Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 187 Monkey riding a dragon

While shaking his stick, Yuan Hong approached Princess Longji unhurriedly. When Princess Longji saw her, she didn't dare to stay. She turned around and flew away with two maids.

With one step, Yuan Hong appeared in front of Princess Longji, with a long stick in his hand, blocking Princess Longji's way.

"After beating me, just leave?"

Seeing that she couldn't get rid of Yuan Hong, Princess Longji gritted her teeth and fell to the ground. She took out a white flag in her hand and stuck it on the ground. A light gate appeared. Princess Longji walked in with two maids.

"Interesting! This magic weapon is not high-level, but it can still form a space!"

While speaking, Yuan Hong walked into the light gate.What you can see is endless white mist, but as for the figure of Princess Longji, you can't see it at all.

While Yuan Hong was observing his surroundings, Yuan Hong felt that something was coming through the air, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He wanted to block that thing with a wave of his stick.


After the long stick was swung, Yuan Hong didn't feel any obstruction, but the thing that pierced the sky followed the long stick to tie Yuan Hong up, and also emitted bursts of binding force.

"It seems that this woman is not too stupid, and she knows how to use a bondage magic weapon to deal with me. It's a pity that the grade of this magic weapon is a bit lower!"

Even the immortal rope that is afraid of leaving grandchildren can only trap Yuan Hong for a while, but the dragon rope tied by Princess Longji can't hold it even for a moment.

As soon as Yuan Hong exerted his arms, the dragon-binding rope was snapped by Yuan Hong's tremendous force.

"What kind of princess, are you coming out? If you don't come out again, I'll even smash your flag door!" Yuan Hong's voice was like a muddy cow, without any response.

"Hey, are you silent? Let me see where else you can hide!"

The long blue stick in Yuan Hong's hand rapidly grew in size. Yuan Hong grabbed the enlarged stick and gave it a hard blow, causing the entire white mist space to shake.

"click" "click" "click"

There were continuous cracking sounds, and countless cracks appeared in the entire Baiwu space, which only supported for a while, and then shattered.

The surrounding white mist also dissipated all of a sudden.All that was left was a tattered white flag.Plug in place.On the other hand, Princess Longji stood in the distance blankly with two maids, as if she still couldn't believe everything in front of her.

Yuan Hong didn't give Princess Longji another chance this time, fearing that something would happen to her after a while.Just reach out.He pulled her volley to his side.

"Dead monkey. Let me go. My father is the Haotian Jade Emperor. If you catch me, my father will not let you go!" Princess Longji struggled in Yuan Hong's hands.On the one hand, there is still an export threat.

"Haotian? Apart from carrying the great banner of Daozu, what else can he do?" Yuan Hong rolled his eyes in disdain and said nonchalantly.

"Monkey monkey, let our princess go quickly, otherwise, the Jade Emperor will be furious and send down heavenly soldiers and generals, and you will die!"

Hearing the threats from the two little maids, Yuan Hong walked up to them with a smile, exuding his own aura, the hostility of being one of the four monkeys in the world, disappeared in a flash, but just this one, let the two little maids The maid fell limp to the ground.

"You two get up and take me to that Qingluan Douque!"

These two little maids didn't dare to resist at this time, they tried their best to prop up their weak legs, led the way in front, and led Yuan Hong towards Qingluan Douque.

Yuan Hong was also thinking in his heart, it seems that this is the place Master asked me to find, but although this woman is also the Princess of Heaven, no matter how you look at it, she doesn't look pitiful at all, not like what Master said!

But since the master said that I have a destiny with her, it must be true, Quack, I, Yuan Hong, will also be the Jade Emperor's son-in-law!But this princess doesn't seem very smart!

Looking at Princess Longji who was looking at him fiercely, Yuan Hong turned his head and ignored her, but put a big "stupid" label on her in his heart.

Before Yuan Hong worshiped Yu Yuan as his teacher, he also lived in the prehistoric for a period of time, he can best understand the law of survival, don't be arrogant if you don't have the strength.

Guided by two maids, Yuan Hong entered Qingluan Douque with Princess Longji in his arms.

This Qingluan Dou Que is actually a space opened up by a treasure.The decoration inside is magnificent, with carved beams and jade pillars, jade tiles and golden walls, and jade glazed glass everywhere.

"Not bad! This place will be named Yuan from now on." Yuan Hong laughed, found a seat and sat down, saying very comfortably.

At this time, Princess Longji was still held by Yuan Hong, and seeing Yuan Hong occupying her cave like this, he couldn't help feeling depressed.

But judging by Yuan Hong's appearance, she didn't care about her father at all, Princess Longji was sensible, and calmed down honestly.

"As for you, you will be my Mrs. Yazhai!" Yuan Hong turned his head to look at Princess Longji who was carrying her in his left hand, and announced to her domineeringly.

After hearing Yuan Hong's words, even though Princess Longji had recognized the situation clearly, she couldn't help but yelled.

"Dead monkey, don't even think about it! Even if I die, I won't let you succeed! Dead monkey, let me go!" At this moment, Princess Longji began to struggle again.

"Are you from the dragon clan? What are the rules of your dragon clan? It seems that whoever swallows your dragon ball first, who do you have to marry?"

While talking, Yuan Hong scanned Princess Longji maliciously.

Hearing Yuan Hong's words and feeling Yuan Hong's unscrupulous eyes, Princess Longji's face was full of panic, and at the same time, she was secretly regretting that she was doing nothing just now, why provoke this monkey?

The Dragon Clan formulated this family rule in the first place to strengthen the blood of the Dragon Clan. You must know that the Dragon Ball that can force out the Dragon Clan is at least a strong Jinxian.

The power of law in Yuan Hong's body poured into Princess Longji's body like a torrent, rushed towards her jaw, and then wrapped a ball of dragon balls and flew out of her mouth.

After losing the Dragon Ball, Princess Longji became weak all of a sudden.

Yuan Hong opened his mouth and swallowed the dragon ball into his belly, paused for a while, then spit it out, wrapped it with the power of law, and sent it into Princess Longji's body again.Then he let her go free.

After Princess Longji regained her freedom, her expression kept changing, thinking about how to choose next.

Yuan Hong's aura had been integrated into her Dragon Ball, and there was no other choice in the future. Gradually, Princess Longji's mentality also changed, and she began to gradually accept Yuan Hong.

In Yuelao Palace, Yu Yuan wiped the sweat from his brow, and scolded fiercely: "This dead monkey can't say a soft word! If you are a little gentler, why would I bother so much!"

Seeing Princess Longji's face softened, Yuan Hong stepped forward to comfort her again. After a few days, Princess Longji had completely untied her knot in her heart.

On this day, the two little maids were guarding outside the palace, while Yuan Hong and Princess Longji were hiding inside the palace, not knowing what they were doing.

Suddenly a high-pitched dragon chant sounded, and a thousand-foot-long blue dragon leaned out from Qingluan Douque, soaring through the clouds and fog.

Then, Yuan Hong also flew out from Qingluan Dou Que, and his body grew rapidly, turning into an ancient giant ape, holding the thick dragon body in his arms with both arms.

As soon as the ancient giant ape exerted its strength, it turned the blue divine dragon over, and then... the giant ape rode on it, and for a moment, the dragon roared and the ape roared continuously.

Yuan Hong and Princess Longji, in front of the two maids, unexpectedly started a great battle.

After waiting for a while, Ne Zha, Jin Zha and the others all returned to Xiqi City.However, Zheng Lun is still guarding outside Xiqi City.

Jiang Ziya's frown became tighter and tighter. It seemed impossible to wait for Zheng Lun to take the initiative to retreat.Yuanshi Tianzun also knew about Xiqi's affairs.

Therefore, Chi Jingzi received Yuanshi Tianzun's decree, and it was time for Yin Hong to go down the mountain!

After receiving the decree from Yuanshi Tianzun, Chi Jingzi was silent for a long time. Although at the beginning, when he took Yin Hong as his apprentice, he had a purpose, but after getting along for such a long time, he still has some feelings.

"Hey! Go and find your senior brother Yin Hong!" Chi Jingzi sighed and ordered to the boy beside him.He finally made up his mind.

Yin Hong was practicing, when he heard Chi Jingzi's call, he hurried over.

"I don't know how Master is recruiting, what can I tell you?" Yin Hong bowed respectfully to Chi Jingzi.

"Yin Hong, I have something to tell you, but I expect you will never agree!" Chi Jingzi seemed hesitant to speak.

Hearing Chi Jingzi's words, Yin Hong remembered Yu Yuan's previous confession, and sneered in his heart. It seemed that Chi Jingzi was going to let him go down the mountain to deal with his father.

"Master, if you have something to do, just tell me, and I will do my best to complete it!"

"You are the son of Emperor Xin, are you willing to go down the mountain to protect Zhou and attack merchants?" Chi Jingzi turned to look at Yin Hong and asked in a tone of disbelief.

After hearing Chi Jingzi's words, Yin Hong thought in his heart that it really is so!

"Master, Daji murdered my mother, and Di Xin was also vicious and ruthless. How could I help Da Shang? Of course I am willing to protect Zhou and defeat Shang!"

Yin Hong looked at Chi Jingzi sincerely, and said firmly.

"Okay, since that's the case, you go down the mountain!"

Afterwards, Chi Jingzi handed Yin Hong the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, the Yin-Yang Mirror, and the Shuihuofeng.

After Yin Hong got these treasures, he turned around and was about to leave the cave, and went back to Dashang Chaoge to see how the situation is now.

"Yin Hong, wait!" Just as Yin Hong was about to walk out of the cave, Chi Jingzi called out to him. Yin Hong was also shocked, but he still stopped and turned around.

"Yin Hong, I'm afraid that after you go down the mountain, you will take care of the relationship between father and son and take refuge with the big businessman, and you still swear an oath!" Chi Jingzi said slowly with a hesitant expression on his face.

Hearing Chi Jingzi's words, Yin Hong felt relieved, and said nonchalantly: "Master, don't worry, I will not take refuge in Dashang. If I don't keep my promise in the future, my limbs will be turned into ashes!" To be continued..)

ps: Thank you "Poison You Thousands of Times" book friend for your reward!

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