gone to Xiqi to respond to the robbery! You should know that whoever Shen Gongbao finds will have to go down the mountain to respond to the robbery. This time it is Zhao Gongming, and the next time will be Sanxiao!"

After the leading Taoist finished speaking, the big face disappeared from the sky, leaving only the resentful Jiejiao people.

Zhao Gongming only felt that the environment changed, and he appeared again, above the original mountain range.The Jiejiao fellow disciples who were still by his side just now were gone.

Turning around, Zhao Gongming saw a Taoist standing behind him.This Taoist is six feet tall, his whole body emits a faint golden light, and his face is full of suffering and compassion. Sitting down is a twelfth-grade golden lotus.

Taoist Jieyin held his right hand empty, and a world emerged on the palm of his hand. Zhao Gongming could clearly see that Taoist Duobao and the others were in that world at this time.

Obviously, this is the Buddhist kingdom in the palm that Zhao Gongming was trapped in just now.

"Receiving the saint, why did you let me out?"

Zhao Gongming knew that he was not an opponent to lead the Taoist, and his strength was too far behind, so he never thought about saving Taoist Duobao and the others.

"Zhao Gongming, it's time for you to go to Xiqi to respond to the robbery. When Shen Gongbao looks for you, you should be prepared."

Zhao Gongming frowned, then let go, and smiled a few times.

"I am very curious to receive the sage, if I don't go to Xiqi, what will happen?"

"We, the Four Sages, made an agreement with your teacher in charge. If there is no 36th conquest army, what the consequences will be, we have already made it very clear at the beginning."

The voice of the guiding Taoist is still very gentle.Full of compassion and compassion.But after hearing his words, Zhao Gongming felt a fire burning in his chest.

"What's the consequence? Are you Four Saints going to kill me and cut off my teaching?"

Zhao Gongming suppressed his anger, but his voice was still trembling uncontrollably.

The leading Taoist lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes.Did not answer Zhao Gongming's question.But in Zhao Gongming's opinion.That's already the answer.Zhao Gongming's eyes were burning, and he stared at the leading Taoist.

"I believe you will go! Because now, you are intercepting your disciples. You are using their lives to make up for the 36th conquest army!"

After a long time, the leading Taoist raised his head and spoke to Zhao Gongming.

Hearing the Taoist's words, Zhao Gongming's head thumped. There was no time to dawdle, so he set up a ray of light and rushed towards Xiqi City.

Watching Zhao Gongming go away, the leading Taoist lowered his head, continued to lower his eyebrows and lower his eyes, as if sleeping but not sleeping.

"If you don't go, what will be the consequences? Oh, how could you not go? How dare you not go? Under the law of heaven, who is not at the mercy of? It should be your calamity, you can't escape; it should be yours." Luck, can't push. Ants, ants!"

The Taoist's whispered soliloquy drifted away with the wind, and the expression on his face became more and more painful.

Zhao Gongming was so anxious along the way that he kept speeding up his escape, but when he reached Xiqi, more than half of Shi Tianjun had been killed or injured, and only four people remained.

Zhao Jiang, the leader of the Earth Lie formation, was feared to leave his grandson to break the formation, and died. His body was hung on the flagpole of the Western Zhou barracks.

Dong Quan, the master of the wind roar, was held by the Cihang Taoist to break through the formation with a wind bead, and was put into a glass bottle, which turned into pus.

Yuan Jiao, the master of the ice formation, was broken by the Immortal Puxian, and cut into two pieces by the Wugou Immortal Sword.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light, the master of the golden light formation, was broken by Guang Chengzi and smashed into powder by Fan Tianyin.

Sun Liang, the leader of the blood-transforming formation, was broken by Taiyi Daoist and burned to ashes by the Nine Dragons Divine Fire.

At the same time, the teaching side also sent five people to defend the Twelve Golden Immortals.

Han Dulong, a disciple of Dao Xing Tianzun, died in the fierce battle of the earth, and blocked the murder for his grandson.Fang Bi, the former general of the town hall, died in the wind howling formation, and blocked the murder for the Taoist of Cihang.Xue Ehu, a disciple of Daoxing Tianzun, died in the ice formation and blocked the killing for Puxian.

Xiao Zhen, Yuxu's disciple, died in the golden light formation and blocked the murder for Guang Chengzi.Qiao Kun, a loose person in Wuyi Mountain, died in the blood transformation formation, and blocked the murder for the real Taiyi.

When Zhao Gongming arrived, it was such a scene.The sky above the commercial camp condensed a certain death belief, but the sky above the Zhou camp exuded an aura of fear and uneasiness.

The remaining four of Ten Heavenly Lords were all determined to die at this moment, one by one they set up a large formation.

As for the Western Zhou Dynasty, everyone knew that if he was the first to be named by the Taoist burning lamp, he would almost certainly die.

Zhao Gongming was in the air, and saw that the blood-transforming array was broken, and Taiyi Daoist walked out from it, while Sun Liang's body was gone, only a pile of ashes remained, and when the wind blows, even the ashes disappeared.

"Reverend Taiyi, you took the initiative to kill my interception disciple, and now go back like this?"

Daoist Taiyi was walking back, Zhao Gongming's murderous words reached his ears.

Hearing Zhao Gongming's voice, Master Taiyi suddenly became nervous. He knew that Zhao Gongming possessed a quasi-sage treasure, which he could not deal with at all.

Last time, when Jiejiao intercepted and killed Ji Chang, Master Taiyi, Chi Jingzi, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, and Daoxing Tianzun joined forces to attack Zhao Gongming. Who knew that before Zhao Gongming made a move, they were injured by Dinghaizhu's shock.

Master Taiyi heard the sound of wind in his ear, turned around and left the place quickly, and at the same time took out the fairy sword, and headed towards the direction of the sound.


There was a sound of impact, and a golden whip was pressed on the Immortal Sword of Master Taiyi. Zhao Gongming was holding the golden whip, staring at Master Taiyi angrily.

Seeing Zhao Gongming appearing suddenly and attacking Daoist Taiyi, the Chanjiao people who were waiting at the side all started shouting.

"Zhao Gongming, you dare to sneak attack?"

"Zhao Gongming, hurry up and stop, let Junior Brother Taiyi go!"

At the same time, all kinds of magic weapons also flew into the sky, shining brightly, and they were about to fall towards Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming raised the golden whip in his hand, and once again pulled it towards Taiyi real person, he didn't pay attention to the magic weapons above his head at all.

Zhao Gongming and Daoist Taiyi were entangled in fighting, Guangchengzi and the others really didn't dare to lower the magic weapon, lest they hurt Daoist Taiyi too.

So Guangchengzi and the others urged the magic weapon to rise up in the air, but did not release it.Then they all rushed forward and joined forces with Master Taiyi to deal with Zhao Gongming.

The whole body of Guang Chengzi and the others was covered by a light mask transformed from the big Luo umbrella, which played a certain defensive role, and at the same time extended to their fairy swords to increase the attack power.

However, compared to Zhao Gongming in the middle stage of Daluo Golden Immortal, he was much inferior. Every time Zhao Gongming dropped his whip, there must be a torrent of laws following him, which was so powerful that the surrounding space would oscillate endlessly.

Seeing that the Twelve Golden Immortals teamed up, they were all pressed and beaten by Zhao Gongming. Daoist Ran Deng next to him finally made a move. Whip, fly together.

Guangchengzi and the others also took the opportunity to release their magic weapon, and the brilliance of Dao Dao's law suddenly fell towards Zhao Gongming.

The Pantian Seal, which is extremely heavy and as powerful as Mount Tai, carries the aura of suppressing everything; nine fire dragons are intertwined with each other, holding up a fiery red mask; a white light appears, which contains mysterious fluctuations; a white rope, emitting Shining white light, floating in the air.

There are also the glass bottle of Ci Hang Taoist, the Wu hook fairy sword of Pu Xian, and the dragon escape pile of Manjusri. All the magic weapons are all attacked towards Zhao Gongming.

For a moment, Zhao Gongming was overwhelmed by the light of various magic weapons.

Wen Zhong and others standing in front of the business camp also looked at Zhao Gongming's position worriedly at this time.Just now Zhao Gongming suddenly appeared in the air, and then launched an attack on Daoist Taiyi.

Just when Yuan Hong and Yang Jian were about to make a move, a multicolored ray shot up into the sky, and at the same time a powerful force of the world appeared, sweeping away all those magic weapons.

After all the magic weapons were repelled, the figure of Zhao Gongming appeared among them. There was a mass of multicolored light floating above his head, but he couldn't see what was in the light.

With a thought in Zhao Gongming's mind, the Dinghai Pearl above his head flew out, drawing a brilliant trace, and before everyone could react, it had already arrived on the top of Daoist Taiyi's head.

Master Taiyi knew that Zhao Gongming's quasi-sage treasure was very powerful, but it was too late to resist at this time, so Master Taiyi could only sigh and close his eyes to wait for death.

A light shrouded in front of Daoist Taiyi, and disappeared in a flash.Affected by this mask, Dinghaizhu's power was greatly reduced. He only wounded the real Taiyi, and he was unable to expand the results of the battle.

When the Taiji diagram was returned to Lao Tzu just now, the three of Yuanshi Tianzun had the upper hand, and Yuanshi was able to free up his hands. He kept an eye on the Xiqi battlefield at all times.

Seeing that Daoist Taiyi was about to die under Dinghaizhu, Yuanshi Tianzun made a move, issued a mask, blocked Dinghaizhu, and saved Daoist Taiyi's life.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun is in the battle, and the power he can draw is very small, which can only weaken Dinghaizhu's attack, but cannot completely block it.

Daoist Taiyi narrowly escaped death, how could he dare to stay where he was, turned into a golden light, and went straight back to the Xiqi barracks.

Seeing that Daoist Taiyi survived after being hit by Dinghaizhu, Zhao Gongming couldn't help frowning and narrowing his eyes slightly, as if thinking of a possibility.

Under the urging of Zhao Gongming, Dinghaizhu flew up again, and flew towards Guangchengzi. As Zhao Gongming expected, Guangchengzi was not dead, but suffered some injuries.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you are too inferior! Your disciple is fighting, and you still want to help secretly?"

Zhao Gongming was talking, but Ding Haizhu didn't stop, and called Chanjiao and the others again. (To be continued..)

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