After a few rounds of fighting with Yu Yuan, Yuanshi Tianzun retreated quickly, trying to distance himself from Yu Yuan, but Yu Yuan's purpose was to embarrass him, so naturally he followed closely.

With a wave of the Pangu flag in his hand, two chaotic air streams shot out in a meandering manner, turning into two divine dragons. With the support of the Dao pattern inside, they opened their teeth and claws, soared and roared.

Yu Yuan flicked the chaotic clock, and the chaotic clock grew louder, and ripples of sound spread out, passing through the bodies of the two dragons continuously.

The two dragons fluctuated for a while, as if they were about to disperse, but under the support of the Dao pattern inside, they immediately recovered their shape, and rushed towards Yu Yuan again.

Yu Yuan was temporarily forced to retreat, Yuanshi Tianzun seized the opportunity, mana continuously poured into the Pangu banner, countless streams of chaotic air shot out, turned into countless sword qi, formed a rain of swords, and flew towards Yu Yuan.

"Yuanshi, do you think you can repel me just by relying on this rain of swords? Suppress!" A ripple spread out, and all the rain of swords disappeared, and turned into chaotic air again, returning to the Pangu banner.

"Yu Yuan, I have the status of a saint and am immortal. But you can't, as long as I get seriously injured today, you will definitely be doomed!"

Yuanshi Tianzun can become a saint, and he is also a person with great wisdom and great perseverance. At this time, he has already recovered, and then he said loudly in turn, trying to shake Yu Yuan's mind.

But Yu Yuan was able to get to where he is today, how can he be easy.

"Yuanshi, you think too highly of yourself! My physical body has strong resilience. As long as you can't kill me all at once, I can recover immediately. How can you kill me? It's you instead. Although I can't kill you, let me You are seriously injured, but I can still do it."

"Hum..." Yuanshi Tianzun knew that Yu Yuan's mind could not be shaken, he snorted angrily, his heart moved at will, and the countless chaotic air currents in front of him were constantly changing shapes.

Or turn into a huge shield to block the ripples diffracted by the Chaos Clock; or turn into countless sword qi, attack Yu Yuan madly; or turn into a giant mountain, suppressing from the top of Yu Yuan's head.

Yu Yuan at this time.Just keep ringing the Chaos Clock.The ripples sent out shattered Yuanshi Tianzun's attack or defense.

"Yuanshi, is it meaningful for us to continue fighting like this? You and I can't do anything to each other. How about giving up?" Seeing that Yuanshi Tianzun didn't respond.Yu Yuan added another sentence later.

"The next time at most. When I kill your disciple, I'll hide it behind your back and don't let you see it."

Yu Yuan's words.The face of Yuanshi Tianzun became more gloomy, and the countless chaotic airflows around him became more violent, and the speed at which Yu Yuan hit the chaotic clock also began to speed up.

"Hey, Yuanshi, if you don't die, you won't die. You are shameless, so don't blame me for smoking it! Do you still remember my five-color magical power? Actually, this magical power has also improved a little!"

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was attacking Yu Yuan, paused after hearing Yu Yuan's words, looked up and saw the malicious smile on Yu Yuan's face, and his heart sank slightly.

Yu Yuan stepped out and came to Yuanshi Tianzun's side, and the five-color divine light shot out, brushing Yuanshi Tianzun in.Then, Yu Yuan was there, secretly counting the time.

After Yu Yuan absorbed a large amount of innate energy of the five elements, he not only broke through to the realm of the guardian of the four elephants, but also became perfect in the five-color divine light.

The power of the five-color divine light has been greatly enhanced, and Yu Yuan still has a faint feeling that the five-color divine light seems to have more profound applications, but it seems to be related to the five-element pattern in the body. Before the five-element pattern is completed, Yu Yuan has no way to explore .

After dozens of breaths, Yuanshi Tianzun came out from one side, and Yu Yuan, who had been waiting there for a long time, kicked Yuanshi Tianzun in the face.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun is a saint with a very fast reaction speed, but Yu Yuan is at the same level of strength as him. Under the sudden sneak attack, how could Yuanshi Tianzun escape, and was kicked firmly in the face by Yu Yuan superior.

Being kicked in the face by Yu Yuan, Yuanshi Tianzun had a firm mind, but at this time his face was flushed, his eyes were spitting fire, and he was so angry that he could hardly control himself.

"Tell you to stop, but you still cling to it, isn't it a shame?"

"Yu Yuan, I will never die with you!" Yuanshi Tianzun was so stimulated that he was going crazy.This is no longer a slap in the face, it's a face being trampled under the feet!

"Yuanshi, the two of us, it is really difficult to separate life and death. I think we will always be entangled!"

Yu Yuan didn't pay attention to Yuanshi Tianzun's threat at all.As he spoke, he rushed forward again and brushed Yuanshi Tianzun, who was about to attack, into the five-element space.

But this time, Yuanshi Tianzun was ready, and Yu Yuan's face-kicking attack was blocked by Yuanshi Tianzun's envoy, Pangu Banner.

After brushing Yuanshi Tianzun several times, Yu Yuan found that he could not take any advantage, so he blocked Yuanshi Tianzun's attack with the chaotic clock, flew directly to the distance, tore apart the space, and prepared to return to Jin'ao Island.

Before leaving, Yu Yuan turned around and smiled at Yuanshi Tianzun, but that hateful smile made Yuanshi Tianzun's anger even stronger.

After Yinjiao, Xiqi has already resisted 35 expeditionary armies, and only one army has yet to come. As long as this army is over, Jiang Ziya will officially take charge of the Conferred God, and then the Eastern Expedition to the Great Merchants can begin. .

Yu Yuan didn't deliberately change anything in the last army, so it was natural that Hong Jin, the little boy, was sent out.

In the original book, Princess Longji used the outer door to escape Hong Jin and broke his inner door.After Hong Jin was captured, he surrendered naturally, and was recruited by a beauty trick.

And now, under the influence of Yu Yuan, Princess Longji has been assigned to Yuan Hong by him.Yu Yuan really wanted to know how the Hong Jin matter would develop.

Unexpectedly, it was Sancun Ding Tu Xingsun who captured Hong Jin in the end.As soon as Tu Xingsun entered Hong Jin's inner gate, he immediately used the earth walking technique and got into the ground.After playing around for a while, Hong Jin was captured.

Hong Jin also lived up to Yu Yuan's expectations of him, and even without the trap of beauty, he resolutely surrendered.

After surviving the 36-way expedition, Jiang Ziya's body shone with golden light, and countless luck descended to bless him.From then on, Jiang Ziya was the real head of Fengshen.

In the future, let alone death, Jiang Ziya would never encounter even an injury.

Under the auspices of Jiang Ziya, the Western Zhou Dynasty is about to start the Eastern Expedition to the Great Merchants.What Jiang Ziya needs at this time is to hand over the power of General Zhou Gongdan to him, which is the so-called Jintai Worship General.

When the military and civilians of the Western Zhou Dynasty started to build the golden platform for worshiping generals, the remaining nine golden immortals and Taoist Randeng were a little distressed.Jiang Ziya worshiped the general, they should have gone to watch the ceremony, but they didn't dare to go!

The bloody examples of Chi Jingzi, Daoist Taiyi, and Daoist Huanglong are right in front of us.All three of them came down the mountain to handle errands, but they all died under Yu Yuan's hands.

Before, they, who knew Yuanshi Tianzun's plan, didn't pay attention to this catastrophe of conferring gods at all. Under the protection of the four saints, could something happen?

Even if there are some small tribulations, it will not be life-threatening.However, Yu Yuan trampled on this belief with his powerful strength.

Conferring the Great Tribulation of the Gods is no longer safe, going down the mountain is death!In particular, it was faintly heard that Master Taiyi and Master Huanglong were killed in front of Yuanshi Tianzun, and the remaining nine dared not go down the mountain.

At this moment, a decree from Yuanshi Tianzun came out, which made them all heave a sigh of relief.Then, the remaining nine golden immortals, Taoist Randeng and Yun Zhongzi rushed towards Xiqi one by one.

When Chanjiao Jinxian went down the mountain, Yu Yuan seemed to smell a fishy cat, and was about to intercept it, but on the way, Yu Yuan was intercepted first.

It was none other than Yuanshi, Laozi, Zhunti and Jieying who stopped him.Seeing the four sages attacking together and appearing in front of him, even Yu Yuan's face became serious.

"I don't know what the four stopped me for?"

"Yu Yuan, we should be the ones asking you. What is your purpose for going down the mountain?" Yuanshi Tianzun looked gloomy and stared at Yu Yuan closely.

After killing his three disciples, Yu Yuan still didn't give up, and wanted to kill his disciples, Yuanshi Tianzun would never allow this to happen.

It turned out that the content of the decree passed by Yuanshi Tianzun to the nine golden immortals was to let them go down the mountain with peace of mind. If Yu Yuan appeared, he and the three saints would stop Yu Yuan.

"Yu Yuan, if you still refuse to give up, we can only seal you up together!" Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Yu Yuan and threatened.

"Seal me? Hahaha, Yuanshi, do you know where my little world is? You still want to seal me?" Yu Yuan was very disdainful of what Yuanshi Tianzun said.

The saint entrusts a bit of his true spirit to the way of heaven, the way of heaven will not be destroyed, and the saint will not be destroyed.The connection between the sage and the way of heaven is carried out through the small world attached to the prehistoric world.

The seal Yuanshi Tianzun said was to seal the saint together with the small world in the way of heaven.

As for Yu Yuan, he has nothing to do with Heavenly Dao at all, so how could Yuanshi Tianzun seal him?It was also difficult to kill Yu Yuan directly with the strength of four people.

Hearing what Yu Yuan said, Yuanshi Tianzun was also silent.He can be sure that Yu Yuan's small world must have been completed, just like Houtu back then, but he doesn't know where Yu Yuan's small world is.

At this time Taoist Tongtian also came.Sensing that the four sages joined forces to stop Yu Yuan, Taoist Tong Tian couldn't help but take a look.

Seeing the arrival of Daoist Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun and the others knew that they had absolutely no chance to deal with Yu Yuan.At the same time, Yu Yuan also understood that it was impossible to break through the obstruction of the four people and kill the disciples of Chanjiao.

"Okay, let's all sit here and watch the show! Let's see if there is anything special about Jiang Ziya's golden platform worshiping the general." Yu Yuan laughed and sat cross-legged in the void, looking at Xiqi. (to be continued..)

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