Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 189 Tai Chi

Knowing that Chi Jingzi had tampered with the yin and yang mirror, Yin Hong was sure that this Chi Jingzi must have taken precautions against him a long time ago. He was afraid that, in order to clean up the house, this Chi Jingzi would also go down the mountain!

On the second day after arriving in Xiqi City, Chi Jingzi took the initiative to go out and asked Yin Hong to come out and give him an explanation.

Yin Hong, who was in the barracks, heard Chi Jingzi's cry, and walked out of the barracks wearing a fairy robe with purple ribbon and holding a water and fire blade.

"Yin Hong, I asked you to go down the mountain to protect the merchants, and you went directly to the camp of the great merchants. Why don't you admit your mistake? If you can wake up, there is still time to turn around. If not, it will be too late to regret!"

On Chi Jingzi's face, with a distressed look, he persuaded earnestly.

"Chi Jingzi, why do you have to put on an air here? Back then, my father was imprisoned and my mother was in distress. Isn't there a shadow of you teaching behind me?"

Yin Hong snorted, with a look of disdain.

"Yin Hong, have you forgotten the oath you made when you came down the mountain?"

"Chi Jingzi, that's just what I said casually, but you actually believe it?"

Hearing what Yin Hong said, the expression on Chi Jingzi's face slowly disappeared, revealing a somewhat strange smile.

"Since you are obsessed with your obsession, there will be a time when you will be robbed in the future!"

After Chi Jingzi finished speaking, he was about to turn around and go back to Xiqi City. After hearing Chi Jingzi's words, Yin Hong's expression changed.

"Chi Jingzi, I think you should stay first!"

Yin Hong's murderous voice came from behind Chi Jingzi, followed by Shui Huo Feng.He flew towards Chi Jingzi's heart, trying to kill Chi Jingzi on the spot.

Chi Jingzi turned around, waved his sleeves, and put away the water and fire front.

"Yin Hong, don't forget, who gave you these magic weapons, and you still want to kill me with these?"

Chi Jingzi held the water and fire front, with a hint of sarcasm blooming at the corner of his mouth, looking at Yin Hong opposite.

"Then try this Yin-Yang Mirror again!" Yin Hong took out the Yin-Yang Mirror and was about to attack Chi Jingzi.

"Hmph!" Seeing Yin Hong take out the Yin-Yang mirror.Chi Jingzi didn't dare to push him too hard.Stepping out with one step, the golden light from the ground was used, and it appeared in Xiqi City all at once.

Seeing Chi Jingzi fled back in embarrassment, and Nezha and others surrounded him.They were all silent.In the end, Jiang Ziya spoke first.

"Senior brother, I don't know how we should deal with this Yin Hong. He has your yin and yang mirror and the purple ribbon fairy clothes body protection. We really have no way to deal with it!"

Jiang Ziya also knew that Chi Jingzi must have left behind, but seeing that Chi Jingzi was also forced back by the yin and yang mirror, there was really no way to deal with him for a while.

"Originally, when I went out to meet him, I still had a sense of mentorship, but since he doesn't know how to repent, then I can only clean up the door!"

Two lights flashed in Chi Jingzi's eyes, revealing traces of murderous intent.

"Junior Brother Ziya, for the time being, guard Xiqi and don't go to war. I will go to the Bajing Palace to find the great uncle, and I will borrow the Tai Chi Diagram to turn this evil disciple into flying ashes!"

Chi Jingzi gave an order to Jiang Ziya, his figure flashed, turned into a golden light, and shot towards the distance.

After entering the Bajing Palace, Chi Jingzi saw that Master Xuandu was standing outside the Bajing Palace, as if waiting for him.

"Senior Brother Xuandu, I came here this time to borrow the Taiji Diagram, and I hope that Senior Brother can let me know!" Chi Jingzi bent down and saluted Senior Master Xuandu with a very respectful attitude.

"Master Zhangjiao already knows the reason for your visit, so he ordered me to wait for you here! Take it!"

While talking, Grand Master Xuandu handed the Tai Chi Diagram to Chi Jingzi.

Chi Jingzi took over the Tai Chi Diagram, and then performed the vertical golden light method again, and returned to Xiqi.Then I just sat quietly and adjusted my breath, and didn't have any intention of going out to fight.

A few days later, Cihang Taoist and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun also came one after another to support Chi Jingzi.

"Zi Ya, you can go out now! It's time for Yin Hong to take his oath!"

Jiang Ziya was in the mansion, discussing the military situation with the generals, when Chi Jingzi's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

According to Chi Jingzi's instructions, Jiang Ziya led an army out of Xiqi City alone, as if to investigate the Dashang military camp.But after a while, the news was passed to Yin Hong by the soldiers.

Although Yin Hong knew that Jiang Ziya's move was strange and there must be some kind of trap, but he didn't care much because of the purple ribbon fairy clothes on his body.

Yin Hong rode out of the camp on horseback, holding a water and fire blade, and shouted: "Jiang Ziya, you dare to visit our camp. I see where you are going to escape this time?"

Seeing that Yin Hong was indeed lured out by him, Jiang Ziya turned around quickly, and fled quickly in one direction in the Sixiang.

Jiang Ziya's actions further strengthened Yin Hong's deduction, there must be a conspiracy in Jiang Ziya's actions today.

Yin Hong snorted angrily, and urged his horse to chase after him. Even if there was a conspiracy, as long as he paid attention to it, there shouldn't be too much of a problem.However, as long as Jiang Ziya is killed, the overall situation will be settled!

Chi Jingzi hid in front and saw Yin Hong coming after Jiang Ziya closely, and quickly shook the Taiji diagram in his hand, and a golden bridge appeared on the spot.

Jiang Ziya, who was running away, saw Jinqiao appearing, and as soon as he lifted the reins, Sixiang jumped onto the Jinqiao. Jiang Ziya turned around leisurely and challenged Yin Hong.

"Yin Hong, do you dare to go up this golden bridge and fight me for three hundred rounds?"

After listening to Jiang Ziya's words, Yin Hong was not impulsive, and felt the golden bridge carefully, but did not feel any fluctuations in laws or energy.After carefully feeling Jiang Ziya's surroundings, there was nothing unusual.

This Taiji Diagram is an innate treasure, its laws are perfect, and it will not leak a trace of breath, which Yin Hong can feel.

Although he still felt that something was wrong, after many searches to no avail, how could Yin Hong allow Jiang Ziya to be arrogant in front of him.

"Jiang Ziya, I'm not even afraid of red sperm, I'm still afraid of your failure. Do you think I won't dare to go up if I build a golden bridge?" Yin Hong laughed and urged his horse to run up to the golden bridge.

Yin Hong just stopped the horse.He wanted to ridicule Jiang Ziya a few more words, but when he looked up, he couldn't see Jiang Ziya at all, surrounded by endless white mist.

Oops!Yin Hong yelled in his heart that it was not good, and wanted to go back, but he couldn't tell the direction at all.Although Yin Hong was careful in every possible way, but Chi Jingzi used the Taiji diagram to shade him, how could he escape.

Looking at the white mist in front of him, Yin Hong thought a lot, what is in this white mist?Could it be that an ambush was hidden?

Yin Hong just lost his mind.Sure enough, a group of soldiers and horses emerged from the white mist.Yin Hong didn't dare to hesitate when he saw it, he just urged his horse and continued to fight.

Relying on the fairy clothes with purple ribbons.Invulnerable.Yin Hong spent a lot of effort.Finally, this army was defeated, but Yin Hong was even more disturbed at this time.

Because those dead soldiers all turned into white mist and disappeared.

Could it be.Just now... Yin Hong thought about it, and the scene in front of him really changed. First, his mother Queen Jiang appeared, and then his father Di Xin also appeared.

"Chi Jingzi, is this your fault? I don't think Jiang Ziya has this ability yet? But, do you think you can kill me just by relying on these illusions?"

Yin Hong raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly, his words were full of fighting intent.

"Yin Hong, you are now in the Taiji diagram of Master Xuandu, do you think you can still escape? Today, you will fulfill your oath that day, and your limbs will be turned into flying ash!"

Chi Jingzi's voice came from the white mist.Hearing Chi Jingzi's words, Yin Hong's heart tightened. He didn't expect that it was the innate treasure that trapped him now!

"Chi Jingzi, so what if it turns into fly ash? I, Yin Hong, am the second prince of the Great Shang! How can I rely on you, little Xiqi, to attack my Da Shang? In the future, you Chi Jingzi will only be on the list of gods!" Just one person! You can't escape! Hahaha!"

"Yin Hong, you dare to speak such wild words? You should die!"

Yin Hong's words made Chi Jingzi feel uncomfortable for a while.During the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods, the most taboo thing for monks is to be cursed on the list of Conferred Gods.

When Chi Jingzi flicked the Taiji diagram, he was about to roll up the Taiji diagram.

Yin Hong was standing in the Tai Chi diagram, and suddenly felt the world spinning, and the surrounding space was also changing, and they all began to squeeze towards him, and bursts of scorching force appeared, surrounding Yin Hong up and down.

"Is this the power that will turn me into ashes?" Yin Hong looked at the power around him, without any intention of resisting, he just murmured.

The power of this innate treasure is simply not something he, Yin Hong, can resist.

Under the urging of Chi Jingzi, the Taiji diagram slowly closed towards the middle, and it was about to roll up.

"Although the tone of my words to this kid is also very unpleasant. But after all, he is the son of my old friend. If he dies in front of me like this, it will be really hard for me to see him in the future!"

A playful voice sounded, and at the same time, a coercion came down, and the Tai Chi diagram that was about to be rolled up slowly opened again under this coercion.

A Taoist in black, with his hands behind his back, slowly descended from the sky, with a few smiles on his lips, which contained a little sarcasm and disdain.

"Yu Yuan!"

Seeing the Taoist man falling slowly from the sky, Taoist Cihang, Chi Jingzi, and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun all changed their complexions, their eyes contracted, as if they were facing an enemy.

After Yu Yuan helped his two apprentices match their marriages, he returned to Jin'ao Island, but he always kept an eye on the outside of Xiqi City. At this time, seeing this good opportunity, he hurried over.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I have nothing else to do here. I just send a few fellow Taoists to the list of gods!" Although Yu Yuan still had a few smiles on his lips, the three of Chi Jingzi really felt a wave of The cold soaked into the bone marrow.

Seeing Yu Yuan slowly descending from the air towards the Tai Chi diagram, Chi Jingzi's eyes lit up, and a gleam of joy flashed across his face.Yu Yuan glanced over, seeing his expression, the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth became stronger. (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you "Poison You Thousands of Times" book friend for your reward!There is also one thing to say, I saw a few book friends subscribed with ordinary accounts, so let's talk about upgrading to Chuv.As long as you recharge 50 yuan directly in the personal center, you can upgrade to the first v. In this case, the subscription price is 9 starting coins per chapter. If you use an ordinary account, the price is 24 starting coins, which is quite different.To be honest, if you use ordinary accounts, I will share more money when the time comes, because no matter how much it is, it will be divided in half with the website. Although I hope to make more money, I don't want book friends to spend more money .

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