Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 175 Yu Yuan Zhang Gui

After giving Jiang Ziya instructions, Yuanshi Tianzun sat cross-legged on the reed canopy with his eyes closed. At the same time, he pointed to the top of his head with his right hand, and an acre of Daqing clouds rose, emitting colorful light from above, all over the wreaths, golden lamps, and a little bit of golden light fell. , It seems that the water is dripping from the eaves.

The entire night sky was illuminated by Yuanshi Tianzun's Qingyun, and San Xiao, Wen Zhong and others in the business camp could see it clearly. Seeing this scene, their hearts sank slowly.

"Unexpectedly, Yuanshi Tianzun actually descended in person, we are afraid tomorrow..." Yun Xiao showed a faint wry smile on his face.

"As long as they return the soul of elder brother, we will hand over Guang Chengzi and others to them tomorrow! Could Yuanshi Tianzun really make a move, so that the big can bully the small?"

Qiong Xiao, who had been standing silently by the side, spoke at this moment, with a crisp voice.

"We cut off all the mana of his disciples. I'm afraid Yuanshi Tianzun won't let it go! Forget it, don't think about it any more, everything will be decided in the daytime tomorrow!"

At the end of Yunxiao's speech, he sighed and turned back to the tent.

They also hoped in their hearts that Taoist Tongtian would come, without the support of a saint, they would lack confidence after all!They didn't know that their teacher was in the ancient star field, and was dragged down by two saints.

The next day, Yuanshi Tianzun sat on the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot, and the Antarctic Immortal and the Lantern Taoist led the way out of Xiqi City and stood in front of the Jiuqu Yellow River formation.

The Baihe boy shouted loudly to the Jiuqu Yellow River formation: "Where is the three nights? The saint of Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun has come, why don't you three come out to greet him?"

The Baihe boy had just finished speaking.The Jiuqu Yellow River array parted, and three slender Taoist nuns walked out of it.The first person had a peaceful and dignified face, and the two following behind, one had a cold expression, while the other glared angrily.

"Yunxiao led the two younger sisters to meet Senior Master Yuanshi! The three of us brought the disciples of Chanjiao into the formation and troubled Senior Master Yuanshi to go down to the mortal world in person. It is really a crime!"

Yunxiao saluted Yuanshi Tianzun respectfully.Can't fault it at all.

"My disciples should have such a catastrophe. But, who gave you the courage to dare to touch my disciples? Even your head teacher dare not be so presumptuous!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's voice was cold.Contains anger.Looking at Sanxiao at the same time.With piercing eyes, he stared at them closely, exuding bursts of coercion from his body.

I heard the words of Yuanshi Tianzun.Bi Xiao's expression changed, and she was about to open her mouth to speak, but Qiong Xiao who was at the side quickly grabbed her, Bi Xiao glanced at Qiong Xiao, and helplessly swallowed what she wanted to say.

"The three Yunxiao sisters didn't want to offend the uncle's family. It's just that Jiang Ziya used evil methods to arrest the soul of our brother Zhao Gongming. In desperation, he set up the nine-curved Yellow River formation. Sanxiao only asks the teacher Bo Neng will return the soul of his elder brother, and then he will naturally release the disciples under the uncle's sect."

After hearing Yunxiao's words, Yuanshi Tianzun's face was cold, and he glanced at Sanxiao standing in front of him.

"Yunxiao, are you bargaining with me? You don't have the qualifications yet! You should return my disciple quickly!"

After hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words, Bi Xiao couldn't bear it anymore.

"Yuanshi, we respect you, so we call you uncle. You are not worthy of this title at all. You are only allowed to teach your disciples to deceive others, but you can't see your disciples being humiliated! It's really arrogant. !"

Hearing Bi Xiao's words, Yuanshi Tianzun smiled softly, with disdain and anger in his smile.

"My teaching is to explain the way of heaven, and what I explain is the way of heaven. If I want to kill you, it means that the number of days is such that you deserve to die; if you dare to offend my teaching, you are ignorant of current affairs and bold !"

What Yuanshi Tianzun said was taken for granted.This is the fundamental teaching of his teaching, we represent the way of heaven, and we are always right!

Hearing what Yuanshi Tianzun said, Yunxiao knew it would be useless to talk too much.

"Yuanshi, if you want to rescue the disciples under your sect, then you will enter the battle!"

After finishing speaking, Yun Xiao led Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao to turn around and leave, and the figures of the three of them were covered by the endless yellow sand in the Jiuqu Yellow River formation.

"Hmph, I don't know whether to live or die!"

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted angrily, asked the boy Baihe to accompany him, sat on the Jiulong chariot, and entered the Jiuqu Yellow River formation.

Wuyi Mountain, the land of endless red sand.

Yu Yuan slowly opened his eyes, his face showed joy, he did not expect that after blending the majestic purple energy into the five-color divine light, there would be such a pleasant surprise.

Yu Yuan clearly felt that the current five-color divine light was able to slightly suppress the power of the small world and the Dao pattern.This means that even a saint, Yu Yuan can also brush in with five-color divine light.

Although it can only be trapped for a few short breaths, coupled with the promotion of various laws to the level of regularity, Yu Yuan already has the ability to face the saint directly.

If, before this, the saint was a grown-up man, Yu Yuan was just a toddler. He could still block the saint's mana bombardment, but if he fought head-on, he might not be able to stop it with a single move.

After obtaining the primordial purple energy, Yu Yuan has made great progress, he is already equivalent to a teenager. Although he is not yet a saint's opponent, he can at least withstand a few moves.

Coupled with the "Hunyuan Golden Body Art" practiced by Yu Yuan, the strength of the physical body is comparable to the treasure of the Da Luo Jinxian, and the recovery power is also very strong. As long as the injury is not fatal, it can be recovered within a few breaths.

"It's time to go out!" Yu Yuan smiled all over his face, his strength increased greatly, which put him in a very good mood.

"Not good!" Yu Yuan suddenly realized that it is now the period of conferring gods, he has been here for a long time, and he does not know what will happen to the general situation of conferring gods outside.

At this time, Yu Yuan refined the primordial purple energy, and with a wave of his hand, he smashed the big red sand formation.Then Yu Yuan's figure appeared in Wuyi Mountain.

As soon as Yu Yuan appeared, Zhou Gongdan in the Western Zhou Palace felt Yu Yuan's aura, and immediately contacted Yu Yuan.

Immediately, all the news that Zhou Gongdan knew rushed to Yu Yuan's mind frantically.In just a split second, Yu Yuan knew everything that happened during this period of time.

"Ah~~" Yu Yuan's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and his heart was full of remorse at this moment.

Why?Why did I enter the Red Sand Formation in the first place?I shouldn't have gone in!If I don't enter the red sand formation and get trapped, Qin Wan and the others won't die!

"Yuanshi Tianzun! Do you really think I dare not kill your disciples? I will definitely let your disciples be on the list. I want to see if you can protect them?" Yu Yuan said fiercely there.

But immediately, Yu Yuan was shocked by a news from Zhou Gongdan and regained his composure.Yuanshi Tianzun is entering the formation outside Xiqi City, the Jiuqu Yellow River formation set up by the Sanxiao sisters.

Yu Yuan immediately targeted Zhou Gongdan.Then use space shuttle.Disappeared in place.

Yuanshi Tianzun entered the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and seeing all the disciples under his sect fell unconscious on the ground, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.Practice for thousands of years.Once gone.Became a mortal.

Hunyuan Jindou is the most capable of cutting people's mana.The disciples of Chanjiao in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation have been in the formation for such a long time, and their mana has been completely cut off.

"Yuanshi Tianzun. You are responsible for their appearance like this!"

Three figures emerged from the wind and sand in the air, they were the sisters Sanxiao, among them Qiongxiao opened her mouth and shouted to Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, since you have entered the battle, how can you be so leisurely, look!"

As Bi Xiao said, he threw the golden scissors in his hand, soared into the air, and turned into two yin and yang horned dragons. Their tails intersected into strands, and their heads joined together to form scissors. Cut two sections.

Seeing the falling golden scissors, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't care. With a wave of his right hand, the mighty golden scissors restrained the light and fell lightly into Yuanshi Tianzun's sleeve.

The Hunyuan Jindou offered by Yunxiao was also easily collected by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Seeing that all the magic weapons had been taken by Yuanshi Tianzun, Sanxiao looked at each other and smiled, the smile was full of determination.The three held three fairy swords and attacked Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun would not fight against Sanxiao, it would be fine if he was bombarded with magic power from the air, but facing each other head-on, how could Yuanshi Tianzun deal with the junior with his own hands.

Yuanshi Tianzun took out the three treasures, Yu Ruyi, which he carried with him, and handed it to Baihe Boy beside him.Boy Baihe respectfully took the three treasures, Yu Ruyi, and sacrificed them casually.

The three precious jades flew in the air, emitting infinite three-color light, covering Qiong Xiao in the three nights, making Qiong Xiao unable to move.

In fact, the Three Jewels, Ruyi, are not controlled by Bai He Tongzi, if he controls them, how can they have such great power.It is clear that Yuanshi Tianzun used the hand of Baihe boy to sacrifice the three treasures, Yu Ruyi, and wanted to kill Sanxiao.

Yuanshi Tianzun secretly hated Sanxiao for being rude to him, and in addition, his disciples had their mana cut off by Sanxiao, how could he allow Sanxiao to live.

Qiong Xiao was fixed by the light emitted by Sanbaoyu Ruyi, unable to move in mid-air, and could only silently wait for Sanbaoyu Ruyi to fall down.

Yunxiao and Bixiao were also trapped at the same time, watching Sanbaoyu Ruyi fall towards Qiongxiao, both of them showed sadness in their eyes.

Countless years of practice were destroyed once, and today the three sisters will die here.And their elder brother, Zhao Gongming, would die a few days later because they failed to regain his soul.

Seeing that Qiong Xiao was about to die under Yuanshi Tianzun's Sanbao Yuruyi, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Qiong Xiao, punched out and sent Sanbaoyu Ruyi flying.

Sanbaoyu Ruyi was blown away, and Yunxiao, Qiongxiao and Bixiao's bodies were restored to freedom, and they quickly looked at the figure that suddenly appeared.

"Junior Brother Yu Yuan?"

This figure was Yu Yuan who came from Mount Wuyi. Yu Yuan replied with a hum, but his eyes were fixed on him, sitting on the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot, Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Yu Yuan? You came in time! Just in time, I will send you to the list of gods!" Seeing Yu Yuan who suddenly appeared, Yuanshi Tianzun said with narrowed eyes. (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you "Poison You Thousands of Times" book friend for your reward!Also, if you plan to fatten up and read the book friends, you can actually slaughter them now.This book has been very thin for a hundred years, and it is planned to be around 100 million words. Even if there is an accident, it will not exceed too much.Kill!

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