
The severe pain stimulated the cerebral cortex, and Lin Sen felt as if his head was being run over by a car, almost to explode.

"Damn it... I won't drink so much again..." Shaking his dizzy head, Lin Sen muttered in a low voice and sat up on the bed, rubbing his temples on both sides that were almost split .


As soon as he got up, he felt an extremely awkward feeling in his body. Before Lin Sen could react to the specific reason, he couldn't sit still and fell off the bed.

Out of his body's instinct, Lin Sen took advantage of the situation and lay down on the ground. This weird posture actually made him feel more comfortable than before.

The ground is wet and cold, this feeling is definitely not the floor of his own home, Lin Sen's heart is also slowly cooling down, has he been kidnapped?

Forcing his flustered heart to calm down, his eyes gradually adapted to the dark surroundings, and Lin Sen looked around intently.

This place should look like a deep cave, and directly opposite is a deep and dark hole, so dark that it is impossible to tell where it leads.

The surrounding weird rocks are densely covered with layers of black and green moss, and a drop of mountain spring drips from the cracks of the rocks from time to time, making the sound of "tick..tick..".

There is a rectangular strip behind him, about half a person's height, shaped like a bed, I think I was lying on it just now.

The more he observed the surrounding environment, the more Lin Sen frowned. The city he was in was surrounded by flat mountains, and there was not even a decent mountain, let alone such a cave.

It seemed that I had been in a coma for a long time, but these kidnappers actually took me to such a remote place.

The footsteps of "咚咚..." were too clear in the dark and silent cave.

Lin Sen hurriedly rolled onto the bed, pretending to be still in a coma.

"Commander Centipede...? Commander Centipede...?" After a while, the visitor stopped at the entrance of the cave and called cautiously.

"Commander Centipede???" Lin Sen thought strangely in his heart, "Who is this guy calling? Is he testing me? Or did he go to the wrong cave?"

He couldn't come to a conclusion for a while, Lin Sen didn't talk to him, and continued to pretend to be asleep.

The people outside the cave called for a while, but still did not get an answer, so they walked in, carefully shaking Lin Sen's body on the stone bed, and softly called out, "Commander Centipede...Commander Centipede..."

After shaking for a while, seeing that Lin Sen still didn't wake up, the visitor murmured in a low voice, "Why haven't you woke up yet! What should I do with the king's summons!"

The visitor stood there for a while, not knowing what to do.

Looks like I entered the wrong cave!Lin Sen secretly thought to himself, it seems that the cave branch these kidnappers are looking for is really complicated, and all of them can find the wrong place.

And this person's name is really ugly, Mr. Wu?Centipede?I really don't know what his parents think!

Lin Sen held back his smile, and quietly opened his eyes in the dark, wanting to see what this idiot kidnapper who went to the wrong place looked like.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, after a while, Lin Sen only felt that a thunderbolt fell from the sky, hitting his forehead, and he was completely stunned.

The "person" in front of me, let's call this thing a person!

The segmented body is completely the same width from top to bottom. There are countless short tentacles densely covered on both sides of the body, and there is a relatively long one on the arms and legs, replacing the position of human hands and feet.

Yuanyuan's head was almost completely occupied by his mouth, and his two broad bean-sized eyes were staring anxiously at himself on the bed at this moment. Rather than saying that he is a person, he is more like an upright centipede.

Could it be that the person who kidnapped him could still be a monster?Are you kidding me, or are you dreaming?

Lin Sen, who was stunned, opened his eyes wide and wanted to see if his vision was wrong, but the monster in front of the bed discovered that he had woken up immediately, "Commander Centipede, you are awake!" Shouted to Lin Sen in surprise.

He rushed forward and respectfully helped Lin Sen get up.

"He's talking?" Lin Sen's brain was completely stunned at this moment, the monster was talking to himself, and he let the monster help him up.

"Master Commander, you are finally awake... Your Majesty and Madam have already summoned you several times! If you don't pass, I'm afraid your Majesty and Madam will blame you!"

Although he found that the leader in front of him was a little different from the usual one, but these were not important, the monster said impatiently as soon as Lin Sen was lifted up.

After a violent psychological turmoil, Lin Sen's heart gradually calmed down. Looking at the monster staring at him nervously, Lin Sen suddenly discovered a fact that he had ignored before.

This monster is not blind. If it is said that he went to the wrong cave to find the wrong person before, then there is no reason to admit his mistake now that he looks at himself like this, unless...

There is only one conclusion for this kind of thing, a terrible conclusion that Lin Sen can hardly accept. He is the "Centipede Commander..." that the monster in front of him said.

The cave was abnormally dark, Lin Sen couldn't see clearly, so he hurriedly stretched out his hands and began to feel for himself...

But for a moment, the face was ashes, and it was as he had guessed, the body was covered with a thin rope, like a hemp rod, and the small head, he was not kidnapped, but turned into the monster in front of him... ....

No wonder... no wonder I fell when I got up... no wonder I felt awkward... A normal person suddenly has so many hands and feet, if it is not awkward, it will be strange!

"Master Commander, you should go there quickly when the King summons you! If you don't go, if Commander Toad provokes a few words in front of Madam, I'm afraid you will suffer from the Heart-Eating Curse again!"

The little goblin looked at Lin Sen submissively and cautiously, and secretly looked at Lin Sen on the bed, thinking strangely in his little head, Commander is so strange today!Could it be that he was beaten stupid by that powerful doll yesterday, usually when he hears the Heart-Eating Curse, he is like seeing a chicken, but today there is no response!

If the commander is stupid, then the king and his wife will choose a new centipede commander, then I will have a chance to be the commander again!

The goblin was immediately immersed in the happy imagination of becoming the leader.

"Master good...."

At this moment, another centipede demon stumbled in, knelt in front of Lin Sen and gasped and said, "It's not good... Lord Commander... Your Majesty is angry... Madame said you won't go there anymore... You won't have to go there anymore..."

The rambunctious words that the little demon ran in made Lin Sen, who was on the verge of collapse, come to his senses. It seemed that if he couldn't get over it, the king that the little demon was talking about was going to use him for surgery!

Although I don't know how the other party knows that I have awakened, but even a fool can hear the murderous intent in these words, no matter what, let's live first before speaking.

"I'll go right the way..." Lin Sen slowly stood up from the bed, patted the little demon who came in first and said.

"Yes, Lord Commander..." Xiao Yao was also taken aback by the words of his companion later, and hurriedly ran out of the cave first.

Walking out of the dark cave entrance, the outside of the cave is not as dark as I imagined. After a few steps, there are hidden lights on the rock wall. I don’t know what kind of supply is burning, and there is no fuel on it. sign.

Can it accommodate two people? The road to walk is really dangerous, with irregular stairs leading to the deep underground, and the top of the cave is covered with sharp stalagmites.

Occasionally, there will be a cold light flashing in the stalagmite, which is obviously a deadly trap.

Moreover, although he couldn't see the dark areas on both sides, Lin Sen instinctively felt that there were many eyes staring at him closely.

Once they have any changes, even if they are still some kind of bullshit commander, they will kill themselves here without hesitation.

The defense is really tight! !Although Lin Sen's eyes were looking straight ahead, he could guess the surrounding deployment seven or eight out of ten. It seems that this fairy king is not as powerful as he imagined!

It seemed that there was some powerful enemy that made him very alert, otherwise he wouldn't be so careful.

The deeper into the cave, the little demon leading the way became more and more respectful and slowed down. As he walked through a corner of more than 90 degrees, a wide and bright cave entrance appeared in front of him.

There is also the faint sound of string music coming from the hole.

"Master Commander, the little ones can only go here! If you go further, there is no place for the little ones to go!" The little demon leading the way suddenly stopped and said to the respectful Lin Sen, that kind of place is not something that he can go to. go!

"Well! You go down first!" Lin Sen waved his hand casually, calming down his anxiety about seeing the Fairy King, and strode forward.

There are two tall centipedes holding a long fork on each side of the cave, and two small oval toads outside. There seems to be something staring at him in the dark.

"Commander Centipede..." Seeing Lin Sen approaching, the four little demons hurriedly saluted.

But it was obvious that there was not much respect in the big light bulb eyes of the two toads, but full of soft mocking.

This cave is obviously many times stronger than the kennel I live in, and the huge space is brightly illuminated like daytime.

Facing the entrance of the cave is a huge cloud bed with a width of five meters. The only two "human beings" in the entire cave are sitting on the cloud bed.

In the left hand is a tall and strong man with a figure of [-] meters, with dark skin and ugly appearance. A big mouth stands half of the big face, and two buck teeth protrude out of the mouth disgustingly.

The one on the right is just the opposite, with a melon-seeded face, gold hairpins on the cloud temples, golden snakes on the ears, and a white gauze. She has a graceful figure and a charming demeanor, with a hint of charm flashing between her brows and eyes from time to time.

The two monsters didn't seem to notice Lin Sen's entry at all, but concentrated on admiring the moving dance poses brought by the bumblebees in front of them.

Under the two of them, there are six stone tables, on which there are mountain game such as pheasants and hares, as well as drinks, melons and fruits, and monsters are already sitting on five of them.

The first one on the left was empty, presumably it was his own seat.

The first one on the right is a fat short toad, covered in red, holding a two-pronged steel fork by his side, watching Lin Sen come in mockingly.

The second picture on the left is a huge wasp. Although the weapon is not seen, the occasional cold light flashing on the big tail is obviously telling the enemy that it is not easy to provoke. It is watching the dance in front of it wholeheartedly. Completely silent in the dance.

The second picture on the right is a big gray bat, as if there is something interesting in the wine glass, holding the wine glass in the hand with two careful eyes, watching it back and forth carefully.

The third picture on the left is a big spider. Seeing Lin Sen coming in, although he has no face, Lin Sen instinctively felt that he was relieved.

The third picture on the right is a cockroach, with two short knives stuck in the waist, neither watching dances nor drinking, just sitting quietly, as if it does not exist at all.

"Isn't this the commander of the centipede who is the third master of our self-proclaimed cave mansion? Your old man is really late! It's even later than the king and his wife!"

Before Lin Sen walked in, the Red Toad was the first to speak, mocking with murderous intent.

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