Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 182 Emotional Entanglements 32 Things

After hearing Nvjiao's narration, Di Xin was stunned at first, and then couldn't help laughing.Seeing Di Xin's reaction, Nvjiao also had some puzzlement on her face.

Nvjiao originally thought that Di Xin would not be happy even if he didn't lose his temper, but she didn't know why Di Xin reacted like this.

In fact, men don't mind too much about these false phoenixes and fake phoenixes, on the contrary, they are more happy to see their success.

"It's okay, let her calm down for a while! If it doesn't work, I will take her as a concubine. Then she can be with you anytime, and I don't care what she wants!"

Di Xin waved his hand and said domineeringly.After hearing Di Xin's words, Daji gave Di Xin a charming look, then turned around and walked aside to talk to Jiang Wan'er.

However, in Nujiao's heart, she also had some thoughts. It seems that the method His Majesty said is also feasible.

After a while, the troops ahead were defeated, and the news of the grand master's disappearance spread to Chaoge.

Di Xin, who had communicated with Yu Yuan a long time ago, naturally knew the truth of the matter, so there was no disturbance, and he went all the way to conquer the army and was sent to conquer Xiqi.

This time, the army did not send people from the court, but Deng Jiugong, the general soldier of Sanshanguan, was transferred to go out.

This Deng Jiugong, in his early years, followed the former Emperor Yi to fight in all directions. He was skilled in military tactics, and he could be regarded as a good general, and his martial arts skills were also very good.

This Deng Jiugong has a daughter named Deng Chanyu.She has a beautiful face and a moony appearance, like a fairy facing the dust, very beautiful!

According to Yu Yuan's original work, Deng Chanyu was forced to marry Tu Xingsun.I am quite sorry!After all, a beautiful woman who is as beautiful as a flower and jade is married to a three-inch man, no matter what, it is a rather unpleasant thing.

In particular, this three-inch man is a disciple of Chanjiao, so Yu Yuan is even more unhappy.

However, Yu Yuan was already a married man, so he definitely couldn't personally rescue Deng Chanyu from the fire and water, so.He took on this daunting task.He handed it over to his disciple Yang Jian.

At this time, Yang Jian was standing outside Sanshan Pass with a depressed expression, hesitating whether he should go in or not.

On that day, Yang Jian and Yuan Hong fought together.After Wen Zhong was rescued.He broke up with both of them.Came to Sanshan Pass alone.

Thinking about the task Yu Yuan entrusted to him, Yang Jian felt a burst of depression and helplessness.Yu Yuan told him to let him and Deng Jiugong's daughter Deng Chanyu.married.No matter how bad it is, it will destroy the combination of Deng Chanyu and Tu Xingsun.

The moment he heard this order, Yang Jian only felt dizziness in his head.

However, no matter how reluctant Yang Jian was, he did not object to Yu Yuan's orders. Yang Jian was brought up by Yu Yuan, and Yu Yuan was like his father. Now it is his father who appointed him a marriage .

Yang Jian was outside Sanshan Pass, walking back and forth constantly, feeling constantly entangled in his heart.But he aroused the suspicion of the guards and reported the news.

Just when Yang Jian was struggling, a clear and pleasant voice came from a distance.

"Who are you? Why can't you linger under my Sanshan Pass? Are you a spy from the Western Zhou Dynasty?"

Following the sound, Yang Jian saw a female general.This female general is dressed in a white robe, a red armor and a silver helmet on top, a jade belt around her waist, and combat boots on her feet. She is sitting on a bay red horse with a big knife in her hand. .

"I'm not a spy from the Western Zhou Dynasty, I'm Yang Jian, a disciple of Master Yu Yuan." Yang Jian said proudly with his hands behind his back.

There are very few women in the big businessmen who join the army. If you think about it, this woman in front of you should be the Deng Chanyu that the master said!Well, when you meet for the first time, you always have to put on a pose.

Hearing Yang Jian's words, and seeing Yang Jian's proud appearance, Deng Chanyu curled her lips in disdain.

"Yang Jian? I don't know! No matter who you are, follow me back to the city first. After I finish the investigation, if you are innocent, I will definitely set you free!" Deng Chanyu waved her hand, and the soldiers behind her rushed forward. Go up, wanting to tie up Yang Jian.

Hearing Deng Chanyu's words, Yang Jian frowned.The first time they met, if they were tied up like this, and if they got married in the future, what would his face be?

At some point, Yang Jian has changed from reluctance to planning for the future!

Yang Jian waved his arms, and shook away the soldiers approaching, and shouted to Deng Chanyu in front of him, "You don't know the level of other people's cultivation, so you dare to arrest them. Today is me, if it's someone else, I'm afraid you ..."

"What a big tone! Let me test how high your cultivation is?" Deng Chanyu urged the horse forward as she spoke, and took advantage of the momentum in her hand to slash down in the air.

Seeing this mighty knife, Yang Jian didn't care. He stretched out his right hand, and the three-pointed double-edged knife appeared in his hand.

Seeing that Yang Jian was so powerful, Deng Chanyu's expression also changed. With a wave of her right hand, a ball of multicolored light flew out at an extremely fast speed and hit Yang Jian on the forehead.

A burst of sparks burst out, Yang Jian was unharmed, but there were a few fragments of multicolored stones on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Deng Chanyu opened her mouth wide in surprise, the five-colored stone, which has always been invincible, has no effect on Yang Jian, so Deng Chanyu panicked.

Clamping the horse's belly with her legs and turning the horse's head, Deng Chanyu was about to run back to Sanshan Pass.

Seeing Deng Chanyu's panic-stricken look, Yang Jian smiled slightly, and grabbed it with his right hand, and Deng Chanyu flew into the air and landed in Yang Jian's hands.

Deng Chanyu felt that she was caught in the hands of the young man just now, and she kept twisting and cursing: "Yang Jian, you shameless disciple, let me go!"

Seeing Deng Chanyu like this, and thinking about her indiscriminate attempts to catch him just now, Yang Jian felt a little angry in his heart, and slapped Deng Chanyu's buttocks.

Deng Chanyu's body, which was still writhing, froze immediately after being hit by Yang Jian.Even though she was separated by a skirt, Deng Chanyu could still feel her butt becoming hot.

Unconsciously, Yang Jian already regarded Deng Chanyu as his future wife. At this time, he wanted to take the opportunity to assert his majesty, but the place he hit just now seemed wrong.

Although he knew it was wrong, Yang Jian's face turned slightly red, and he didn't mean to apologize.

It took quite a while before Deng Chanyu came to her senses, a high-pitched scream sounded out, and at the same time she kept struggling.

"Yang Jian, you shameless person, I will kill you!"

Seeing Deng Chanyu like this, Yang Jian couldn't hold on to her anymore. After all, Yang Jian just wanted to establish his majesty as a husband, and didn't intend to make Deng Chanyu hate him.

However, Yang Jian seems to have assumed the role too quickly. In Deng Chanyu's eyes, he is actually just a stranger.A formidable stranger, and possibly a spy.

As soon as Deng Chanyu was put down, she immediately covered her hips with her hands and backed away repeatedly.Seeing Deng Chanyu's appearance, Yang Jian couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and unconsciously reached out and touched his nose.

Then, Yang Jian knew something was wrong, because the hand he used to touch his nose seemed to be the same hand that hit Deng Chan's buttocks just now.

Sure enough, this action caught Deng Chanyu's eyes, as if Yang Jian put his hand on his nose and smelled it.A look of disgust flashed in her eyes, and Deng Chanyu took several steps back one after another.

Yang Jian couldn't help laughing bitterly, the first impression he left on Deng Chanyu seemed to be very bad!

"I am the junior brother of your Grand Master Wen. This time I came to help your father and attack Xiqi. This is the token that Senior Brother Wen gave me!"

Yang Jian suddenly remembered that Wen Zhong had given him a token before parting, saying that it could prove his identity.

"Student! Shameless! Yang Jian, do you think I'm a fool? You want to lie to me with a token? Now I have more reason to believe that you are Xiqi's spy!"

Deng Chanyu looked at Yang Jian, her face was flushed, and she was gnashing her teeth.

Yang Jian patted his forehead when he heard the words, he forgot, although he knew that Wen Zhong was not dead, he went back to Jinao Island.But those people in Dashang don't know!From their point of view, most likely Wen Zhong died at the hands of Xi Qi.

Just when Yang Jian didn't know how to explain, the city gate of Sanshanguan opened again, and a general came out from it, wearing a black helmet, black armor and black robe, but fortunately his face was still white.

"I am Deng Jiugong, the general soldier of Sanshanguan. I dare to ask the commander, but Yang Jian, the master of Jujiao Yu Yuan, is the immortal commander?" The general urged his horse forward and saluted Yang Jian.

"I'm Yang Jian! I don't know how the general knew I was coming?" Yang Jian's face was full of doubts, and the figure of his master flashed in his mind. Could it be...

"The Commander has already informed His Majesty that you are going to join our army and help me conquer Xiqi! I just received His Majesty's order, so I know about it!"

Sure enough, upon hearing Deng Jiugong's words, Yang Jian knew that all of this was caused by Yu Yuan.

"My lord father, what kind of disciple is he really? He came to help us?" Hearing what Deng Jiugong said, Deng Chanyu pointed to Yang Jian and asked in disbelief.

Deng Jiugong also noticed at this time that the atmosphere here seemed to be a little unusual. After careful observation, he found that something seemed to have happened between Yang Jian and his daughter.

"That's right, Yu'er, you must not be rude to the elder!"

"He...he..." Hearing her father's words, Deng Chanyu was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Seeing this, Yang Jian also felt embarrassed, and quickly defended Deng Chanyu.

"It was just a small misunderstanding just now! It's okay!" After hearing Yang Jian's words, Deng Chanyu became even more angry with Yang Jian.What is a little misunderstanding?What do you mean it's all right?

After inviting Yang Jian to enter the customs, a few days later, Zhang Shan came to take over the defense, and after Deng Jiu took the bus, he was ready to lead his troops to the expedition.

On the second day, before Deng Jiugong led his army to set off, an attendant came in and reported that there was a strange Taoist outside asking to see him. (To be continued..)

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