Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 190 Chi Jingzi, perish

"Yu Yuan, if we were in other places, the three of us might still be afraid of you, but you actually killed yourself and voluntarily fell into the innate treasure Taiji diagram. Yu Yuan, today, we will send you to the list!"

Hearing Chi Jingzi's words, the faces of Ci Hang Taoist and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun who were on the side also flashed a gleam of joy.However, their expressions were still tense, not as relaxed as Chi Jingzi.

The two of Ci Hangdao didn't think that Yu Yuan could be kept with only one innate treasure. You must know that Yu Yuan also snatched the Chaos Clock in his hand in the Sun Palace.

However, even though Ci Hangdao and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun didn't think they could kill Yu Yuan, they believed that it would not be a problem for the three of them to escape with the aid of the Taiji diagram.

"Chi Jingzi, it seems that you are very confident? If I come personally and push this innate treasure, I must hide as far away as possible. But you three? Hehe!"

The contempt in Yu Yuan's words completely angered Chi Jingzi.

"Cihang, Manjusri, come and help me, the three of us will kill Yu Yuan here!"

Chi Jingzi burst out with momentum, and the power of law surged out like a rolling river, rushing madly into the Tai Chi diagram.With the help of Chi Jingzi's magic power, the Tai Chi Diagram that was originally forced to slowly unfold by Yu Yuan began to slowly close again.

This time, even Yu Yuan was enveloped by the power of Taiji Diagram.Hearing Chi Jingzi's greeting, Ci Hang Taoist and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun exchanged glances, and together they injected mana in their bodies into the Tai Chi diagram.

Received the infusion of mana from the three Da Luo Jinxians, and the Tai Chi Diagram shone brightly.The coercion is also growing.

"It's interesting! Lao Tzu's Taiji diagram that combines two Dao patterns is really strong!" Yu Yuan smiled slightly, and spoke with ease, without any sign of nervousness.

"Hmph!" A muffled groan came from inside the Tai Chi Diagram, and Yin Hong couldn't bear it any longer in the face of the sudden increase in coercion.

"Looks like it's going to be serious! This little guy can't hold on any longer!" Yu Yuan took out the Chaos Clock while talking, and when the Chaos Clock came out, a breath of oppressive power came out.

Originally, the Tai Chi diagram was still tumbling.Under the suppression of the Chaos Clock.All of a sudden quiet.

Although the two dao patterns are fused in the Taiji Diagram, which is much stronger than Yu Yuan's Chaos Clock, but the strength of Chi Jingzi and the other three.Compared with Yu Yuan.It is too far away.

"The three of you. Even if you hold the innate treasure, you are still useless. If it weren't for your master who protects the shortcoming, it would be up to you. Would you like to run wild?"

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, the three of Chi Jingzi's faces flushed red, their eyes opened angrily, and they looked extremely angry.The mana in the body poured into the Tai Chi diagram even more frantically.On the Taiji diagram, gradually the rules began to fluctuate!

Yu Yuan bent his fingers and flicked the chaotic clock lightly, a ripple appeared in the air and scattered in all directions. Where the ripple passed, those turbulent rules were all quiet.

The ripples passed through the three Chi Jingzi, and the bodies of the three Chi Jingzi froze at first, and then shook violently.

"Okay, it's time to end all of this! I'll send you to the list!"

Yu Yuan flicked his fingers again, and a ripple appeared, stroking towards Chi Jingzi and the three of them.

Having been hit by Yu Yuan just now, the three of Chi Jingzi were so angry and blood churning at this moment that they couldn't move at all, looking at the ripples coming again, there was a look of despair in their eyes.

The gap is too big!They did not expect that Yu Yuan's strength improved so quickly.When he was in the Sun Palace back then, Yu Yuan was already invincible against a saint, but he did not expect that his current strength would take another qualitative leap.

Yu Yuan is already at the same level as the saints at this time, although his strength is not as good as them, but for other monks, there is no difference between Yu Yuan and the saints.

Just when the ripples of the chaotic clock were about to spread out from the Tai Chi Diagram, the Tai Chi Diagram experienced a lawful fluctuation again, and this time the fluctuation revealed a coercion that was vast and never changing.

Even Yu Yuan felt restrained in this Tai Chi diagram.

"Lao Tzu, have you finally been unable to resist?" Yu Yuan was not surprised by the sudden fluctuation.Yu Yuan didn't believe that this matter could be hidden from Lao Tzu, how could it be possible to hide this from him while fighting within his portable magic weapon?

"Yu Yuan, enough is enough! If you kill these three people, Yuan Shi will never let you go!" Lao Tzu's flat and emotionless voice came from the Taiji diagram.

"He won't give up with me? I don't want to let him go! Hmph, as long as he is allowed to attack my disciples, I can't kill his disciples? I'll see today, why can't I kill them?"

As soon as Yu Yuan's voice fell, a huge spiritual consciousness rushed out of his body and poured into the Chaos Clock in his hand. Under the command of Yu Yuan, the Chaos Clock crazily slammed towards the Tai Chi Diagram with endless power.

The three of Chi Jingzi also recovered at this time, seeing Lao Tzu making a move and blocking Yu Yuan for them, they dared to stay there, turned around and fled with the golden light on the ground.

The two innate treasures collided, and a huge darkness appeared in the prehistoric world. Everything within this range was completely wiped out.

Fortunately, both of them tried their best to restrain the aftermath, and the aftermath only escaped for more than ten li, and did not continue to destroy.

After this impact, the five-color divine light behind Yu Yuan lit up and turned into a multicolored light curtain, covering the Taiji diagram, and then Yu Yuan flashed and appeared behind Chi Jingzi.

Chi Jingzi, who was running away, suddenly felt an astonishing coercion from behind, which made the movement of the power of law in his body start to stagnate.

"Chi Jingzi, my juniors have been waiting for you for a long time! You will be on the list with them! Don't worry, you are the first, and I will soon let some of your classmates accompany you!"

Yu Yuan's voice rang in Chi Jingzi's ear, the tone was light, but it broke Chi Jingzi's heart.

"No~~ Teacher, save me!" Chi Jingzi yelled sadly.At the same time, Chi Jingzi's primordial spirit also began to burn, and the power of law in his body moved faster and faster.

However, all Chi Jingzi's efforts were useless in front of Yu Yuan.

A palm fell lightly, without any fluctuations in laws or energy, not even a trace of murderous intent, but the moment Chi Jingzi's body came into contact with this palm, it turned into countless powders and was blown away by the wind Exhausted.

A hole suddenly opened in the air, and a gray streamer flew out of it, with countless chaotic air entwined on it, exuding bursts of intimidating coercion.

It is the treasure of Yuanshi Tianzun, the Pangu Banner.At the same time, the space in front of him trembled, and the Taiji diagram also broke away from Yu Yuan's five-element space.

"Yu Yuan, you deserve to die. How dare you kill my disciple? I want you to be buried with me!" Following Yuanshi Tianzun's angry voice, the Pangu flag shot two thick chaotic airflows towards Yu Yuan.

In the two thick chaotic air streams, the two Dao patterns were faintly visible, and the coercion emanating from them made Yu Yuan feel the bursts of suppression.

At the same time, the Taiji Diagram spread out all of a sudden, and countless yin and yang mills flew out of it, and at the same time continued to extend, trying to include Yu Yuan in the Taiji Diagram again.

Just now, when Yu Yuan involved the Taiji Diagram into the five-element space, he had already rescued Yin Hong by the way. In addition, he had already killed Chi Jingzi, so this trip was quite fruitful. Lao Tzu recklessly.

The attacks of Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi have completely disrupted the surrounding space, and Yu Yuan couldn't use the law of space for a while.

Yu Yuan held the Chaos Bell in front of him, trying to block the attacks of Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi, the two saints.It's just that Yu Yuan is very difficult to face Yuanshi Tianzun alone, plus Lao Tzu, Yu Yuan can't stop him at all.

After a little contact, Yu Yuan's body shook violently, countless cracks appeared on the hard body, and countless blood beads oozed out of it, and Yu Yuan was also vomiting blood profusely.

Yu Yuan was hit by Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu's joint attack, and he was seriously injured.Although Yu Yuan has a lot of cards, his basic strength is too weak, but he is only in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

If Yu Yuan can break through the fifth level of the Five Elements of "Hunyuan Golden Body Jue" and reach the sixth level of the protection of the four images, at that time, Yu Yuan will not be able to use his physical body, spiritual consciousness, mana, or small world. Worse than a saint, only then can Yu Yuan truly challenge a saint.

Seeing Yu Yuan's appearance, Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu joined forces to strike again, intending to kill Yu Yuan and send him to the list of gods.

A formation map appeared and slowly spread under Yu Yuan's feet, four fairy swords appeared around Yu Yuan, and four simple sword qi appeared, blocking the attacks of Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu.

"Yu Yuan, you go back first! I'll take care of it here!" Taoist Tong Tian's voice rang in Yu Yuan's ear.

Hearing Taoist Tongtian say this, Yu Yuan did not refuse. This time, Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu's joint attack caused him too much damage, and it would not be able to recover within a few days.

Now there is still a big gap with these saints!It's better to wait until Yin Jiao's affairs are over before coming out!Yu Yuan thought to himself.

Yu Yuan had a plan, which was to use the other four innate five-element flags to set up a large innate five-element formation when explaining and teaching to kill Yin Jiao, and then use this large formation to break through to the realm of guardianship of the four elephants.

At that time, even if Lao Tzu came in person, although Yu Yuan was not his opponent, he was not afraid of him.As for Zhunti, I'm afraid that when the time comes, he will only be suppressed by Yu Yuan.

"Yuanshi, take care of your disciple! If I have time, I will come out!" Yu Yuan laughed at Yuanshi Tianzun, and urged the Chaos Clock in his hand, the surrounding space was suppressed and became stable.

Yu Yuan stepped out and disappeared in place, but he arrived at Jin'ao Island. (To be continued..)

ps: Thanks to "Fang Fang Tang Tang" for casting two monthly tickets, the monthly tickets doubled at once, hahaha!

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