Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 185 Zheng Lun's Revenge

Jiang Ziya wanted to come out at first, but he just showed his head. Seeing Yang Jian's vigor, he quickly shrank back.

Jiang Ziya still needs to keep his useful body and preside over the grand plan of conferring the gods!How could he easily take risks and confront this Yang Jian?Do you still pretend you didn't see it!

Nezha and the others were repelled by Yang Jian's move, and for a while, they didn't dare to act rashly.

Yang Jian protected Deng Chanyu behind him with his left hand, and held a three-pointed double-edged knife in his right hand. When he saw Nezha and the others, he stopped disturbing him and ignored them.

Yang Jian's spiritual consciousness was released, and he scanned over and over again, but he couldn't find the shadow of Tu Xingsun at all.As the unique secret art of fearing Liusun, this earth movement technique cannot be deciphered by spiritual consciousness.

Frowning, Yang Jian took Deng Chanyu into the air and arrived at the Dashang barracks outside the city. He put Deng Chanyu down and released the Roaring Sky Dog to protect Deng Chanyu.

Seeing Yang Jian leaving with Deng Chanyu, Nezha and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and Tu Xingsun also emerged from the ground.

"Yang Jian, don't let me seize the opportunity in the future, or you will suffer!" Tu Xingsun said harsh words while rising from the ground.

"You still have a future? Tu Xingsun, you are going to die here today!"

A voice came from the sky, and everyone looked up. Yang Jian was standing in the air, looking down at the people below.

Seeing Yang Jian go and return, everyone's heart trembled, Tu Xingsun hurriedly slipped out, and got into the soil again.Yang Jian snorted angrily, and threw out the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand.

The three-pointed two-edged knife shone with golden brilliance, surrounded by countless thin lines of law.With terrifying coercion, it fell from the sky and landed at the place where Tu Xingsun disappeared.

With the three-pointed double-edged sword as the center, a huge round pit appeared. Although Tu Xingsun escaped into the ground, he was swept away by the aftermath of energy, and some blood was also sprinkled on the bottom of the pit.

"Do you think it's enough to hide underground?" Yang Jian sneered, his whole body shaking, and turned into a strange beast like a four-horned goat, lowering his head and hitting the ground.

The goat's horns just touched the ground.The ground is as soft as water.There was a burst of ripples, and he rushed in directly.

"Soil mole!"

Tu Xingsun was hiding underground, waiting for Yang Jian to return in vain, when he suddenly saw Yang Jian turned into a strange beast.rushed into the earth.Immediately screamed out.Turn around and run.

The only advantage of Tu Xingsun is that he can move freely in the soil, but at this time.Yang Jian turned into a strange beast, and in the soil, he was even more flexible than Tu Xingsun.

Facing Yang Jian at this time, Tu Xingsun has no advantage at all.Those who still dared to stay where they were, hurriedly used the earth walking technique and fled towards Jialong Mountain.

Now, the only savior in Tu Xingsun's heart is that his master is afraid of keeping his grandson.Tu Xingsun has not been in the Western Zhou Dynasty for a long time, and no one told Yang Jian about the five great Luo Jinxians alone.

If Tu Xingsun knew that Liusun was not Yang Jian's opponent, he would have given up already.

Seeing Tu Xingsun running fast in front, Yang Jian snorted angrily, and the speed of the transformed soil mole suddenly accelerated, and the land that touched the sheep's horns were all separated like water.

Not long after, Yang Jian chased after Tu Xingsun and grabbed Tu Xingsun with his claws. Tu Xingsun turned around, trying to escape Yang Jian's attack.

How could Tu Xingsun be able to escape Yang Jian after getting close.The sharp claws passed through the body, and Tu Xingsun was caught by Yang Jian and jumped out of the ground.

With a flash of his figure, Yang Jian returned to his real body.

"Tu Xingsun, you are so courageous! With your dirty thoughts, you deserve to die!"

Yang Jian didn't give Tu Xingsun a chance to speak, power surged out from his hand, and turned into the claw of a strange beast. When he pinched it hard, Tu Xingsun turned into pieces and scattered, it was really dismembered.

A little light of the true spirit flew out from the flesh and blood, and threw it into Qishan.

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed in Yuxu Palace, felt the changes in the list of gods. After a little exploration, he understood the cause and effect of the matter, and slapped Yang Jian Lingkong with a palm.

Yang Jian was about to turn around and leave, when he suddenly felt a strong coercion, which made him unable to move. A giant golden hand appeared in the sky above Yang Jian, with Dao patterns flowing inside the giant hand.

Seeing this sudden attack, Yang Jian's face was solemn, the power of the law on his body started to work, and he moved slowly, as if there was a mountain on his back.

Although he knew he couldn't escape the attack range, Yang Jian was still unwilling to give up.

A sword energy suddenly appeared, swept across, meandering for thousands of miles, cut the giant golden palm in half, and dissipated in the air.

"Yuanshi, you really don't want any face!" Taoist Tongtian sneered lightly.

"Hum..." Yuanshi Tianzun snorted angrily and withdrew his strength.

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun stretched out his hand and summoned the list of gods in his hand. As for Qishan's list of gods, it was just a deception. How could Yuanshi Tianzun hand over the list of gods when the dust is still uncertain.

Yuanshi Tianzun once again acted against the sky, taking the soul of Tu Xingsun from the list of gods.Of course, it was unavoidable to suffer a punishment from heaven.

Using the treasures of Tu Xing to reshape the body of Tu Xingsun, Tu Xingsun was sent to Xiqi City again.

After Yang Jian was rescued by Taoist Tongtian, he bowed to the sky.

"Thank you, Master Master, for making the move!"

Afterwards, Yang Jian returned to the Dashang barracks, where Deng Chanyu was still waiting for him!

"Yang Jian!" Seeing Yang Jian came back, Deng Chanyu rushed towards Yang Jian, her eyes filled with tears.

"Chanyu, are you alright?"

Seeing Deng Chanyu coming, Yang Jian was also concerned.Then the two leaned together and talked, and the atmosphere gradually became a little ambiguous.Deng Jiugong, who was standing on the side, also slowly retreated.

Heavenly Court, Yue Lao Office.

A white-haired old man was lying unconscious on the ground at this moment, and a Taoist priest was sitting on the couch, constantly flipping through a book in front of him.

"Little Yang Jian, as a teacher, I can only help you here! Well, I will match it with Yuan Hong's apprentice!" After reaching the back, Yu Yuan's voice became quieter again.

The relationship between Yang Jian and Deng Chanyu was developing steadily. During this period of time, Yang Jian stayed in the Dashang barracks, and all the disciples of the middle school who explained the teaching were all huddled in Xiqi City.

After a period of time, Emperor Xin sent an order, blaming Deng Jiugong for his failure in the long battle, and asked Deng Jiugong to retreat, and then let Jizhou Hou Suhu go to conquer Xiqi.

Deng Jiugong is the only army that has retreated completely since the Great Shang conquered Xiqi.As for dispatching Hou Suhu of Jizhou, it was also requested by Yu Yuan, and it was time for Zheng Lun to go down the mountain.

When receiving Di Xin's order, Su Hu began to ponder, not knowing what Di Xin's intention was.When Di Xin dealt with Daji, Su Hu knew that it must be his daughter.

Su Hu has been on guard since then, but Di Xin did not take any measures against Jizhou, Su Hu has always been a little uneasy.

This time, Di Xin actually sent him to attack Xiqi, wouldn't he be afraid that he would go directly to join Xiqi?

Su Hu smiled coldly in the direction of Chaoge, Di Xin, no matter what you think, since you let me go to Xiqi, I just took this opportunity to get out of the predicament.

Under Su Hu's order, Su Quanzhong hurriedly ordered his servants to pack up the belongings, take the family members of the mansion, hide in the carriage, and march towards Xiqi with the army.

How can Su Hu's small actions deceive Di Xin.Di Xin put the cloth that recorded the news on the table, and a look of sarcasm flashed across his face.

Su Hu, do you think I dare not touch you?If it wasn't for the request of Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, Gu would have killed your whole family a long time ago!But this time, you are doomed!

On Jin'ao Island, Zheng Lun is constantly practicing. Two streams of white air flow in and out of the nostrils, constantly condensing.With the help of Yu Yuan, after so many years of cultivation, Zheng Lun is also a celestial being at this time.

"Zheng Lun, you go down the mountain! Su Hu has already arrived in Xiqi at this time, if you have any grudges, you can report it!"

Hearing this voice, Zheng Lun was shocked. After waiting for so many years, this day finally came. Old Su Hu, wait!I, Zheng Lun, are here to take your dog's life.

Zheng Lun got up, saluted in the direction of Yu Yuan, and left Jinao Island on the Fire-Eyed Golden-Eyed Beast, heading towards Xiqi.

Su Hu had just arrived outside Xiqi City, and after setting up the barracks, Su Hu directly sent someone to submit a letter of surrender to Xiqi City.

Looking at the surrender letter in front of him, Zhou Gongdan shook his head and smiled, this Su Hu is really disregarding face!He didn't even fight a game, so he surrendered in a hurry!

Even if Zheng Lun was coming soon, Zhou Gongdan accepted Su Hu's surrender.

On the second day, after summoning the entire army, Su Hu led a group of confidants and stood on the platform.

"All officers and men, King Zhou is fatuous and tyrannical, and acts perversely. When something goes wrong, he puts it on my daughter Daji, and even offends the ancient righteous goddess Nuwa Empress for this. King Zhou Gongdan is a virtuous lord descended from heaven, the son of destiny, today , I will lead you to seek refuge in Xiqi and overthrow the tyranny of King Zhou!"

Su Hu's words caused an uproar among the officers and men below. You must know that the Dashang's vitality has recently recovered, and it has begun to show signs of prosperity, and Di Xin's position in the hearts of the Dashang people is also becoming stronger and stronger.

At this moment, after hearing Su Hu's words, he was still calm.

"Su Hu, this is trying to pull us to seek rebellion!"

"We are living a good life now, who wants to accompany him to take risks!"

"How about, let's go back to Dashang!"

Hearing the chaotic discussion below, Su Hu pulled out the long sword at his waist and shouted loudly: "I have made up my mind about taking refuge in Xiqi, who has any different opinions?"

Seeing Su Hu's gleaming long sword, all the soldiers fell silent.Still look for a chance and sneak out!Why stand up now and fight Su Hu head-on!

"I have a different opinion!"

Seeing that none of the soldiers below dared to object, Su Hu was very satisfied, but at this moment, a rough voice suddenly sounded.

Su Hu's heart is full of anger, who is it?It's so lifeless.Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw a thick figure riding a strange beast, rushing towards this side. (To be continued..)

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