Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 90 Chi You Reincarnation

() Yu Yuan didn't stay where he was for a while. With the boundary of Yuanshi Tianzun, Yu Yuan didn't dare to go after Guangchengzi and five people today.

As for one day later, at that time, Guang Chengzi and the other five would have already returned to the Kunlun Yuxu Palace. It was precisely because he wanted to understand this that Yu Yuan turned around and left without the slightest hesitation.

When Yu Yuan chased Guang Chengzi and five people, the space around Guang Chengzi and five people was all distorted. Yu Yuan could only chase after him by escaping. It has already appeared in Shouyang Mountain.

As soon as Yu Yuan's figure appeared in the crack of Shouyang Mountain, he heard Chi You's schadenfreude laughter.

Hearing this laughter, Yu Yuan looked displeased and frowned at Chi You's rough head.

"You still want to chase and kill the characters in the Twelve Golden Immortals? You don't even think about it, Yuanshi Tianzun has such a defensive temper. If you don't slap you to death, you are giving your master face!"

"At least I'm still chasing and killing Chanjiao's disciples, unlike someone who was made miserable by Chanjiao's disciples. Now there is only one head left, and my mouth is not honest!" Yu Yuan mocked with a sneer.

"Wow, boy, you are dead. When I go out, I will slash you with a knife!" Chi You yelled there.

Yu Yuan ignored him, went directly to the side, sat down cross-legged, and refined the innate qi of the five elements that had just been swallowed into his stomach.

Seeing Yu Yuan ignoring him, Chi You also calmed down somewhat boringly.Chi You wasn't in the mood to bicker with Yu Yuan originally, but after being locked up for a long time and being burned by Yu Yuan's true sun flames, he couldn't help but open his mouth to mock him.

Yu Yuan's mind sank into his body, pulled by the power of the primordial spirit, and rushed into Yu Yuan's primordial spirit of heaven and earth with the innate energy of the five elements.

Those innate qi of the five elements that entered Yuyuan Heaven and Earth Yuanshen were directly absorbed by the five light groups distributed in the five directions of the world.

After absorbing a large amount of innate energy of the five elements, the five light clusters in Yu Yuan's heaven and earth primordial spirit suddenly swelled up, driving Yu Yuan's heaven and earth primordial spirit to expand slowly.

At the same time, the stability of the primordial spirit of heaven and earth has also greatly increased.

With the growth of the primordial spirit of heaven and earth, the mana in Yu Yuan's body circulated much faster, and his physical body became harder.

In the end, a multicolored ray of light shot straight up from the big Luo umbrella above Yu Yuan's head, connected to the heavenly way, aroused the light of the law of the heavenly way, and then the big Luo umbrella collapsed, forming a vast field of law.

Yu Yuan finally broke through to the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian with the help of these innate five elements.

After breaking through to the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, Yu Yuan was pleasantly surprised to find that he could use the Five Elements Law at the same time.

You must know that no matter how many laws you practice at the same time during the Da Luo Golden Immortal Stage, you can only condense the Da Luo Umbrella of one law in battle.

The field of law and the world of law can only condense one kind of law.

If you want to use another law, you must take back the law you are using, otherwise, you will not be able to control the two laws, and the two laws will annihilate each other.

It is the privilege of the quasi-sage to use two or more laws at the same time. Only after the quasi-sage kills the corpse, can he have enough primordial power to manipulate two or more laws at the same time.

But the laws in Lingbao are not listed here, and this is the only way for Daluo Jinxian to control more than two kinds of laws.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people's primordial spirits are naturally powerful, coupled with the effects of some special exercises, they can control more than two laws at the same time in the Da Luo Jinxian period.

This is the case for Yu Yuan. After Yu Yuan broke through to the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, the powerful and abnormal Yuanshen coupled with the extremely peculiar "Hunyuan Golden Body Jue", this allowed Yu Yuan to be able to fight in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian. At the same time manipulate the five elements.

Only now can Yu Yuan be said to be No.1 under the quasi-sage.

Even if Patriarch Kunpeng or Daoist Ran Deng appeared in front of him at this time, Yu Yuan had absolute confidence to crush them.

The feeling of the fusion of the five laws is really too powerful, especially if these five laws are the five elements of mutual generation and mutual restraint, how powerful should this be?

This powerful feeling even made Yu Yuan feel that he could challenge the quasi-sage, but he didn't know how strong the quasi-sage was in the early stage, so he had no way of judging.

The only quasi-sage Yu Yuan had an impression of was Patriarch Styx.However, Patriarch Styx was in the middle stage of quasi-sage, and a top powerhouse in the middle-stage of quasi-sage, but he was almost able to enter the late stage of quasi-sage.

Even with Yu Yuan's current strength, he didn't have the confidence to challenge Patriarch Minghe.

The law world condensed by the three laws of ancestor Styx is really too powerful, and it is not comparable to Yu Yuan's current law field where the five laws are integrated.

Feeling that the remaining innate qi of the five elements was not enough to raise another level, Yu Yuan put these innate qi of the five elements into the five-color divine light behind him with a thought.

Obtaining these innate qi of the five elements, the five-color divine light quickly perfected, and its volume also continued to grow, finally forming a group of five-color halos that circulate continuously.

Yu Yuan unfolded the five-color divine light, and saw the lightsaber with five halos spreading behind Yu Yuan like a peacock spreading its tail.

Yu Yuan's five-color divine light has finally achieved great success at this time, and at the same level, everything can be brushed.

After this trip to Shouyang Mountain, Yu Yuan's cultivation has improved a lot, and his five-color divine light and supernatural powers have also achieved great success.

Just when Yu Yuan had just finished training, the formation that sealed Chi You was completely burned by Yu Yuan's true sun flames, and Chi You's head was also burned.

"Hahaha, I've been trapped for thousands of years, I didn't expect that I, Chi You, would have a bright future. God bless my witch clan!" Chi You's heroic laughter echoed between the mountain walls, but there was a little sadness in it.

Seeing that Chi You was out of trouble, Yu Yuan didn't care where he was sighing. With a wave of his right hand, he put Chi You's primordial spirit in his sleeve, raised his leg and took a step forward, and appeared directly in the underworld.

Afterwards, Yu Yuan turned into a golden light and flew in the direction of Yan Luodian.

Not long after, the majestic and majestic Yan Luo Temple appeared in Yu Yuan's line of sight.

Yu Yuan had just arrived outside the main hall, and before he could make a sound, the ten ancestor witches who had already sensed Chi You's breath hurried out of the Yan Luo Hall.

Seeing the ten ancestral witches coming out to welcome them, Yu Yuan waved the sleeve of his right hand robe, and then saw a majestic and strong man appearing on the spot, who was Chi You's primordial spirit.

"Hahaha, Chi You, you are finally back, so our Wu Clan finally has some hope." Zhu Rong, who had a violent personality, was the first to speak, with joy that could not be concealed in his voice.

Just as Chi You came out of Yu Yuan's robe sleeve, he saw ten ancestor witches coming out to greet him in person.He couldn't help his nose sore slightly, and said to the ten ancestral witches with a choked voice: "Chi You is incompetent, let the big brothers down!"

As he said that, Chi You was about to kneel down and apologize to the ten ancestral witches.

Di Jiang hurriedly supported Chi You, and said in his mouth: "Chi You, how can a man from my Wu clan kneel down so easily? What's the point of losing, just fight back! Is my Wu clan still afraid of failure?"

After hearing Di Jiang's words, Chi You was even more moved.

"Brother Dijiang, why do you ask someone to save me? Now my Wu Clan is in decline, and I, I am helpless! On the contrary, because of saving me, I have to agree to some conditions from others, and drag my Wu Clan into this big war." The quagmire of robbery."

While talking, Chi You glanced at Yu Yuan who was standing on the side, bored.

Yu Yuan, who was originally bored listening to their reminiscences, now felt a little upset when he heard Chi You's words and saw Chi You's gaze cast on him.

"Ah, what do you mean? Do you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge? Chi You, you kid is really nothing. What do you mean by what you said? Do you want to renege on your debt?"

Di Jiang smiled slightly, and then spoke to stop Yu Yuan who was about to go berserk.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, don't worry, we will definitely do what we promised."

Hearing what Di Jiang said, Yu Yuan calmed down, and his face immediately became a master of Taoism, without squinting, with a straight face, and his face changed extremely quickly.

After comforting Yu Yuan, Di Jiang turned around and said to Chi You: "Chi You, we let you come back this time because there is something related to the life and death of our Wu Clan that needs you to complete!"

Seeing Di Jiang's serious face, Chi You also nodded solemnly.Said in a deep voice: "Brother Dijiang, don't worry. For the sake of the Wu Clan, I, Chi You, will not hesitate to die!"

"Okay, Chi You, come with me!" Saying that, led by Di Jiang, the ten ancestor witches all headed towards the sea of ​​blood.

Seeing that no one was stopping him, Yu Yuan also cheekily followed.

After a while, Yu Yuan and his party came to the edge of the sea of ​​blood, but there was no ghost wandering here, because there was an immeasurably huge roulette erected here.

"Chi You, we need you to be reincarnated into the human race, and then become the emperor as a human race." Di Jiang stared at Chi You closely, his eyes full of seriousness.

"Then I will promote the integration of the Wu Clan and the Human Clan, so that the blood of the Wu Clan can be completely integrated into the Human Clan?" Chi You said his speculation.

As for the deduction of destroying the human race and making the witch race become the protagonists of the world again, it is simply not within the scope of Chi You's thinking.

"Yes, only in this way can the blood of our Wu Clan continue to expand with the development of the Human Clan, and only in this way can we ensure that our Wu Clan will not be destroyed!" Di Jiang looked at Chi You with admiration. Among the Wu Clan, Chi You was the only one. It is possible to do this.

However, Di Jiang also felt a sense of sadness in his heart. Once upon a time, the witch clan who dominated the wild land now had to rely on the power of the human race to remain immortal.

"Brother Di Jiang, don't worry, Chi You will definitely live up to his trust!" Chi You made a promise to Di Jiang.

After hearing Chi You's words, the ten ancestor witches looked at each other and nodded.Then ten thick virtuous golden lights rose from the heads of the ten ancestral witches and fell into Chi You's body.

At the same time, traces of the emperor's aura from the ten ancestral witches were brought into Chi You's body by the golden light of merit.

"Chi You, the future of my Wu Clan depends entirely on you! You, go!" Di Jiang said to Chi You with a heavy tone.

Chi You took a deep look at the underworld, then turned around and threw himself into the huge, constantly rotating six realms of reincarnation.

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