Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 65 Iron-billed Condor

() At this time, with the help of Chong Heihu and Yang Jian, Chonghouhu's confidence was greatly boosted, he reorganized the broken army, and headed towards Jizhou City again.

Coming back to the city of Jizhou, Chong Heihu instructed Chong Heihu to set up camp this time. Chong Heihu is quite talented as a general.

Just after setting up camp, Chong Heihu led [-] flying tiger soldiers under his command out of the gate of the village and came to the city of Jizhou to fight.

"Listen, soldiers in the city, please come out and answer your commander Su Hu, I, Chong Heihu, have something to say to him." Chong Heihu shouted to the soldiers in the city, his voice was like a bell.

Here, Su Hu was preparing various gifts and was about to go to Xibo Hou Jichang, when suddenly a soldier came in and reported that it was Cao Zhou Hou Chong's black tiger fighting under the city.

Hearing that it was Chong Heihu who came to fight under the city, Su Hu sat down on the couch in a very dejected state, remained silent for a long time, his face was ashen.

Su Hu has some friendship with Chongheihu, so he knows Chongheihu's methods. This Chongheihu was taught by another person. He has a treasure gourd, which contains thousands of iron-billed eagles.

That iron-billed eagle is a wild alien species, with that iron beak pecking gold and breaking iron with ease, no mortal body can resist it.

Thinking that he was full of ordinary generals all over the city, and none of them possessed supernatural powers, Su Hu became a little disheartened for a while.

Seeing Su Hu like this, Zhao Bing asked cautiously: "I don't know why Lord Hou reacted like this when he knew that Chong Heihu was fighting in the city?"

"Hey, you don't know that Chong Heihu has extraordinary martial arts skills and is proficient in strange arts. He has seen all the generals in the city, and no one is his opponent." Su Hu said with a sigh.

"Hmph, whoever he is, soldiers come to block him, water comes to cover him. What is there to fear from Chong Heihu, a mere old man?" Su Quanzhong was young and frivolous, and the big victories in the first two battles made him even more arrogant .

"What do you know!" Su Hu shouted at Su Quanzhong.

"Don't think that if you win two games, it's a big deal. You will be the champion of the world. If Chong Heihu takes your life, it's like picking something out of your pocket." Su Hu was afraid that Su Quanzhong would go out of the city to challenge Chong Heihu, so he hurriedly jingled Sue him.

But Su Hu didn't want to use Su Quanzhong's temperament, so how could he stand what he said.

When Su Quanzhong heard the words, he blushed and shouted on the spot: "Father, how can you uplift others' prestige and destroy your own ambition like this. I'll go out of the city right away and capture that Chongheihu!"

After Su Quanzhong said that, he ran out, ordered the soldiers and horses, opened the gate of the city, and left the city.

The soldiers Su Hu sent to stop Su Quanzhong were kicked to the ground by Su Quanzhong. When Su Hu arrived, he saw that Su Quanzhong had already left the city.

Su Quanzhong went out of the city gate and rode his horse forward, pointed the whip in his hand at the soldiers and said, "Go in and report, and ask that Chong Heihu to answer me!"

When Chong Heihu heard someone shouting, he was secretly happy.Chong Heihu came here to help his elder brother, but he was secretly assigned by Xibo Hou Jichang.

Don't look at the fact that Su Hu's victory over Chonghouhu in several matches seems to be spectacular, but Di Xin did not send a general.

Chong Heihu knows that there are quite a few capable people and strangers who are officials in this big business, and almost all of them are stronger than themselves.

If Di Xin sent them to take action, then Jizhou would be destroyed in an instant.

Chong Heihu has some friendship with this Su Hu, and this time he got Xibo Hou Jichang's order to persuade Su Hu to surrender.

Chong Heihu dressed neatly, and urged the fiery-eyed golden-eyed beast to sit down and come to the front of the formation.

As soon as Chong Heihu came to the battle, he said to Su Quanzhong: "Nephew Quan Zhong, you go and ask your father to come out now, I have something to say to him!"

"Old man Chongheihu, now you and I are facing each other, don't talk about friendship with me. My father will not see you. If you retreat now, I can spare your life for my father's sake!" Su Quanzhong was being stimulated by Su Hu's words just now, and was full of anger.

"Little beast, how dare you be so rude?" Chong Heihu came to persuade him kindly, but was scolded by Su Quanzhong, and he was furious immediately.

Chong Heihu urges the fiery-eyed golden-eyed beast to sit down, swings the two golden axes in his hands and slashes at Su Quanzhong, and the iron halberd in Su Quanzhong's hand also meets him.

Su Quanzhong saw that Chong Heihu was sitting on a strange beast, and Su Hu said that Chong Heihu had strange magic, Su Quanzhong was also a little uneasy.

So Su Quanzhong exerted all his energy and tried his best to attack Chong Heihu.

Although Chong Heihu's martial arts are not weak, but he can't surpass Su Quanzhong who is in his youth, even because of his age, he is slightly weaker than Su Quanzhong.

Chong Heihu was weak in physical strength in the end, seeing that he might be defeated if he continued, Chonghouhu made a feint move, urged the fiery-eyed golden-eyed beast to sit down and rushed towards his camp.

Chong Heihu thought about coming to find Su Hu to leave the city tomorrow, so he didn't urge the iron-billed eagle in the red gourd behind him.

Seeing Chong Heihu's defeat, Su Quanzhong laughed while sitting on his horse: "Old man Chong Heihu, luckily I didn't listen to my father's words. My father also said that you are so powerful that no one in Jizhou can beat you. But I don't want to be so useless, I will capture you today and let my father see!"

Su Quanzhong's voice was very loud, and all the soldiers on both sides of the army heard his words, and Chong Heihu was annoyed and angry for a while.

Seeing Su Quanzhong chasing up again, Chong Heihu uncovered the red gourd's seal on his back, muttering something, and saw a puff of black smoke flying out of the red gourd, covering the sky and the sun.

In the black smoke, there were countless hoarse voices, and in the black smoke, countless iron-billed condors flew out, and all those iron-billed condors rushed towards Su Quanzhong.

Su Quanzhong waved the iron halberd, trying to resist the attack of these iron-billed eagles.However, the Iron-billed Condor grabbed the armor on his body and took him into the air.

When they came to the front of the army formation, those iron-billed eagles threw Su Quanzhong to the ground, and Su Quanzhong fell to the ground.

Chong Heihu had no intention of killing Su Quanzhong, so he let the iron-billed eagle fly a little lower, if it flew higher, it would fall down, and it would be smashed into meat.

"Take it!" Chong Heihu shouted coldly, and the three thousand flying tiger soldiers behind him stepped forward together, and tied Su Quanzhong with a rope.

After returning to the camp, Chong Heihu asked someone to bring Su Quanzhong up, and he sat on the lower head of Chonghou Hu.

As soon as Chong Heihu sat down, he saw Yang Jian on the opposite side looking at him with a meaningful smile.Seeing Yang Jian's smile, Chong Heihu's back broke out in a cold sweat.

At this moment, Chong Heihu realized that what he had just used was the magic weapon of interception, how could Yang Jian not know it.

But Chong Heihu had ulterior motives in mind, so he could only force himself to pretend not to know.

After Su Quanzhong came in, he stood without kneeling, and stared at Chong Heihu, his eyes seemed to spew fire.

"Su Quanzhong, since you are defeated, why don't you kneel?" Chonghou Hu stared at Su Quanzhong and shouted coldly.

"Hmph, you gang of thieves have used such means to catch the young master, how can the young master be willing to obey? Sooner or later, Chengtang will be ruined by you incompetent villains!" Su Quanzhong still held his head up, maintaining his youth. Man's unruliness.

"Push it out and cut it!" Chonghou said in a huffy voice.

"No!" Chong Heihu hurriedly said from the side.

"What? Are you still in contact with the rebel Su Hu?" Chonghouhu looked at Chongheihu sternly.

Chonghouhu knew for a long time that his younger brother had been on good terms with this Su Hu. He heard that he kept asking Su Hu to come out to meet him on the battlefield today.

Hearing what Chonghouhu said, Chongheihu quickly explained: "Of course not. Big Brother, Your Majesty asked you to come here mainly because of Su Daji. If you kill Su Quanzhong today, if Su Daji enters the palace later, then Can I still get it? How about locking up Su Quanzhong first."

After hearing Chong Heihu's words, Chonghouhu stared at him for a while, then waved his hand and said to the soldiers on this side: "Detain this Su Quanzhong and lock him up!"

Over there in Jizhou city, Su Hu heard that Su Quanzhong was captured by Chong Heihu. Su Hu sighed: "This rebellious son doesn't listen to me, so that there will be today, but I, Su Hu, may be doomed this time!"

Su Hu suddenly thought that what happened to him today was all because of his daughter Su Daji, and also thought that after the city was broken, his wife and daughter would not be spared the humiliation, so resentful in his heart, he raised his sword and walked to the backyard.

At this time, Su Daji was squatting in the small garden, and the ground was covered with beautiful flowers.

"I heard that my brother was arrested, and his life and death are uncertain! It turns out that the beauty is really a disaster. Father! Why didn't you agree to His Majesty at the beginning? The canaries are all canaries there, but they just changed the cage! Why would you ruin your family?"

When Su Hu came to the backyard and saw Su Daji's lonely back in the small garden, and heard Su Daji's words, she immediately felt regretful.

Why should I blame my own daughter for the crime?

Thinking of this, Su Hu threw the sword in his hand to the ground, turned and returned to the front hall.

Su Daji, who was feeling sad there, suddenly heard a crisp sound, got up and came over, only to see a sword lying quietly on the ground, but his father's back was gone.

"Are you even murdering me? Father." Looking at Su Hu's back, Su Daji turned around and walked towards the small courtyard that made her feel cold and lonely.

Chong Heihu has been fighting under the city for the past few days, Su Hu did not respond to the battle, but just drank wine in the mansion, waiting for the day of extinction.

Su Hu originally thought that Jizhou's strength was strong enough, but when he really confronted Da Shang, Su Hu realized that his previous arrogance was ridiculous.

Chong Heihu was anxious at the base of the city, but this Su Hu came out to see him!If Su Hu can't come out, how can I discuss with him?

Chong Heihu has repeatedly vetoed Chonghouhu's decision to set up a ladder to attack several times, and Chonghouhu looked at Chong Heihu with more and more doubts.

This day, Su Hu was drinking, and a soldier came in to report that the food and grass raised from the rear had been escorted.

Ever since he knew that Di Xin might send troops against him, Su Hu urgently raised food and grass throughout Jizhou, and sent Zheng Lun to escort it.

After the soldier withdrew, a general walked in with the wind in his crotch, and when he saw Su Hu, he saluted and said, "Report to Lord Hou, Zheng Lun has escorted all the food and grass back!"

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