Daoist Tongtian waved his hand and photographed Yu Yuan and Sanxiao sisters behind him, and Yuanshi Tianzun also took the opportunity to put all the disciples of Chanjiao into his sleeves.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, I really didn't expect that you guys are so shameless, you actually took action against my disciples, and even joined forces to stop me, don't you want to lose the face of a saint?"

Daoist Tongtian fixed his eyes on Yuanshi Tianzun, radiating a cold killing intent.

"Tongtian, this is the number of days, I just follow the way of heaven to do things! Under the way of heaven, your interception disciple should be killed by my disciple, and you should be on the list of gods. Don't be obsessed with it!"

Yuanshi Tianzun sternly reprimanded Taoist Tongtian coldly.

"Hehe, Yuanshi, you represent the way of heaven again! How about the number of days, is it up to you? Don't confuse right and wrong! The general trend of the way of heaven is that it is imperative to enshrine the gods, and my disciples must go down the mountain. But what is the number of days?" The time has come, and I have to let your disciples of Chanjiao be killed? You are so shameless! From now on, you should still be careful to protect those precious disciples of yours!"

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words, Yu Yuan, who was behind Taoist Tongtian, showed his figure and said disdainfully to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Seeing Yu Yuan appearing to mock him, Yuanshi Tianzun gave him a cold look, but did not take any action.

When Daoist Tongtian didn't come, he couldn't even get the rest of the yuan, let alone now.

"Tongtian, after you cut off the teaching day, you will definitely be destroyed because of your actions today!" After leaving these words, Yuanshi Tianzun turned around and was about to break through the void and leave this place.

Suddenly a sword qi swept over.Yuanshi Tianzun dodged the attack with a flash.

"Yuanshi, did I let you go? Today's account, we still settle it today!" After Taoist Tongtian finished speaking, the Zhuxian formation was spread out, and four immortal swords hung in all directions.

Yuanshi Tianzun tightened the Pangu banner in his hand, did not speak, but stared closely at Taoist Tongtian.Yuanshi Tianzun did not expect that Daoist Tongtian, who had been patient with him before, would be so pressing every step of the way today.

Taoist Tongtian has endured for a long time.Let Yuanshi Tianzun forget.Taoist Tongtian is stronger than him.He took it for granted that Taoist Tongtian should live under his will, and Taoist Tongtian's strength gave him a sense of disobedience.

Yuanshi Tianzun can accept that Lao Tzu is better than him.But it must not be tolerated that Daoist Tongtian is stronger than him.As for the growth of Jujiao.It made Yuanshi Tianzun feel more and more disobedient.

The difference between Tongtian Taoist and Yuanshi Tianzun.Although getting bigger and bigger, he still wants to restore the original relationship.So there is a little more patience between actions.

But Yu Yuan's persuasion, and Yuanshi Tianzun's actions.Tongtian had to give up his unrealistic fantasies, and Tongtian clearly realized that the current teaching and cutting teaching are sworn enemies, and there must be a battle between the two teachings.

The purpose of Yuanshi Tianzun is not just the 36 conquest army.Taoist Tongtian knew Yuanshi well, and with Yuanshi's aversion to Jujiao, it was impossible for him to miss the opportunity to destroy Jujiao.

Taoist Tong Tian basically has some clues about the general trend of conferring gods at this time. The great catastrophe of conferring gods is imperative, and he is also the main force to fill the list of conferred gods by cutting off his disciples. This cannot be changed.

The reason why the four sages went to Jinao Island together was because the disciples of Jujiao got the order of Taoist Tongtian, and no one went down the mountain.However, if the two dynasties in the world want to fight directly, the Great Tribulation of Gods cannot be carried out, which is against the arrangement of heaven.

That's why the Four Sages threatened Taoist Tongtian unscrupulously. If the disciples of the Jiejiao didn't go down the mountain, they would personally kill the disciples of the Jiejiao.

Taoist Tongtian believes that Yuanshi Tianzun may not have formed an alliance with Jieyin and Zhunti. The reason why Jieyin and Zhunti went to Jinao Island at the beginning was because of their own decision, which violated the arrangement of heaven.

Such a thing is not impossible.Because Tongtian really can't think of any benefits for the guide and quasi-mention if the Jiejiao is eliminated.

As for the way of heaven, Taoist Tongtian still feels it is mysterious, because he has never seen it clearly!

Therefore, Taoist Tongtian acquiesced and asked Taoist Duobao to lead his disciples down the mountain.

But what I didn't expect was that Jieyin and Zhunti actually made a move, and the four saints united again.Although I don't know what benefits you can get from Jieyin and Zhunti, the four saints should really form an alliance.

At this time, Daoist Tongtian can easily let Yuanshi Tianzun go.

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted angrily, waved the Pangu banner in his hand, broke the suppression of the Zhuxian formation, and opened up the space. He didn't want to fight with Taoist Tongtian, but wanted to go back to Yuxu Palace directly.

After returning to Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun is not afraid of Taoist Tongtian chasing after him, that is the lair of Yuanshi Tianzun, where Yuanshi has enough self-confidence to clean up Tongtian.

The Jade Immortal Formation under Tongtian Daoist's feet surged, blocking the crack in the space, and then split the space with a sword, leading directly to the ancient star field, and then the four swords of Jade Immortal combined with a blow, sent Yuanshi Tianzun into the ancient star field Taoist Tongtian chased after him.

"Sanxiao, you're done killing, go back for now! Yu Yuan, go and save Zhao Gongming's soul!"

Taoist Tongtian's voice came from the crack, and then the crack was closed.

"Junior Brother Yu Yuan, let's go and see my brother! I'm afraid he won't last for a few days!" Seeing that Taoist Tongtian and Tianzun Yuanshi had left, Bi Xiao, who was standing aside, urged Yu Yuan anxiously.

"Wait a while, I want to advance to the city and kill Jiang Ziya!"

But Yu Yuan turned around and looked at Xiqi City, his slightly narrowed eyes flashed with crazy killing intent.Yu Yuan couldn't care about other things at this time, and Yu Yuan felt that he was getting more and more out of control regarding the Conferred God Tribulation.

As soon as Yu Yuan said this, before Sanxiao was surprised, an irresistible coercion descended, heavy, vast, ancient, and lofty. In front of this coercion, Yu Yuan felt that he was as small as an ant.

"The way of heaven?"

This time the coercion of heaven appeared without Hongjun's face, as if it was just a warning, Yu Yuan tried to weaken it slowly, for Jiang Ziya's murderous intention, the coercion of heaven really began to weaken.

In the end, after Yu Yuan decided not to kill Jiang Ziya, the coercion of heaven disappeared completely.

"It seems that after I killed Ji Fa, Heaven's protection began to be stricter!" Yu Yuan smiled wryly.It seems that Yu Yuan and the like can completely kill Jiang Ziya's existence. As long as there is a murderous intent on Jiang Ziya, the coercion of heaven will come.

"Let's go! Let's go and have a look first. How is Senior Brother Zhao Gongming's injury?" Since Jiang Ziya was unable to be killed, Yu Yuan no longer struggled, and simply turned around and walked out of the formation.

Seeing Yu Yuan leading Sanxiao out of the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, Yuanshi Tianzun, who had entered the formation, disappeared, and Taoist Ran Deng and Jiang Ziya, who had been waiting outside the formation, were all trembling in their hearts, and hurriedly led the army back After leaving Xiqi City, I dare not stay.

Seeing Yu Yuan appearing, Yuan Hong, Yang Jian and Wen Zhong rushed to greet him.

"Master!" "Uncle!"

"You two, you performed well this time. Okay, let's go in first and see your uncle Zhao Gongming!" Yu Yuan praised Yuan Hong and Yang Jian, and seeing Sanxiao's anxious expression, he hurried in Zhao Gongming's camp.

As soon as he entered the camp, seeing Zhao Gongming's miserable appearance, Yu Yuan frowned.

"Looking at the current appearance of Senior Brother Zhao Gongming, I'm afraid he will die in two or three days. We must find out where his soul is now!"

"Master, the secrets are out of order now, we have no way to figure it out!" Wen Zhong said bitterly.

"Don't worry! Leave it to me!"

Although Yu Yuan has no way to calculate it now, but he has the backing of perverted consciousness.Yu Yuan remembered that in the original book, Jiang Ziya seemed to stand the straw man in Qishan Mountain.

Yu Yuan's tyrannical consciousness broke through his body, exuding a powerful pressure, and first swept towards Qishan. In just a moment, Yu Yuan knew the location of the barracks.

"I'll be back when I go!"

With a flash, Yu Yuan stepped through the void and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already in the military camp in Xiqi.

At this time, there were only some soldiers guarding the barracks, and Jiang Ziya was still shrunk in Xiqi City, not daring to show his face.

Yu Yuan stopped those soldiers, held the straw man in his hand, but frowned, there was no soul of Zhao Gongming in this grass man.

However, Yu Yuan also sensed a passage from this grass figure, leading to a distance. Zhao Gongming's soul seemed to be moved to a distance by this passage.

"I'd like to see where this passage leads to!" Yu Yuan's consciousness spread directly along this passage.

Suddenly, a very powerful spiritual consciousness appeared at the end of the passage, and I felt the familiar breath in the spiritual consciousness, and its strength was only slightly weaker than my own.

"Nuwa!" Yu Yuan gently called out the other party's name.

"Yu Yuan?" Nuwa was even more surprised than Yu Yuan at this time.She suddenly felt just now that there was a powerful spiritual consciousness in the void, spreading towards her Wa Palace, so she released her spiritual consciousness to block it.

Nuwa was still wondering which saint's consciousness it was, but after touching it, Nuwa felt a familiar aura from it, which was actually Yu Yuan who had resisted her own attack.

"Yu Yuan, you have actually reached the realm of a saint?" Nu Wa asked in amazement.One must know that when he was in the Sun Palace last time, Yu Yuan's strength was no more than that of a quasi-sage, and he was far away from a saint.

"Although my strength is not as good as Yuanshi Tianzun, I should still be stronger than you!" Yu Yuan answered vaguely. He didn't say whether he was in the realm of a saint, but only said that his strength was stronger than that of Nuwa. .

But from Nu Wa's point of view, Yu Yuan has already admitted it, and he is now in the realm of a saint.

"Yu Yuan, what do you mean now? Are you trying to take revenge on me? Hmph, it's not sure who will win if you enter my Wa Palace!" Nu Wa's words obviously lacked confidence.

"Revenge on you? I'm not that interested. What I'm looking for is Lu Ya, hand him over to Lu Ya!" (To be continued...)

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