Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 28 The Golden Spirit Yu Yuan Says Conferred God

() Ever since convincing the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit that day, Yu Yuan has been thinking about how to persuade many Jiejiao disciples, or how to persuade Duobao and other top-level Jiejiao disciples.

However, in the end, Yu Yuan still had no way to convince Taoist Duobao. Taoist Duobao had a profound cultivation base, and he would never take part in this catastrophe until the end, because once he participated, it meant that the entire Jiejiao had joined the battle.

With Taoist Duobao's calmness, he would never put Jiejiao in danger because of his speculation.

However, no matter whether he can convince Duobao and the others, Yu Yuan decided to ask the Holy Mother of Jinling to summon all the disciples of Jiejiao. Whether they believe it or not, he must do his best to ensure that the Jiejiao can be preserved to the greatest extent. .

During the period when the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit summoned the disciples of the Jiejiao, Yu Yuan could only wait on Jinao Island for many disciples of the Jiejiao to come.

During this period of time, Yu Yuan made a little gadget, Ruyi Cosmos Bag, when he had nothing to do.Originally, Yu Yuan wanted to refine a Taoist robe similar to the universe in the sleeve, but later Yu Yuan realized that he often fights in close quarters and the Taoist robe is easy to be damaged, so he made a small bag and hung it on his waist.

After about three days, many Jiejiao disciples arranged their own affairs and came to Jinao Island. The appeal of the Holy Mother of Jinling was still very strong, and even Duobao and others came on time to participate in this unknown event. reunion.

On this day, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit found a quiet and beautiful small valley on Jin'ao Island. All the disciples of the Jiejiao were invited into this small valley by the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and they all found their own places to sit down.

These Jiejiao disciples gathered together, discussing in twos and threes, but no one knew why Senior Sister Jin Ling summoned them here.

Just when everyone was discussing, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit appeared, and behind her were Daoist Duobao and other disciples of the Golden Immortal cultivation level, as well as the powerful and famous Yu Yuan.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit entered the valley, and with a light wave of her plain hand, more than ten thousand seats made of earth and rocks rose up immediately. At the end of the valley, a high platform rose up, and dozens of seats were also distributed on the high platform.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the others walked up to the high platform slowly, and each of them found a seat to sit down. After everyone sat down, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit stood up, walked a few steps, and stood in front of the stage.

"Today, I called all the brothers and sisters here. The main thing is to discuss how I should deal with this catastrophe of conferred gods." The ethereal and graceful voice of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit echoed continuously in this small valley.

Hearing the words of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, Daoist Duobao frowned slightly, but did not speak.

After hearing the words of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, many disciples of the Jiejiao were discussing, but no one stood up and said anything.They were very puzzled. Didn't Master Tongtian Taoist already talk about this?

"I know you are all puzzled, and you don't understand why I called everyone here for a question that the teacher has already said." The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit continued.

"The teacher said that we should close the gate of the mountain and not care about world affairs. But, can we really escape this catastrophe by doing so? I have already entered the catastrophe, and I can't get out!" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is still He continued to tell, but Daoist Duobao's face became more and more ugly.

"Golden Spirit, that's enough!" Seeing that the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit would continue to speak, Taoist Duobao shouted coldly.

"Brother, this time, Heavenly Court is planning to increase its strength through conferring gods, and Chanjiao is going to use me as a scapegoat. If we don't prepare early, if we are tricked by Chanjiao, the consequences will be disastrous!" The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit turned her head and looked at Daoist Duobao, but he still kept talking.

"Jin Ling, if you summoned us here today to say this, then I don't need to stay and listen to your nonsense. I can't ignore thousands of disciples just because of your inexplicable speculations." After finishing speaking, Taoist Duobao got up and shook his sleeves and left. Before leaving, Taoist Duobao gave Yu Yuan a cold look.

Seeing Taoist Duobao leave, deep disappointment flashed in Yu Yuan's eyes, did he still fail in the end?

As Daoist Duobao left, Wu Yunxian, Qiushouxian, Jin Guangxian and other disciples of Jinxian, who followed Taoist Duobao's lead, also stood up and left.

The Guiling Virgin and Wudang Virgin stayed, and San Xiao also stayed. Zhao Gongming wanted to leave, but Qiong Xiao dragged him to sit down.

And the many interception disciples below all hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to leave or stay.

Hearing Taoist Duobao scolded him so mercilessly, and many golden fairy disciples leaving with Taoist Duobao, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit lost her interest for a while.

Waving her right hand feebly, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said to the disciples in the audience: "If you want to leave, you can leave!"

Seeing the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit like this, Yu Yuan took two steps forward, gently hugged her into his arms, and whispered in her ear: "Senior Sister, don't lose heart, they will understand us when the time comes!"

"Senior Sister Jin Ling, I don't know if there are any hidden schemes hidden in this catastrophe, please explain them to us one by one." Yun Xiao on the side said.Yunxiao's voice is soft and soft, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Yu Yuan asked the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit to sit down at the back, and said softly to her, "Let me say it!"

Yu Yuan turned around, and the first sentence he said to the Jiejiao disciples in the audience was earth-shattering.

"Actually, all of my Jiejiao disciples are in catastrophe this time, and no one can escape!" After hearing these words, the expressions of the Jiejiao disciples below all changed.

Immediately, the eyes of thousands of monks all focused on Yu Yuan, and Yu Yuan felt that all the pores on his body exploded, and all the fine hairs stood on end.

This time, Yu Yuan felt the pressure on his body was as heavy as a mountain. He didn't expect thousands of monks to put such pressure on him just by concentrating their eyes.

"But there are only 360 five gods on the list of gods. Some people can be made gods after death. What about the others?" Following Yu Yuan's words, the hearts of all the disciples of Jiejiao sank.

One of the many Jiejiao disciples stood up, his body was less than eight feet, his face was like melon skin, and his mouth was huge with fangs.

The Taoist opened his mouth and laughed loudly: "Yu Yuan, don't you want to scare me here! As you said, is this Conferred God Tribulation specially prepared for me to stop teaching? Grandpa hasn't eaten yet! You are going to talk nonsense , I sacrificed your belly!"

Hearing this, Yu Yuan looked at the Taoist with cold eyes, stretched out his right hand, stretched it continuously, and pressed it towards the top of the Taoist's head.

Yu Yuan's palm seemed to be in a hurry, but before the Taoist could react, Yu Yuan's hand had already reached the top of his head.

Yu Yuan's hand fell slowly, as if it was carrying a huge pressure of tens of millions of catties. Seeing this, the Taoist roared wildly, and stretched out a big hand from the back of his head, with five fingers like five big wax gourds, facing Yu Yuan's palm welcome.

The moment Ma Yuan's palm touched Yu Yuan's, there was a burst of crackling sounds like fried beans.

Yu Yuan's palm did not change, it still fell slowly, while Ma Yuan's big hand behind his head was broken into minced meat, and blood spilled all over the ground.

In the end, Yu Yuan's hand gently grabbed Ma Yuan's neck, raised his hand, and threw him out.

"I've been dissatisfied with your cannibalism for a long time. It's people like you who have ruined the reputation of my sect. I won't kill you today for the sake of my fellow disciples. Get out!" Yu Yuan's voice was full of coldness. .

But because of Yu Yuan's suppression of Ma Yuan, some Jiejiao disciples were dissatisfied and stood up and turned to leave.

Yu Yuan didn't say a word about this, because the teachers have great careers, good and bad, he can't keep all of them, some people should be sacrificed.

"Actually, it is a good thing for some people to be on the list of gods!" Ma Yuan continued after Yu Yuan dealt with it.

The Jiejiao disciples below were surprised by Yu Yuan's words again, and no one spoke again.They just listened quietly, wanting to hear what Yu Yuan could say next.

"There are two ways to be on the list of gods, one is to die on the list, and the other is to be sanctified in the flesh. The two are very different. After the former is on the list, you can't improve your strength for life, and you will always be restrained by the list of gods. The latter is on the list After the list, you can continue to improve your strength, and use the incense to speed up your cultivation." Hearing Yu Yuan's words, some Jiejiao disciples' eyes lit up.

In fact, these Jiejiao disciples also know that they will be entangled in cause and effect after entering the Heavenly Court, but for those who are not highly qualified, this is not a good way to improve their strength.

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, some of the Jiejiao disciples who felt that they had deep roots got up and left again. They thought that they would not be reduced to the list of gods, and they didn't bother to cultivate with the help of incense.

At this time, Yu Yuan looked at the dozens of people left below, most of whom were on good terms with him, and couldn't bear to lose face so he didn't leave.

At this time, Yu Yuan also felt the feeling of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit just now, and he couldn't explain it to them at all.

In their thinking, as long as they follow the teacher's instructions and close the mountain gate honestly and recite Huang Ting silently, they can survive the catastrophe safely.How could he take the initiative to enter the catastrophe.

Yu Yuan turned around and sat on the chair, silently.The Holy Mother of Guiling, the Holy Mother of Wudang, and Sanxiao turned their heads to look at each other, and shook their heads slightly.

Afterwards, several people also got up to bid farewell to the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit looked at each other, and a deep sense of powerlessness arose in their hearts, especially Yu Yuan, who never imagined that he would still be unable to change the fate of Jiejiao.

Yu Yuan's mood at this time was complicated and difficult to describe.He admired these Jiejiao disciples, they were united, righteous, and went through fire and water for their fellow disciples.Some of him hated these interception disciples, hated their stupidity, hated their innocence, and even more hated their inferiority complex.

Because of their low self-esteem of their origin, they demanded that their behavior conform to that of a righteous person everywhere. On the contrary, it was the group of explanatory disciples who were unscrupulous.

Just when Yu Yuan was feeling extremely depressed, he saw ten people walking towards him hand in hand, and Yu Yuan recognized that they were Qin Wan and others who were known as Ten Heavenly Lords.


Friends, it's a new week.This is a good time to pick chrysanthemums, it is when the chrysanthemums are in full bloom!Fellow Daoists, please log in to your account to read the book, and vote for recommendations by the way, let us start a sao journey of popping chrysanthemums!

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