"Catch them, wait a while, there is still some use!"

Just when Jiang Ziya was still unwilling to admit defeat to Zhou Gongdan, Zhou Gongdan spoke again.

Hearing Zhou Gongdan's words, Jiang Ziya suddenly raised his head, looking at Zhou Gongdan, his eyes flashed with anger.What do you want to do this week, Gongdan?He has already conceded defeat, isn't he planning to stop?

But soon, Jiang Ziya knew what Zhou Gongdan was going to do!

Under Zhou Gongdan's order, countless big tripods were seen sent here by soldiers.Seeing these big tripods, Jiang Ziya's eyes became even more confused.

"Bleed them and put them in these cauldrons!" Liu Yi, the leader of Zhou Gongdan's guards, ordered with a grim expression.These people actually bullied their guards, this is courting death!

Hearing Liu Yi's words, all the bound soldiers began to struggle crazily, especially Wu Kit, who struggled most fiercely.

But in the hands of these guards, their struggle was futile!

"Your Majesty, didn't you promise not to pursue it? As a king, how can you break your word!" Jiang Ziya shouted at Zhou Gongdan excitedly.

Zhou Gongdan turned his head and gave Jiang Ziya a strange look.

"I just said stop, it has nothing to do with you at all, and I didn't promise you not to pursue them, so don't be too sentimental?"

Hearing what Zhou Gongdan said, Jiang Ziya was so angry that he even wanted to kill Zhou Gongdan in front of him and re-establish a human emperor.

However, Jiang Ziya didn't dare to make a move, not even those who explained the teachings.But except them.Who can threaten this iron-blooded emperor.

These soldiers were caught by the guards and wiped their necks like killing chickens. Blood spurted from the wounds and fell into the cauldron. There was more and more blood in the cauldron.

At the same time, the thick bloody smell was also spreading around. Looking at the scene in front of them, the civilians all looked terrified, and being stimulated by the bloody smell, they couldn't help but vomit.

Even Zhou Gongdan.There is also a feeling of wanting to vomit.but.Not being so is not enough to calm people's hearts, not being so is not enough to keep the night out.

Before the blood flowed away, Wu Ji took one last look at Jiang Ziya who was standing aside, regret, despair, and resentment flashed in his eyes.

If it weren't for Jiang Ziya's backing.Wu Ji would never dare to do these things.But Jiang Ziya was the last.But he couldn't save them.

Seeing the look in Wu Ji's eyes, Jiang Ziya's face also darkened.At the same time, some thoughts came to mind, these armies of Zhou Gongdan.He will definitely give him a clean slate.

"Pour wine!" Liu Yi shouted loudly, bringing Jiang Ziya back to his senses.Only a jar of wine was poured into those big cauldrons, mixed with blood, bright and dazzling.

"Jiang Ziya, why don't you kneel down to welcome Gu out of the car?"

After all this was done, Zhou Gongdan's plain voice sounded and reached Jiang Ziya's ears. Hearing this sentence, Jiang Ziya only felt a slight sweetness in his throat, and he was actually internally injured by anger.

Regarding Zhou Gongdan's words, Jiang Ziya stood quietly as if he had never heard of Zhou Gongdan's words.

"Kneel down!" All the guards took a step forward together, and shouted loudly with their halberds on the ground.

Hearing the guard's shout, Jiang Ziya's body surged with anger, countless golden lights lit up, and above Jiang Ziya's head, it turned into a huge list, the list of gods.

At the same time, the real list of gods in Yuxu Palace also shook violently, and then the list of gods broke away from Yuxu Palace's control and flew towards Xiqi.

"Is this the person in charge of the Conferred Gods? Even a saint can't stop you from summoning the Conferred Gods List!" Yuanshi Tianzun of the ancient star field changed his expression, and then returned to normal.

The list of gods fell from the sky and fell into the golden phantom above Jiang Ziya's head. The whip also flew up, emitting a golden light.

"It's really interesting to pay homage to the general at Jintai this time! Yuanshi, that Wuji is your three-generation disciple? It's like killing a chicken like this. He was killed by his own people. Isn't it good? But this Jiang Ziya is still real What a blessing!"

Yu Yuan watched and sighed.

After listening to his words, Yuanshi Tianzun's face was a little ugly.But it is impossible for him to deal with Zhou Gongdan for the sake of a three-generation disciple.

On Jiang Ziya's head was the list of gods and the whip of the gods, and there was infinite golden light emitting from his body, and there were waves of terrifying coercion.

"Your Majesty!"

Jiang Ziya turned his head and shouted at the guards.At the same time, a burst of coercion passed over, whether it was intentional or not, some coercion also moved towards Zhou Gongdan.

The surrounding civilians were all crushed to their knees by Jiang Ziya's golden light.

Seeing that Jiang Ziya dared to exert coercion on himself, Zhou Gongdan stood up abruptly, and with an angry snort, the emperor's coercion was released, and at the same time, the dragon-shaped luck above Xiqi City rushed directly into Zhou Gongdan's body.

And all the civilians who knelt on the ground also felt a surge of anger in their hearts, but how could we make us kneel and worship?

Under Jiang Ziya's surprised eyes, the coercion of the Conferment of Gods and the God Whip was directly suppressed by Zhou Gongdan's imperial coercion, and even the golden light on it became weaker and weaker, and finally returned to Jiang Ziya's body with a cry of grief.

"Your Majesty!"

This time, under Zhou Gongdan's imperial pressure, Jiang Ziya failed to resist. His knees softened and he fell to his knees.

"Hey, this scene is really good. I thought holding two crappy things would be too powerful. In the end, I was still a trash, just like his teacher! All of them are trash plus egomaniacs!"

Yu Yuan kept sneering and sarcastic there, Yuanshi Tianzun directly took out the Pangu banner, and attacked Yu Yuan, countless chaotic air twisted together, turned into a long whip, and lashed towards Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan took out the chaotic clock and rang it, a ripple appeared, and directly shook the long whip away.

"Yu Yuan, if you talk nonsense again, the six of us will fight here!" Yuanshi Tianzun stared at Yu Yuan with a gloomy expression, as if he was about to strike at any time.

"Yuanshi, don't worry. We, the master and the apprentice, will try the methods of the four of you in the future!"

Jieyin and Zhunti, who were on the side, saw Yu Yuan's current strength, and then thought of what Yu Yuan had done, they couldn't help but look at each other, with an imperceptible light flashing in their eyes.

After Jiang Ziya knelt down, Zhou Gongdan got off the chariot, walked past Jiang Ziya, followed a bloody road, and strode towards the golden platform of worshiping the general.

On the golden platform, Zhou Gongdan stood still, looking down at the many civil servants, generals, soldiers and civilians below.

"Serve the wine!" Liu Yi, the commander of the guards, yelled, and bowls of blood wine were scooped out and brought to the soldiers.

"The blood wine in your hands is the blood of your comrades. Drink this wine and let them accompany you on the battlefield! This Xiqi is Xiqi of my Zhou Gongdan! I am the only master of Xiqi. You can give anyone glory and wealth, and you can also deprive anyone of their lives. Apart from me, Xiqi will not have a second voice. Drink the blood wine, keep my words in your mind, and go to fight for Xiqi!"

Once again, Zhou Gongdan declared his absolute dominion over Xiqi with blood and death!Because he didn't have to consider the continuation of the dynasty, he only needed absolute control, so Zhou Gongdan acted recklessly.

"Jiang Ziya, step forward to accept the commander-in-chief!"

Zhou Gongdan stood high on the golden platform and gave instructions to Jiang Ziya below.

At this time, Jiang Ziya buried all his anger and walked under the golden platform step by step. Before Zhou Gongdan could speak, he knelt down consciously and took the handsome seal from Zhou Gongdan.

When I defeat these few armies of yours, I will see what you use to maintain your control. At that time, without my hands, you will be torn to pieces by those nobles and civilians.

Just when Jiang Ziya was secretly feeling ruthless, Zhou Gongdan spoke again.

"In addition, the Longxiang and Huben armies will not go out with you. They need to ensure the stability of the rear!"

After hearing Zhou Gongdan's words, Jiang Ziya knew that there was no way to implement his plan. Although helpless, Jiang Ziya had no choice but to accept orders.

Jiang Ziya also knew at this time that although he is a man of destiny, he only has absolute authority in the matter of conferring gods. If it does not involve the general trend of conferring gods, even Zhou Gongdan can ignore him.

After conferring Jiang Ziya, Duke Zhou returned to Xiqi Palace.

And the rest were the nine golden immortals, Yun Zhongzi, and Taoist Randeng who explained the teachings, and began to give instructions to their apprentices one by one.

Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Li Jing, and Wei Hu asked their masters whether there would be any danger in the conquest of the big merchants.Because the few of them felt faintly that this time, things would not go as smoothly as they thought earlier.

The masters of these four people each have their own verses, but the meaning is generally the same, that is, the four of them are going here, and they are all safe.

Seeing that several fellow students are being taken care of by masters, Nezha feels a little disappointed.Lei Zhenzi, who was still on good terms with him, took her to Yun Zhongzi and asked Yun Zhongzi about his future.

Yun Zhongzi made a verse for the two of them respectively. Although the verses were different, the general meanings were similar, saying that they would encounter hardships at Sishui Pass, but they would not be fatal.

Arriving at Tu Xingsun's place, the face of fearing Liusun was slightly gloomy, and the gatha to Tu Xingsun also revealed a bad intention.

But Tu Xingsun didn't care about it.The verses of a few classmates next to him were all about nothing, and he also optimistically thought that he would be fine.

After everyone else had finished asking, Huang Tianhua walked in front of Qingxu Daodezhenjun with a trace of expectation, nervousness, and excitement.

"I've helped Xiqi survive the 36th conquest, can I go now?" Huang Tianhua's voice was very low.

"Are you really going? Don't you want to hear the gatha I gave you?" Qingxu Daodezhen asked with a smile on his face.

"No need, so what if you die immediately?" Huang Tianhua's face became a little cold.

"Then you go! Originally, even if you stayed, you wouldn't live long. I want to see, if you leave, what will happen?" (To be continued...)

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