"Yu Yuan, even if I go to Jinao Island, I will kill you!" Yuan Shi roared angrily, echoing constantly.

The four ancient fairy swords, with their sword aura, passed through the Zhuxian formation and turned into a powerful sword aura, which cut off the two chaotic airflows from the Pangu banner, and at the same time wiped out all the Yin and Yang, and forced the Taiji diagram back .

"Yuanshi, if you want to kill me on Jinao Island, I will accompany you at any time! Hahaha!" Taoist Tongtian's voice came from the four swords of Zhuxian. Yu Yuan beheaded Chi Jingzi, which made Taoist Tongtian feel to carefree.

After saying this, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian broke through the void and returned to Jin'ao Island.

Yuanshi Tianzun's Pangu banner also broke through a gap in space, and he was about to catch up.This gap in space was directly bridged by the Taiji Diagram.

"Eldest brother, what are you doing?" Yuan Shi asked Lao Tzu angrily.

"Now is not the time for a decisive battle. If your Pangu Banner goes to Jin'ao Island, I'm afraid it will be stuck there! Go! There will be opportunities in the future!"

After Lao Tzu finished speaking, the Taiji Diagram broke through the void and flew back to the Bajing Palace.Yuanshi Tianzun was silent for a long time, and finally the chaotic airflow from the Pangu flag shot out, rolling up Cihangdaoren and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun in the distance, and also broke through the void and flew back to Yuxu Palace.

Inside Yuxu Palace.

Surrounded by golden discs, filled with immortal energy, Yuanshi Tianzun sat cross-legged on the cloud bed, and placed a list in front of him. This list was shrouded in golden light, and any writing on it could not be seen clearly. It was the list of gods in the heavenly book.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked heavy and frowned, as if he was thinking about something very embarrassing.

After a long time, Yuanshi Tianzun sighed softly.Slowly extended his hand to the list of gods.He decided to try to revive the Chi sperm, but he was not sure at all.

Nezha and others who were resurrected before were all just below the Golden Immortal cultivation level, did not master the laws, and had not yet touched the essence of the world, so resurrecting them, although they will be punished by heaven, is only a few minor injuries!With the strength of the saint's physical body, in an instant.will be able to recover.

But this time the Chi sperm that is going to be resurrected.It is the real Daluo Jinxian who has fully mastered a law. If he is resurrected, he must touch the origin of the world.the consequences suffered.will be very serious.

Yuanshi Tianzun slowly moved his hand.Stretched into the golden light, searched for a while, and found the true spirit of Chi Jingzi.After holding it, it is necessary to take it out.

Heaven's punishment came again, but this time, the power of heaven's punishment was too great. Before attacking, it was just coercion, which already made Yuanshi Tianzun feel great pressure.

Yuanshi Tianzun gritted his teeth, continued to slowly pull out his hand, and the gathered Heavenly Punishment struck down a thunderbolt.

Yuanshi Tianzun unconsciously released his right hand, and Chi Jingzi's true spirit was submerged in the golden light again.After Yuanshi Tianzun let go, the Heaven's Punishment gathered slowly dissipated.

Yuanshi Tianzun got up slowly, the breath on his body was weak. Although it was just a thunderbolt just now, Yuanshi Tianzun had already been injured by Yuanshi just now.

"Under the law of heaven, they are all ants! I was overestimated, and actually wanted to defy the law of heaven!" Yuanshi Tianzun smiled wryly and shook his head, mocking himself.

Yuanshi Tianzun waved his right hand and put away the list of gods, but he no longer had the idea of ​​resurrecting Chi Jingzi. If Chi Jingzi was revived, his original source might be seriously injured.

"Yu Yuan, you killed my disciple, the matter between me and you is just the beginning!"

Yuanshi Tianzun raised his head and looked in the direction of Jinao Island, his eyes flickered a few times, then he turned and went deep into the palace to heal his wounds!

The news of Chi Jingzi's complete death was known to the rest of Chanjiao.They were all silent all of a sudden, as if they had all started retreating, and no one went out for activities.

Although the three generations of Chanjiao disciples in Xiqi City were affected to some extent, the problem was not too great. After all, they could all be resurrected and were not afraid of being killed.

After Deng Jiugong returned to the court, not long after, a series of news about the front line came.

That day, after Yin Hong was suppressed into the Taiji diagram, and after Jiang Ziya returned to the city, he led his troops to attack the Dashang army camp. In the absence of the commander, the Dashang army was defeated.

The Song City Palace of the Great Shang Dynasty.

Di Xin was dealing with government affairs when Yu Yuan suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, I don't know how my son Yin Hong is doing now?" Seeing Yu Yuan appearing, Di Xin asked quickly, his tone also a little anxious.

"Hehe, you'll know if you see for yourself!"

As soon as the five-color divine light behind Yu Yuan shone, Yin Hong was released.As soon as Yin Hong came out, he saw Di Xin sitting in front of him, his face was agitated, and he knelt down directly.

"Yin Hong, see father!"

Di Xin's face, which had always been calm, had a turmoil at this time, and he stepped forward to support Yin Hong, and patted him on the shoulder.

Afterwards, Di Xin took Yin Hong to the harem to meet Queen Jiang. After the mother and son met, they cried again.Yin Hong also told Queen Jiang about his experiences in these years.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, I wonder when my prince, Yin Jiao, will return?"

At this time, Di Xin's face had returned to calm. Looking at the warm scene in the distance, he turned his head and asked Yu Yuan.

"King Yu, don't worry, I promise that Yin Jiao will be fine! This time, I'm still waiting for another big gift from Chanjiao!" Yu Yuan smiled, full of anticipation.

Di Xin took a deep look at Yu Yuan, then turned his head, watching the warm scene of the reunion of mother and child, and stopped talking.

On the second day, Yin Hong followed Di Xin to the court. After learning that Yin Hong was the missing prince, all the courtiers below congratulated Di Xin.

Emperor Xin then ordered Zhang Shan, the commander-in-chief of Sanshan Pass, to lead his troops to conquer Xiqi, and Hong Jin took over from him to guard Sanshan Pass.

After Zhang Shan led a team of soldiers and came to Xiqi, he fought Xiqi several times, but failed to achieve any results. Instead, he was injured by Nezha's Qiankun circle.

Originally, Yu Yuan wanted to come, but now he only needs to wait for Yin Jiao to go down the mountain and borrow four innate five-element flags from Chanjiao, then he can easily break through the realm.

But plans can't always keep up with changes.

Feather Wing Fairy had to go down the mountain!Because Shen Gongbao came to him, he had already fallen into a catastrophe, and he had to go down the mountain and survive the catastrophe before he could escape the catastrophe.

Originally, Shen Gongbao would not find any of the Jiejiao disciples. All the Jiejiao disciples had returned to Jin'ao Island. Except for the Jiejiao disciples, no one else could enter Jin'ao Island.

Feather Wing Immortal's body is Garuda Roc, trapped on this small island, how can he stand it.After rehearsing the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, I couldn't bear the loneliness, so I went out to travel around the island.In his mind, as long as he doesn't go to Xiqi, there should be no problem.

But under the law of heaven, with the blessing of a sage, he was able to escape for a while. When he left Jin'ao Island, he immediately ran into Shen Gongbao who was wandering around.

Yu Yixian returned to Jin'ao Island with a gloomy face, and went directly to Yu Yuan.

"Yu Yuan, I'm so unlucky! As soon as I went out, I met Shen Gongbao!" Complaining, Immortal Yu Yi entered Yu Yuan's cave.

"What's the matter? How could you still meet Shen Gongbao?" Hearing what Yu Yixian said, Yu Yuan showed some doubts on his face. Shen Gongbao was not allowed to enter Jinao Island.

Yu Yixian explained the cause and effect to Yu Yuan.

After listening to Yu Yixian's narration, Yu Yuan gloated and laughed. Seeing Yu Yuan smiling so happily, Yu Yixian became more and more upset.

"Yu Yuan, don't just smile! Help me find a way." Fairy Yu Yi was full of depression.

"Don't worry, I'll go down the mountain with you. If anything happens, even if I can't beat you, I can still run back with you!" Yu Yuan smiled enough and gave Yu Yixian a promise.

Hearing Yu Yuan's promise, Yu Yixian was relieved. Yu Yuan was the one who could escape from birth under the cooperation of Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu, two saints.

Feather Wing Immortal no longer had to worry about the future, and soon left Jin'ao Island, and came to the Dashang military camp outside Xiqi City.

Seeing the wound left by Nezha's universe circle on Zhang Shan's shoulder, Yu Yixian took out a pill and helped him recover from the injury.

On the second day, Yu Yixian went out to call for battle. Under the circumstances that none of the twelve golden immortals dared to go down the mountain, Yu Yixian was absolutely invincible to Xiqi.

Feather Wing Immortal kills happily, making Nezha, Jin Zha and the others experience the feeling of death once again.Then Jiang Ziya used his unique trick again, avoiding the battle card.

Under Yu Yuan's reminder, Fairy Yuyi also accepts as soon as she sees it, and prepares to go back to Jin'ao Island.

Under Yu Yuan's special disclosure, Nezha and the others also knew that Yu Yuan and Yu Yixian had gone down the mountain together. After receiving this news, Daoist Ran Deng who was going down the mountain to subdue Yu Yixian became honest all of a sudden and did not dare to make a move.

Feather Wing Immortal's catastrophe, under Yu Yuan's strong intervention, passed through simply and easily.

After Yu Yixian returned to Jinao Island, Yu Yuan returned to the outside of Xiqi City, and Yin Jiao was going down the mountain soon.Yu Yuan felt the excitement in his heart, slightly unable to suppress it.

As long as Yin Jiao goes down the mountain and passes through the innate five-element formation, Yu Yuan can take this step, jump out of this catastrophe, and become a chess player.

This step is the difference between heaven and earth, cloud and mud!

Jiuxian Mountain, Taoyuan Cave.

Guang Chengzi was sitting cross-legged in the mountain, silently mobilizing his primordial spirit and tempering his mana.With Yuanshi Tianzun guarding him, he doesn't have to worry about Yu Yuan daring to attack the mountain gate.As long as Yu Yuan enters Jiuxian Mountain, he can know that Yuanshi Tianzun will follow.

Suddenly there was a crane cry outside the cave, and after a while, a boy in white clothes came in from outside the cave, it was the white crane boy who was accompanying Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Uncle, the master master has a decree, Yin Jiao should go down the mountain!"

"I already know about this, you go back to the mountain!" Guang Chengzi nodded and said to Baihe Boy.

Boy Baihe bowed to Guangchengzi again, then bid farewell and left.

After a while, Yin Jiao, who heard Guang Chengzi's summoning, rushed to the cave.

"Yin Jiao, it's time for you to go down the mountain!" (To be continued...)

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