Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 172 Zhao Gongming should be robbed


An angry groan came from the distant void, and it was nothing to others' ears, but Zhao Gongming felt as if he had been hit in the bottom of his heart by a sledgehammer, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

But even so, Zhao Gongming's Dinghaizhu didn't stop, smashing everyone who explained the teaching with injuries.

Even Zhao Gongming's flying golden whip knocked Jiang Ziya off his horse, and fell to the ground motionless, as if he had lost his breath.

Even Ran Deng is not sure about dealing with Zhao Gongming's Ding Haizhu, but Ran Deng is greedy for Ding Haizhu.

In desperation, everyone in Chanjiao had no choice but to retreat back to Xiqi City, and hung a sign of exemption from battle on the city wall.

Just now, in order to deal with Zhao Gongming, Yuanshi Tianzun used his divine sense to attack Zhao Gongming, but Daoist Tongtian seized the opportunity to attack him.

"Yuanshi, do you still have any saint face? You actually took action against the junior!"

To Taoist Tongtian's reprimand, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't respond at all, and continued to urge the Pangu banner to attack Taoist Tongtian, leaving him with no energy left to speak.

After Zhao Gongming was victorious, Wen Zhong led the Jiejiao and several people to meet him quickly.

"Senior brother Zhao Gongming, this time is the death of ten of us. Why do you have to go down the mountain to take this muddy water?" Zhang Shao looked at Zhao Gongming and said with a wry smile.

"There is no such thing as a death calamity! I don't believe it yet, I am doomed to become a victim of the interpretation of the teaching. Don't feel that you have troubled me, Shen Gongbao has also looked for me, and it is time for me to go down the mountain to respond to the robbery. I still don't believe it. Just relying on those people in Xiqi City, I can be on the list of gods!"

Zhao Gongming witnessed the killing of Jiejiao disciples with his own eyes, and he was suffocating in his heart. He wished he could fight with the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao and kill some of them so as to relieve his depression.

"Senior brother Zhao Gongming, according to the Taoist Ran Deng, this time the 36th conquest army is for the purpose of letting the Twelve Golden Immortals survive the killing. Even if we resist, I'm afraid..."

Zhang Shao looked at Zhao Gongming while talking.But he stopped talking.

"Zhang Shao. Do you really believe what Ran Deng said? I'm afraid you don't believe it in your heart! But you hope that what Ran Deng said is true, and you can sacrifice yourself to guard and stop teaching!"

Zhao Gongming's words were full of anger, and he didn't know that it was an act of anger to teach.It's the helplessness of anger.It's still an act of angering Shi Tianjun to send him to death.

Hear what Zhao Gongming said.Zhang Shao and the others were also silent. They didn't believe in Ran Deng, but that was the situation.The best choice they can make.

"Zhang Shao, do you think Yuanshi Tianzun has such a small appetite? The four sages went to Jinao Island just to kill me and teach a few monks? How many monks?"

The few words Zhao Gongming asked one after another made Wen Zhong and the others frown. What is the purpose of the saints of Yuanshi Tianzun?Is it really cutting off religion?

"Since that's the case, why should we go to die in vain? Since Yuanshi ordered the 36-way conquest, he should be prepared. Either he killed me with his backhand, or I killed a few of his disciples!"

Zhao Gongming's voice was very firm, and even Wen Zhong and the others could clearly feel the coldness in his voice.

Daoist Ran Deng returned to Xiqi City with his disciples from Chanjiao, and asked someone to lift Jiang Ziya's body up, and administered a elixir. After a while, Jiang Ziya came back to life.

After rescuing Jiang Ziya, everyone began to discuss how to deal with Zhao Gongming. They just discussed and discussed, but they really couldn't discuss a solution.

Zhao Gongming's cultivation base is not very high, he is only in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, but he holds the treasure of quasi-sage in his hand, and his strength is enough to sweep away all the people in Chanjiao.If you want to deal with him, you must at least find a quasi-sage treasure.

But this quasi-sage's treasure will not be found in a short while.In the situation where there was nothing to do, everyone in Chanjiao could only act like a coward, and they didn't hear Zhao Gongming's call from outside the city.

Anyway, this Zhao Gongming didn't dare to rush into Xiqi City.For a cultivator like Zhao Gongming, his luck has been closely connected with the sect. If he rushed into Xiqi City and started killing, the luck of the sect would be wiped out.

Wahuangtian, in Wahuang Palace.

In the main hall, on a bright yellow futon, a thin young man sat cross-legged, wearing a big red robe, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and a few long beards left under his jaw.

A maid came out from the palace at the back, came to the side of the young man, saluted, and said respectfully: "Prince Lu Ya, my mother invites you to go to the back, I have something to tell you!"

Hearing what the maid said, Lu Ya opened his eyes, got up and followed the maid to the inner palace.

The last time Lu Ya was on the overseas fairy island, he was granted a cultivation level by the Kunpeng ancestor, and he brought him back to the headquarters of the North Sea Monster Clan, wanting to teach Lu Ya a lesson.

However, the concept that Lu Ya has formed over the years cannot be changed by the Kunpeng ancestor in a short period of time, especially when Lu Ya is prejudiced against the Kunpeng ancestor.

Later, the ancestor Kunpeng took the three major demon gods to the Sun Palace. Among the Beihai monster clan, no one could watch Lu Ya. , to prevent him from getting into trouble.

Therefore, Lu Ya became more and more certain that it must have been because of Kunpeng's escape that led to the defeat of the Yaozu.Kunpeng is imprisoning him now because he is afraid that one day he will be able to rule all monsters and go to revenge on him.

In front of the Sun Palace, Nuwa felt a little dissatisfied when she saw Patriarch Kunpeng mixing with Jiejiao disciples.Nu Wa is not used to Jiejiao disciples, especially that Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan once attacked Nezha in front of him, and even confronted her, which made Nuwa very embarrassed.As for Jiejiao, she has been entangled with Da Shang all the time, which also makes Nu Wa very dissatisfied.

At this time, seeing the Kunpeng Patriarch mixing with Yu Yuan and others, Nu Wa became even more upset.

At the beginning, when Nuwa used the demon banner to summon all the demons in the world, the ancestor of Kunpeng prevented the demons from Beihai from going to Wa Palace.Now, she brought the three great demon gods to help Yu Yuan. Is she Nuwa not as good as Yu Yuan?

So, after the incident in the Sun Palace was over, Nuwa went to Beihai and personally rescued Lu Ya from the hands of the Kunpeng ancestor, at least in Lu Ya's opinion.

The purpose of Nuwa's rescue of Luya is to let Luya go down the mountain to help Xiqi and deal with the disciples who are cut off from teaching.

Didn't your ancestor Kunpeng befriend Yu Yuan?Didn't your ancestor Kunpeng want to tie the Yaozu and Jiejiao together?Well, I will let Lu Ya, the crown prince of the demon clan, go down the mountain to fight against Jiejiao and kill a few of his disciples. Let's see what else you can do, Kunpeng Patriarch?

Lu Ya followed the maid to the harem, and bowed respectfully to Nu Wa who was sitting on the cloud bed.In Luya's opinion, Empress Nuwa really cared about the rise and fall of the monster race, while Kunpeng and the others were nothing more than rebellious officials and thieves.

As for why Empress Nuwa didn't take action during the Lich War, there must be her reasons.It is possible that several saints came to stop him, just like the four saints went to Jinao Island some time ago.

It can be said that Lu Ya grew up in Wa Palace, and Nuwa gave him a good education, at least let Lu Ya always firmly believe that Nuwa is the hope of the monster race.

"Lu Ya, Xiqi is in trouble at this time. Zhao Gongming is holding the quasi-sage treasure and sweeping away all the people in Chanjiao. You need to resolve this matter!"

Lu Ya felt very comfortable listening to Nuwa's words, unlike that Kunpeng who always looked down on him and said how bad he was.

You know, after this period of training, he has broken through to the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, and he even needs his own help in explaining the teachings.

"Mother, then Zhao Gongming has the quasi-sage treasure in his hand, what should I do?"

"You use the secret forbidden technique of your Demon Emperor's clan, the Book of Seven Arrows!"

"Ah?" Hearing Empress Nuwa's words, Lu Ya raised his head in surprise.

"Mother, although this kind of forbidden technique can kill people invisible, but if you are not careful, it is easy to be backlashed!"

Lu Ya said hesitantly.He is not willing to put himself on the line for elucidation, and he will prepare to become a new generation of Demon King in the future!

"You can let other people use it! For example, Jiang Ziya, who is now in charge of conferring gods, has strong luck. Who can he worship?"

With Nuwa's advice, Lu Ya felt relieved, and took his Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife and the Book of Seven Arrows with Nailheads, and went to Xiqi City.

When Daoist Ran Deng and his party were frowning, Taoist Lu Ya appeared in his coquettish big red robe. After the exchange, Taoist Ran Deng knew that Lu Ya had a way, so Daoist Ran Deng quickly regarded Lu Ya as a guest of honor.

On the second day, Lu Ya went out of the city to challenge Zhao Gongming. After seeing Zhao Gongming's appearance, as soon as Zhao Gongming got up to sacrifice Dinghaizhu, he was so frightened that he turned into a rainbow and ran away.

After returning to Xiqi City, Lu Ya did not appear to have failed at all. Instead, his face was full of confidence. He took out a book from his treasure bag and opened it. On one page, the appearance of Zhao Gongming appeared , lifelike.At the same time, on this page, there are densely packed sigils.

Lu Ya reached out and tore off the page, and handed it to Jiang Ziya.

"You can go to Qishan to build an earthen platform, tie a grass man with the words Zhao Gongming written on it, light a lamp on the head and a lamp on the bottom of the foot, form this paper into a seal and burn it. Three times, after the 21st, I will help you kill Zhao Gongming!"

Lu Ya instructed Jiang Ziya carefully.Jiang Ziya looked at the manuscript in his hand with surprise on his face.

You know, Jiang Ziya hated him secretly after he was almost worshiped by Yao Bin to death, and always wanted to get revenge.Unexpectedly, the opportunity came so quickly, and it was the same method.

Jiang Ziya carefully put away the manuscript as if he had found a treasure, and thanked Lu Ya.Lu Ya laughed loudly, waved his hands, turned around and flew away.

If Lu Ya had always had the best temperament in the world, he might have made a move to help Jiang Ziya kill Bai Li.But when he was in Xiandao overseas, after being attacked by Yu Yuan, he restrained himself a lot. (To be continued..)

ps: I'm going out for a drink at noon today, so I posted this chapter ahead of time.

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