() "Hehe, food and grass? What's the use of the food and grass you brought? This Jizhou city will be destroyed soon, who will eat the food and grass you brought?" Su Hu was a little drunk, and after hearing Zheng Lun's words, Then he said with some disappointment.

"Master Hou, my subordinates heard that Jizhou City had started a battle with Chonghouhu's army in the rear, so they rushed back all day and night. I don't know how the outcome is now?" Seeing Su Hu's behavior like this, Zheng Lun secretly thought that he was not good, and quickly asked road.

"Originally, I had planned to seek refuge with the Xibohou Jichang, but who knew that the general of Chonghou's tiger army had come and captured my son Su Quanzhong, and I thought the siege would start in a few days! At that time, I would have to kill my wife and daughter , and then committed suicide to save face!"

Su Hu lay on the table and said to Zheng Lun drunkenly.

Normally, Su Hu wouldn't talk so much with Zheng Lun.Because he looked down on Zheng Lun from the bottom of his heart, he was just a commoner, if he didn't see his good martial arts skills, how could he let him be a general under his command.

"Master Hou, you drank too much! How can you say such depressing words! Don't say that it's just Beibohou Chonghouhu, even the princes of the world come together, and I, Zheng Lun, don't care!" Zheng Lun said arrogantly .

After hearing Zheng Lun's words, Su Hu rolled her drunken eyes.

"Just you?" Su Hu pointed at Zheng Lun, his tone full of disdain.

Then Su Hu turned around and looked around at the generals with a smile, "Isn't this Zheng Lun rushing too fast and bumping into evil? Not to mention the princes of the world, even Chong Heihu can't deal with him!"

The many generals sitting next to him all burst into laughter when they heard the words, they are already drunk today, regardless of worries and sorrows tomorrow.

Now that Jizhou City is about to be destroyed, these military generals have ignored it, and they are very unrestrained.Usually they looked down on Zheng Lun, a military general who was born as a commoner, and now they laughed at him even more.

"Lord Hou! If I can't capture that Chongheihu back, I'll come to see you myself!" Zheng Lun said loudly to Su Hu, his face flushed red by the laughter of the generals, turning into anger from embarrassment.

Its sound was like a bell, shaking the whole room a few times.

After Zheng Lun finished speaking, he turned around and strode out of Su Hu's mansion regardless of everyone present.Only a group of generals were left stunned. I don't know when Zheng Lun became so powerful.

Zheng Lun went out of Su Hu's mansion, summoned his three thousand crow soldiers, got on his horse, opened the city gate, and came outside Chonghouhu's camp.

"Tell that Chong Heihu to come out to see me!" Zheng Lun shouted loudly. In Su Hu's mansion, Zheng Lun was so provoked that his face was flushed, his eyes were wide open, and he wanted to kill someone.

Seeing Zheng Lun's appearance, the soldier hurried into the camp to report to Chong Heihu.

"Reporting to Second Master, there is a general in Jizhou who is fighting outside the camp, and he wants to see you by name!" Chong Heihu showed hesitation when he heard this.

Chong Heihu bowed to Chonghouhu, then got up and left the camp, ordered three thousand flying tiger soldiers, and lined up outside the camp.

Chong Heihu came out of the camp, looked at the opposite side, and saw a general under the opposite banner, his face was like a purple jujube, his beard was like a golden needle, he was dressed like himself, he was holding two magic pestles in his hand, and his mount was the same as his own. Fire-eyed golden-eyed beast.

Chong Heihu urged the Fire-Eyed Golden-Eyed Beast forward, and shouted at Zheng Lun: "Come on, you will be named!"

"I'm Zheng Lun, General Superintendent of Food in Jizhou! Are you that Chongheihu?" Zheng Lun asked, pointing at Chongheihu.

"It turns out that he is just a small superintendent, and he is also superintendent? Go back! You are not qualified to fight with me!" Chong Heihu laughed deliberately.

Seeing Zheng Lun's attire, Chong Heihu knew that Zheng Lun was also a monk, so Chong Heihu angered Zheng Lun with his words, trying to make Zheng Lun lose his sense of proportion.

"Chong Heihu, if you hand over the son of my lord general and get off the horse and be bound, I can spare your life. Otherwise, I will make you a powder!" Zheng Lun shouted at Chong Heihu.

"How dare the little food supervisor be presumptuous? Let me catch you!" Chong Heihu said to Zheng Lun.

After finishing speaking, Chong Heihu took up his posture and attacked Zheng Lun.This Zheng Lun also urged the fire-eyed golden-eyed beast to come forward, and the two demon-subduing pestles in his hands flew up and down.

Immediately, the two had a good fight, the ax came and went, and the ax fell to meet.

The two were similar in force, and after dozens of rounds of killing, Zheng Lun saw the red gourd behind Chong Heihu, and knew that this was Chong Heihu's strange technique that Su Hu said, thinking that it would be better to strike first.

Thinking of this, Zheng Lun lifted the demon-subduing pestle in his hand into the air, and the three thousand crow soldiers behind him shouted and ran forward quickly, and all of them were holding scratching hooks and dragging the iron chain horizontally.

Chong Heihu was confused when he saw this, not knowing what Zheng Lun was going to do.But after this pause, his subordinates were not slow, and they reached out to remove the seal on the red gourd cover behind them.

At this moment, I heard Zheng Lun snorted, the sound of "hum" sounded like a bell, and then I saw two white lights shooting out from the nostrils of the dispute, sweeping over Chong Heihu's body.

Hearing the sound of "humming" and being swept by the white light again, Chong Heihu felt groggy and didn't know where he was. He turned over and fell off the golden-eyed beast.

At this time, the crow soldiers who came to the front tied Chongheihu firmly with ropes, and Chongheihu gradually regained consciousness after a long while.

When Chong Heihu woke up, he found that he had been captured by Zheng Lun. He was immediately dejected and cursed in his heart that Zheng Lun did not know what kind of evil method he had used to get him captured without knowing why.

Sitting in the city, Su Hu heard the shouts outside the city fading away, and sighed: "This Zheng Lun must have been captured by Chong Heihu." But his tone was somewhat disappointed.

Originally thought that Zheng Lun's big tone must have some real skills, and he didn't want to be captured by Chong Heihu in such a short time.

Several generals next to him said: "Master Hou, why bother about Zheng Lun's life? He is so arrogant that he is the way to death, so why sigh!"

As soon as the general finished speaking, a soldier came in with a happy face and reported: "Master Hou, General Zheng Lun has already captured that Chongheihu!"

"What?" Su Hu suddenly stood up and cried out.

At this moment, Zheng Lun strode into the hall, followed by two soldiers escorting Chong Heihu.

"Your Majesty, the humble job has lived up to expectations, and you have brought this Chongheihu here!" Zheng Lun said to Su Hu with his head held high.

"Okay, General Zheng Lun is indeed very brave!" Su Hu reluctantly praised Zheng Lun.

"Su Hu, I'm here to tell you a way to escape from death on behalf of Xi Bohou. Is this how you treat me?" Chong Heihu, who was being detained, said a word at this time.

Hearing Chong Heihu's words, Su Hu hurried forward to untie Chong Heihu.

Su Hu let Chong Heihu take the seat, and all the generals in Jizhou also surrounded him to apologize to Chong Heihu.

And Zheng Lun, who made a great contribution and captured Chong Heihu into the city, was left out in the cold, standing alone, with only a few soldiers around him.

"Su Hu offended the current emperor this time. There is no place in the world. I don't want Lord Hou to come here to give me a way out. Su Hu is very grateful! Zheng Lun dared to offend Lord Hou. It is a capital crime!" Su Human Said to Chong Heihu sincerely.

Su Hu said, turned around and shouted at Zheng Lun: "Zheng Lun, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Lord Hou, and ask Lord Hou to forgive you for your capital crime!"

Hearing Su Hu's words, Zheng Lun's fingers stabbed deeply into his palm, his eyes widened and his face was full of anger.

In the end, Zheng Lun let go of his hand gently, allowing the blood on his palm to flow slowly.

Zheng Lun lowered his head, and said in a low voice: "Zheng Lun doesn't know the general principles. If you offend the Lord, please forgive me!"

Chong Heihu couldn't help but sigh when he saw that Zheng Lun, who had been majestic on the battlefield just now, bowed his head in front of him.

"General Zheng's Taoism skills are amazing, and I am completely convinced that he was captured today! Su Hou, don't blame General Zheng!" Chong Heihu pleaded for Zheng Lun.

"Zheng Lun, why don't you thank Lord Hou for your forgiveness!" Su Hu shouted at Zheng Lun.

"Zheng Lun thanked Lord Hou!" Zheng Lun still lowered his head and said.

"Master Hou is really a lot of adults. You can tell that Master Hou will become an extraordinary person in the future by judging by the measurement of Master Hou! Bah, bah, look at my mouth, Master Hou has already achieved extraordinary things!" Zhao Bing next to him turned to Chong Hei. Tiger flattered him.

Hearing the flattery around him, and looking at Zheng Lun who lowered his head below, Chong Heihu sighed for a moment, power is really a good thing!

He was far from Zheng Lun's opponent, and now that he was sitting aloof, Zheng Lun could only apologize to himself humiliatingly.

Brother, I really want to sit in your Beibohou's seat right now!

At this moment, there was another drumbeat outside the city, and a soldier came in to report, and someone outside the city asked General Zheng Lun to go out and answer.

"Master Hou, is it possible that there are some masters in the camp outside the city? Why do you dare to come here to fight at this time?" Su Hu looked at Chong Heihu and asked suspiciously.

"A master?" Chong Heihu lowered his head in thought.

Suddenly Chong Heihu's eyes widened suddenly, and he asked the soldier, "Is that man a young man?"

"That man is indeed a young man!" The soldier replied cautiously.

After hearing the soldier's answer, Chong Heihu sighed at Su Hu: "Su Hou, you surrender! You have no chance of winning!"

"Master Hou, what's the matter? Is there really a young master in Chonghou Tiger Camp?" Hearing what Chong Heihu said, Su Hu frowned.

"I suspect that person is most likely an Immortal Immortal who has obtained Dao Fruit!" Chong Heihu smiled wryly.

"What? Immortal Immortal?" Su Hu exclaimed.

Those who have attained the Dao fruit are true immortals, immortal, immortal, live the same life as the heavens and the earth, have the same brilliance as the sun and the moon, and each of them has the power to move mountains and seas.

"Don't worry, Lord Hou, even the Immortal Immortal who has obtained the Dao Fruit, I can also capture him!" Zheng Lun, who had been bowing his head in silence, said in a low voice.

"Zheng Lun, don't speak so boldly. Can you catch immortals? That's a cultivator at the same level as today's grand master, Wen Taishi, and you're the only one?"

This time Zheng Lun captured Chong Heihu, which made all the original generals in Jizhou feel uncomfortable. Seeing Zheng Lun's bold words at this time, Zhao Bing couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Why not? The two white lights in my nose are a supernatural power. Master Hou, didn't your master tell you? Supernatural powers are unreasonable!" Zheng Lun raised his head and smiled at Chong Heihu.

There was arrogance in that smile, because Zheng Lun possessed supernatural powers.

Supernatural powers are unreasonable!


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