With the arrival of the nine golden immortals, Daoist Randeng and Yun Zhongzi in turn, Jiang Ziya is also ready to start worshiping the general on the golden platform.

After going through the 36th conquest, not only Jiang Ziya's luck increased greatly, but also the Renhuang's luck over Xiqi City increased a lot, and he was able to condense into a dragon shape.

Zhou Gongdan sat quietly in the hall with his eyes slightly closed. There was no attendant around him. The majestic hall was even more lonely at this moment.

Exhaling slowly, Zhou Gongdan opened his eyes, a burst of divine light shot out, and an aura of dominance emerged spontaneously.

"Everything is finally ready, just waiting for that moment to come. In the end, let's see whether it is my interception and destruction, or the end of your orthodoxy!"

"Your Majesty, it's time to pay homage to the general at the Jintai! The Prime Minister invites you to go!" From outside the main hall, a servant came to report.

"Jiang Ziya is becoming more and more insane. Now it's the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods. With your luck, no one can do anything to you. After this calamity is over, what miserable end will you have?"

The moment Zhou Gongdan got up, the whole hall was shaken, as if at this moment, he was already the center of the hall, walking out slowly, Zhou Gongdan saw several guards waiting respectfully at the entrance of the hall.

"See Your Majesty!"

Seeing Zhou Gongdan coming out, several guards quickly saluted.


Under the golden platform, Jiang Ziya was talking with several people from Chanjiao. At this moment, Jiang Ziya had an unconcealable smile on his face. His patience for so many years finally paid off today.

Now.Jiang Ziya is already in charge of the entire Fengshen, and from now on, he doesn't even have to give Zhou Gongdan any face.Before the end of Conferred God, he was the biggest.

Not only Jiang Ziya, but even his disciple Wu Ji, was struggling at this moment.

"Hey, you guys, come here and arrange the place, you guys. Drive those civilians away. If it affects the important event of worshiping the general later, I want your heads!"

Wu Ji was originally just a woodcutter, and his sudden wealth should make him arrogant.But when I first arrived.Zhou Gongdan cleaned him up.But let him be honest and tight.

Now.Jiang Ziya is about to take the stage to pay homage to the general, the so-called "the general is out, and the emperor's life is not accepted".That's the kind of general you're talking about.

At this time, Wu Ji is still willing to keep a low profile. After the past few years with his tail between his legs, once he gains power, of course he has to show off, so Wu Ji is here to look for trouble and give orders.

At the same time, Wu Ji was also looking around. He was looking for some guards, who were the ones who beat him up.But those people are Zhou Gongdan's guards, if Zhou Gongdan didn't come, how could Wu Ji find them.

Looking back and forth, he still couldn't find those guards. Wu Ji couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He wanted to take this opportunity to take revenge on them!However, Wu Ji soon became happy because he had already seen those people from a distance.

"King Wu is here!"

With a loud shout, a chariot slowly drove over, surrounded by more than a hundred guards, closely guarding. On the chariot was a man sitting upright with his eyes closed, wearing a dragon robe and wearing a Wang Mian, there is a strong imperial coercion on his body.

"Caomin, I have seen Your Majesty!"

Seeing this man, all the civilians around knelt down, and there was a sound like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Jiang Ziya, who was originally talking with Guang Chengzi and the others, turned around in a hurry when he saw Zhou Gongdan coming, and ran towards Zhou Gongdan's chariot in a hurry.

Halfway through the run, Jiang Ziya seemed to have thought of something, his figure suddenly slowed down, and then he was very reserved, and walked towards the chariot unhurriedly.

Jiang Ziya asked Zhou Gongdan to sit on the chariot like this, waiting for his arrival.

Seeing Jiang Ziya's performance, the corners of Zhou Gongdan's mouth curled up into a disdainful smile.Does this Jiang Ziya really think he is such a great person?

Seeing Jiang Ziya's performance, all the generals and ministers around had strange expressions on their faces, but no one dared to come out and scold Jiang Ziya.

Even San Yisheng, who was suppressed by Jiang Ziya, hesitated to speak several times.

Wu Ji on the side was still very happy when he saw those guards, thinking that he could get revenge.But when his eyes moved to the man on the chariot, he only felt a chill rising, and he didn't have the slightest thought of presumptuousness.

At this time, seeing his teacher Jiang Ziya acting like this, Wu Ji couldn't help becoming more courageous, and began to make his own calculations in his heart.

This section of the road was so long, no matter how slow Jiang Ziya walked, he still reached the front of the chariot for a while, and then Jiang Ziya stood straight in front of the chariot, without any intention of saluting.

Zhou Gongdan and Jiang Ziya just looked at each other without moving.And the surrounding ministers and generals were all silent, for fear of being implicated.

"You little guards, today is the day when my master can be canonized as marshal, and even His Majesty wants to bow down in person, why don't you salute quickly!"

Just when the atmosphere became more and more tense, Wu Ji jumped out, pointed at the guards who wanted revenge and shouted.In a quiet environment, Bukit's voice is particularly loud.So big that everyone's eyes turned to him.

At this moment, Wu Ji actually asked Zhou Gongdan's bodyguards to salute Jiang Ziya. Isn't this a naked slap in the face of Zhou Gongdan?

Zhou Gongdan looked at Wu Ji with playfulness in his eyes.In Jiang Ziya's eyes, there was a slight appreciation.Scolding those guards not only lost Zhou Gongdan's face, but it was not too polite.

At this time, Jiang Ziya really didn't take Zhou Gongdan seriously.In Jiang Ziya's mind, he is a man of destiny, in charge of the power of conferring gods, no little human emperor can compare.

In particular, this Human Sovereign still only has half of the world, and he helped keep this half of the world.

Hearing Wu Ji's words, the guards didn't move at all, and didn't even show any reaction on their faces.But Zhou Gongdan couldn't help laughing.

"The prime minister is a good disciple! He has the spirit to scold Qiankun and Fang Qiu before he goes to war!" Zhou Gongdan smiled lightly, but everyone could hear the displeasure in his words.

Jiang Ziya's face remained unchanged, his waist straightened even more, and his answer was also very strong.

"Today is the day to worship the general. What Wu Ji said is not wrong!"

The Chanjiao people standing on the edge of the golden platform were also looking at the situation here.Hearing Jiang Ziya's words, Guang Chengzi frowned.

"Junior Ziya's words are a little too much."

In the early years, Guang Chengzi used to be the teacher of Xuanyuan Shenghuang, and he still valued these ceremonies of monarchs and ministers.When 12 of them went down the mountain to help Xuanyuan, even though they were disdainful in their hearts, they still had to live with face.

The rest of the people also nodded slightly after hearing Guang Chengzi's words.

Wu Ji was glanced at by Zhou Gongdan, and he was a little uneasy at first, but he immediately calmed down when he felt the appreciation in Jiang Ziya's eyes.

"You guys, hurry up and salute my master!" Wu Ji neither called Jiang Ziya Marshal nor Prime Minister, but talked about his master in order to humiliate those guards.

Although those guards didn't know what to do, they didn't need to think about it at all. All they needed to do was to carry out King Wu's order.King Wu has never let them down!

Seeing those guards still not moving at all, Wu Ji's face darkened, and he felt like a monkey jumping up and down being surrounded by people.

Wu Ji glanced at Jiang Ziya, and after getting a tacit approval, he shouted at the soldiers behind him.

"These people don't distinguish between superiority and inferiority. They despise the marshal. If you don't kill them, you won't be enough to establish an army. Arrest them!"

Wu Ji's face was a little hideous.Hearing Wu Ji's order, most of the soldiers still didn't dare to move, but there are still some soldiers who are willing to take the risk, maybe this time, they will become prosperous.

"Hehe, what a majesty! Do you really think that I Zhou Gongdan is just a display? It seems that the blood on the ground in Xiqi City has dried up. Some people have forgotten who I am Zhou Gongdan! No one left, killed!"

As soon as Zhou Gongdan's order was issued, the hundreds of guards standing solemnly on the logs immediately moved. Not only them, but also several elite troops came out of the army formation and rushed towards this side.

No matter who stands in front of these armies, no matter if they are preparing to attack or are spectators, there is only one word, "kill".

Those who can't serve the king, but still stand in the way, don't have the right to live!

No matter who they were, these armies who saw the killing spree all stepped aside.They seem to have returned to those days, when blood flowed like rivers in Xiqi City, and the ground was stained red.

As long as they hide slowly, no matter whether they are ministers, military generals, or soldiers, there is only one result. Use their blood to pave a bloody path for these armies.

Several bloody roads rushed towards Wu Ji and Jiang Ziya at an extremely fast speed, and then surrounded them and the soldiers who were about to attack.

Only then did Wu Ji react.But he didn't dare to react, so he could only look at Jiang Ziya for help.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ziya's eyes froze. He did not expect Zhou Gongdan's reaction to be so intense.When they were about to set off, they killed without restraint.

Seeing Zhou Gongdan's many guards, they are surrounding Wuji and the others.Jiang Ziya couldn't help but speak out.

"Your Majesty, today is the day when Jintai pays homage to generals. It is inappropriate to kill people. Since they have made no serious mistakes and have made merits, how about exempting them from the death penalty?"


Hearing Jiang Ziya's words, Zhou Gongdan stopped many guards with a wave of his hand.But even though Zhou Gongdan listened to his opinion and told his guards to stop, Jiang Ziya still had a bit of unwillingness on his face.

Jiang Ziya believes that Zhou Gongdan is also unwilling to get out of hand, but he is always disappointed that he failed to suppress Zhou Gongdan. (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you "Poison You Thousands of Times" book friend for your reward!

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