Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 91 The True Face of King Zhou

() Yu Yuan, who had been listening to their conversation, couldn't help but start to mutter in his heart at this moment, could it be that Chi You's reincarnation is actually the most famous emperor in Chinese history?

Yu Yuan had been unable to solve a matter, but now he thought of a solution.

Then I saw Yu Yuan's right hand split a part of the remnant soul from his own soul. Although it was extremely painful, Yu Yuan still firmly separated that part of the remnant soul from his own soul.

Afterwards, Yu Yuan threw his remnant soul to the six realms of reincarnation, and followed Chi You's primordial spirit closely.

Since Yu Yuan split his remnant soul into reincarnation last time and got an unexpected return, Yu Yuan has been enjoying it for a while.

Although the pain of splitting his soul was etched in Yu Yuan's heart, just thinking about the huge reward, Yu Yuan couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing Yu Yuan's behavior, Di Jiang and other ten ancestor witches all looked at Yu Yuan with strange eyes.I don't know what Yu Yuan's move is.

Chi You was reincarnated to seek a future for the Wu Clan, so why did Yu Yuan split his remnant soul?

Is it to leave a way out for himself in the catastrophe?But if the interception fails at that time, I am afraid that this remnant soul will be easily wiped out by others!

Di Jiang and the other ten ancestral witches couldn't figure out what Yu Yuan was thinking, so they cast a questioning look at Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan chuckled, touched his nose, and pretended not to see it.

Afterwards, Yu Yuan couldn't stand the gazes of the ten ancestor witches, he laughed and said, "Haha, well, I still have some things to do, so I'll go first."

As soon as the words fell, Yu Yuan turned into a golden light and disappeared in front of the eyes of the ten ancestor witches.

"What the hell is this Yu Yuan doing?" Zhu Rong looked at Yu Yuan's back and muttered.

"This Daoist Yu Yuan seems to know a lot of things and has a lot of secrets. However, now that he is our ally, I don't think he has any plans for us? No matter, let's go back!" Di Jiang said slowly.

Dashang, over Chaoge City.

Seeing a flash of golden light, Yu Yuan appeared in the sky above the palace, condescendingly looking down at the ants-like crowd below.

With a mysterious smile on Yu Yuan's face, he whispered softly in his mouth: "I want to see, who is this King Zhou who has been infamous for thousands of years?"

Before going to Shouyang Mountain, Yu Yuan was not sure that he would be able to take down the notorious King Zhou, but after the strength of Shouyang Mountain soared, Yu Yuan was full of confidence at this time.

This King Zhou's cultivation level is only similar to that of Taoist Ran Deng, or even weaker.With Yu Yuan's current invincible strength under the quasi-sage, he is not as solemn as before.

"Fellow Daoist, you are so courageous. You dared to impersonate the emperor, causing ten days of long nights, and the darkness of the world. Aren't you afraid of endless karma in the future?"

When King Zhou, who was drinking tea with his eyes closed in his bedroom, heard these words, he opened his eyes suddenly, emitting a long golden light.

Yu Yuan's voice sounded slowly, but it was like the bell of an ancient temple, coming from afar, although the sound was not loud, it was continuous.

These words only echoed in this bedroom, and did not spread outside the palace.

There were only two people in the palace, one was King Zhou who closed his eyes and sipped tea just now, and the other was Daji who was leaning on the soft couch and looking at King Zhou resentfully.

Ignoring the surprised and pale Daji, King Zhou walked out of the bedroom slowly, looked up into the sky, and narrowed his eyes slightly after seeing Yu Yuan's figure.

"What is the meaning of Taoist priest's words? Why did you come to Gu's palace to talk nonsense and slander Gu with words?" King Zhou looked up at Yu Yuan with his hands behind his back.

Although King Zhou walked out of the palace, the guards next to him didn't seem to see King Zhou.

"Fellow Daoist, why are you pretending to be confused with me! This Human Emperor was a good friend of mine in the previous life, and I absolutely cannot tolerate your misbehavior like this. I want to see who you are, who is so brave enough to pretend to be Emperor."

Yu Yuan looked at King Zhou condescendingly, his tone full of fighting intent.

"Fellow Taoist, if you don't go looking for the Dao of Freedom and Freedom, why do you come to my muddy water?" King Zhou didn't want to fight Yu Yuan, he could feel that Yu Yuan's strength was not inferior to his own.

"Needless to say, you and I have to do something today. What you have done has made it impossible for me to find the Way of Freedom and Freedom!" While speaking, the laws of Yu Yuan's body began to distort.

Seeing Yu Yuan's posture of about to strike, King Zhou immediately gave up the idea of ​​persuading Yu Yuan with words.

"Since fellow Taoist insists on this, then let's do it with me outside the city!" King Zhou said and jumped up, and then saw a golden lotus rising from King Zhou's feet, leading King Zhou towards Chaoge. Fly out of the city quickly.

Looking at the golden lotus at King Zhou's feet, Yu Yuan's face changed slightly. This king Zhou used the method of Western religion. Could it be that King Zhou was transformed by a master of Western religion?

Seeing that King Zhou had flown far away, Yu Yuan stopped thinking about it. Does it matter who King Zhou changed?No matter who changed King Zhou, let him show his original shape today.

Immediately, Yu Yuan turned into a golden light, and flew towards the direction where King Zhou was leaving, surpassed King Zhou in a few breaths, and waited for King Zhou's arrival in the sky above a wilderness.

In a few breaths, King Zhou came to this place.

Seeing that King Zhou had arrived, Yu Yuan took out the Coiling Dragon Stick hidden in Yuanshen, waved it a few times, and the destructive aura in the Coiling Dragon Stick had already torn the surrounding space apart.

Yu Yuantiandi Yuanshen split out of the small heaven and earth Yuanshen, and through continuous shattering and evolution, the law of shattering has been deduced to the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

Looking at Yu Yuan's Coiling Dragon Stick and the iconic shattered aura on the Coiling Dragon Stick, King Zhou's expression changed slightly, and he said in a concentrated voice, "Are you Penglai Island's immortal Yu Yuan?"

Hearing King Zhou's question, Yu Yuan was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Unexpectedly, I now have such a great name in the prehistoric world."

King Zhou looked at Yu Yuan solemnly, and then his fingers changed, and then King Zhou's body suddenly grew bigger.But it's not the huge body of Fatian Xiangdi, but just turned into a six-foot-tall appearance, covered in golden light.

"A golden body of six feet! You really belong to the Western Cult. You Western Cultists are so courageous! You even dare to touch the Emperor. I just don't know which expert you are in the Western Cult?" Seeing King Zhou With a golden body of Zhang Liu, Yu Yuan knew that this King Zhou was a master of Western religion.

"Western religion Maitreya met fellow Taoist Yu Yuan!" Following King Zhou's words, his face slowly changed, and finally turned into a chubby face full of smiles.

"Okay, let me experience the ** of the Western religion!"

As Yu Yuan spoke, his figure flashed, and he had already appeared above Maitreya, and the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand fell towards the top of Maitreya's head with great force.

Maitreya crossed his hands upwards, and a huge golden lotus flower appeared in Maitreya's hands, blocking the falling of the Coiling Dragon Staff.

Immediately afterwards, the golden lotus flower slowly bloomed, and when the golden lotus flower bloomed, the petals pushed out the coiling dragon stick.

Finally, this golden lotus was in full bloom in Maitreya's hands, and then a huge world of laws appeared in this golden lotus.

Afterwards, Maitreya stepped forward and appeared in the center of the golden lotus law world, making flowers with his hands, looking at Yu Yuan with a slight smile.

"What a pure law control ability!" Watching Maitreya from the golden lotus blooming in his hand, to the final law world fully unfolding, silently, without a trace of fireworks.

"Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan, why don't you and I just let it go? Although my attack is not as good as yours, my defense is much stronger than yours. In the end, it will be a lose-lose situation for both sides!" Maitreya revealed to Yu Yuan that he wanted to stop here. Willingness to stop.

"Since Fellow Daoist Maitreya has revealed his own law world, I can only sacrifice my own law field to make a fool of myself!" Yu Yuan completely ignored Maitreya's intention to cease fighting.

Afterwards, ripples slowly appeared in Yu Yuan's upper and lower directions. These ripples became clearer and clearer, and finally formed a huge law field.

There are two law halos of red and green circulating endlessly in Yu Yuan's law field.Yu Yuan did not sacrifice all five laws, but only used two of them, the fire system law and the wood system law.

But even so, Maitreya was still taken aback when he saw the light of the two laws flowing in the halo in the field of Yuyuan law.

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Yu Yuan to have the invincibility of the Da Luo Golden Immortal. Dao Fellow is only at the middle stage of Da Luo Jin Xian's cultivation, but Pindao already feels invincible!"

Maitreya's face was full of envy, and he kept shaking his head, looking ashamed.

"Since you are ashamed, you should hand over Di Xin to me and go back to your west!" Yu Yuan said to Maitreya.

To be honest, Yu Yuan didn't feel bad for Maitreya.Yu Yuan knew that Maitreya would have to make a lot of sacrifices to impersonate the Emperor, but for the sect to grow, Maitreya did it without hesitation.

Although from Yu Yuan's point of view, Maitreya is an enemy.But from Maitreya's point of view, everything he does is for the sect.

Without affecting his plan, Yu Yuan is still unwilling to kill Maitreya.

After listening to Yu Yuan's words, Maitreya shook his head lightly, then clasped his hands together, and then saw Maitreya's Law World shining brightly, crushing towards Yu Yuan.

"Hey!" Seeing Maitreya like this, Yu Yuan sighed softly.

The field of law around Yu Yuan's body stretched slightly, and then he faced the world of law crushed by Maitreya's urging.

"Boom..." Yu Yuan's Law Domain collided with Maitreya's Law World, and then a dull sound was heard.

Then the law confrontation between the two became stalemate.However, Yu Yuan's fusion of the two laws is still slightly stronger than Maitreya's world of laws.

Then Yu Yuan threw the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand and fell into his own law field, and Yu Yuan's law field immediately changed drastically.

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I think even if you didn't guess that Di Xin was a fake Maitreya, you fellow Taoists should have already guessed that Di Xin is a fake!As for Daji, it can be seen from the chapter of Paobao that she is the real Su Daji!How about writing it like this?Are you a little surprised, or disgusted?

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