"My lord, the centipede leader is still seriously injured. Otherwise, how dare you let the king and his wife wait!" Before Lin Sen could speak, the spider on the side hurriedly said.

"Greetings to the king! Greetings to the madam!"

Lin Sen ignored the red toad's provocation at all, and quietly gave the spider a thankful look, and paid homage to the two people on the cloud bed. These two people are the ones who control their own life and death now. As for the red toad, he is just a clown That's all.

"Hahaha... Centipede, you're finally here!!! Hurry up, hurry up...my hero, come to the table! Today's celebration banquet has a third of your credit, haha!!"

The great king sitting on the top bit the pheasant in his hand, and laughed boldly, without the slightest hint of anger in the little demon's mouth.

"That's right! Commander Centipede fought against the enemy bravely yesterday, and it's worth learning a lot from you!" The charming lady on the cloud bed smiled charmingly, and poured a glass of wine for the king with her two slender hands.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Ma'am!" Lin Sen thanked him, and respectfully went to the first table on the left and sat down.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Sen didn't raise his head to look at the cloud bed. Although he didn't know what kind of people the two above were, the rest of the people present were obviously more concerned when they looked at the madam than at the king. Fear, such a woman must not be provoked.

"That's right! Commander Centipede was really brave yesterday. Facing a baby who was still young, he didn't survive five moves. In the end, he even resorted to a trick of burrowing into the ground to save his life safely! As expected of the cave man The third master! I admire the red toad, and I offer you a toast!"

As soon as Lin Sen's buttocks sat firmly, the red toad started to provoke again, saying that he admired it, but even the earthworms in the cracks in the ground could clearly feel the sarcasm in his tone.

"Toad..." said the king's slightly displeased words, and the red toad immediately shut up and sat down respectfully.

Seemingly satisfied with his prestige, the king nodded slightly, looked at the beauty beside him and said with a flattering smile, "Now that everyone is here, let's start talking about business! Ma'am!"

"Crack!!" Madam clapped her hands lightly, and the dancing hornets retreated immediately.

Two charming eyes glanced at the few people present and laughed softly, "Today's banquet, one is to celebrate achievements, and the other is to discuss how to defend against the enemy in the future!"

"Whatever his enemy is, come and kill a toad!" The red toad jumped up immediately, shouting to express his loyalty.

"I just hope that Commander Toad won't pretend to be dead and fight cowardly!" As soon as Toad finished speaking, the spider taunted.

"Spider, I've endured you for a long time! What do you mean? Do you want to fight?" Being insulted like this, or in front of the Majesty's wife and all the commanders, Toad could bear it no longer, and picked up the two arms beside him. The steel fork pointed at the spider and cursed.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!" The spider also yelled, its huge butt squirmed slightly, as if it would spew out something at any time.

"Boom..." There was a sudden sound, water splashed, and the aroma of wine overflowed.

"Enough...you two!" The king yelled angrily as he knocked a wine glass flying. "What kind of arguing is it here...Are you thinking that I don't exist?"

"The villain doesn't dare..." Toad and Spider only remembered where this place was at this moment, and replied hastily and respectfully.

"Is the quarrel over? Then I can continue talking!" The lady looked at the two with a smile, but Lin Sen subconsciously shuddered at that charming look.

As for the spiders and toads involved, they were already frightened and stood still, not daring to move.

"If you have the strength to use it against the enemy, what kind of hero is it to deal with your own people! Do you think so? Commander Centipede!" Madam said with a charming smile, then turned to Lin Sen and asked back.

That charming smile made Lin Sen feel at a loss as to what to do. He subconsciously nodded and said, "Your Majesty is right..."

Nodding her head slightly, Madam turned her eyes away, and looked at Lin Sen's eyes with a flash of doubt, could it be my illusion?I always feel that something is wrong with this centipede today!

Immediately, he thought of the enemy in front of him, and immediately put the doubts behind him, rubbed his temples with his slender fingers, and said with a sad face, "That little brat who was so powerful yesterday was invincible, if it wasn't for My brain is not very good, even if we want to win, it is not easy, the life of the centipede commander is already very good! When I think that there are six such difficult children, I have a headache, you all say Say what a good idea..."

"Let's bother Madam!!" The king smiled charmingly, looking like a strict wife, and lightly pinched the beauty's shoulders and loose bones with his thick palms, "Hurry up and tell me what you need to pay attention to! Bats, usually You have the most ideas during the day, you should talk about it first!"

"This..." After being called by the king to speak by name, the bat pondered for a moment, and said distressedly, "My lord, forgive me for being stupid, I really don't have any good ideas!"

Everyone at the scene buried their heads deeply for a while, fearing that if the panting sound was a little louder, the target would be drawn to themselves, and Lin Sen didn't even know what the few people were talking about, so he put Hiding himself, it would be better if everyone could forget his existence!

"A bunch of useless trash, they only know how to talk nonsense all day long, and they are useless at critical moments..." Looking at the scene, the king immediately became angry, pointing at the few people on the field and yelling. .

"Your Majesty, quench your anger!" Madam said delicately, the angry lion immediately turned into a well-behaved kitten, and smiled softly, "I don't know what Madam's opinion is?"

"These seven gourd babies, although they are just seven young babies, each has their own supernatural powers. If we want to take them down directly, even if we have twice as many people, it will be useless!" The beautiful lady rubbed her brows and said melancholy.

"Ma'am, is there really nothing I can do?" The king looked at the resourceful beauty in his arms, if even she couldn't do anything, wouldn't it mean that he would go back to the days before, where the flames burned day by day, The voice trembled involuntarily.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" The beautiful lady said with a charming smile, "Although I have nothing to do with those dolls, now I have a clever way!"

"Madam, tell me, tell me! My beauty! Tell me, what is the solution!" The king immediately asked in surprise.

"Although those seven children have great supernatural powers, they now have a weakness. This weakness is the old man. As long as we catch him and have him in our hands, we can rest easy!"

The beautiful lady smiled coquettishly and said what was in her heart, and the king immediately praised, "A good idea! It's a really good idea! She is really my beauty!" He hugged the beauty in his arms regardless of the eyes of everyone.

Immediately there was a sound of admiration.

It's just that in the chaotic scene, several people didn't pay attention, Lin Sen who was sitting next to him was completely stiff!

Calabash doll?old man?

Here is the gourd doll!Then these two are the scorpion spirit and the snake spirit?

God! ! !Thinking of this, Lin Sen only felt a loud "coax" in his head, and a torrent erupted from the depths of his mind.

Ask for a ticket for the new book! ! !Seek motivation! ! !

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