Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 129 Aftermath

Sadako Inoue, who was sitting in the back seat of the Stubbs car, looked through the documents in her hand carefully, and then put them back into the file bag.

"Mr. Ryan, this is the document you got from the headquarters of the Kodama Agency with your own hands, isn't it?" Inoue Sadako asked in a calm tone that sounded almost emotionless, but everyone in the car was shocked. I can feel the anger hidden under this calm, which is like a volcano about to erupt.

"Miss Sadako Inoue, I assure you in the name of God that I found this document with my own hands from the headquarters of the Kodama Agency on the fifth floor of the Broadway Building....... I am sorry for what happened to your mother. I am deeply sorry." Ryan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat of the car, turned his head and said in a deep voice to Sadako Inoue with a sincere face.

"In addition, I have to say that the boy named Sun Buyi you mentioned earlier also appeared in the ballroom on the first floor of the Broadway Building tonight, and also sat in the VIP seat that originally belonged to the manager of the German foreign company Man Feitan. Come on." Ryan turned his head back, stubbed out the cigarette butt and threw it into the ashtray in the car.

"Speaking of which, my task can be completed so smoothly tonight, thanks to that boy. But that guy is really crazy enough. Not only did he kill all the Japanese in the Broadway building, but in the end even those who were placed in the The Roman columns in the corridor on the fifth floor of the Broadway Building were removed by him and transported away." Ryan said here, looking up at the rearview mirror installed on the front windshield of the car and taking a look at Inouye who was sitting in the back row. Sadako, a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes.

"Mr. Ryan, you Americans first found out the real cause of my father's death, and now you help me find evidence from the Kodama agency that my mother has been dead for many years. You have put so much effort into me, and you will definitely not have nothing to do with it." What do you want?" Sadako Inoue in the rearview mirror changed the subject expressionlessly.

"As you said, Ms. Inoue Sadako. But our request will not be difficult for you, on the contrary, it will be easy for you. Now Japan's ambitions in Asia are becoming more and more disturbing. , so the United States needs to find some friends who work inside the Japanese intelligence agencies. In fact, we have been paying attention to you since a long time ago, because we know that you are half of Chinese blood, so we believe that when you learn some real information about your parents After that, you will definitely recognize who is your true friend and make a wise choice.”

While talking, Ryan took out a stack of documents from a briefcase beside him, turned his head and handed them to Sadako Inoue again, "From the day you were sent to Nanjing by the Kodama Agency, our Someone managed to get in touch with you. I think we should have established a preliminary mutual trust since you received the document about the real cause of your father's death that we sent you last time."

"Then these documents should be the ones you provided for me to complete the task?" Sadako Inoue shook the stack of documents handed over by Ryan in her hand, and asked indifferently.

"Yes. These documents record the US government's current China policy and possible future arms aid plans to China. The US ambassador to Nanjing, Mr. Jason, actually suggested to President Roosevelt that the US should reconsider its China policy. , especially since an orderly government has begun to emerge in China, and China has shown the determination it needs to resist Japan. Mr. Johnson believes that although the United States has no obligation to provide security guarantees to China, it should try to Assist China by providing military equipment in various ways, and reconsider the issue of allowing the Philippines to be independent, so as to check and balance Japan's expanding power in Asia." Ryan briefly described to Inoue Sadako what he handed over to her The main content recorded in the document.

"Then how should I explain to the Japanese side how I got these important documents from your consulate in Nanjing? You can't say that you handed them to me yourself?" Sadako Inoue frowned slightly, and put the document in her hand After putting away a stack of documents, he asked Ryan in a deep voice.

"Of course we have made proper arrangements for you." Seeing that Sadako Inoue put away the documents she handed over, Ryan's eyes flashed a smile, "You must still remember the document The major Blair who handed over your father's documents to you? He is the military attache of the US embassy in Nanjing. Because he prostrates himself under your pomegranate skirt, he handed over these important documents to you. Of course, he also He will be transferred back to the United States due to this matter in the near future, and will be investigated by a military court in China."

"It's a good arrangement. It can be regarded as death without testimony. After all, the Japanese have no ability to go to the United States to verify the authenticity of this incident. That Major Blair just changed jobs." Sadako Inoue nodded upon hearing the words, " I agree to cooperate with you! But there is a premise, that is, you must agree to the two conditions I put forward, otherwise it will be difficult for us to have a basis for cooperation."

"We can accept your conditions." Ryan pondered for a moment, then said firmly, "We agree to share the information you provide us with Nanjing, but this is limited to the information contained in the information you provided us. Content; In addition, we also understand your requirement of 'a certain right to act independently', but I hope you can inform us in advance before starting your revenge plan, so that we can provide you with some necessary information. s help."

"Although I know that you are just using me, but fortunately, I still have the value of being used, isn't it? Mr. Ryan, I will get what you need soon, and get what you need in this transaction I hope we can all be winners." Sadako Inoue said to Ryan solemnly.

"Then congratulations! Miss Sadako Inoue. From now on, you will start working for the United States as our first intelligence officer within the Kodama Agency, codenamed 'Momotaro'." Ryan also solemnly asked Sadako Inoue Said.

"In addition, I hope you can give us a detailed report on the situation of that Sun Buyi that Japan has mastered and the whole process of the confrontation between the Kodama Agency and him. I had a chance with that Sun Buyi tonight , I always feel that he is a very special person, and the relationship between him and the Germans really makes people feel a bit..." Ryan did not finish the rest of the sentence, but just silently Staring at the dark night outside the car window, as if trying to see through the cover of night to see what is hidden behind it.

Berlin, Germany

In a spacious office in the Empire State Building, an officer wearing an SS uniform was standing on the dark red carpet in the room, whispering to a thin figure by the window, "Dear Führer, The SS Special Operations Squad dispatched to Vienna, Austria reported back that they found the address you gave, but did not find the person you were looking for there...... "

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