Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 27 Emperor Xinping Dongyi

() As soon as Emperor Xin came to power, he promulgated a series of new laws, one of which shocked the government and the public the most.That is the abolition of slavery.

As soon as this decree came out, the government and the public were shaken. All the princes in the world were quite critical, and even ordinary civilians disagreed.

These civilians can't accept it anyway. The slaves who were originally lower than themselves are now in the same status as themselves.

These civilians can only see these immediate interests. Although they do not have slaves in their hands, this does not prevent them from resisting this decree.

And all the nobles and princes have countless slaves in their hands, so naturally they don't want this decree to be implemented.

And these opposing princes and ministers are mainly headed by two people, one is Wei Ziqi, Wei Ziqi has not been able to obtain the throne, and has been brooding about it all the time, naturally he refuses to let go of this blow to Emperor Xin's prestige.

The other group was headed by Bigan. At that time, Bigan was also likely to inherit the throne, and he was extremely happy to attack Di Xin's prestige.

Di Xin knew that this new law would be resisted by nobles, but he did not expect that so many civilians would also resist this new law.

At this time, Di Xin was also riding a tiger, and at this moment, Tuogu Minister Wen Zhong entered the palace to have a deep talk with Di Xin.The next day, at Wen Zhong's request, Di Xin withdrew the new law.

And all kinds of intrigues in the government and the opposition became calm under Wen Zhong's coercion, and no one dared to come out to stir up trouble.

Although nothing happened under the coercion of Grand Master Wen, Di Xin's prestige was still greatly reduced.

In the same year, Donglu sent an urgent military situation, and Dongyi invaded again. Donglu could not support it alone. I hope that Chaoge can send down the heavenly soldiers to help Donglu resist Dongyi's invasion.

In order to re-establish his prestige, Di Xin decided to go on a personal expedition, and let his teacher Wen Zhong sit in charge of Chaoge.

Di Xin's subordinates brought Huang Feihu, the four generals of the Mo family, Chao Tian, ​​Chao Lei, Qiu Yin, Zhang Shan and several other generals, and they brought [-] soldiers and horses to Donglu in a mighty way.

Within a day, Di Xin's [-] troops arrived at the city of Donglu.

Sitting on the horse, Di Xin saw the Donglu City Gate open from a distance, and a group of people stood densely under the city.

The leader is an old man with slightly gray hair, his waist is straight, straight as a pine, and his face has the arrogance of a big prince.

When Di Xin rode his horse forward, everyone knelt down one after another and said, "Meet the King!" Only Dong Bohou Jiang Hengchu just bowed his hands in salute, saying "I have met the King".

Seeing Jiang Hengchu frowning like this, Di Xin frowned slightly. This Jiang Hengchu didn't take himself seriously at all!

Seeing this, Qiu Yin snorted coldly, took a step forward, and the immortal power radiated from his body, forming a coercive pressure, and Jiang Hengchu fell to his knees with just one blow.

Jiang Hengchu's face was flushed red, and he tried hard to stand up, but he, a mere mortal, wanted to stand up under the pressure of an immortal, which was nothing more than a fool's dream.

Jiang Hengchu's eyes were full of humiliation, he stared fixedly at Qiu Yin next to Di Xin, looking like he wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

"Qiu Yin! You still don't back down. Jiang Bohou guarded the frontier for our great merchants. He is a meritorious minister. Now he is old and his legs and feet are inconvenient. Even if he doesn't kneel down, he can be forgiven. How can you humiliate him like this? !" Di Xin's tone was very serious.

Even so, looking at the slight smile on the corner of Di Xin's mouth, Qiu Yin knew that he had done nothing wrong this time.

Qiu Yin looked terrified, bowed his head and backed away, as if he felt that he had done something wrong, but as long as Dong Bohou Jiang Hengchu couldn't stand up, he knew that Qiu Yin had no intention of admitting his mistake at all.

After Di Xin finished speaking, he didn't care whether Jiang Hengchu was still kneeling on the ground, but went straight through the crowd and walked towards the city.

When walking through the crowd, Di Xin suddenly saw a woman kneeling behind Jiang Hengchu.Dignified and beautiful, gentle and virtuous, although not stunning, the gentle and virtuous temperament on her body deeply attracted Di Xin.

But it's not suitable to express anything here at the city gate. Di Xin took a deep breath and strode through the kneeling crowd.

And Jiang Wan'er, who was kneeling on the ground, felt the fiery gaze that Di Xin looked at her just now, and her heart was beating non-stop.

Di Xin is handsome, masculine and tough, coupled with the kingly aura exuding from his body all the time, he is very able to attract women's hearts.

And Jiang Wan'er obviously had a good impression of this young king who made her father look bad when they met.

A few days later, the Dongyi army came again, and Di Xin led many generals, hundreds of thousands of troops out of the city gate.

Before, Huang Feihu tried hard to persuade Di Xin, hoping that Di Xin would stay in the city to watch the battle, but Di Xin just smiled slightly and asked, "Can't all my lovers protect my safety?" Huang Feihu was speechless.

"Woo~~~" The desolate horn sounded, and as soon as the horn sounded, the Dongyi soldiers appeared in front of the Shang army in neat steps.

The Dongyi army stood still, and then saw a general rushing out of the army formation.He is wearing black armor, riding a fiery red horse, and holding a huge ax in his hand.

The man pointed at the army of the Shang Dynasty with a huge axe, and shouted loudly: "Is there any one of you who dares to come out and fight with me?"

Hearing this person's provocation, Zhang Shan, the general under Di Xin, couldn't bear it anymore, and challenged Di Xin: "Your Majesty, let your subordinates go and capture this barbarian!"

Di Xin nodded lightly: "Yes!"

Hearing this, Zhang Shan didn't hesitate anymore, the back of the big knife in his hand slapped the horse's buttocks, and the black horse that sat down rushed out like lightning.

When the general on the opposite side saw a general rushing out of the Shang army formation, he secretly became vigilant.Zhang Shan didn't stop, dragging the big knife backwards in his hand, lying on the horse's back, and when he came close, the big knife in his hand lifted from the ground.

Seeing this, the black-armored general quickly blocked Zhang Shan's big knife with the giant ax in his hand, but Zhang Shan borrowed horsepower to shake the giant ax in the black-armored general's hand, and his body fell behind. look up.

Zhang Shan took advantage of the momentum to pursue, and the big knife flying in the air turned around and slashed down towards the black armored general.

The black-armored general quickly blocked the huge ax in front of his chest, but Zhang Shan was so powerful that he still smashed the black-armored general's breastbone through the giant axe.

Zhang Shan rode his horse back, holding the sword high in his hand, and suddenly there was a roar of mountains and tsunami in the army of the Shang Dynasty, "Da Shang, Da Shang..."

Seeing this, Di Xin nodded and smiled, and ordered to Huang Feihu beside him: "Let the four generals of the Mo family come out and order the whole army to prepare to charge."

After the four generals of the Mo family got the military order, the four of them walked out of the army formation slowly without riding a horse.

Mo Liqing raised the Qingfeng Sword, Mo Lihong opened the Hunyuan Umbrella, Mo Lihai played the pipa in his hand, and Mo Lishouhua Fox Mink flew into the air to eat people.

All of a sudden, the smoke and dust rolled around, the dust and mist filled the air, the ground, water, fire and wind raged, and there were thousands of spears in the wind, cutting the soldiers in the enemy's formation.The fire was raging, and the enemy soldiers howled in mourning.

By the time the four put away the treasures, the Dongyi army was already full of remnants, without any fighting power.Just lying in place, breathing weakly, on the brink of death.

With a wave of Di Xin's hand, hundreds of thousands of Shang troops rushed forward. These soldiers rushed forward only to find that there was basically no fighting, and the enemy troops were all lying on the ground, howling.

After several consecutive battles, Dongyi surrendered, saying that he would not dare to offend Da Shang again, and was willing to belong to Da Shang's rule.

Di Xin Desheng returned to Donglu City, really having a headache.Now Dongyi's surrender, if it is sincere, it will definitely strengthen Donglu's strength, if it is repeated, it will be a hidden danger.

Suddenly, Di Xin heard the gentle and gentle woman. Ever since I met him in front of the city gate that day, Di Xin could never forget that beautiful figure. After investigation, he found out that the person belonged to Dong Bohou. daughter.

"Feihu, go and invite Dong Bohou!" Di Xin said to Huang Feihu who was sitting at his lower head.

"Keep quiet, this is a private matter!" Di Xin reminded Huang Feihu before he left.

Huang Feihu nodded, turned around and walked out.

After a while, Huang Feihu walked into the hall with Dong Bohou Jiang Hengchu.

At this moment, Jiang Hengchu didn't dare to put on airs anymore, he walked up to Di Xin and knelt down obediently, "My subject, Jiang Hengchu, pays homage to the king."

After giving Jiang Hengchu a seat, Di Xin thought about his words, and said slowly, "Dong Bohou, I don't know if Qianjin has been promised to him?"

Dong Bohou has been in awe of Di Xin ever since Di Xin took back Dongyi in a destructive manner. This was called by Di Xin. When he was restless, he suddenly heard Di Xin speak and froze in place.

Seeing Jiang Hengchu standing there silently.Di Xin was slightly unhappy and coughed lightly.

Hearing Di Xin's cough, Jiang Hengchu seemed to react, and quickly responded: "But this is not there, the little girl is still waiting in the boudoir!"

When Di Xin heard this, he was secretly delighted.After hesitating for a while, he said with a little embarrassment: "The lonely king wants to accept a daughter as a concubine, I wonder if you would like it?"

This is the best way Di Xin can think of, marriage.Anyway, that woman is also the one I like, so why not do it if he can stabilize Dong Bohou?

Hearing what Di Xin said, Jiang Hengchu was also very happy.Ever since Di Xin conquered Dongyi, Jiang Hengchu has been worried that Di Xin would turn around and deal with him. After all, when Di Xin first came, he showed great disrespect to Di Xin.

But now as long as Di Xin married her daughter, he would definitely not deal with him again.Thinking of this, Jiang Hengchu hurriedly said: "It's my daughter's blessing to be favored by the king. If the king is willing, when the king returns to Chaoge this time, he can take the little girl back!"

Hearing what Jiang Hengchu said, Di Xin waved his hand.

"It's so unethical, why don't you send it to Chaoge yourself!" Di Xin said, no matter what, now that Jiang Wan'er is his wife, she can't be wronged.

The next day, Di Xin led the army back to Chaoge, and a woman stood on the city wall watching Di Xin's back disappear into the distance.

In a few days, Jiang Hengchu led the generals and sent Jiang Wan'er to Chaoge, and Emperor Xin made Jiang Wan'er a noble concubine.

With the help of sweeping away Dongyi's great victory, Di Xin's reputation is as high as ever.

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