Anti-war metal frenzy

Chapter 131 Prelude

Tianjin Haiguang Temple Japanese Army Headquarters

Although the predecessor of Lieutenant General Kozuki Kiyoshi, Commander Tashiro Kanichiro of the North China Garrison, died in battle in the small building where Kozuki Kiyoshi is currently located, but Kozuki Kiyoshi does not shy away from this, and still continues to use this place as a Use by your own headquarters.

For those subordinates who once persuaded him to choose a new location to set up the headquarters, Kiyoshi Kazuki always refused with the answer of "Commander Kanichiro Tashiro's loyalty is not far away, and his legacy will last forever".I have to admit that this approach of Qingyue Qingsi has indeed greatly won the recognition and favor of the officers and soldiers of the North China Garrison stationed in the Japanese Army Headquarters at Haiguang Temple.

At this time, although it was already dark outside the window, Lieutenant General Xiangyue Qingsi did not feel sleepy at all.Standing in front of a giant map hanging in the house, Kozuki Kiyoshi looked solemnly at the many areas painted in red and blue on the map, and the pencil that Kozuki Kiyoshi was holding tightly in his hand was almost He was about to pinch water out.

"Sakai-san, how long do you estimate it will take for Tianjin East Railway Station and Dongjuzi Airport to resume normal operation?" Lieutenant General Xiangyue Qingji pointed to two places on the map marked with an x-shaped red pencil. Shen Sheng asked Major Sakai Sanjo, the commander of the No.11 Sakai Regiment of the Japanese Army's No.[-] Brigade, who had just been called to the headquarters by him.

"Your Excellency, Tianjin East Railway Station will be fully restored by midnight tomorrow at the latest. As for Dongjuzi Airport..." Major Sakai Sanjo pondered for a moment, then carefully replied, "At least ten It will take fifteen days to barely resume use, and this is only in terms of the airport's runway. If you count the reconstruction and repair work on the airport, including various ground facilities, it will take at least another month. Just do it."

"Shouga! Sakai-kun, come and see here!" Xiangyue Qingsi sighed heavily after hearing the words, and then moved his finger on the map to the outskirts of Tianjin, stopping at a place labeled 'Langfang Railway Station' In terms of position, "After the main force of the No. 20 Division of the North Korean Garrison led by the head of the Kawanan Wensaburo Division arrives in Tianjin, we will immediately launch a general attack on the 29th Chinese Army headquarters stationed in Nanyuan! But before that, we will We must first recapture the Fengtai military camp! Only in this way can we form a flanking attack on Nanyuan when we launch a general offensive, but if we want to regain the Fengtai military camp, Langfang Station is the only way we must pass!"

"Your Excellency, General, please allow me to lead my regiment to take the lead!" Major Sakai Sanjo heard the words and immediately felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood, his fleshy face flushed instantly.After bowing deeply to Kiyoshi Kozuki, Sakai Sanjo said loudly, "It is my lifelong desire to open up the territory of the Great Japanese Empire! I hope you will agree that I will personally lead the Sakai United as a forward, and take the lead in occupying Langfang Station for the entire army And recapture the Fengtai barracks, and wash away the humiliation suffered there before the North China garrison!"

"Sakai-kun, I believe you are fully capable of doing this!" Kiyoshi Kazuki was very satisfied with Sakai Sanjo's reaction.As expected of his former subordinate, although he is getting older now, his bravery is still the same as before.

Since his arrival in Tianjin, Xiangyue Qingsi has been keenly aware that the remnants of the North China Garrison stationed in Tianjin are somewhat panicked, and even many officials in the North China Garrison have developed a fear of war. It is simply unimaginable and intolerable.

Moreover, Xiangyue Qingji also heard that in private, many soldiers of the North China Garrison called the Chinese army that raided Fengtai Barracks and Haiguang Temple, etc., and wore the skull and lightning logo as the "Abi Messenger". It is rumored that many of the troops The soldiers are all ghosts who have returned to the world from the deepest of the eight hells in the legend, Avi Hell. Ordinary bullets are completely ineffective against them!But wherever they pass, there will be endless terror and death.

Kazuki Kiyoshi originally planned to severely punish some soldiers who spread such rumors, but after thinking it over and over again, he finally gave up on this plan.Because Kazuki Kiyoshi found another more effective way, which is to find and eliminate the Chinese army wearing the skull lightning logo, and then cut off the heads of all the soldiers in that army and put them in wooden cages. In China, this method is called the owl head show!

"Mr. Sakai, you will lead your regiment out from Tianjin tomorrow morning. In addition to the original four infantry brigades and one heavy machine gun brigade in your regiment, I will send 24 97mm vehicles assigned to the [-]th Division. Type medium tanks and a brigade of engineers are all under your command! Your task is to go straight to Langfang Station along the railway. After occupying Langfang Station, you have to personally lead the engineers to plant enough explosives under the roadbed of the railway! You understand Do I mean?"

"Hi! Your Excellency, General, I understand what you mean! Before occupying Langfang Station, I will leave enough time for the defenders there so that they can report the attack to the 29th Chinese Army Headquarters in Nanyuan, and then Plant enough explosives under the roadbed, and wait for the arrival of the armored train from the Chinese army!" Sakai Sanmen showed a fierce look, the flesh on his face trembling slightly with the pulling of his lips, "But Your Excellency, are you sure that China Will the 29th Army really send that armored train to support Langfang Station? That is the only heavy weapon in the entire 29th Army! I found that even after the battle broke out, the commanders in China were always reluctant to take it easy Use their few heavy weapons."

The question raised by Sakai Sanjo just happened to hit Kiyoshi's itch.Kiyoshi Kazuki couldn't help flashing a look of color in his eyes, "Sakai-san, our biggest difficulty now is that we can't get air force support for the time being, so we want to destroy the highly mobile armored train equipped by the 29th Army on the ground. It must be attracted to our ambush circle first, and the only place where this can be done is here!"

Xiangyue Qingsi pointed to the location of Langfang Station on the map, and said in a deep voice, "Langfang Station is not only the gateway to the east of Beiping, but also the hub between Beiping and Tianjin. When we attack Langfang Station, we must save it! And From Langfang to Nanyuan, a distance of more than 110 kilometers, the only option for the 29th Army to support Langfang Station in an emergency is to send that armored train!"

"After your engineers use the explosives buried under the roadbed to destroy the railway, the armored train of the 29th Army will become a turtle in a urn that can be slaughtered by us! At that time, as long as you destroy that armored train, from Langfang There is nothing between the station and the Fengtai military camp that can threaten the advance of the Imperial Japanese Army!" Kiyoshi Kozuki said while drawing a horizontal line heavily on the map with a pencil in his hand, marking the Langfang Station Connected with Fengtai Barracks......

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