Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 184 Angry Yang Jian

() The reason why Yu Yuan insisted on preventing Chang-eared Dingguangxian from entering the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was due to the influence of the original world. In the original book, Chang-eared Dingguangxian betrayed the Jujiao, defected and joined the Western Cult.

However, Yu Yuan had deeper considerations.In the original world, Taoist Tongtian's Zhuxian Sword Formation was smashed by the Four Saints, and Taoist Tongtian's first reaction was to put down the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

But in the original world, the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation didn't have any effect at all, it seemed that they were specially gathered together for the massacre of the Four Saints.Daoist Tongtian is not a fool, he would definitely not do this.

The facts also proved Yu Yuan's conjecture.After the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation was set up, the strength displayed was comparable to Taoist Zhunti.So, why doesn't the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation work?Yu Yuan naturally suspected that he had fallen for Chang-Eared Dingguang Immortal.

Before the war, Chang-er Dingguang Immortal was ready to take refuge with the Four Saints, and it was very likely that the secret of the formation nodes of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation would be leaked.And knowing the formation node of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, in the hands of the Four Saints, the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation can be broken with a backhand.

Yu Yuan matched Yang Jian and Deng Chanyu because he couldn't bear Deng Chanyu's fate, but he also had an idea that if small things changed a lot, they might have some impact on the general situation.

Outside Xiqi city.

A gust of wind blew from a distance, rolling over the vegetation and leaves on the ground, and also brought bursts of bloody air.This piece of land outside the Western Zhou Dynasty has experienced one war after another and has been soaked in blood.

Deng Chanyu was sitting on a bay red horse, with a big knife across the horse's back, looking at the Western Zhou army in front of her, with anger in her eyes, waiting for someone to come out to fight.

Yesterday, Deng Jiugong was injured by Xiqi's general. Although there were no eyes on the battlefield, Deng Chanyu couldn't suppress the anger in her heart when she saw her father injured.

Seeing that Dashang was playing a female general, Jiang Ziya decided to send Nezha to play after thinking about it for a while.After all, Nezha has a good cultivation base and has the incarnation of a lotus flower, so he is not afraid of soul attacks.

The Hot Wheels turned and flew into the battlefield with Nezha, pointed the spear obliquely, and the immortal power around him surged endlessly, exuding a sense of oppression.

"As a woman, you are not at home to care for your husband and teach your children, but you show your face on the battlefield. Are you really a big businessman?" Nezha laughed.

Deng Chanyu didn't answer, but when she saw Nezha coming out, she patted her horse and came up to meet her. With a big knife in her hand, she slashed at Nezha.

After a few rounds of fighting, Deng Chanyu knew that she was not Nezha's opponent, so she parried a few times with the big knife in her hand, turned the horse and left, while secretly paying attention to Nezha's movements.

Nezha has also suffered a lot on the battlefield. Often the enemy will flee, and as long as he catches up, he will often suffer for a while.Just when Nezha hesitated a little, Deng Chanyu stopped.

With a wave of his right hand backward, a beam of colorful light flew towards Nezha's front.Before Nezha could react, he felt a sharp pain in his eyes and nose, his nose was sour, and tears flowed down his face uncontrollably.

Then, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Lei Zhenzi, and Huang Tianhua took turns to fight, but they were all beaten back by Deng Chanyu with colorful stones.Deng Chanyu also knew that these people were highly cultivated, so she didn't fight them at all, and just handed out colorful stones.And the multicolored stones are not used for other places, but for the eyes and nose.

So in the handsome tent, when discussing the military situation, I saw a group of people waiting, all looking at Jiang Ziya with teary eyes, which made Jiang Ziya feel uncomfortable all over.

"Uncle, let me go this time! I promise, I will definitely be able to catch that Deng Chanyu back!"

Seeing that all his classmates were beaten back by Deng Chanyu's multicolored stones, Tu Xingsun once again called for a fight.

That day, after Tu Xingsun was injured by Yang Jian, he fled directly to the Western Zhou Dynasty. After inquiring, he found Jiang Ziya's prime minister's mansion directly, and stayed after a visit.

Tu Xingsun was very happy when he heard that Deng Chanyu was challenging under the city, he immediately jumped up and challenged Jiang Ziya, but he still missed that beautiful woman!But Jiang Ziya rejected it.

At this time, seeing all the disciples in the camp were injured, Tu Xingsun couldn't bear it, and jumped out again to ask for a fight.

Jiang Ziya knelt on the ground, looking down at Tu Xingsun standing in front of him, yes, looking down at him.I was also thinking in my mind, although this Tu Xingsun's appearance is not very good, maybe there is something special about it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya nodded.

"Tu Xingsun, you go to fight outside the city! However, you should pay attention to doing what you can!"

Hearing that Jiang Ziya agreed with him to fight, Tu Xingsun carried his big iron rod, turned around triumphantly, and walked out of the tent with a wag.

Out of the city gate, Tu Xingsun saw from afar that Deng Chanyu, who was riding on a bay red horse in the distance, had a flash of joy in his eyes, and then he quietly sank into the ground with a movement of his body.

Tu Xingsun didn't dare to be careless when he saw that all the fellow students in the camp were injured by Deng Chanyu's multicolored stones. He didn't think that he was stronger than others.

The others couldn't avoid the five-colored stone, and it is estimated that if he went up directly, he would definitely go back with a bruise on his face.

However, from the very beginning, Tu Xingsun had no intention of fighting Deng Chanyu in an open and honest manner.His earth movement technique is very miraculous, combined with his master's immortal binding rope, this is the winning trick!

Through the earth movement technique, Tu Xingsun moved quietly underground, and without Deng Chanyu noticing, he came to the ground below her.

Then Tu Xingsun poked his head out suddenly, and the immortal rope in his hand raised up, emitting a glistening white light. Before Deng Chanyu could react, she was tied up by the immortal rope.

Only then did Tu Xingsun laugh out loud, jumped out from the ground, and swaggered towards Xiqi City. The Immortal Binding Rope led Deng Chanyu to float in the air, following behind him.

When the soldiers on the city wall saw Tu Xingsun returning to the city in victory, they quickly opened the city gate and welcomed him in.

That night, the prime minister's mansion held a banquet to celebrate Tu Xingsun's achievements.Although there is some contempt for Tu Xingsun's methods, it has to be said that Tu Xingsun's ability is still very unusual.

Taking advantage of the drunkenness, Tu Xingsun proposed on the spot that Jiang Ziya would be the matchmaker and he would marry Deng Chanyu as his wife.

"You want to marry Deng Chanyu? Good! I'm willing to be the matchmaker for you!" Jiang Ziya agreed with Tu Xingsun's request with a twinkle in his eyes.

This made Nezha and the others on the side a little surprised. How could Master Ziya get involved in such a thing?

Later, what surprised Nezha and the others even more was that Jiang Ziya turned a blind eye to Tu Xingsun taking Deng Chanyu away.Everyone knows that this Tu Xingsun must be planning to enter the bridal chamber first!

However, Jiang Ziya calculated that he could recruit Deng Jiugong to surrender through Deng Chanyu. Jiang Ziya also acquiesced in the matter of cooking raw rice into cooked rice, and was even happy to see it succeed.

Deng Chanyu was crying silently at this time, but she didn't even have the desire to cry and scold, her heart was full of despair for the upcoming events.

Yang Jian, where are you?

In a dense mountain forest, Yang Jian is soaking in a pool at this time. This pool is dark and bottomless at a glance.

Yang Jian didn't return to Jin'ao Island in the end. He was quite irritable, so he soaked in the pool in the end to relax his body and mind, and his mood gradually calmed down.

However, for some reason today, even though he was soaking in the pool, Yang Jian could feel the irritability in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

"Little Yang Jian, Tu Xingsun is about to drag Deng Chanyu into her bridal chamber, why don't you go and save her?"

Yu Yuan's voice suddenly rang in Yang Jian's ears. Hearing the content of the words clearly, Yang Jian's face turned dark all of a sudden, the laws around him fluctuated wildly, and the whole pool exploded.

Yang Jian took off and turned into a huge bird and beast in the air. With a flap of his wings, he disappeared in place.

Fortunately, the distance from Xiqi is not too far, and the beast transformed by Yang Jian is good at flying. When Tu Xingsun staggered to the door of the room, Yang Jian had already reached the sky above Xiqi City.

"Little beauty, wait for a while, we will be husband and wife! At that time, I will have to call you my wife!"

Tu Xingsun was drunk, and smiled and teased Deng Chanyu who stopped in mid-air.

"Hey, after I caught you, I haven't touched you yet! Let me touch you first."

With Tu Xingsun's mind moving, Deng Chanyu fell from the air, Tu Xingsun stood on tiptoe, and stretched out his hand to Deng Chanyu.

"Yang Jian!"

At this moment, Deng Chanyu suddenly closed her eyes and screamed.

Yang Jian, who was looking for Deng Chanyu in the air, heard the voice, looked this way, and saw Tu Xingsun's wretched movements.

"Tu Xingsun, you are looking for death!"

Yang Jian appeared in front of Deng Chanyu in a flash, kicked Tu Xingsun over, and stepped on him.

When he came back to his senses, seeing Deng Chanyu being bound by the fairy rope, Yang Jian's right hand suddenly turned into a huge tiger claw, and he waved at the fairy rope, and the fairy rope snapped.

Tu Xingsun, who was a little drunk just now, was woken up by Yang Jian's kick at this time, and sank into the ground in a flash, out of Yang Jian's control.

At the same time, feeling that Yang Jian broke into Xiqi City suddenly, Nezha and the others rushed out of the banquet and rushed towards Yang Jian.

Yang Jian didn't care about the few people rushing over in the air. The only thing he wanted to do now was to tear Tu Xingsun into pieces.However, just because Yang Jian doesn't care, doesn't mean Nezha and the others don't care.

Seeing Yang Jian barging in, Nezha and the others couldn't make him continue to be presumptuous, they all cheered up and killed him.

Yang Jian was looking for the whereabouts of Tu Xingsun, but was disturbed by Nezha and others. Yang Jian had no time to spend time with them at this time, and the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand swept away.

Nezha and the others all vomited blood and flew back backwards.Moreover, their hands holding the weapons were trembling constantly at this time, and they were almost unable to hold the weapons steadily.

Yang Jian was already at the peak of the Golden Immortal at this time, and he was practicing the Nine-Turn Yuan Gong. He had a strong physical body and was extremely powerful in melee combat. Nezha and the others were not his one-stroke enemies at all. (To be continued.)

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