Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 173 Three Night Arrangements

Although Lu Ya still thinks that he is very powerful at this time, he has lost his original mentality of being number one in the world.It would be bad if Zhao Gongming took care of Jiang Ziya if he stood up for Jiang Ziya.

You know, Jiang Ziya hasn't started worshiping yet!Zhao Gongming didn't have any bad influences at all, so Lu Ya was very sensible. After teaching Jiang Ziya the book of seven arrows with a nail head, he immediately put oil on the soles of his feet!

Let's say that after Jiang Ziya got the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book, he was very excited. After greeting the Taoist Randeng and the others, he quickly ordered the soldiers to set up a military camp in Qishan.

Seeing that Jiang Ziya was so keen on plotting against Zhao Gongming, Taoist Randeng and the others all looked a little weird.They have practiced for a long time, but knowing this kind of forbidden technique, the backlash is huge.

But thinking about Jiang Ziya's status at this time, the person in charge of the Conferred God, with strong luck, even if it is a backlash, he will be suppressed by the Dao of Heaven.Thinking of Jiang Ziya being bullied by Yao Bin, he secretly hated him, so he didn't say anything to dissuade him.

Jiang Ziya built an earthen platform in Qishan's military camp, tied a straw figure, stood on it, and burned incense every day to worship.

After worshiping like this for a few days, Zhao Gongming in the business camp felt a little restless and felt irritable for no reason. Zhao Gongming didn't take it seriously, he just thought it was because the disciples of Chanjiao hadn't fought for a long time.

At this time, everyone was gathering in Wen Zhong's tent to discuss how to deal with Xi Qi.

Yao Bin, who was sitting next to Zhao Gongming, felt that Zhao Gongming's state seemed to be wrong. He felt that Zhao Gongming seemed to be entangled with some kind of breath.This breath is similar to his secret technique.

"Brother Zhao Gongming, what's wrong with you?"

Just when Zhao Gongming was suppressing his inner irritability, he heard Yao Bin asking beside him.

"It's okay, it's just that the people who explain the teachings always go out of the city, and I feel a little annoyed!"

Zhao Gongming forced a smile and said to Yao Bin.

Hearing what Zhao Gongming said, Yao Bin restrained his worries, but the shadow in his heart was still lingering.

After a few more days, Zhao Gongming immediately fell asleep!Yao Bin has been observing Zhao Gongming, and at this time he saw Zhao Gongming began to sleep soundly.It was immediately clear that his guess was right.Sure enough, Zhao Gongming was plotted against.

Yao Bin hurriedly went to find Wen Zhong, and told Wen Zhong about it. Wen Zhong was shocked when he heard that, and hurriedly walked towards Zhao Gongming's camp.

Still outside the camp.Wen Zhong heard Zhao Gongming's thunderous snoring.Wen Zhong's face suddenly became serious.After entering the camp, he saw Zhao Gongming lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

"Uncle Gongming, Uncle Gongming!"

Wen Zhong shook his head.Shake the sleeping Zhao Gongming awake.

"En? Wen Zhong, what's the matter? Have those people from Chanjiao left the city?"

Zhao Gongming woke up from a deep sleep, his mind was still a little confused, his eyes were sleepy, and he yawned.

Seeing Zhao Gongming like this, Wen Zhong's face became even more worried.

"Uncle Gongming, you may have been plotted against by someone, that's why you slept soundly!"

After hearing Wen Zhong's words, Zhao Gongming shook his head, trying to clear his mind.In the past few days, Zhao Gongming has made Jiang Ziya ecstatic, otherwise, he should have noticed something was wrong.

"Wen Zhong, do the math for me, figure out who is plotting against me!" Zhao Gongming said through gritted teeth.

Hearing what Zhao Gongming said, Wen Zhong had a wry smile on his face.

"Uncle Gongming, have you forgotten that the secrets of the sky are in chaos now, unless it is something related to oneself, otherwise it can't be calculated at all! But you..."

Wen Zhong didn't say anything later, but just looking at Zhao Gongming's current situation, he definitely couldn't figure it out.

After hearing Wen Zhong's words, Zhao Gongming froze in place for a while, and then let out a long sigh.

"I thought that to deal with me, Yuanshi Tianzun would bestow a Pangu banner, or do it himself. Unexpectedly, it is just a forbidden technique, and I can die before I meet you! The number of days, the number of days! Is this the hit and death robbery? ? When my three younger sisters go down the mountain, don't let them..."

Zhao Gongming was talking, and there was no further text, and then there were bursts of snoring.

Seeing Zhao Gongming like this, Wen Zhong let out a long sigh, and then walked out of the tent with a lonely expression.

Receive and guide the Taoist in the palm of the Buddha Kingdom.

The Sanxiao sisters were all a little restless, they were very worried about Zhao Gongming's comfort, and even they felt a little uneasy in their hearts, as if Zhao Gongming had had some accidents in Xiqi.

"Senior Brother Duobao, do you think something will happen to our brother in Xiqi?"

Bi Xiao, the youngest of the three nights, couldn't bear it, and asked Taoist Duobao who was sitting cross-legged on one side.

Taoist Duobao opened his eyes and looked into the distance with deep eyes.

"If you only talk about positive strength, the cultivators who explain the teachings are not a threat to Junior Brother Zhao Gongming, but I am afraid of some unexpected situations!"

After hearing Duobao's words, even Yun Xiao, who was still calm, frowned at this time.

"San Xiao, it's your three's turn to go to Xiqi to respond to the robbery!"

Just when Sanxiao was anxious, the face of the leading Taoist appeared again, and then the Sanxiao sisters disappeared in place.

After Sister Sanxiao came out, she saw the guiding Taoist sitting cross-legged.

"Dare to ask the sage of receiving and guiding, our brother Zhao Gongming, how is it now?"

Yun Xiao couldn't hold back in the end, and asked the leading Taoist.

"Time is running out!"

As soon as the Taoist's words fell, the figures of the Sanxiao sisters shook a little, with disbelief on their faces.

"Come on, let's go to Xiqi!"

It was Yunxiao who came back to his senses first, said something, woke up Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao, took out his mount, and rushed towards Xiqi.

Xiqi, the barracks of the Great Merchant.

Zhao Gongming was still sleeping soundly in the tent, the sound of thunderous snoring echoed around the tent.

Wen Zhong's face was full of gloom, and he led San Xiao into Zhao Gongming's tent.

"Brother!" Seeing Zhao Gongming sleeping there, Sanxiao couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise and threw herself down beside the bed.

Hearing Sanxiao's voice, Zhao Gongming slowly woke up from his deep sleep.

"I heard the voices of my three sisters. I don't know. Are they here, or I was dreaming just now. Hehe"

Zhao Gongming's face was blue and his lips were pale. Although he had been asleep for a long time, he still looked like he lacked energy, and his voice showed a sense of weakness.

"Brother, the three of us are here! What's wrong with you? Brother, who hurt you? I'll go and peel him!" Bi Xiao gritted his teeth, his fingers rattling.

"Third Sister, stop talking about revenge! But you three must be careful. Don't be impulsive!"

Zhao Gongming and San Xiao had another conversation.Then fell asleep again.

Seeing that Zhao Gongming fell asleep after talking for a while, Sanxiao could hardly hold back his tears. The majestic Da Luo Jinxian fell into such a state today.

"Sister. We must avenge our elder brother. Let's go out now and ask that Jiang Ziya to come out."

Out of the tent.Bi Xiao turned and said to Yun Xiao, with resentment still in his eyes.

Yun Xiao, who has always been gentle and calm, saw Zhao Gongming's appearance.She couldn't help the anger in her heart, and she nodded when she heard Bi Xiao's words.

Hearing that there were three Taoist nuns shouting outside the city, Jiang Ziya couldn't help being a little surprised. When did three Taoist nuns come to this business camp?Why didn't Zhao Gongming come out?Could it be...

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya became happy.He knew that Zhao Gongming must be the same as he was then, sleeping all day long.Jiang Ziya finally let out the stuffy breath in his chest, and felt a lot better.

"Junior Brother Ziya, don't be careless! These three people are probably Zhao Gongming's younger sister, Sanxiao! The strength of Sanxiao is not very strong, but their magic weapons Hunyuan Jindou and Jin Jiaojian are not weak at all. Yu Ding Haizhu."

Seeing that Jiang Ziya was about to go out to fight, Taoist Ran Deng sitting beside him spoke slowly.

Hearing the words of Taoist Ran Deng, Jiang Ziya paused for a moment. Originally, there was only one Zhao Gongming, which was enough, but now, there are two more.

"Teacher, what should we do this time?" Jiang Ziya asked respectfully to Taoist Ran Deng.

Zhao Gongming had the Nailhead Seven Arrows book given by Lu Ya, so he was able to plot against him, so what else can he do now.

"Junior Brother Ziya, go out and test them for a while! You have a lot of luck, at most you will be safe and sound, and you will be fine!"

Daoist Ran Deng was talking to Jiang Ziya with a smile on his face. When Jiang Ziya heard this, the muscles on his face twitched. Seeing that Daoist Ran Deng was still smiling, he could only helplessly agree.

Jiang Ziya rode on the four statues, looked at the three Taoist nuns on the opposite side, his nerves were tense, and he was ready to run away at any time.

"Jiang Ziya, whoever of you in the Western Zhou Dynasty plotted against my brother, tell him to come out!" Bi Xiao held the sword in his right hand, with a murderous look on his face.

"Brother Ling doesn't know the number of days, and he presumptuously obstructed the great power of the Conferred Gods. He should die here. The three of you should go back quickly! Otherwise, you will inevitably be on the list of Conferred Gods!"

Jiang Ziya scolded with righteous words on his face, Jiang Ziya was also helpless, and he could only answer like this.

After hearing Jiang Ziya's words, the three of Yunxiao didn't understand that Jiang Ziya was the one who plotted against his brother.

"Jiang, Zi, Ya!" Qiong Xiao shouted Jiang Ziya's name word by word, holding up the fairy sword and killing Jiang Ziya.

As soon as Jiang Ziya saw Qiong Xiao making a move, he quickly sacrificed the whip, and then drove the four elephants, and ran towards the city of Xiqi.

The whip flew up, emitting bursts of divine light, and the 24 talisman seals on the side faintly flowed and fell towards Yunxiao. Yunxiao was hit by the whip and fell directly from Qingluan.

Nezha and his brothers also rushed to resist Sanxiao for a while, and then ran back to Xiqi with Jiang Ziya.

"Sister, how are you?" Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao saw that Yun Xiao was wounded by the whip, and hurriedly approached to ask concerned.

"It doesn't matter to me, but I'm afraid my brother won't be able to last much longer! Putting up the Nine Twist Yellow River Formation, I must get my brother's soul from Jiang Ziya and save my life!"

After returning to the business camp, Yun Xiao asked Wen Zhong to find 600 big men to practice according to the formation. After four or five days of practice, the [-] people were familiar with the formation. (To be continued..)

ps: Thanks to the "Poison You Thousands of Times" book friend for the reward again.Thank you for your continuous support, this is also a kind of happiness!

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