Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 60 The First Battle of Beihai

() "No matter what big conspiracy the blood sea Shura clan has, we can't guess it now. Only after contact with Mingri, it may be possible to get clues!" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit took Yu Yuan's words.

Hearing what the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said, everyone stopped talking, and all closed their eyes and sat quietly to adjust their breath.

On the second day, in the Beihai city, Demon King Bo Xun was enjoying the blood food offered by Yuan Futong with Po Yazhi and Vimazhitara.

Suddenly, I heard the drumming of "Dong Dong" from outside the city.

"Have you finally invited a helper?" Demon King Bo Xun put down the blood food in his hand, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his right hand.

"Your Majesty the Demon King, these are all clowns, I'll just go out and have a look!" Vimazhitara said in a low voice.

After speaking, Vimozhitara stood up and strode out of the hall.

"Vimazhitara, stop!" At this moment, Po Yazhi, who was beside Demon King Bo Xun, opened his mouth and shouted at Vimazhitara.

Hearing Po Yazhi's words, Vimazhitara stood still with a face full of displeasure, and turned to look at Po Yazhi.

"Po Yazhi, what's the matter with you calling me back? Don't talk to me in that tone, be careful I'll roast you!" Vimazhitara's words were full of arrogance.

Hearing what Vimazhitara said, the anger on Boyazhi's face disappeared in a flash.

"Then Wen Zhong is a member of the Jiejiao. This time he returned to Jin'ao Island, he must have invited a master! There are many masters of the Jiejiao, and the chief disciple of the Jiejiao, Daoist Duobao, can even stand shoulder to shoulder with His Majesty the Demon King! If you go out like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to come here. Be careful, you will fall there!" Po Yazhi patiently explained to Vimazhitara.

"Po Yazhi, what do you mean? Is it possible that I, Vimazhitaro, is a paper man that can be broken with a single poke?" Vimazhitaro immediately became furious when he heard Poyazhi's words.

Vimazhitara is very confident in his own strength, and he will be furious if anyone doubts his strength.

So, even though Po Yazhi stopped him with good intentions just now, after listening to Po Yazhi's explanation, he still stared at Po Yazhi with eyes that wanted to eat people.

"Okay! Let's go out and have a look together!" At this moment, the demon king Bo Xun said.After hearing Bo Xun's words, Vimozhitara glared at Po Yazhi, snorted angrily, turned his head and walked outside.

Yu Yuan led the Jiejiao people and just stood still on the battlefield for a while, when they saw the gate of Beihai city opened, and countless soldiers poured out from the city.

Then the soldiers separated, and three figures appeared in the middle. The man in the middle had a domineering look on his body, looking forward to everything.

On the left hand side of the man was a handsome middle-aged man with the air of a general.The one on the right is a big man, more than ten feet tall, with a hulking back and waist.

Demon King Bo Xun lightly shook the reins and urged the horse forward.

"I'm Bo Xun, the demon king of the Shura tribe. I don't know which member of the Jiejiao is on the opposite side!" Bo Xun said to Yu Yuan and the others.

"I am Yu Yuan, a descendant of Jiejiao. I don't know why fellow Taoist Bo Xun helped these Beihai rebels resist the heavenly soldiers?"

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, you don't have to play tricks with me. I won't attack you here, but don't provoke me. After ten years, I will return to the sea of ​​blood!" After finishing speaking, Na Bo Xun shook the reins , I want to return to my own camp.

Hearing what Bo Xun said, the Holy Mother of Wudang immediately stepped out and shouted: "Bo Xun, you and I have played a match today, and the winner will be determined! You will not fight or retreat like this, but you are acting like a rogue!"

Hearing Wudang's yelling, Vimazhitara over there was very happy, and before the demon king Bo Xun could make a sound, he immediately ran towards Wudang's Madonna.

"Just because you are not worthy of His Majesty the Demon King's attack, let me fight with you!" Navajrata said, and with a shake of his body, he showed his original shape.

I saw a giant with nine heads, nine hundred and ninety hands, and eight legs appearing on the spot.Each of the nine heads has a thousand eyes.

At the same time, as Vimasalata breathed, green yin fire sparks continued to pop out of his mouth and nose.

Looking at the original form of Vimasarata, Yu Yuan was speechless for a while.With so many arms, aren't you afraid of fighting each other?

Seeing the original form of Vimajrata, the Holy Mother of Wudang was not afraid at all, and a big seal appeared in her hand as soon as she lifted her right hand.

The seal button of this big seal is a basalt with its head up and roaring to the sky, and three large characters "Xuanwu seal" are engraved under the big seal.

The Holy Mother of Wudang flew up with a finger and the big seal flew up, and it kept getting bigger.Then the great seal flew towards Vimajharata.

Under normal circumstances, the use of this kind of magic weapon of the big seal is to first become larger to increase the weight, and then become smaller to reduce the contact area.

But today, the original form of Vimasarata is really too big. If the big seal gets smaller, even if it hurts Vimasarata, he won't care if the wound is too small.

Seeing the Xuanwu seal flying towards him, the nine heads of Vimazhiluo raised up a series of laws, and these laws were twisted together to form a huge umbrella of Da Luo.

What this Vimalakirata comprehended was the law of yin and fire, so his big Luo umbrella was a piece of dark green.

Yu Yuan looked at the big green umbrella on the top of Vimaji Rata's head, and the muscles on his face twitched.What a big green hat!

When the Xuanwu seal came to the top of Vimazhiluota's head, the Xuanwu seal had become extremely huge, and Vimazhiluota's huge body appeared smaller against the background of the Xuanwu seal.

At this moment, the nine hundred and ninety hands of Vimajharata started up, and each hand pinched a different formula, and then each hand began to wave, drawing across different traces.

These traces began to change gradually, filled with vast mana, these traces turned into green pillars of fire, these pillars of fire intersected each other, and finally formed a huge pillar of fire that soared into the sky.

This pillar of fire is like the golden light when breaking through the Golden Immortal, connecting to the Dao of Heaven.Then, a dark green light of pure law descended from the sky and fell into the huge pillar of fire of Vimazhitara.

With the help of the light from the dark green law, the huge pillar of fire suddenly swelled and shortened at the same time, finally forming an extremely huge ball.

This ball is filled with endless dark green flames, which is the symbol of the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, the field of law.

As soon as the Xuanwu seal of Wudang Virgin fell into the realm of Vimazhitara's law, countless fire dragons, fire snakes, flamingos, fire birds, fire turtles, and fire foxes rushed towards the Xuanwu seal.

However, every beast transformed into a flame will collapse as soon as it touches the Xuanwu seal, and turn back into a dark green flame.

However, with the impact of various beasts transformed into flames, the magic power of the Wudang Virgin Mary in the Xuanwu Seal was also constantly being consumed.

The Xuanwu Seal gradually became smaller and its power became weaker and weaker.

Seeing this, the Holy Mother of Wudang snorted angrily, and Taoism laws also rose above her head to form a Daluo umbrella, and Taoism laws around her body were twisted, and a huge and extremely sharp white beam of light shot towards the sky, connecting with the heavens.

Afterwards, the law of heaven sent down the light of law, and the white beam of light expanded to form a field of law.Since Wudang Virgin comprehends the laws of the golden system, the realm of Wudang's laws is full of sharp gold spirits.

Then I saw the law field of the Virgin of Wudang deformed, forming a huge and incomparable sword shape.The tip of the sword poked towards Vimazhitara's yin fire law field.

Vimazhitara's yin and fire law field could not stop Wudang Virgin's sword-shaped gold system law field, and Wudang Our Lady's law field poked into Vimazhitara's yin and fire law field without the slightest resistance.

Then the tip of the sword in the field of sword-shaped laws poked the Xuanwu seal, and with the support of these golden laws, the Xuanwu seal rapidly expanded like a blow.

Originally, the laws of the fire system restrained the laws of the metal system, but Vimazhitara's fire system laws were the law of yin fire, which was designed to pollute people's primordial spirit and grind people's bodies, and there was not much restraint on the metal system laws.

Seeing the rapid expansion of the basalt seal, Vimazhitara moved his nine hundred and ninety hands again. As the hand formulas changed, the spherical yin and fire law field kept changing, and finally turned into the shape of a long spear.

Seeing this, the Virgin of Wudang raised her hand and closed it, and Xuanwu Yin flew back towards the Virgin of Wudang.Then it landed on the hilt of the sword-shaped law field.

The moment the Xuanwu seal fell, the sword-shaped law domain suddenly shone brightly.The golden law field of Wudang Virgin was originally slightly restrained by Vimazhitara's yin fire field, but now it was helped by the water law in Xuanwu Seal, and it was no longer affected.

Then I saw two huge weapons appearing between the sky and the earth.One is a white long sword, and the other is a dark green spear.

The moment the two weapons took shape, two mighty coercion suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth.At the place where the two pressures meet, space cracks appear one after another.

The power of Daluo Jinxian can be seen!

Then Vimazhitara and Our Lady of Wudang activated the weapons formed in the field of law at the same time, and the two weapons collided together, followed by calm, without any abnormalities.

Then, a huge energy wave rushed in all directions from the place where the two weapons collided.

Wudang Virgin and Vimazhitara were also pushed away by this energy wave.

The energy wave rushed towards Beihai City before it came to Beihai City. Before that energy, whether it was hills or forests, everything was flattened.

Seeing this powerful energy wave rushing towards him, all the soldiers in Beihai panicked and ran around.

"Hmph, be quiet, can you get hurt if I'm here?" The soldiers in Beihai heard a majestic voice ringing in their ears.

Then I saw a ball rising from the back of the demon king Bo Xun and hanging behind his head. In that ball was endless magic soil, and there were countless Asuras living in it.

Afterwards, the sphere continued to grow in size, covering the entire Beihai City, and the wave of energy continuously impacted on the sphere.

At the same time, that force also rushed towards the army of the Shang Dynasty. Seeing this, Yu Yuan raised the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag.Yu Yuan sacrificed the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner with Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base, and the power was quite different from that of Jinxian.

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