The gap is not big, only about the size of a tabletop, surrounded by clouds, full of fairy air, only that one can see the lush greenery of the pavilions above the fairy mountains.

Such a size can only accommodate one person at a time, which means that the four people who enter also have a priority, and the first to enter the Immortal Mansion will naturally get a greater harvest.

The four of them are all thoughtful people, and this situation is naturally clear to brother.

"Hey!! I'm sorry everyone, I'm a veteran, but I took the first step!" Mrs. Xuan let out a sinister smile, with black air flying around her body, dark clouds billowing, and the nine-nine 81-pole Xuanyin formation flag fluttered out Among them, one breath was obviously much weaker than the rest. It was obviously destroyed during the battle with Suzaku just now, and it was used to make up the formation at this moment, but even so, it still did not reduce the viciousness of this formation.

Seeing that Mrs. Xuan was also very insidious, as soon as the battle came out, the dark cloud blocked the way of Lin Sen and the three of them, and he went straight to the gap with a smirk.

These people are all intelligent people, how can we not be prepared, but seeing the cold-faced Taoist nun in Kunlun, looking at Mrs. Xuan's back, with a slight sneer at the corner of her mouth, she snorted disdainfully, "You evil devil, heretics, you will die!" The floating dust in his hand immediately turned into a sky-filled filament, on which the wind blade passed through, and the thunder light shone and went straight to Mrs. Xuan.

Seeing this, Lin Sen couldn't help but look sideways at the Taoist nun. The Taoist nun was blocking the way of Mrs. Xuan's way, and this formation was clearly intended to kill and then hurry up.

As if sensing Lin Sen's gaze, the nun looked sideways, glanced at Lin Sen with a cold move, and then dodged to avoid the Xuanyin formation and rubbed her body to catch up.

Seeing this, Lin Sen smiled, and still leisurely fell behind the three of them.

The passageway in front of the eyes that Xuan ** only felt suddenly disappeared, and all his eyes were filled with filaments. The power of wind and thunder that made his heart skip a beat kept flickering, and there was only the word "death" when he rushed forward. With a sinister smile on his face, he rushed out of his hands. Strands of pitch-black silk threads, like asphalt, squirmed together densely one by one, and seemed to fly out of the palm of the hand like living things, lying on the white threads of wind, thunder and dust. I don't know what these thin black threads are. Unafraid of the power of wind and thunder above the white silk, it quickly spread in all directions.

In a short while, a piece of white silk the size of a doorknob was completely stained into pitch black. Everything happened in an instant. On the silk, a big hole was suddenly opened, and the paler Xuan ** person rushed out of it, and gave the nun a venomous look.

Yo! !There was a cool and long cry, and a blue light flashed across the sky, but it was the herring who took advantage of the fact that Mrs. Xuan escaped from the floating dust and attracted the attention of several people, and suddenly accelerated her speed.

As the water waves flowed on the blue scale armor, a phantom of a big blue fish slowly emerged. The big fish shook its head and tail, even in this void, it seemed to ride the wind and waves, and went straight into the gap.

Mrs. Xuan suddenly had a look of resentment on her face, but the nun's attention was all on Mrs. Xuan before, but she never noticed when the herring came here, and it was too late to stop it.

But don't forget, there are four people walking together at this time, although Lin Sen is slowly falling to the last, but his divine sense is always paying attention to the every move of these three people.

When the Xuanyin people sacrificed the Xuanyin array flag, and when the Taoist nun waved the wind, thunder and dust that covered the world, the herring took advantage of that slight opportunity, and I don't know what kind of magic was activated, and disappeared without a sound, just like a constant Like a big fish diving into the bottom of the water, in order to gather the slightest breath, it quickly swam towards the gap. If not, the Taoist would not have noticed that there was a big living around her even if she paid all her attention to the movements of the mysterious lady. people.

Seeing that the herring was about to sink into the fairy mansion, he suddenly felt that the air around him that was helping him move forward suddenly became sluggish. The little fish, not only no longer moved forward, but instead was constantly regressed by the torrent.

Seeing that Herring was about to rush into the Immortal Mansion, but then turned backwards in an extremely strange way, as if time was going backwards, Mrs. Xuan and the Taoist girl immediately looked at Lin Sen. Heavenly Immortal, the guy who told me to be careful one after another.

Seeing the faint smile on Lin Sen's face, the two of them couldn't help feeling a little flustered. That herring was so indomitable in riding the wind and waves just now, but he was actually pushed back. How strong is this person's spiritual sense?

The two of them thought too much, the herring took advantage of the points and broke the waves to catch the power of the surrounding air, and pushed forward as if controlling the water flow, but Lin Sen interfered with herring's control with his spiritual thoughts, and did not move until he broke his forward momentum. The push back, although it is also push back, is completely different from the consumption of spiritual thoughts that Mrs. Xuan and the others thought.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Lin Sen knew what they were thinking, and he didn't explain it, but smiled in a pretentious way!

The herring was also neat, seeing that the way forward was blocked, he didn't struggle any more, but instead had a fierce expression on his face, and with a dance of the spear in his hand, there was a light chirping sound, and he flew up and went straight to Xuan ** go.

Lin Sen smiled immediately, and thought to himself, this herring is really a character, and he missed a hand to stop him just now, under normal circumstances, he should come straight to him, and at the same time try to mobilize Master Xuan and the Taoist nun If that was the case for the two of them, Lin Sen would not boast of him so much.

Among the four, I am in the Confucian camp. Although I am fighting each other now, if I am besieged, then the Taoist nun in Kunlun will definitely not be with him and other monsters. I am afraid that if the two of them start fighting, the Taoist nun will go to the Immortal Mansion. .

However, if he made a move against Mrs. Xuan, the Taoist nun who had just made a killer move would definitely not be soft-hearted, and Lin Sen himself would never mind taking advantage of this to eliminate an opponent, although after getting rid of Mrs. Xuan, he would be killed. It was a two-on-one situation, but he dared to bet that Lin Sen's so-called decency was definitely not the same.

The herring guessed everyone's thoughts in an instant, and even Lin Sen couldn't help admiring him secretly. The big seal of Bichan flew out in his hand, and went straight to the mysterious woman in agreement.

And that Taoist nun had just launched a killer against Xuanyin, the evil heretic, and she would not be merciful at this time, but the floating dust in her hand was not surrounded like last time, and her heels shot out like spears.

The lady Xuan always had a look of resentment, but facing the combined attack of the three, it seemed impossible to escape at this time, but at this moment, Lin Sen only felt a very slight change in his divine sense.

Looking up, I saw a hidden purple light that was almost invisible, quietly sneaking into the gap.


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