At this time, Yu Yuan didn't know that Zhao Gongming's soul was on Lu Ya's body.

"Lu Ya? What are you looking for?"

Nvwa asked with some doubts.She just sent Lu Ya down the mountain to design Zhao Gongming, and not long after Lu Ya came back, Yu Yuan rushed to ask for someone, and Nuwa had to suspect that this matter had something to do with Zhao Gongming.

"Oh, Nuwa, don't you really know? I know that you ordered Lu Ya to go down the mountain, but I don't want to be your enemy now. If you hand over Lu Ya, I will turn around and leave. If not, I'm afraid I really want to break into your palace!"

Sure enough, Yu Yuan came here for Zhao Gongming.Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Nuwa's thoughts changed sharply.She ordered Lu Ya to go down the mountain. If Lu Ya is handed over like this, I'm afraid she will lose face completely.

However, Nu Wa didn't want to confront Yu Yuan because of Lu Ya.Now, Nu Wa is very afraid of Yu Yuan.However, in a short period of time, Yu Yuan's strength has almost improved by leaps and bounds. Who knows how strong Yu Yuan's strength will be in the future.

In the end, Nu Wa came up with a compromise solution and asked Lu Ya to leave Wa Palace by himself.

Asking the maid to call Lu Ya, Nu Wa looked at Lu Ya who was waiting respectfully below, after thinking for a while, her divine sense covered Wa Palace to prevent Yu Yuan's detection, and finally she spoke.

"Luya! This time, I can't protect you anymore!"

After hearing Nuwa's words, Lu Ya raised his head in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

"Yu Yuan is now in the realm of a saint, and he is coming to you now. Take Zhao Gongming's soul back." Nuwa's voice was emotionless, flowing slowly.

"What? Is Yu Yuan sanctified?" Hearing this news, Lu Ya was shaken violently.He has always regarded Yu Yuan as an enemy, and wants to take revenge from time to time, but he did not expect that Yu Yuan's current strength is actually so strong.

"Even I dare not say that I can defeat Yu Yuan, so you should seek refuge elsewhere!"

Hear Nuwa's words.There was a wry smile on Lu Ya's face.

"Refuge? Even you are no match for Yu Yuan. Where can I take refuge?"

"Beihai monster clan! It seems that Yu Yuan and Kunpeng still have some friendship. If you go to Kunpeng's place and ask Kunpeng to intercede for you, maybe Yu Yuan will spare your life."

After listening to Nuwa's words.Lu Ya was silent.At the beginning, he tried every means to escape from the North Sea monster clan.Even when Nuwa brought him out by force, he was still full of joy in his heart.

Because he thought that only Nu Wa could help him become the Demon Emperor again!

Unexpected.Today, in order to survive, he actually wanted to go back to Beihai again to ask for help, but after all, there was still some hope.Lu Ya's mouth was full of bitterness, and he bid farewell to Nuwa, and then turned into a long rainbow, and rushed towards Beihai quickly.

Yu Yuan's consciousness was blocked by Nuwa, and after hitting it a few times, he passed through the space directly, came out of Wahuangtian, and started bombarding Nuwa's Wahuangtian directly.

Yu Yuan didn't care about entering Nuwa's small world to fight.Because Yu Yuan's small world is in his body, he carries it with him.

The small worlds of other saints are all attached to the Great Desolate World. The moment they formed the world, they were tightly absorbed by the Great Desolate World, and they could not move at all.

As long as they enter the lair of other saints, their strength will be greatly suppressed.

Feeling the violent shaking of the small world, Nuwa's face changed constantly, and finally said directly via voice transmission: "Yu Yuan, Lu Ya is no longer here, he has already rushed to Beihai!"

Hearing Nuwa's words, Yu Yuan frowned slightly, his spiritual consciousness extended along the channel in the grass man's body, and he really headed towards the North Sea.

"Hmph, Nuwa, don't play such tricks in the future!"

After speaking, Yu Yuan turned around and disappeared in place again.After hearing Yu Yuan's words, Nuwa in Wa Palace's face changed constantly, and finally she groaned angrily, turned and went into the depths of the palace.

Lu Ya had just arrived in the sky above the North Sea, and he was relieved before he came to attack, when a figure suddenly walked out of the void and stood in front of him.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Lu Ya's pupils shrank violently.

"Yu Yuan!"

Yu Yuan took a step forward, and according to the lock of his spiritual consciousness, he appeared directly in front of Lu Ya.

"Lu Ya, hand over Zhao Gongming's soul!"

Yu Yuan didn't care about Lu Ya's frightened look at all, and stretched out his right hand, while staring at Lu Ya closely.

Looking at Yu Yuan's outstretched right hand, Lu Ya took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, feeling slightly relieved.

"Yu Yuan, if I hand over Zhao Gongming's soul to you, can you spare my life?"

While speaking, Lu Ya took out a wooden doll from his arms, stared at Yu Yuan's eyes, and asked nervously.

"Are you qualified to negotiate with me? If you're smart, you'd better hand over that puppet to me right now." Yu Yuan's eyes sparkled, and he exuded a dangerous aura.

"Hehe, if you are not willing to spare my life, then why should I be afraid of you! I will die with Zhao Gongming!" Lu Ya showed a ruthless face, erupting mana from his right hand, and was about to destroy the puppet.

Yu Yuan appeared in front of Lu Ya in a flash, and the breath of the small world in his body radiated out, directly suppressing all of Lu Ya's movements and energy.

Yu Yuan gently reached out and took the puppet from his hand.

"I gave you a chance! I originally planned to keep your soul and give you a chance to reincarnate, but now it seems that I can only let your soul fly away!"

As he spoke, Yu Yuan stretched out his right hand, which was as white as jade, and gently patted Lu Ya's head without any fluctuation of strength.

But in Lu Ya's eyes, Yu Yuan's palm seemed to engulf the heaven and the earth, as if the whole world was falling towards him, and the terrifying aura of the world suppressed him so much that he couldn't move.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, show mercy!"

There was a sudden wave on the surface of the North Sea, and Kunpeng flew out of it quickly. Seeing Yu Yuan's palm, he was about to slap Lu Ya to death on the spot, and hurriedly shouted.

But Yu Yuan ignored the words of the ancestor Kunpeng, and his right hand still moved down leisurely.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, have you found the dao pattern inside the chaotic clock?"

Hearing the words of Taoist Kunpeng, Yu Yuan stopped attacking, turned his head to look at Patriarch Kunpeng, and stood there, waiting for his answer.

Seeing that Yu Yuan finally stopped attacking, Patriarch Kunpeng breathed a sigh of relief.After the pressure on Yu Yuan disappeared, Lu Ya also collapsed on the spot.

"Ancestor Kunpeng, do you have any news you want to tell me?"

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, please come and sit in my palace!" Ancestor Kunpeng turned sideways, making an invitation.

Yu Yuan naturally didn't have any scruples, and walked towards the Beihai Palace casually.

"Hurry up and go back with me!" After Yu Yuan walked over, Kunpeng Patriarch shouted to Lu Ya who collapsed on the ground.

Lu Ya didn't dare to say a word at this time, and followed the ancestor Kunpeng obediently, walking towards the Beihai Demon Master's Palace.

After entering the demon master's palace, Kunpeng quickly ordered a few beautiful female demons to bring up various delicacies, jade liquid and fine wine.Yu Yuan sat there indifferently, and only asked after the food and wine were served.

"Ancestor Kunpeng, you should tell me about Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun now!" Since Donghuang Taiyi has mastered the Dao pattern, Yu Yuan believes that Di Jun is definitely not a simple character.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, actually... I don't know about the two His Majesties either!" Patriarch Kunpeng said with embarrassment on his face.

Hearing Patriarch Kunpeng's words, Yu Yuan put down the wine bottle from his mouth, and looked coldly at Patriarch Kunpeng in front of him. The aura from his body faintly emitted, which brought great pressure to Patriarch Kunpeng.

Sensing Yu Yuan's anger, Patriarch Kunpeng hastily explained: "Although I don't know about the matter of the two majesties, the two majesties have explained. If you ask in the future, let me tell you, say you You will understand in the future!"

Hearing what Kunpeng Patriarch said, Yu Yuan frowned all of a sudden.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, according to His Majesty's orders, our Monster Race will form an alliance with your sect!"

Hearing this sentence, Yu Yuan's expression softened a little.Seeing Yu Yuan's performance, Patriarch Kunpeng also heaved a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Yu Yuan's mind moved, and a huge spiritual consciousness surrounded the entire palace, and Lu Ya who was at the side was also repelled, and then there was a secret discussion between Yu Yuan and the ancestor Kunpeng.

After Yuanshi Tianzun fought with Taoist Tongtian for a while, he looked for an opportunity and ran away.

Taoist Tongtian didn't continue to chase, but went directly to the direction where Taoist Jieyin was.When Taoist Tongtian appeared outside Xiqi City, the Taoist guide already knew about it.

With a long sigh, he led the Taoist to disperse the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, and Taoist Duobao appeared in place.

Sensing the changes in the surrounding environment, Daoist Duobao showed joy on their faces, and then they all looked at the Taoist who was standing next to him suspiciously, wondering why he would let them out.

The guiding Taoist just sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, without any intention of answering them, as if he was waiting for someone to arrive.

After a while, a figure broke through the space and appeared on the spot. Seeing this figure, Daoist Duobao and the others showed relaxed expressions on their faces.

Because, their teacher in charge, Daoist Tongtian is here!

"Jieyin, you didn't leave? You're so brave. You're alone, yet you dare to wait for me here!" Seeing Taoist Jieying sitting cross-legged, Taoist Tongtian's voice was serious.

"So what if you run away? So what if you don't run away? If you don't say this, I'm afraid Fellow Daoist Tongtian won't let it go?" The Taoist guide raised his head, looked at Taoist Tongtian and said slowly.

"If you run away, even if I get injured, I will kiss you in the Western Paradise, leaving more than ten thousand sword caves on your spiritual mountain!"

When Taoist Tongtian said this, a soaring murderous aura emanated from his body, combined with the sword aura on his body, it was so powerful that no one would doubt his words. (to be continued..)

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Poison You Thousands of Times", for the two rewards in the early morning of last night and at noon today, and thanks to the students of "Zhengshang" for their monthly votes.

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