Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 130 Aftermath

Seeing that the somewhat thin figure standing by the window did not speak, the officer in SS uniform thought about his words before carefully saying, "Your Excellency, I think that the Chinese family may have moved away long ago. After all, it has been so many years......"

"Himmler, you will never understand how I feel about those things." Hitler slowly turned back from the window, with a rare trace of warmth in his sharp eyes like a falcon, "When I was a poor and destitute homeless Hanshi, in Vienna, if it wasn’t for the selfless help of that Chinese family, it might be difficult for me to persevere there!”

"They once offered me five hundred Austrian imperial shillings! Himmler! It's a whole five hundred Austrian imperial shillings!" Hitler's voice became more and more high-pitched, and his right hand, which had been behind his back, was waved again Air, "And the money was used by me for tuition and living expenses for a long time, and during that time I was often invited to their family dinners!"

"Even when they saw my own art works, the Chinese couple took the initiative to help me contact the famous University of Vienna! And offered to sponsor me to study in that university. Himmler! You know that at that I was not the head of the empire at that time, I was just a penniless tramp!" Hitler took a deep breath, and when he felt that his emotions had calmed down a little, he stared into Himmler's eyes and said word by word , "So Himmler, I firmly believe that their help to me is selfless! And for this unforgettable help, I must return something!"

"Dear Führer, I assure you that no matter what, I will definitely find that couple from China for you!" Facing Hitler's sharp eyes, beads of sweat immediately dripped from Himmler's nose and temples This is no longer a simple matter of finding someone. Now this matter has risen to a new level, a level where a head of state harshly treats and sincerely returns the selfless help he has received.

Himmler believed that if this difficult matter had been dealt with by him without a clue as it is now, then he would probably become a useless stupid pig in Hitler's eyes in the near future.

"It doesn't matter whether it's the couple or their descendants! Himmler," Hitler emphasized his attitude again, "after all, the couple is probably very old by now, maybe...but they have A son, I know it well!"

"Yes! Dear Führer!" Himmler could not help crying inwardly when he heard the words.After so many years, it has become very difficult to find the client, let alone the son of the client, isn't it like looking for a needle in a haystack with little hope?

But Himmler didn't dare to show a half-distressed look on his face.Fortunately, Himmler is a smart man, so he quickly changed the direction of the conversation and found another topic that also interested Hitler, "His Excellency, as of yesterday, we have initially completed the survey of those belonging to the entire German territory." According to the statistics of the properties owned by the Jews, the amount of assets held by those Jews is really huge and astonishing!"

"It is indeed time for Germany to solve the Jewish problem now! Himmler." Sure enough, as Himmler expected, when the topic of Jews was mentioned, Hitler's attention was quickly diverted, and he immediately returned Reverting to the rage and babble of the past when the subject was brought up, "Schmidt and Schacht, the economic theorists of the right-wing conservatives, always advocated the expansion of German markets and arms production on economic principles. , They always emphasize in my ears the important role of those Jewish-run industrial and commercial enterprises in the German economy! To be honest, Himmler, I really don't like the so-called "no Jewish problem in the economic field" they advocate policy!"

"The most important task of a strong Germany is to eradicate the cancerous tumors that are still growing on Germany's body! Himmler, as long as conditions permit, I will erect gallows in rows! Yes! Gallows! For example , from Marienplatz to Munich! Of course, if the traffic permits. Then hang all the Jews and hang them there until the corpses stink! They will hang there forever! One batch was taken Come down, another group will follow immediately, until the last Jew in Germany dies!"

Himmler stood straight on the spot, listening to Hitler's impassioned speech very carefully. Although he was the only one in the audience, and although he could almost recite these words backwards, the expression on Himmler's face was still so focused and meticulous.

Twenty minutes later, Hitler's speech was interrupted by a slow and strong knock on the door. A colonel in SS uniform entered the office from the door and said respectfully to Hitler, "Dear Fuhrer, please forgive me." My faux pas. The experts have come to a clear conclusion after careful analysis of the blueprint sent from China. According to your previous order, please allow me to report to you the information contained in this blueprint as soon as possible. value to own."

"Very good! Rudolph, then please tell me its value now." Hitler didn't lose his temper when his speech was interrupted. On the contrary, Hitler showed great enthusiasm for the blueprint sent back from China. interest and attention.

"Priceless treasure! Dear Führer, the conclusions of the experts are only these four words." The colonel named Rudolf replied softly.

"So it means that the man-hours and materials required to manufacture this weapon are really only half of what is required to manufacture the mg34 machine gun?" Hitler asked solemnly.

"Undoubtedly! Dear Führer. Experts say it may even be a little less." Rudolph's voice trembled slightly. As a soldier who had served in the army for many years, Rudolph clearly knew the blueprint. The value contained in Germany, which lacks metal deposits and labor.

"To be honest, gentlemen, I don't like those Japanese! They are only worthy of fishing at the seaside! And what they did in Qingdao during the First World War, sooner or later I have to settle with them Yes! But maybe the Japanese are telling the truth this time, a unit that looks like the German Wehrmacht has really appeared near Beiping, China! But gentlemen, we all know that those mentioned in the Japanese protest Even we can't produce the equipment ourselves......." A look of disbelief flashed in Hitler's eyes, but the conclusions of the experts of the Reich made Hitler have no choice but to Believe what is mentioned in the Japanese protest.

After pondering for a while, Hitler said to Rudolph who was standing beside him, "Let Falkenhausen show the sincerity of Germany and immediately go to have an in-depth meeting with the mysterious Chinese who provided this blueprint! "

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