Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 188 Yin Hong Goes Down the Mountain

Although he made the oath, Yin Hong didn't care about it in his heart, let alone whether the oath will be fulfilled, even if it was fulfilled, what would this red sperm use to kill him?

Yin Hong took the three treasures given to him by Chi Jingzi and went down the mountain. When he got down the mountain, he rode the clouds and drove towards Dashang Chaoge, but was stopped by a Taoist riding a black panther on the way.

"Ahead is Prince Yin Hong?" The Taoist shouted loudly when he saw Yin Hong from afar.

Hearing the Taoist's shout, Yin Hong stopped the cloud head, and at the same time, the immortal power in his body was rolling, holding the water fire front and the yin and yang mirror in his hands, faintly on guard.

Yin Hong didn't know who this person was, so he had better be careful.

"Prince Yin Hong, the poor Daoist Shen Gongbao, the prince is going to Xiqi to help the merchants of the Western Zhou Dynasty?" The Taoist came up to him, bowed to Yin Hong, and asked straight to the point.


The two words that Yin Hong spit out directly stuffed Shen Gongbao's prepared speech into his stomach.

"Oh, hehe, I don't know where the prince is going?"

Shen Gongbao smiled awkwardly, and asked tentatively.

Yin Hong raised his head, frowned, and looked at Shen Gongbao with a look of impatience and guard.

"I don't know you, what are you asking me for?"

After all, Yin Hong ignored Shen Gongbao who was on the side, raised his cloud head, and rushed towards Chaoge again.

"Prince, wait a moment..." Seeing that Yin Hong was about to leave, Shen Gongbao shouted quickly, and at the same time followed closely behind Yin Hong.

A red and blue light flashed in front of Shen Gongbao.A hole was drawn in his Taoist robe.

"You'd better not follow me, otherwise, next time, a hole will be opened in your body!"

With his right hand outstretched, Yin Hong threatened Shen Gongbao, who was following behind him, against the water and fire front that flew back.

"The prince is going back to the imperial capital Chaoge? You don't have to go back. His Majesty Di Xin has returned. It turned out that the cruel Majesty was pretended by Maitreya of the Western religion!"

Shen Gongbao was also extremely intelligent, watching Yin Hong's flight direction.Think about it for a while.Then he knew that Yin Hong must have a heart for Di Xin, and wanted to go back to see if Di Xin returned.

"Really?" After listening to Shen Gongbao's words, Yin Hong's face showed a hint of joy, but then.They looked at Shen Gongbao suspiciously.

"Now a large army of Dashang is attacking Xiqi. The prince hurried back to see His Majesty Emperor Xin. It is better to take Xiqi down first and relieve His Majesty's worries. If the prince doesn't believe me, go to Xiqi and ask. What I said is true or false!"

Hearing Shen Gongbao's words, Yin Hong also felt a little moved. Chi Jingzi just gave him three treasures, and it was time to show his skills.

Chi Jingzi, if you want me to use this treasure to protect Zhou and cut businessmen, how can I do what you want? I will use this treasure to entertain you and teach your disciples well.

Thinking of this, Yin Hong didn't stop much, turned in another direction, and drove towards Xiqi on a cloud.

"Shen Gongbao, no matter what you say is true or not, I'll go to Xiqi to find out first. If you're telling lies, you'd better hope you don't meet me again!"

With Zheng Lun in charge, Xiqi City has always been free from battle. No one dared to fight, and Zheng Lun did not dare to enter the city. The two sides were in a stalemate.

On this day, Zheng Lun was practicing in the barracks when suddenly a soldier came in and reported that there was a Taoist outside who claimed to be Prince Yin Hong and asked the general to go to see him.

finally come!Zheng Lun was shocked and led several lieutenants out of the camp.

"Last General Zheng Lun, see Your Highness the Prince!"

Zheng Lun saw Yin Hong's appearance, which was the same as what Yu Yuan had told him, so he knew that it was the Lord who had come, and quickly saluted.Seeing Zheng Lun's reaction, the lieutenants behind him also hurriedly saluted.

After introducing Yin Hong into the camp, Zheng Lun gathered all the soldiers together, informed them of Yin Hong's identity, and then greeted them again.

After entering the commander's tent, Zheng Lun gave Yin Hong the main seat, and he himself sat beside him.

"Your Highness, since you have come, the military power should be handed over to you. I can also go back to the mountain and restore the command of the teacher!" Zheng Lun took out the commander's seal and handed it to Yin Hong who was sitting on the main seat.

"Why is the general leaving in such a hurry, I still need the general to stay and help me attack Xiqi!" Seeing that Zheng Lun was about to leave, Yin Hong hurriedly tried to persuade him to stay.

"Your Highness, Naxiqi, there is nothing worth noting, you can deal with it as you please. Even if there are other things in the future, there will be experts to help!"

On the second day, after the farewell wine was served, Zheng Lun rode the fiery-eyed golden-eyed beast and flew away towards Jin'ao Island.

Yin Hong also began to rectify his troops and horses, preparing to attack Xiqi City.In Xiqi City, Jiang Ziya also got the news that Zheng Lun had left and Yin Hong had arrived.

"Uncle, this Yin Hong has the yin and yang mirror of Uncle Chijingzi in his hand, I'm afraid I can't resist it!"

The last time Nezha was attacked by the white light from Zheng Lun's nose, he knew that he was not afraid of soul attacks, and he restrained himself a lot.

"It's okay. Your uncle Chi Jingzi has already defended against his attack, and the power of the Yin-Yang Mirror has weakened now, and it is no longer able to break through your defense!"

Jiang Ziya smiled with his mustache, as if everything was under control.

On the second day, Yin Hong led the army to the city of Xiqi to challenge. Zheng Lun left, but Jiang Ziya and others didn't care.

"Who are you? Why didn't you see Zheng Lun, the commander of your army, come out?"

Jiang Ziya knew that Zheng Lun had left, so he still shouted at Yin Hong, and his momentum immediately gained the upper hand.

"Jiang Ziya, you are really shameless. Knowing that General Zheng Lun has left, you are still shouting here on purpose. A few days ago, why didn't you come out of the city?"

Yin Hong looked at Jiang Ziya with disdain, disdain for his little trick.

"A few days ago, I had an accidental cold and felt unwell, so I didn't go out to fight. Unexpectedly, now that I'm recovering from illness, Zheng Lun has already escaped."

Jiang Ziya's words, not to mention Yin Hong, even Nezha and the others blushed and were ashamed.

"Hmph, Jiang Ziya, I don't have the skills to argue with you here. Which of you would dare to come out and fight with me?" Yin Hong pointed at Zhou Ying provocatively with the water and fire blade in his hand.

Then everyone's eyes turned to Nezha.Although the power of the yin and yang mirror has been weakened, not everyone can ignore it.

Nezha is formed from a lotus flower body. Lotus has the effect of calming the nerves and calming the soul, so Nezha can ignore those soul attacks.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Nezha couldn't shirk it, so he stepped on the Hot Wheels and came out of the army.

Yin Hong saw a young man with red lips and white teeth flying out of the Western Zhou army camp on two hot wheels, so he knew that this person should be the disciple of Daoist Taiyi, Nezha.

"You are Nezha? My Dashang treats your family well, so why did you turn against my Dashang and invest in Xiqi?" Shui Huofeng in Yin Hong's hand pointed at Nezha and asked sharply.

"If it's reversed, it's reversed, so much nonsense! Look at the gun!"

The fire-pointed gun in Nezha's hand screamed fiercely and poked at Yin Hong's chest. Seeing the power of Nezha's attack, Yin Hong's face remained unchanged. He took out the yin and yang mirror, and the white face shook Nezha.

A white light flew out from the yin-yang mirror, entangled Nezha, trying to pull his soul out.Nezha just felt his spirit flicker, and then recovered, not too much affected.

"Sure enough, the power of this yin and yang mirror has been sealed by Uncle Chi Jingzi for more than half!"

Yin Hong failed to shake Nezha's soul with the yin and yang mirror, but Nezha's attack did not stop, and the fire-pointed spear directly stabbed Yin Hong's chest.

Jiang Ziya, who was watching the battle at the back, also secretly raised the whip at this time, soared in the air, emitting bursts of golden light, and fell towards Yin Hong.

Nezha's spear pointed at Yin Hong's chest, and did not break through the defense of the purple ribbon fairy clothes, but the power carried by the fire-pointed spear made Yin Hong retreat several steps.

Before Yin Hong could stand still, the magic whip fell on Yin Hong's body, and he staggered Yin Hong again. Although Yin Hong was annoyed, he also knew that he might not be able to take advantage of it this time. .

Yin Hong was on guard carefully, and slowly retreated into the barracks.

In the evening, a soldier came in and reported that there was a Taoist outside asking to see him. Yin Hong was overjoyed when he heard that, could it be that the disciples of Jiejiao had come down the mountain to support him?

Yin Hong personally greeted him out of the camp, only to see a Taoist with a ferocious face, not more than eight feet tall, with a string of rosary beads hanging around his neck, made of the parietal bone of a human skull, with half a skull hanging in the middle.It was Ma Yuan who was kicked out by Yu Yuan.

After this Ma Yuan was driven out of Jinao Island by Yu Yuan, he has been wandering around in the prehistoric world. At this time, the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods came, and the prehistoric land was in chaos, which made Ma Yuan feel like a fish in water.

No one knew how many people Ma Yuan had eaten and how many evil deeds he had done during this period of time.After meeting Shen Gongbao, under Shen Gongbao's persuasion, Ma Yuan decided to go to Xiqi.

Seeing Ma Yuan's appearance, although Yin Hong didn't like him, but after hearing that he was also a disciple of Jiejiao, he invited him into the barracks.

That night, Yin Hong entertained Ma Yuan well, and the next day, Ma Yuan volunteered to fight for Yin Hong.

For such a thing, Yin Hong did not refuse, and nodded in agreement with Ma Yuan's request.Yin Hong frowned tightly after seeing Ma Yuan tear up Xi Qi, a general, and eat it raw.

This Ma Yuan, it's better not to stay in the barracks, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like the means that the disciples of Jiejiao should have, and the means of doing things are too bad.

Therefore, when Ma Yuan was chasing Jiang Ziya and drifting away into the distance, although Yin Hong felt something was wrong, he didn't say anything to remind him, but just let him go.

Sure enough, not long after, Jiang Ziya came back, but Ma Yuan disappeared.

However, the thing that worried Yin Hong the most finally happened. Chi Jingzi arrived in Xiqi City.

Yin Hong also knew the power of the Yin-Yang Mirror before, but a few days ago, the Yin-Yang Mirror was unable to shake Nezha to death, and Yin Hong knew that it must be the ghost of Chi Jingzi. (To be continued..)

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