Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 183 Emotional Entanglements 32 Things

Hearing the attendant's report, Deng Jiugong turned his gaze to Yang Jian, who was also frowning at this time, with a puzzled look on his face.

This time, all the disciples of the Jujiao who hadn't left the mountain had been ordered to return to Jin'ao Island, and they were not allowed to go down the mountain at will.Only Yang Jian was ordered by his unscrupulous master to come to find his wife.

Seeing Deng Jiugong's questioning eyes, Yang Jian shook his head lightly, indicating that he was not clear about this matter.

"Immortal Yang Jian, the Taoist outside, could it be some Jiejiao Taoist who came to help?" Deng Jiugong asked with some uncertainty. After all, there are so many monks in Jiejiao, and they don't necessarily act in unison.

"Impossible. Except for the disciples who are officials in the court, all the disciples of Jiejiao have been called back by the teacher in charge. I was also ordered to go down the mountain by my master because of some things."

Deng Chanyu, who was sitting on the other side, saw Yang Jian's appearance, thought about it, and stood up with a smile.

"Father, I think we should go out and take a look! Maybe the one outside is the Immortal Yang Jian, and someone is a fake!"

While talking, Deng Chanyu's beautiful phoenix eyes glanced at Yang Jian who was sitting beside her.

"Yu'er, don't talk nonsense!" Hearing what Deng Chanyu said, Deng Jiugong quickly reprimanded her, but he also wanted to go out and have a look.

"Princess Yang Jian, why don't we go out and have a look together! Maybe there are other Jiejiao disciples who were sent down the mountain because of other things?"

After scolding Deng Chanyu, Deng Jiugong turned his head and asked Yang Jian who was on the side.Yang Jian naturally had nothing to do, got up and followed Deng Jiugong out of the city.

The city gate was opened.From a distance, I saw a child-like figure, carrying an iron rod, standing there carelessly, still looking around.

When he got close, he realized that this figure was not a child, but a dwarf, carrying an iron rod twice as tall as him.

Deng Jiugong's expression at this time was also a little uncomfortable.Although people cannot be judged by their appearance.But first impressions still have a huge impact on people.

Looking at the person in front of him, Deng Jiugong couldn't believe it. He could help him conquer Xiqi, but it was out of courtesy.Deng Jiugong still asked as usual.

"I don't know where this priest came from?"

Tu Xingsun didn't pay attention at all at this time.What Deng Jiugong said.All his attention was focused on Deng Chanyu who was standing beside him.

Fellow Daoist Shen Gongbao sincerely do not deceive me!Although I haven't seen the splendor and wealth, but this beauty can really feel it.It is so beautiful!

This native descendant is a person who is afraid of keeping his grandson.Originally, he was practicing hard on Jialong Mountain, and he was waiting for his master to let him go down the mountain.After being met by Shen Gongbao, after a burst of prosperity and wealth, and after being described as a powerful and beautiful woman, Tu Xingsun stole his master's fairy rope without hesitation and went down the mountain.

Under Shen Gongbao's strong recommendation, Tu Xingsun didn't hesitate and rushed directly to Sanshan Pass.

Sensing Tu Xingsun's naked, undisguised gaze, Deng Chanyu felt very uncomfortable, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

Look left and right, Yang Jian is a disciple, but his figure is still broad, let him block him!Deng Chanyu moved and turned behind Yang Jian.

Seeing Tu Xingsun staring at his daughter, a trace of anger flashed across Deng Jiugong's face, and he asked again what he had just said.

"Ah...well, I'm Tu Xingsun, a disciple of Jialong Mountain's Fearful Sun sect." Tu Xingsun somehow reacted this time, but he kept stepping on his feet and looking around, wanting to see what was hiding behind his eyes. Deng Chanyu.

However, Tu Xingsun overestimated himself a little too much. No matter how much he stood on tiptoe, he could only see the jade belt around Yang Jian's waist!

Seeing Tu Xingsun's appearance, Yang Jian snorted angrily and took a step forward. The distorted laws around him exuded a powerful pressure and pressed towards Tu Xingsun.

Feeling the heavy pressure on his body, Tu Xingsun woke up suddenly, and looked at Yang Jian with eyes full of guard.

"It turns out that he is a high-ranking disciple who is afraid of leaving his grandchildren. If you don't go to Xiqi, what are you doing in Dashang?"

"I came here, of course my uncle Shen Gongbao asked me to come! He also said that there will be powerful beauties here, are you a beauty?"

While talking, Tu Xingsun saw Deng Chanyu showing her head from behind Yang Jian, and teased her.


Hearing Tu Xingsun's words, Yang Jian was immediately angry, raised his leg, and kicked Tu Xingsun's chest, and the power of law gushed out.

Tu Xingsun was like a rolling gourd, rolling continuously until he rolled far away, then stopped, opened his mouth to spurt out a big mouthful of blood, and his breath suddenly weakened.

Although Yang Jian was not very willing before coming here, but at this moment, he has already regarded Deng Chanyu as his future wife, so why would he allow Tu Xingsun to make fun of her like that.

Seeing Yang Jian defending herself like this, and being furious because of herself, Deng Chanyu's heart also had some ripples.

Yang Jian, an apprentice, seems to have a good nature!No, this must be the result of a man's dominance.Although she thought so in her heart, Deng Chanyu's face turned red, and her eyes towards Yang Jian became gentler.

Yang Jian took a step forward, raised his right foot, and was about to stomp hard, killing Tu Xingsun on the spot. How could Tu Xingsun dare to hesitate at this time, so he quickly escaped with the help of the earth walking technique, and fled in the direction of Xiqi .

"This mouse runs really fast!" Yang Jian didn't chase after it, anyway, he would meet him sooner or later on the battlefield of Xiqi.

Seeing Yang Jian's power and power, Deng Jiugong was overjoyed. With the help of such a master, there is no need to worry about the failure of this expedition against Xiqi.

After returning to the city, Deng Jiugong gave an order, and the entire army marched towards Xiqi in a mighty manner.

On the march, Deng Chanyu's attitude towards Yang Jian changed a lot, and she talked to him from time to time.After all, except for the misunderstanding at the beginning, Yang Jian's strong strength and handsome appearance are not annoying.

However, like Yu Yuan, Yang Jian is also a guy with a very low EQ. Although he has already begun to accept and even like Deng Chanyu, sometimes, his words not only fail to achieve the effect of sweet words, but also ruin the original good feeling. .

In another chat, accidentally, they talked about Yang Jian's purpose for going down the mountain this time.

In fact, if Yang Jian had a higher EQ, it would be a very romantic thing.For example, it is destined to meet thousands of miles away, and in the dark, I feel a kind of spiritual call and so on.

However, Yang Jian told the truth in an unsightly manner.

"I went down the mountain this time because my master asked me to do something!" Yang Jian said with some hesitation. He also knew that there would be very bad consequences if he said this, but he felt that in front of Deng Chanyu, he should frankly.

"What's the matter? Tell me!" Deng Chanyu had already started to act like a baby with Yang Jian from time to time, which was a good progress!

"Little Yang Jian, don't tell the truth! If you tell the truth, you will be completely hopeless!"

At this time, in the cave mansion, Yu Yuan was watching the conversation between Yang Jian and Deng Chanyu through spells together with the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

"Yu Yuan, isn't it good for us to be like this? Xiao Yangjian knows, will he blame us?" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit who was sitting on the side said a little uncomfortably.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm concerned about my apprentice."

Yu Yuan waved his hand indifferently, saying that he was righteous, but the excitement in his eyes betrayed his real purpose.

"My master asked me to go down the mountain and pursue you as my wife! Even if I can't, I can't let you marry that three-inch man. Well, the main reason is to save you from fire and water."

After hearing Yang Jian's words, the original shyness on Deng Chanyu's face faded, and some anger gradually appeared on her beautiful face.

Especially at the end, Yang Jian self-righteously added a sentence, which made Deng Chanyu completely explode.

"Yang Jian, you shameless person. You approached me for a purpose from the very beginning, so I misjudged you. Are you not as good as that three-inch man?"

Although he didn't know why Deng Chanyu got so angry, Yang Jian was also angry when he heard her say that he was not even a three-inch penis.

"I'm not as good as that three-inch cock? I can kick that three-inch cock flying!"

"You don't like me at all. You approached me because of your master's order. You let me down too much! Anyway, your goal has been achieved, you go!" Deng Chanyu's face was full of grievances.

"Who said that? I..."

Before Yang Jian finished speaking, Deng Chanyu ran back to the barracks crying.

"I like you!" Yang Jian said in a low voice.Being swept away by Deng Chanyu, Yang Jian couldn't go back to the barracks. Anyway, he had already done what his master ordered him to do, so he might as well go back to Jin'ao Island first.

"Hey, little Yang Jian is really hopeless!" Yu Yuan shook his head and sighed, with a look of helplessness.

Seeing Yu Yuan's appearance on the side, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit couldn't help giving him a blank look.

"Yu Yuan, you did it on purpose! Otherwise, why didn't you just transmit the sound with your spiritual sense to stop Yang Jian? Don't tell me you can't do it!"

After Yu Yuan was exposed, he didn't deny it, but just laughed twice.

"It's just a little setback, it's nothing! I'm going to help Xiao Yangjian right now." After speaking, Yu Yuan stepped out and disappeared in place.

Seeing Yu Yuan disappear in place, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also sighed softly.Now the form of explaining and intercepting the two teachings is becoming more and more tense. Jiejiao is hurrying up to practice the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

I don't know what Yu Yuan is thinking, anyway, some of the things he has done recently are not meaningful.

For example, some time ago, Yu Yuan insisted not to allow the long-eared Dingguang Immortal to participate in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and this golden immortal was actually excluded by Yu Yuan. For this reason, Daoist Duobao and Yu Yuan even had a confrontation.

In the end, it was the teacher in charge who came forward and said that he would arrange a task for Chang Er Ding Guangxian, and then the matter was settled.

Now, Yu Yuan is so active in matching Yang Jian and Deng Chanyu, the Holy Mother of Jinling will never believe it, he is just explaining for disgust. (To be continued..)

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