Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 192 Innate 5-element Array

ps: There was a power outage today, and it has just been restored now, this is the chapter at noon!

Hearing what Guang Chengzi said, Yin Jiao's heart shook slightly, he could finally go down the mountain!I don't know how the big business is doing now?Has the father returned?As for the younger brother, I haven't seen him for many years.

"Master, this disciple is willing to go down the mountain and complete what Master has instructed!" Yin Jiao bowed respectfully to Guang Chengzi.

"Well, Yin Jiao, you go down the mountain this time and go to Xiqi to help your Uncle Ziya, protect Zhou and defeat merchants!" Hearing what Yin Jiao said, Guang Chengzi nodded, and then gave instructions.

Hearing Guang Chengzi's words, Yin Jiao felt sad, but he didn't show any abnormality on the surface.

Back then, Yin Jiao was dubious about Yu Yuan's words, and since Guang Chengzi had been nice to him all these years, Yin Jiao began to have doubts about Yu Yuan's words.

However, upon hearing Guang Chengzi's order at this time, Yin Jiao knew that what Yu Yuan said back then was all true.His master, Guang Chengzi, was in the same group as the one who designed his father.

"Yes, this disciple respectfully obeys Master's orders!"

Yin Jiao's performance was still normal, and Guang Chengzi, who was secretly observing him, nodded slightly.

"Yin Jiao, go to the Lion Cliff outside the cave and search for a weapon. I'll teach you some Taoism, and you go down the mountain!"

After listening to Guang Chengzi's instructions, Yin Jiao walked out of Taoyuan Cave and came directly to Lion Cliff.This Lion Cliff can also be regarded as a blessed place in Jiuxian Mountain, filled with immortal energy, spiritual springs are everywhere, and exotic flowers and grasses are everywhere.

Yin Jiao is here, looking around.I want to see where the weapon Guang Chengzi mentioned is.But after looking around, I didn't see any weapons.

It suddenly occurred to Yin Jiao that there was a other residence of Guangchengzi on Lion Cliff, and there must be some weapons in it.Yin Jiao walked along the path, walked across a stone bridge, and came to the gate of Beppu.

No one is allowed to approach this Beppu on weekdays, only Hiroshiko goes in from time to time.Even Yin Jiao never went in.

but.This time, Guang Chengzi personally ordered him to go to Lion Cliff to look for weapons, presumably to let him go to this Befu to look for them.

Coming closer, Yin Jiao confirmed his thoughts even more.Because it was originally full of forbidden gates.At this time, the prohibition is completely removed.The two doors were ajar, Yin Jiao pushed gently and walked in.

Look around for a week.Yin Jiao was a little disappointed, the cave was empty, there was nothing there, let alone any weapons.However, on the stone table in the middle, there were six or seven beans scattered, still filled with immortal energy.

Yin Jiao walked over, picked it up and looked at it.

What's this?Is this what Guang Chengzi asked me to find?Yin Jiao thought to himself, at this moment, in his heart, he no longer thinks that Guang Chengzi is his master.

Yin Jiao put the bean in his nose and smelled it, an indescribable fragrance permeated his heart, Yin Jiao suddenly felt an extreme desire to eat the bean in front of him.

After careful observation and confirming that there was nothing abnormal, Yin Jiao carefully put the bean in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and Yin Jiao swallowed the bean.

After feeling it for a while, he found that there was no abnormality in his body, Yin Jiao couldn't help it, and ate all the remaining beans.

Just after Yin Jiao ate all these beans, Guang Chengzi in Taoyuan Cave opened his eyes with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Since you are not the person I teach after all, then you will contribute your last strength for me! Let me see how this fairy bean works?"

This Befu on Lion Cliff is the place where Guangchengzi usually studies, and this fairy bean is his research result, which can contain supernatural powers.

The few fairy beans that Yin Jiao ate just now contained supernatural powers.

After Yin Jiao searched again, but still found nothing, he decided to go back and ask Guang Chengzi if he made a mistake.

As soon as he walked out of this Beppu, Yin Jiao felt something strange behind him, and when he turned around, he found that Beppu had disappeared, leaving only a rock wall.

Suddenly, Yin Jiao felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder, as if something was about to come out of it. Yin Jiao was sweating profusely from the pain, and his muscles twitched endlessly.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the few beans I just ate?The only abnormality Yin Jiao could think of at this time was the few beans he ate just now.

Amidst the sound of joints, an arm stretched out from Yin Jiao's right shoulder, and then several arms grew out, as well as two heads.

At this time, Yin Jiao already has three heads and six arms, and there is an extra eye on his forehead. The effect is equivalent to using three heads and six arms, but the three heads and six arms can be withdrawn, but Yin Jiao can only maintain this appearance.

When Yin Jiao was thinking about whether his current appearance was designed by Guang Chengzi, a boy came to call him, saying that Guang Chengzi asked him to go back.

Yin Jiao's eyes flashed brightly. He had just completed the transformation when Guang Chengzi sent someone to call him. If Guang Chengzi didn't design this matter, he wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

However, although his appearance became weird, his strength also increased a lot. Although Yin Jiao was a little uncomfortable, he didn't resist too much.

Seeing Yin Jiao walking in from the cave, Guang Chengzi kept looking up and down, with satisfaction in his eyes and a smile on his face.

The effect of this fairy bean seems to be very successful. Although there are still flaws that cannot be recovered, it only needs to be slightly modified.

"Yin Jiao, you go down the mountain first! In a short time, I'm going down the mountain too!" Guang Chengzi was talking, and handed the Fantian seal, the Luoba clock, and the male and female swords to Yin Jiao.

Finally, Guang Chengzi looked at Yin Jiao and said meaningfully: "Yin Jiao, you have to remember that you must never return to Dashang, otherwise, you will be punished by God! Do it yourself!"

"Master, don't worry, if I don't keep my promise, I will suffer from plow and hoe in the future!" Yin Jiao made an oath to Guang Chengzi, turned around and left Taoyuan Cave.

Yin Jiao left Jiuxian Mountain and drove towards Dashang on the way. He wanted to go back to Chaoge first, but was stopped by Shen Gongbao on the way.

Under Shen Gongbao's persuasion, Yin Jiao decided to go to Xiqi first to quell the Western Zhou rebellion, and then go back to meet Emperor Xin.Yinjiao then diverted to Xiqi.

On the way, Yin Jiao took in two more generals. One general was called Ma Shan, who was the magic weapon of Taoist Ran Deng. A bit of spiritual consciousness escaped from the coffin lamp and turned into a human form.

The other general is called Wen Liang, who is just a humble monk with a magic weapon in his hand, a white jade ring.He wanted to take advantage of this catastrophe of conferring gods to reap a fortune in the world.

After Yin Jiao brought the two Yuan generals to Xiqi, after some identification, Zhang Shan confirmed Yin Jiao's identity, and then gave up the position of commander to Yin Jiao.

On the second day after arriving, Yin Jiao personally led the troops out to call for battle.

Guang Chengzi's several magic weapons are all in the hands of Yin Jiao, and Yin Jiao is superhuman, so when using several magic weapons together, Nezha and the others can't resist them.

The falling clock flew up, and amidst the ripples of turbulent soul, Huang Tianhua fell off his horse and was killed by Yin Jiao's sword. Nezha, Jin Zha and Mu Zha were the Pan Tianyin sacrificed by Yin Jiao smashed to pieces.

In the end, if it wasn't for Jiang Ziya's offering of the whip, knocking Yin Jiao off his horse and causing him to escape injured, I'm afraid the Western Zhou Dynasty would lose a few more people.

While Yin Jiao was injured, Nezha went to invite Taoist Ran Deng and took Ma Shan into custody.Then Nezha went out to fight, challenged Wen Liang, smashed his white jade ring, and beheaded him on the spot.

Under Ran Deng's planning, the disciples of Chanjiao moved around, and finally borrowed all of the Lidi Flame Flag, Qinglian Baose Flag, and Suse Yunjie Flag, also known as the Juxian Flag.

Afterwards, several disciples of the second generation of Chanjiao went down the mountain. Although they were very worried, fearing that they would be attacked and killed by Yu Yuan like Chi Jingzi, they had to go down the mountain, otherwise the catastrophe of conferred gods would not pass.

Those who descended the mountain were Master Taiyi, Master Huanglong, and Guangchengzi.

When Master Taiyi and Master Huanglong arrived, Daoist Ran Deng arranged the task.

Daoist Taiyi held the Lidi Flame Flag and guarded the south to prevent Yin Jiao from escaping to the south.Master Huanglong holds the Qinglian Baose Banner and guards the west to prevent Yinjiao from fleeing to the west.Ran Deng himself holds the Wutu Xinghuang Banner and guards the center.

Then Ran Deng asked Jiang Ziya to ask Zhou Gongdan to hold the plain cloud border flag to guard the east, but to leave the north and let Yin Jiao flee. There, he had prepared means to deal with Yin Jiao.

Zhou Gongdan was looking at bundles of letters, seemingly leisurely, but in fact he was already very nervous, waiting for Jiang Ziya's arrival.

"Your Majesty, the prime minister is seeking an audience outside!" A servant came in to report.

Hearing this news, Zhou Gongdan's body trembled slightly, and then he calmed down.

"Let Prime Minister Jiang come in!"

"Chen, Jiang Shang, see Your Majesty!" After Jiang Ziya came in, he saluted Zhou Gongdan in a polite manner.

"Prime Minister, please get up quickly! I don't know why the Prime Minister is here today?" Zhou Gongdan stretched out his hand and signaled Jiang Ziya to get up.

When Jiang Ziya raised his head, he could feel that Zhou Gongdan's spirit today was very good, giving people a radiant feeling.

"Your Majesty, Yin Jiao, the son of Emperor Xin, was originally a disciple of my brother Guang Chengzi, and he came down to help me in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Unexpectedly, he rebelled against the battle and joined the business camp. In order to punish Yin Jiao, let him To fulfill your oath, you still need the power of His Majesty!"

"All the immortal masters who explain the teaching, how can I stay out of it for the sake of me in the Western Zhou Dynasty? Alright, I agree." Zhou Gongdan said with a big wave of his hand, very proudly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. When the time comes, I will come again to ask Your Majesty to leave. I will take my leave first!" After speaking, Jiang Ziya left the hall.

It's finally time to start!

Yu Yuan was very excited, took out the Xuanyuan control water flag, found a good location in the north to hide it, and just waited for the burning lamps and the others to set up the other four flags. You're done! (To be continued..)

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