"Who is sneaking around here, get out!" Lin Sen was startled and angry from the bottom of his heart. He was so surprised that someone was lurking here without telling everyone present, but he was angry. Taking advantage of the time when several people were fighting each other, he prepared to sneak into the Immortal Mansion quietly.

If he hadn't been accustomed to spreading his divine thoughts around and always paying attention to the movement around him, maybe this person would enter and completely occupy the fairy mansion, and the four of them would still be fighting outside in a daze!

With a loud shout, Bichan's big seal, which was originally smashing towards Mrs. Xuan, suddenly changed direction and went straight to the dark purple light. It was also thanks to Lin Sen's strong spiritual sense. If ordinary people turned so sharply, I'm afraid that before hitting the enemy, I would already be wounded and vomit blood!

Being shouted out by Lin Sen, the two of Qingyu couldn't help but pause, but Mrs. Xuan took this opportunity to turn into a black light, and ran out from the encirclement of the three of them, not daring to get close, just staring at him viciously. with herring.

The big seal of Bichan was like a hill, and it smashed straight down with great momentum, but saw a white dazzling brilliance suddenly shot out from the purple light, that brilliance seemed to be like sunlight piercing through dark clouds, and it seemed to be able to directly Throwing into the sky, insight into the world.

The white brilliance shot directly at the big seal of Bichan, and the big seal of Bichan, which was invincible on the hill, was moving slower and slower at this moment. After a while, no matter how Lin Sen urged his divine mind, it would be like a stone sinking into the sea. The Great Seal is still fixed in the air without moving a single inch.

Lin Sen's face suddenly became serious and abnormal. This divine light was so weird that no matter how many divine thoughts he exerted, it could offset it. This was the first time this Bichan Great Seal had encountered such a situation since its birth.

With the scene in front of them, the two of them, Qing Yu, couldn't understand what was going on, and they were immediately furious.

The big spear in Herring's hand pierced straight for the purple light. The body of the gun moved as fast as teleportation, and there were layers of water waves in the surrounding space, and the strength of the blow could be seen.

And the Taoist nun also let out a cold snort, threw out the floating dust in her hand, and went straight to the purple light. Every time the filaments containing the power of wind and thunder on the floating dust flicked, pieces of wind blade and thunder light would fall down.

The two sides attacked, but the gloomy purple light could no longer keep sneaking. There were layers of water-like ripples in the space, and a figure suddenly rushed out of it. He was dressed in a white Taoist robe, and he was extremely pure as he danced. Taoist spiritual power.

I saw a round ancient mirror on top of the man's head, which was neither gold nor jade, and there were faint ancient seals coiled on it, in the shape of clouds, dragons and birds. air.

But seeing the white shadow rushing out of the space, raising his hands, two sharp sword lights, one blue and one purple, rushed out from his hands, but he saw the purple sword light, its sword energy was full of violent fire power , with unparalleled power, hit straight on the herring spear.

Although water can overcome fire, it can also overcome water when the way of fire is exhausted. I saw the extremely fierce purple fire above the sword energy, and instantly saw the big spear covering it.

That long spear is the life-sustaining thing of Herring. After thousands of years of tempering, it can be regarded as an excellent weapon. In an instant, the handsome herring's face suddenly turned pale, a mouthful of blood gushed out from it, and hurriedly recalled the big gun in the flames, the luster on it was four or five times as dim as before, but it was caught by the purple sword. The vitality of the light is seriously injured.

Compared with the purple sword light, the cyan sword light is much colder. If the purple sword light is a wild man, then this cyan sword light is a gentle girl, although it is not as powerful as the purple sword light. As domineering as light, but really handsome and restrained, without making a sound, he completely dissipated the blows of the wind blade god thunder that filled the sky.

The wind, thunder and floating dust were also shaken back. Fortunately, that person seemed to be from the Taoist lineage, but he didn't hurt the Taoist nun.

The visitor defeated the attacks of several people in an instant, and Lin Sen couldn't help frowning. The two sword lights seemed familiar, and he vaguely heard them before, but he couldn't remember them.

These two swords, together with the mirror holding his big seal of Bichan, are absolutely extraordinary. This man seems to be as good as himself, but with these treasures, he exerts a combat power that is close to that of a fairy.

"Where did the evil come from, to act wildly in front of us!" Qin Wei immediately scolded angrily, but the faces of the other three angels were not very good-looking. If you get confused, you will still have a good mood there.

The four of them immediately shot at the same time, and the four rays of light went straight to the purple phantom. The divine light of the celestial beings was affected.

But he said that the four divine lights were moving very fast, and they went straight to the purple figure. Seeing that there was no way to hide, he saw two purple and blue sword lights suddenly burst out from the man's hand.

This pair of swords, one wood and one fire, one male and one female, the fierce and fierce sword lights merged into one in the air, condensing into a generation of purple-red sword lights. There is nothing else, only the extremely bright sword energy is left.

The sword light was so sharp that it cut off the four rays of divine light, but the sword light itself was quite dimmer, and it split into two sword shadows, which fell into the hands of the Taoist.

puff!A mouthful of blood spewed out. Although the face of the visitor was pale, he was full of excitement. After all, he had just resisted the blow of the four angels with his own strength.

Slowly wiping away the blood on his mouth, Lin Sen instantly recognized who this person was, and he couldn't help but sigh inwardly that he was confused. He hadn't thought of such an obvious sign.

But he saw that the person was wearing a white Taoist robe, tall and tall, he looked about 40 years old, but his eyebrows were very slender and straight down to his mouth like a dying old man.

It doesn't matter if the four of them make a move, the gap torn out of the prohibition suddenly shrinks, and the white coldness spreads to the four of them again along the divine light. At the moment, he doesn't care whether he has dealt with the younger generation just now, and hastily concentrated .

"It's you!" The nun seemed to know this person, and exclaimed slightly in shock.

"Ren Shou of the Emei Sect, I greet you all!" The person who came was none other than the Emei Sect Patriarch Changmei Zhenren Ren Shou who worshiped Laojun outside the Hangu Pass as his teacher and later overwhelmed the world.

At this time, even though he was caught for not being able to sneak in, but his face was not red and his heart was not beating, he first bowed to the four angels who were trying their best to control the divine light and couldn't escape, and then said to Lin Sen with a smile on his face, "Dao Friendly and strong divine sense, Ren Shou used the Haotian mirror to block his breath, but was still discovered by fellow Taoists, Ren Shou admired it!"

As he spoke, Ren Shou withdrew the divine light of the Haotian mirror, and let the great seal slowly retract.

"Lin is the one who admires you. Fellow Daoist not only holds a treasure in his hand, but also has this pure and pure Qi, and Lin can't keep up with it!" Lin Sen was also polite, and put the big seal of Bichan in his hand Laughing, the person who seems to be a treasure just now is not him at all.

Ren Shou studied under Laojun, so he cultivated pure Taiqing zhenqi, but Emei's reputation is not obvious at this time, and only the Kunlun disciples who are also in the Sanqing Taoist lineage know that he is a master. Saying that, no matter how deep his heart is, Ren Shou couldn't help but change slightly.

"Fellow Taoist really has good eyesight, Ren Shou admires him!" The long eyebrows were also upright, and the admiration on his face did not seem to be fake at all.

"Ren Shou!" The nun snorted coldly, "Since you have inherited the Taiqing inheritance, why do you still do such a sneaky thing? Aren't you afraid of offending Laojun? Even if I wait, I will follow you ashamed!"

Although the long eyebrows are backing up, I don't know how many times more than the Taoist nun, but at this moment the Taoist swears unceremoniously, and has no intention of saving face for Chang Mei, who is also the inheritance of the Sanqing.

Chang Mei was not angry, but replied apologetically, "This Immortal Mansion is at the bottom of the sea, and Ren Shou's magic power is low. Although there are heavy treasures to help, he is still powerless. Everyone here is completely unaware, just felt that there was something unusual in the aura, and was about to enter just now, fortunately, it was blocked by Fellow Daoist Lin, otherwise Ren Shou would have made a big mistake!"

This passage was said without any pause, as if that was the way it was. After seeing Ren Shou's apologetic expression, opening his eyes and talking nonsense, let alone Lin Sen and others, it was Herring Xuan*** Immediately, people are full of admiration.

But at this moment, the spiritual energy in the cave suddenly changed, Lin Sen only heard a few painful muffled groans, and saw the gap above the clouds of the Immortal Mansion suddenly disappear.


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