"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, please! It seems that you and I have to do something today!" The leading Taoist didn't respond to the murderous words of Taoist Tongtian, but went ahead and went to the ancient star field.

"Duobao, you guys go to Xiqi to find Yu Yuan first, and I want to confirm what I have learned with this guide Taoist!"

After receiving Taoist Tongtian's order, Duobao led the crowd to rush all the way towards Xiqi.

In the endless darkness, a little bit of starlight flickered. In the empty and lonely ancient star field, the guiding Taoist sat cross-legged on a twelve-grade golden lotus, with a faint golden light emitting from his body, illuminating the surroundings.

Opposite him, Taoist Tongtian stepped on the Jade Immortal Formation, surrounded by four immortal swords.Endless sword energy shoots out from the four immortal swords, falls into Zhu Xian's formation, and after transformation, sharper sword energy flies out.

"Taoist Jieyin, are you really waiting for me to come back to fight with me?" Taoist Tongtian had a half-smile on his face, and the anger just now disappeared completely.

Taoist Jieyin just trapped Duobao and the others, and did not hurt them. The relationship between Taoist Tongtian and him is not an inextricable relationship of sworn enemies.

Hearing Taoist Tongtian's words, the Taoist guide fell silent.

"Tongtian, I think you can see it too! This time, you are under the influence of heaven, and you will definitely be destroyed!" The leading Taoist spoke slowly, but Tongtian Taoist let out a cold snort in response.

"The three dragon and phoenix clans, the two lich clans, and the human emperor, do they still survive? Tongtian, don't you understand? There is absolutely no reason for you to stop teaching!"

"Hmph, under the law of heaven. Naturally, there is a glimmer of life! If anyone wants to destroy my sect, he must weigh his own weight first!" The expression on Taoist Tongtian's face was cold and serious, revealing a trace of evil spirit.

"This line of life is blocked by Yuanshi Tianzun and me! Yuanshi Tianzun hopes that you will stop teaching and decline, and my Buddhism can flourish because of this."

The leading Taoist was still talking in a calm manner, and he didn't care about Tongtian Taoist's attitude at all.In the past, the leading Taoist would definitely not have said such words.But Yu Yuan made him think a little bit.

"You mean to let me stand on the sidelines and watch my interception religion be destroyed? Lead Taoist, since you and Yuan Shi have blocked that thread of life, I will use my sword to cut this thread of life apart!"

Daoist Tongtian moved his mind.Four fairy swords flew up.Attack towards the Taoist.Because there is only one person who guides the Taoist, the four swords come up and the four swords become one.

A ray of white light streaked across the dark starry sky, as if streaking across the Milky Way.Tearing the starry sky in half, the sword energy was condensed like frost, stretching across thousands of miles, with the momentum of four Dao patterns, attacking the leading Taoist.

Seeing Taoist Tongtian's attack, Taoist Jiezhi heaved a long sigh, the two Dao patterns around his body were forced into the twelfth-grade golden lotus under his seat by him.

With the help of the two dao patterns, the twelfth-grade golden lotus shines brightly. A huge lotus flower composed of golden light appears in the void, covering the leading Taoist inside.

Then layers of petals slowly closed, ready to resist the dazzling sword light.

In front of this pure and powerful sword light, the golden lotus petals were broken into pieces, and the golden light gradually dimmed, revealing the guiding Taoist.

At this time, Taoist Jieyin's face still did not change a bit, and he looked at Taoist Tongtian quietly through the void, as if the gorgeous sword light in the middle did not exist at all.

"Taoist Tongtian, there is no life left now, why don't you think of another way. Pay more attention to Yu Yuan! After all, he once killed Ji Fa! Hehe!"

After speaking, the twelfth-grade golden lotus, which was already dim, once again radiated light, broke the suppression of the sword light, shattered the void, and disappeared in place.

Taoist Tongtian stayed where he was, and did not go to chase and kill Taoist.

Thinking of what Taoist Jieyin said before leaving, Taoist Tongtian stood where he was, his eyes flickering.The reason why I changed my attitude and joined the battle ahead of schedule was entirely because of Yu Yuan's persuasion and the rapid growth of Yu Yuan's strength.

All these phenomena made Taoist Tongtian feel the difference in Yu Yuan, but could Yu Yuan really go against the arrangement of the Dao of Heaven?

After discussing with the ancestor Kunpeng, Yu Yuan left Beihai and appeared directly in the Western Zhou military camp outside Xiqi City.Seeing Yu Yuan coming back, San Xiao anxiously greeted him.

"Junior Brother Yu Yuan, how is it? Did you snatch my brother's soul back?"

"Well, there's no problem, I've already taken back Senior Brother Zhao Gongming's soul, let the soul return to the body now!" As he spoke, Yu Yuan walked up to Zhao Gongming's bed, took out the puppet from his bosom, and with a movement of consciousness, Take Zhao Gongming's soul out of the puppet and fall into Zhao Gongming's forehead.

After a while, Zhao Gongming slowly woke up from his deep sleep, and Sanxiao who was standing by the side hurriedly walked up to him, and told Zhao Gongming the ins and outs in detail.

After dealing with everything, the disciples of Jiejiao were in the business camp, waiting for Taoist Tongtian to return.

Not long after, Taoist Tongtian broke through the void and came to the business camp.

"Disciples welcome the teacher!" All the disciples of Jiejiao saluted Taoist Tongtian one after another.

"Well, get up! Duobao, are you guys injured this time?" Taoist Tongtian waved his hands to get all the disciples to stand up, and then asked with concern.

"Thank you, teacher, for your concern. The Taoist guide just trapped us in the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, so we didn't get hurt at all."

Hearing Taoist Duobao's words, Taoist Tongtian nodded slightly.Then he looked around at the several disciples with a heavy tone.

"At first I thought that the Four Sages hadn't joined forces yet, but this time, they plotted against them. Duobao, after returning home, I started practicing the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation! I am not a lamb waiting to be slaughtered."

After hearing the words of Tongtian Caveman, Daoist Duobao and Yu Yuan were shocked.Daoist Duobao never expected that the situation would be so critical.But Yu Yuan knew that after the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, the Jiejiao basically existed in name only.

Afterwards, Taoist Tongtian took his disciples back to Jinao Island, and Yu Yuan stayed because he had to explain some things.

Yu Yuan called Yang Jian, Yuan Hong and Wen Zhong to him, and wanted to give them instructions one by one.

"Wen Zhong, since you have entered the calamity, you can't leave before the calamity is over. Yang Jian and Yuan Hong, you two stay in this business camp. If the Western Zhou Dynasty attacks, you will retreat even if you are defeated. There is no need to fight for this moment. Win or lose. What you have to pay attention to is..."

Yu Yuan told Yang Jian and the three of them in detail about the steps that he knew about Wen Zhongying Jie being calculated, and with evil intentions, he also assigned follow-up tasks to Yang Jian and Yuan Hong.

After finishing his orders, Yu Yuan returned to Jin'ao Island. During this period of time, there were a lot of things going on, and it had been a long time, and he hadn't been alone with the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit. Taking advantage of the calm before the storm, he could be lazy and enjoy it for a while!

A few days later, several of the Twelve Golden Immortals who were rescued by Yuanshi Tianzun back to Yuxu Palace returned to Xiqi.These people were Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi, Ci Hang Taoist, Lei Zhenzi's master Yun Zhongzi, and Ran Deng Taoist.

On the second day, Jiang Ziya directly led the crowd, and Wen Zhong also led the army to fight. At this time, both sides wanted to end the expedition quickly, so on Xiqi's side, Nezha went directly to the battle.

After several battles, Zhang Jie, one of the Four Heavenly Lords, died. After returning to the camp, although Wen Zhong's face was a little gloomy, there was not much surprise.

Seeing a black wind blowing outside the barracks, Wen Zhong counted and knew that Jiang Ziya was coming to rob the camp tonight.

"Here we come!" Wen Zhong secretly said in his heart, because Yu Yuan had already told him about this, and Wen Zhong also knew that this was his death.

After Wen Zhong recruited the generals, he informed the people in the tent that Jiang Ziya was going to attack tonight, but he did not arrange a battle plan.

All the generals looked at Wen Zhong with puzzled faces, not knowing what the grand master's plans were.

"Today is my catastrophe. You lead the army to leave first! You can go back to Dashang, or you can wait until the next conquest army arrives!"

"Marshal!" "Teacher!"

After hearing Wen Zhong's words, everyone in the camp was a little surprised.

"Marshal, our four brothers have never planned to leave Marshal alive since we started following Marshal! The three of us are willing to win a moment for Marshal! If we are on the list of gods, we four brothers will win! Hahaha!"

In the laughter of the three of Tao Rong, there was a kind of pride, and at the same time, there was a kind of indifference that saw through life and death.Some people don't need to be encouraged, just relying on their personal charm, they can make others willing to die for them.

"Grand Master, the two of us have been following Grand Master, and now it's time for us to contribute. Anyway, after we die, we will definitely be on the list of gods? If we don't have our name, just change it!"

Yu Li and Ji Qing also wanted to ask Wen Zhong for his life. Although they said it lightly, who knows if they will be on the list of gods.

Looking at the few people in front of him, Wen Zhong's eyes were slightly moist, but Wen Zhong was absolutely unwilling to let them die for himself.

"Saving your own lives is the best contribution you can make. With Yang Jian and Yuan Hong around, I want to see who can do anything to win me?"

Under Wen Zhong's coercion, Tao Rong and Yu Li all led the army to leave, but they only made a circle and came back.

When Jiang Ziya led the troops into the business camp, Tao Rong and his men rushed back with the troops and fought with the Western Zhou soldiers and horses.

Ci Hang Taoist led Nezha and the others, and rushed directly to Wen Zhong's direction.Just as Wen Zhong left the barracks, he sighed deeply when he saw Tao Rong and his men fighting with the soldiers and horses of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Wen Zhong urged the black unicorn, turned around and fled towards Jiamengguan.

Seeing that Grand Master Wen had already run away, Ci Hangdao and Nezha stopped chasing him, but came back and killed Tao Rong and Yu Li.

Although the mana of the Ci Hang Taoist was greatly reduced, there was no reason for Tao Rong and the others to be spared under the hands of the Ci Hang Taoist. (To be continued..)

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