Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 186 Sweep

"Zheng Lun!" After seeing the man's face clearly, Su Hu couldn't help being frightened.He knows how powerful Zheng Lun is, basically he can be said to be invincible below Jinxian.

"Su Hu, since you want to betray Da Shang, don't blame me for taking action to clean up the rebellion!"

Zheng Lun rode on the fiery-eyed golden-eyed beast, approaching Su Hu unhurriedly, and at the same time smiled softly, but the laughter was full of hatred.

"Come on, block him for me!"

Su Hu yelled at the soldiers below, but not only did those soldiers not respond to him, they even gave way to Zheng Lun.

"Su Hu, what you have done seems to be very unspirited! How do you say I should torture you? Shall I scrape you off? Or roast you alive?"

Hearing Zheng Lun's hateful words, Su Hu backed up again and again in horror, and shouted incoherently: "Zhao Bing, hurry up, go up and kill Zheng Lun, otherwise you won't be able to escape, and he won't let you go! "

Su Hu's confidantes were also trembling at this time, but they also knew that Zheng Lun would never let them go.So they just hesitated for a moment and rushed towards Zheng Lun.


A humming sound sounded, as if Hong Zhong Da Lu was struck, shocking, two white lights flew out, circled around, and Su Hu and his confidantes all became unconscious.

Zheng Lun asked some soldiers to carry Su Hu and others to the rear camp, and then let all the soldiers disband.After that, there were bursts of miserable cries in the rear camp.

After killing Su Hu and one of his family members, Zheng Lun suddenly felt it.A little confused, a little empty, but Zheng Lun is not a mortal after all.

Yu Yuan's advice flowed slowly from Zheng Lun's heart, and a seed appeared in Zheng Lun's dantian. This seed took root and germinated, forming a seedling.

Taking revenge, Zheng Lun actually broke through to the Realm Realm.

After dealing with Su Hu's matter, Zheng Lun took over the post of commander in chief.At the same time, Chaoge Nei also sent an order.Zheng Lun was named the commander-in-chief of this army.

Jiang Ziya has been waiting for Su Hu to come these days.Unexpectedly, Su Hu didn't wait, but Zheng Lun.

After leaving the city, Jiang Ziya took up his position, followed by Nezha, Huang Tianhua and the others.There are also Wei Hu and Li Jing who just arrived.

"Who do you know about Zheng Lun?" Jiang Ziya turned his head.He asked Nezha and the others behind him.

Hearing Jiang Ziya's question, Nezha and the others shook their heads.On the other hand, Li Jing spoke.

"Prime Minister, I heard about this Zheng Lun earlier. This Zheng Lun was originally a general under Su Hu's command and was not reused. Later, because of jealousy, he was assassinated by Su Hu, but unexpectedly escaped by him, and it was said that he was also a general. I worshiped a powerful immortal as my teacher."

"This Su Hu is really not enough to succeed, but more than to fail! What powerful spells does this Zheng Lun have?" Jiang Ziya couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"I heard that Zheng Lun has cultivated a supernatural power, but there are two white lights in his nose. He sniffed and fell into a coma!" Li Jing couldn't help but feel a little envious and afraid.

"Nezha, it seems that this time, you are still needed!"

Hearing Li Jing's introduction, Jiang Ziya knew that Zheng Lun's supernatural power was to attack the soul, and Nezha was not afraid of the soul attack, so he just restrained him.

Jiang Ziya and the others didn't know that the reason why Nezha was not afraid of soul attacks was because ordinary soul attacks couldn't break through Nezha's body's defenses.

Nezha's body was reshaped by a golden fairy-level golden lotus. Normal soul attacks cannot harm Nezha at all, but this does not mean that all soul attacks cannot hurt Nezha.

If Zheng Lun had a white light in his nose before, he might not be able to do anything to Nezha, but now, Nezha might not be able to defend himself.

Nezha casually stepped on the Hot Wheels and flew towards Zheng Lun, pointing the pointed spear in his hand at Zheng Lun.

"Zheng Lun, you still surrender! Your soul-attacking powers won't work on me at all!"

Nezha's words were very arrogant, but Zheng Lun didn't care at all, no matter how arrogant he was, he would stop being arrogant after being killed, so why bother to get angry with him.

"Really? Then come!"

Zheng Lun knocked his legs, causing the Fire-Eyed Golden-Eyed Beast to take a few steps forward, and then snorted, two white lights stretched out, rolled up in the air, and flew towards Nezha.Before Nezha could react, he was engulfed by the white light, and then lost consciousness.

In the eyes of Jiang Ziya and others, after Nezha was engulfed by the white light, his body swayed for a while, and then he fell headfirst from the Hot Wheels. Zheng Lun stepped forward and smashed Nezha's head to pieces with a pestle.

Seeing that Nezha couldn't defend against Zheng Lun's soul attack, and how the rest of them dared to fight, Jiang Ziya also hurriedly called for gold to withdraw, but Zheng Lun had no intention of letting them go.

As soon as the fire-eyed golden-eyed beast was urged to sit down, Zheng Lun chased Jin Zha and the others, humming continuously in his nose, and white light flew like a snake, rolling towards Jin Zha and Mu Zha.

Seeing that Zheng Lun was attacking them, the two quickly sacrificed their magic weapon, trying to stop Zheng Lun. It would be even better if they could kill Zheng Lun.

However, before their magic weapon flew far, the two of them were swept by the white light, and suddenly fell to the ground. Without the control of the two of them, the magic weapon also flew back to them dimly.

Zheng Lun rushed to the front and beat Jin Zha and Mu Zha to death one after another.

Li Jing, who was running away, saw that his three sons had been beaten to death, so he turned around and ran towards Zheng Lun. He threw the golden pagoda in his hand and threw it towards Zheng Lun.

There was another snort, and two white lights appeared, sweeping past Li Jing, and Wei Hu who was running slower, the two of them also fainted immediately, Zheng Lun had two more sticks, and these two were also on the list of gods.

But at this time, the few remaining people had already run into Xiqi City, and Zheng Lun stopped chasing them.Although this round of killing was very enjoyable, Zheng Lun also knew that it was not very effective.

Yu Yuan had already told him that the price paid by Yuanshi Tianzun for those disciples below the Golden Immortal level was not too great for resurrecting them from the list of gods. I believe they will be able to return to Xiqi soon.

However, the addition of these few people may also bring a little trouble to Yuanshi Tianzun.After all, every time a person is resurrected, he will suffer a punishment from heaven.

This time, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't attack, which was quite surprising.It seems that Yuanshi Tianzun no longer cares about the death of the three generations of disciples, and can be resurrected at any time anyway.

After Zheng Lun's massacre, Xiqi City shrank again.Jiang Ziya held the same plan as last time, waiting for Zheng Lun to retreat automatically.

Unexpectedly, this time, Zheng Lun didn't show any signs of impatience, and he and Jiang Ziya slowly got tired of each other.

This time, this army is waiting for Yin Hong's arrival!And Yu Yuan has already sharpened his sword, waiting for the second generation disciple of Chanjiao to come out and slaughter a few.

Not to mention, Zheng Lun stationed in Xiqi, slowly waiting for Yin Hong to go down the mountain.Since Yuan Hong sent Wen Zhong back to Jin'ao Island, he followed Yu Yuan's instructions and kept wandering around.

However, what made Yuan Hong depressed was that Yu Yuan didn't tell him the specific location, but just asked him to find a place called Phoenix Mountain.

"Who knows that Phoenix Mountain is such a small place that no bird shits? If you don't give me a location, where can I find it? This is called Phoenix Mountain. There are eight hundred if there is no one thousand! Master is also true!"

After searching for nothing for a long time, Yuan Hong simply sat down in a forest with a stick on his shoulders, muttering in his mouth.

"Where did the monkey come from? It's so rude and insulting me, Qingluan Douque, by saying something for no reason."

As soon as Yuan Hong's words fell, a voice rang out, which revealed a sense of dignity and luxury.Yuan Hong followed the voice, and saw a beautiful woman in a palace costume walking out of the forest with two servant girls.

"What's rude and polite? I said, what's wrong with that broken Phoenix Mountain?"

Yuan Hong was already annoyed, but he could still say good things when he heard this beauty in palace costume scold him.

"Bold, you dare to be rude to Princess Longji! Don't you know that this is Phoenix Mountain?" Hearing Yuan Hong's words, a maid of the lady in palace dress scolded Yuan Hong.

"How about the princess? I'm still the son-in-law! The end of Phoenix Mountain may not necessarily be a phoenix, it may even be a pheasant!"

Yuan Hong curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"You stupid monkey, you actually rushed to act wildly on my Phoenix Mountain, and dare to call my aunt a pheasant? I will let you see my methods today."

At this moment, Princess Longji couldn't pretend anymore, and she returned to her original pungent temper.This Princess Longji is Haotian's biological daughter, as to whether she is the golden mother of Yaochi, I don't know.

However, Princess Longji has the body of a dragon, and Yaochi Golden Mother does not seem to be from the dragon clan, so the origin of Princess Longji is very problematic.

Coupled with Princess Longji's bad temper and pungent personality, she violated many rules of the Heavenly Court, so she was kicked out of the Heavenly Court by the Golden Mother of Yaochi.

As for why Princess Longji has such an identity, she was finally on the list of gods. If she wants to come to Yaochi Golden Mother, she can't get rid of her relationship.

And Yu Yuan also felt that Princess Longji was very pitiful, so he wanted to entrust her to his apprentice Yuan Hong to "take care of".Anyway, couples who teach and teach are a couple if they can be separated.

As for the fact that Hong Jin had not joined the Western Zhou Dynasty, Yu Yuan selectively ignored it.

Hearing Yuan Hong's insulting words, Princess Longji returned to her original temperament, how could she spare Yuan Hong lightly.

Raising the Erlong Sword, it turned into two sharp edges, and swiped towards Yuan Hong.Yuan Hong just stood there with his arms folded, without any intention of defending.

Two fairy swords slashed at Yuan Hong's body, sparks burst out.

Seeing this result, Princess Longji's heart skipped a beat, knowing that she had met a master this time, she quickly sacrificed the Four Seas Bottle again, emitting bursts of absorbing power, trying to absorb Yuan Hong into it.

Yuan Hong just stood there generously, but those absorbing forces couldn't move Yuan Hong at all.

"Hahaha, that's all you have? Well, then it's my turn to act!" Yuan Hong took the long blue stick in his hand and walked towards Princess Longji unhurriedly. (To be continued..)

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