Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 61 The First Battle of Beihai

() As soon as the Xuanyuan control water flag was unfurled, hundreds of millions of black lotuses gushed out, protecting the soldiers of the merchant camp.

Then those black lotuses combined with each other, and the black lotus was flying all over the sky, and finally only one huge black lotus remained in place.

The petals of the black lotus slowly separated, and on the last black lotus that bloomed was a huge and incomparable world, which was filled with infinite water.

There are countless black lotus flowers blooming in the water, and each soldier has a lotus flower under his feet.

When the energy wave hit the barrier of the lotus world, the lotus world didn't see the slightest vibration, not even a ripple on the water surface of the lotus world.

At this moment, Yu Yuan only had time to pay attention to the defense methods in Beihai City.When Yu Yuan saw the world composed of endless magic soil, he frowned slightly.

"The world of laws!" Yu Yuan spat out four words slightly.

"How could the Blood Sea Asura clan be so strong?" Yu Yuan said to himself there.

You must know that there are so many disciples who have taught so many disciples, but there are only a few Da Luo Jinxians who have cultivated, and in explaining the teachings, only Daoist Ran Deng is a Da Luo Jinxian who has cultivated.

Yu Yuan didn't know that the Shura clan could get power from the blood sea. Back then, the Dragon Han catastrophe and the Lich catastrophe, the two catastrophe blood flowed into rivers, and all the blood full of energy was collected by the ancestor of Styx In the blood sea, so there are many masters in the blood sea Shura clan.

The energy surge caused by the fight between Vimazhitara and Wudang Virgin gradually dissipated.Only then did everyone see the changes around them.

I saw that the ground within a radius of ten thousand li was as smooth as a mirror, without a single peak, not even a single hill.

All the bumps on the ground were flattened by the energy waves.Seeing the damage caused by the fight between the two, the soldiers on both sides trembled.

"Da Luo Jinxian is as strong as Si, moving mountains and turning seas into mulberry fields, it is unstoppable!" Seeing the huge changes around him, Zhang Shan muttered to himself.

"Hahaha, you little girl still has a few tricks, okay, come again!" Vimazhitara had recovered by this time, and challenged the Madonna of Wudang.

Hearing Vimazhitara's provocation, the eyes of Wudang Holy Mother flashed, and she said coldly: "You monster with many eyes and many hands, don't you think you are very powerful?"

Saying that, the Holy Mother of Wudang urged the white giant sword to slash towards Vimazhitara.

"Okay!" Seeing the attack of the Wudang Virgin, Vimazhitara yelled, and the formula changed, and the dark green spear pierced towards the white giant sword.

Just when the two weapons were about to collide again, the Magic Jue in Wudang Virgin's hand changed, and the white giant sword slashed towards Vimazhitara's side along a mysterious trajectory.

Seeing the Wudang Virgin's change of move, Vimazhitara did not panic, and lightly shouted: "Law field, let go!"

Then I saw that dark green long spear burst open all of a sudden, scattered into countless yin and fire laws, and then appeared beside Vimazhitara as if he had crossed the space limit all at once.

Then these yin and fire laws gathered into a huge flame-shaped law field in an instant.

At this time, the sword-shaped law domain of Wudang Madonna had come to Vimazhitara and cut towards his huge body.

The huge flame formed in Vimazhitara's yin fire law field lit up instantly, and then layers of halos radiated out.

The domain of the sword-shaped law of Wudang Madonna was cut above this layer of halo, but each halo has a very strong defensive power.

As layers of halos shattered, the power of the white giant sword became smaller and smaller.Finally, when there were still a few layers of halo away from Vimazhitara, the white giant sword could no longer cut in.

"Hahaha, let's fight for the annihilation of the law field!" Vimazhitara laughed at the Madonna of Wudang, with a hint of madness on his face.

Then I saw that the field of law of Vimazhitara expanded suddenly, including the field of law of Wudang Virgin.

When the Holy Mother of Wudang saw Vimazhitara's move, a trace of regret first flashed across her face, and then her face was full of determination, holding the Xuanwu seal with both hands, and injecting all her mana.

Having obtained all the mana of the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Xuanwu Seal radiated brightly, exuding bursts of blue light.

Then the Xuanwu seal also shot a blue beam of light into the sky, and the heavenly way sent down the original light of the law of the water system. With the Xuanwu seal as the center, a domain of the law of the water system has been formed.

The white lightsaber also turned into a sphere again, blending with the lawful domain of the water system formed by the Xuanwu seal.

At the same time, Vimazhitara's yin and fire law field surrounded these two law fields, and the three colors of white, blue, and green rays of light immediately complemented each other.

"Damn it, how did Vimazhitaro, a combat lunatic, get to this point? There is no way to stop now!" Seeing that Vimazhitaro and Wudang Madonna began to annihilate each other's law domain, Po Yazhi couldn't help but hate Hate said.

"If there is no way to stop, I won't stop! I, the Blood Sea Shura Clan, have never been afraid of anyone! But I will take action later, and I won't cause endless trouble!" Demon King Bo Xun said.

Demon King Bo Xun stared at Yu Yuan with interest on his face, he wanted to see how Yu Yuan would react later.

Yu Yuan was also shocked when he saw Wudang Madonna and Vimazhitara begin to annihilate the field of law.However, although Yu Yuan's fighting power is very strong, his understanding of the law is only at the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, and he is powerless to stop it.

You must know that it is the most dangerous for two Da Luo Jinxians to annihilate the field of law. The one who fails will either shatter the law he comprehends, or die on the spot in severe cases!

"The five elements are running, transform!" Suddenly, the voice of the Holy Mother of Wudang came from the field of law, and then the field of gold law shrank rapidly and was absorbed by the field of water law.

The water law field formed by the Xuanwu Seal expanded rapidly, and at the same time, various scenes appeared in the water law field, which seemed to show signs of changing to the law world.

However, Vimazhitara's yin and fire law field was oppressed by the Xuanwu Seal's law field, and suddenly collapsed and shattered, and it was about to be annihilated.

If Vimazhitara's law field is annihilated, then he will be deprived of the law he has comprehended by the heavens, and his cultivation will fall to the realm of a true immortal.

At this moment, the demon king Bo Xun walked slowly towards the battlefield, and at the same time, the world of laws behind his head continued to rotate, emitting endless black light, as if he wanted to turn everyone in the world into demons.

In the world behind the head of the demon king Bo Xun, there are Asura tribesmen formed by the manifestation of laws, with demonic aura around their bodies, silently reciting evil scriptures, and bursts of demonic sounds seduce people into demons.

Bo Xun turned a blind eye to the fierce law field collision, and easily walked into the fierce collision.

Any energy fluctuations and law shocks will disappear as soon as they come into contact with the black light emitted from the world behind Bo Xun's head.

"Vimachitaro, okay, go back! We are not here to fight!" Demon King Bo Xun smiled at Vimazhitaro, then grabbed Vimazhitaro casually, and took Vimazhitaro into him In the world of laws behind the head.

Then, as if ignoring the law domain of the Holy Mother of Wu, Bo Xun turned around and walked towards Beihai City without any defense.

"Bo Xun, you're deceiving people too much!" Seeing this, the Madonna of Wudang yelled angrily, and then the field of law shrank sharply, and a strong binding and oppressive force fell on Bo Xun.

Feeling this slight hindrance, Bo Xun frowned slightly, and the world of laws behind his head turned slightly, and a black light was emitted, shaking away the field of laws of Our Lady of Wudang.

There was a huge earthquake in the field of the law of the Virgin Mary, and the body trembled uncontrollably, and then spit out a mouthful of blood, and collapsed to the ground.

Fortunately, Bo Xun didn't kill him, and didn't abolish the realm of the law of the Virgin Mary.

A passage extended from the realm of the Wudang Virgin's law, and Bo Xun walked towards Beihai City without haste.

"You can't provoke anyone!" Bo Xun's cold words sounded in the ears of the Madonna of Wudang.

Seeing that the Mother of Wudang was injured, Yu Yuan snorted angrily and appeared in front of the Demon King Bo Xun.

"Bo Xun, the two of them are fighting, you shouldn't intervene any more!" Yu Yuan took out the dragon stick and stared at Bo Xun coldly.

"That's why I didn't abolish her law field!" Bo Xun was very interested in Yu Yuan who appeared in front of him.

This Yu Yuan was only the initial stage of Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation, but Bo Xun could feel the threat from Yu Yuan.

Hearing this, Yu Yuan turned cold and said, "Why, do we still need to thank you?"

"Come here if you want to, don't be a mother-in-law!" Bo Xun was very interested in Yu Yuan, and immediately urged him to make a move.

When Yu Yuan heard the words, he didn't say any more.The figure disappeared in an instant, and then appeared next to Bo Xun, slashing down with the dragon stick in his hand.

"Space law?" Bo Xun frowned slightly, but the law world behind his head continued to emit black light, blocking the Coiling Dragon Stick in Yu Yuan's hand.

But at this moment, Yu Yuan's Coiling Dragon Stick emitted the Law of Destruction, which broke Bo Xun's black light defense in one stroke, and hit the law world behind Bo Xun's head with a stern blow.

When Yu Yuan's Coiling Dragon Rod broke through the black light defense behind his head, Bo Xun murmured inwardly, and then Bo Xun felt a heavy blow to the world of laws behind his head.

And Bo Xun felt that there were still bursts of shattered breaths entering the world of laws behind his head.

Under Yu Yuan's heavy blow, all the continents in the law world behind Bo Xun's head cracked and collapsed.

Under the influence of the shattered breath, those Asura clansmen whose laws manifested all fell to the ground and died, and turned into a series of dark laws twisted together again.

Yu Yuan was going to make a second attack, but who knew that Bo Xun turned around and disappeared in place, and reappeared at a place far away from Yu Yuan.

At the same time, Bo Xun injected a large amount of mana into the law world behind his head. After being nourished by Bo Xun's mana, the law world gradually became stable, and the damage caused by Yu Yuan was wiped out one by one.

Countless bands of black light extended from the world of laws, all over Bo Xun's surroundings, and these bands of black light continued to stir the surrounding space, causing ripples in the surrounding space.

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