Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 174 Yuan Shi Arrives in Person

Only four or five days later, the six hundred men could not fully arouse the power of the formation. The Jiuqu Yellow River formation at this time is slightly more powerful than Sanxiao's last deployment, but Zhao Gongming's symptoms are getting worse and worse , but they did not dare to wait any longer.

At this time, [-] days had passed since Jiang Ziya used the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book, and it was difficult for Zhao Gongming to even wake up.

"Jiejiao Sanxiao set up a formation, please come to guide the fellow Taoists who explain the teachings, and confirm the truth of the two teachings!"

After setting up the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, Sanxiao came to Xiqi City and shouted loudly into the city.

Hearing this burst of shouts, Taoist Ran Deng shook his head and sighed.

"When I went down the mountain, Teacher Zhangjiao told me that this is a fatal disaster for the 12 of you, and you cannot avoid it. Let's go out of the city together!"

Originally, after hearing Sanxiao's cry, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao still had anger on their faces.Sanxiao was obviously forcing them to come out to fight, because it was already related to the level of Taoism of the two religions.

At this time, after hearing Taoist Ran Deng's words, all the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao calmed down, and without making a sound, they got up silently, and walked out of Xiqi City with Taoist Ran Deng.

After leaving Xiqi City, you can see a huge formation standing outside the city. Inside the formation is endless yellow sand rolling. Among the yellow sand, there is a river running through the entire formation. The river water was involved in it, and the whole river appeared turbid.

"Teacher, if this great formation is our catastrophe, we will all fall into the formation later, who will rescue us?"

Seeing how powerful the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was, Guang Chengzi frowned.Ask the Taoist Ran Deng around him for advice.

"Although this Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is a catastrophe for you, it is not a catastrophe for death! When necessary, the teacher in charge will come in person!"

Hearing Taoist Ran Deng's words, Guang Chengzi's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and the people behind him also heard Taoist Ran Deng's words, and they were also full of confidence at this time.

"Nezha, you three brothers, go up for a walk first!"

Taoist Ran Deng turned his head and said to the three Nezha brothers who were standing aside.

Nezha, Jinzha, and Muzha, who were standing aside and planning to watch a show, heard the order from Taoist Ran Deng.My heart trembled.

Nezha and the others watched with their own eyes.When breaking through the Ten Absolute Formation, everyone who went to explore the formation first died in the formation.But now, Daoist Ran Deng asked them to explore the formation.In the eyes of the three of Nezha.This is the rhythm of looking for death!

"Master Burning Lamp. Our cultivation base is low, even if we go, I'm afraid we won't find anything. We won't go!" Nezha's voice trembled a little.

When Ran Deng heard the words, he turned his head and gave Nezha a look, and Nezha suddenly felt a little frightened.

"This time there is only the possibility of being trapped, not life-threatening."

Although Nezha still didn't quite believe the words of Taoist Ran Deng, but in this case, Nezha didn't dare to refuse.

The three of Nezha came to the front of the Jiuqu Yellow River formation together, and shouted at Sanxiao.

"San Xiao, the three of you are going against the grain, defying the number of days, and instead of cultivating your mind and character in the cave, you have come to this world to set up such a vicious formation, you are really suicidal!"

Jin Zha's cursing made Bi Xiao's brows stand on end.

"You three, according to your seniority, you should also call us master. Now not only do you disrespect your teacher, but you are also uttering wild words. I want to see what skills your master has taught you?"

As Bi Xiao spoke, she stepped forward with the sword in her hand, drew a curve, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Jin Zha's neck.Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao also fought against Nezha and Mu Zha.

Sanxiao is the Daluo Jinxian, and there is a torrent of laws to follow when he strikes. As for the three of Nezha, they are not even qualified to injure them. In desperation, the three of Nezha had to sacrifice magic weapons one after another.

The Huntian Ribbon, the Qiankun Circle, and the gold bricks in Nezha's hands flew up together, sending out waves of fluctuations. Jinzha also raised up the dragon escape pile, while Muzha shook his shoulders and flew up with the Wugou sword on his back.

Seeing that the three of Nezha sacrificed so many magic weapons, Yun Xiao casually pointed at them, and the Hunyuan Jindou flew out, emitting a golden light, and all these magic weapons were taken in by the Hunyuan Jindou.

"There are quite a few magic weapons, but it's a pity that they are all useless waste!" Bi Xiao curled her lips.

The golden light emitted by the Hunyuan Jindou was rolled up again, this time even the three of Nezha were also rolled up, and they were thrown directly into the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, and they fell unconscious.

Seeing that the three of Nezha were taken into the formation, Daoist Ran Deng's face remained as calm as ever, and he ordered Chi Jingzi to go to the formation.

Chi Jingzi just took out the yin and yang mirror and shook it a few times, and there was no chance to make a move. First, the yin and yang mirror in his hand was swept away by a golden light, and then a golden light rolled in, and Chi Jingzi was thrown into the Jiuqu Yellow River formation .

Chi Jingzi also fell unconscious on the ground like Nezha and the others who joined the battle earlier.

Guang Chengzi went on stage again, and was also first received by a ray of golden light, and then received into the formation by another ray of golden light.

Then, I saw the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao were taken into the Jiuqu Yellow River formation one by one, and even Jiang Ziya had a golden light rolling towards him.

When Jiang Ziya rolled towards him with the golden light, he hurriedly took out the Central Xutu Xinghuang Banner bestowed on him by Yuanshi Tianzun, and with a flick of his hand, countless golden lotus flowers appeared, completely covering Jiang Ziya's sky.

The golden light from Hunyuan Jindou swept back and forth in the air, but it couldn't break through the Xinghuang Banner's defense.

Seeing that the Twelve Golden Immortals had been captured into the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, Daoist Ran Deng also wandered around the battlefield. Before Yunxiao could urge Hunyuan Jindou, he fled back quickly and let Hunyuan Jin Dou's golden light swept away.

Taoist Ran Deng then took Jiang Ziya, and the two polished commanders returned to Xiqi City.No, it can't be said that he is a polished commander, because there is another Huang Tianhua who has not played in Xiqi City.

Since the fighting specifications started to upgrade recently, there was obviously nothing wrong with these juniors, Huang Tianhua, who was not willing to fight the big merchants, just didn't leave the city.

Seeing Ran Deng leading Jiang Ziya back to Xiqi City, Bi Xiao took the sword and angrily walked towards the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

"Bi Xiao, what are you doing?" Seeing Bi Xiao's appearance, Yun Xiao hurriedly called her to stop.

"Sister, I'm going to kill these Chanjiao disciples to avenge my brother!"

Bi Xiao shot fierce flames in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said.

"What revenge are you avenging? Brother is not dead yet, why are you going to avenge? What we have to do is to use these people to exchange brother's soul back!"

After listening to Yun Xiao's words, Bi Xiao calmed down a little bit. Just now, he was impulsive and almost made a big mistake.

"Daoist Ran Deng, Jiang Ziya, listen up, you two. Tomorrow, return the soul of my elder brother Zhao Gongming, and we will release the disciples of Chanjiao. If not, none of these people will live!"

Bi Xiao's voice was transmitted directly to Xiqi City, where it continued to reverberate.

Hearing Bi Xiao's words, Jiang Ziya struggled a little.He would not be reconciled to letting Zhao Gongming's soul go back; but if he did not let him go, he would not be able to bear the consequences if Guang Chengzi and others died because of him.

"Teacher, shall we exchange with them tomorrow and use Zhao Gongming's soul to exchange my disciples?"

Jiang Ziya looked at Taoist Ran Deng sitting quietly with his eyes closed, and asked cautiously.

"Junior Brother Ziya, you don't have to worry, everything will be clear tomorrow!" Taoist Ran Deng opened his eyes and said lightly, then closed them again.

In the ancient star field.

"Hum..." Yuanshi Tianzun snorted angrily, and said, "Tongtian, you are really a good disciple. You actually wiped out most of our disciples' mana power. You almost became a mortal body!"

Although he knew that this was the catastrophe of all the disciples under his sect, Yuan Shi Tianzun was still a little upset seeing Guang Chengzi and others being taken into the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

"Yuanshi, don't be sarcastic here! Your disciples are domineering and unreasonable. They are all raised by you, and even their killings are because of you. If you weren't so good at protecting their weaknesses, they would have formed such a big knot. Cause and effect?"

"Then I'll show you the shortcoming again! You must mention it, fellow daoist, it's troublesome! Please hold my Pangu banner to resist for a while, and I'll deal with it, and I'll be back soon!"

Yuanshi Tianzun spoke, handed the Pangu banner in his hand to Taoist Zhunti, then took out the Nine Dragon Chariot, and walked towards Xiqi.

"Yuanshi! If you dare to touch my disciple, I will kill you in Yuxu Palace in the future!"

Seeing Yuanshi leaving in the Nine Dragon Chariot, Taoist Tongtian roared at Yuanshi Tianzun's back.

"Fellow Tongtian Daoist, you have great influence in the sect, and you are destined to suffer some setbacks, so how can you resist!" Zhunti Daoist sighed long, with a sense of powerlessness in his tone.

"Day 49, Tian Yan [-], everything has a chance of life. Why can't I have this chance of life when I stop teaching?"

Taoist Zhunti just shook his head and didn't answer the question from Master Tongtian.

In the city of Xiqi.

Taoist Ran Deng and Jiang Ziya sat there with their eyes closed, waiting for the arrival of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Suddenly, there was a high-pitched crane cry in the sky. Daoist Ran Deng and Jiang Ziya stepped out to see that it was the white crane boy from Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain.

"Uncle Ziya, hurry up and light the incense, the teacher in charge will be here soon!"

Although time is not very rich, Yuanshi Tianzun still has a lot to show.

After Jiang Ziya was ready, various visions appeared.There is fairy music playing in the air, sweet cigarettes are everywhere, countless brilliance shines, and smallpox are sprinkled one after another.

"Congratulations, Teacher, Holy Drive!"

Taoist Ran Deng and Jiang Ziya knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully.

Yuanshi Tianzun got up from the Kowloon chariot, entered the reed canopy and took a seat. For a while, there were countless immortal energy lingering around him, and the immortal sounds filled the air, dense and bursting, showing a luxurious look.

"Teacher, this disciple's incompetence has caused trouble for all senior brothers and caused them to fall into the Jiuqu Yellow River formation. Please punish me!" Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun sitting still, Jiang Ziya hurried forward to plead guilty.

"It's not your fault, it's because they were destined to have such a calamity, and after this calamity, they will be able to achieve a positive result!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said softly in his mouth, and lightly lifted his right hand, and helped Jiang Ziya up. (To be continued..)

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