problem occurs!Lin Sen roared anxiously in his heart, and turned his head to look at Ren Shou and the others in a hurry.

I saw three figures falling back weakly, it was Qin Wei with a pale face, Qian Yuan had already checked the shadows, although the Shark King was still standing there, his tall body couldn't stop shaking slightly, although he tried his best to Endured, but finally spat a mouthful of blood from his mouth, stared at the sky with resentment and cursed viciously, "A bunch of rats..."

Lin Sen's figure swayed slowly, as if in a flash, he caught Qin Wei before all the Confucian disciples. As soon as he got into his hands, he felt that the person in his hands was so powerless, but he saw that Qin Wei's face was completely pale and white. The chest of the long gown was already stained red with a blinding amount of blood.

The weak face was also full of resentment, and the bloody forehead and mouth seemed to want to say something, but they didn't say it.

"Master!" "Master Uncle!" "Master Uncle!" It was the seven Confucian disciples who felt worried and anxiously stepped forward to investigate, and shouted in extreme confusion, but another disciple took out the elixir and stuffed it into it. According to Qin Wei's mouth, another disciple transferred his true energy into Qin Wei's body.

Qin Wei played tricks on Lin Sen, and sat cross-legged with restraint, refining the power of the elixir, calming and regulating his chaotic agitation.

But seeing that the Taoist nun hurriedly caught the old Taoist Qianyuan, inspected it slightly for a moment, then took out a golden pill from her bosom and stuffed it into Qianyuan's mouth with a panicked expression. Sitting in meditation with eyes closed.

And that Cha Nongying fell into the soft sedan chair that flew up, the red and red curtains were filled, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly. Standing in front of the sedan chair to protect the Dharma, he stared at everyone cautiously.

"Namo Amitabha..." The loud and loud Buddha's chant seemed to be accompanied by drums, echoing in the cave here.

Slowly the sound of wooden fish knocking slowly sounded, and then the sound of Sanskrit singing rang out all over the sky, lotus flowers bloomed, and golden Sanskrit characters slowly emerged on the rock wall of the cave. With the golden light shining, the whole cave was almost like a Buddhist holy place. , Peaceful, quiet, people can not help but calm down.

A golden cloud suddenly appeared above the cave, and the Buddha's radiance on it was shining brightly. There were hundreds of monks with good cultivation standing on the clouds.

At first, there was a person with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, handsome face, eyes slightly closed, hands clasped together, and a body full of radiant Buddha light. Even if he stood in the crowd, he immediately attracted everyone's attention to him. It was the Buddhist Heavenly Immortal.

Seeing this scene, Lin Sen suddenly understood why he had a vision before, thinking that Confucianism, Taoism, and monsters all gathered here, why he just missed the most powerful Buddhist sect today, and it may not be that everyone is smart to take the lead , only the Buddhists who are stupid and not stunned are born in the Immortal Mansion above the East China Sea.

But looking at the situation now, it is absolutely impossible for so many people to sneak in secretly without telling them. It is obvious that they entered the Donghai Immortal Mansion before them, and looking at the golden Sanskrit around them, it is obvious that they cannot be prepared in a short time. Looking at it now Lai Buddhism has already set up a big formation, just waiting for them to surrender.

Even the conflict with Confucianism on the East China Sea may be just to let everyone relax their vigilance and set their eyes on the monks stationed on the East China Sea.

Thinking of this, Lin Sen couldn't help but wryly smiled. He used to think he was smart in his usual days, but now he thought of it, how could he match the generosity of Buddhism.

Shark King improved a lot after taking the elixir, and the chaotic demon energy in his body gradually settled down, but when he felt the slight scars on the demon pill, his face suddenly became more and more ugly. Don't underestimate the slightest scar, the demon Pills are the condensation of the monster's whole body's essence, blood and monster energy, and are the foundation of the monster's way. This slight trace is indispensable for him to need a hundred years of nurturing.

"Sneak attack with black hands, you despicable and shameless bald donkeys..." Pushing away the support of Herring, the Shark King, whose eyes were full of anger, opened his mouth and yelled angrily, spitting out a mouthful of bloody phlegm from his mouth, supported by his mana Under it, it turned into a blood line and went straight to Nadala's face.

The four of them have the cultivation base of heavenly immortals, even if they are facing the Buddhist formation, it is impossible for them to be injured in such a situation in an instant.

However, ever since Lin Sen and others entered the cave, everyone has been under the watchful eyes of Tuo Luo and other monks. With the big Buddhist formation covering them, they didn't notice any abnormality at all.

Nadala is very patient and good at calculating. They have come to the cave of this Immortal Mansion a long time ago, and they are clear about the prohibition of this Immortal Mansion. Before, they were allowed to fix the four spirits and open the Immortal Mansion. They were happy to consume mana.

Until, the four of Qin Wei used their own Nascent Soul Divine Light to forcibly tear apart the prohibition of the Immortal Mansion, and when the spiritual magic tools were in full swing, they suddenly attacked with heavy hands.

The four Nascent Souls were naked, how could they have expected that someone would suddenly attack them, and before they had time to react, they would be hit by the Buddha's light from Tuo Luo to the Nascent Soul Demon Pill.

The four of them were concentrating on resisting the forbidden power of the Immortal Mansion. At this time, the Nascent Soul was suddenly damaged, and the mana operation was suddenly chaotic, and then the anti-shock force banned by the Immortal Mansion was used. If the four had not been tyrannical , I'm afraid that this blow is enough to break the cultivation base of the four of them, and their souls fly away.

Shark King is a demon body, and also has profound magic power. Qianyuan and Zha Nongying, each of them has a sun essence wheel and a cloud handkerchief guarding them on the Yuanying, while Qin Wei's Yuanshen is on top of a brush. But it hurt the most.

Seeing that stream of bloody phlegm coming straight to his face, Tuo Luo would not be angry about such a trivial matter, his eyes drooped, one hand slightly bent, and with a flick of his finger, a ray of Buddha's light rushed out, shaking the bloody phlegm away , and then slowly said, "The Shark King of the East China Sea is also a big monster, why should he sit like a child!"

"Your Buddhism also claims to be righteous, educates the world, and saves all living beings, doesn't it also use this trick!" Shark King said fiercely with a dark face. If he hadn't been seriously injured and had to bow his head, he would have already slashed up. Why such nonsense.

"Subduing demons, why bother with obsession and tricks, if Shark King and Master Zha were to be executed today, countless souls would be spared from being slaughtered. Wouldn't this be a meritorious deed that would benefit the world, and would fall into Naami Hell because of it? Even poor monks will not hesitate!" Tuo Luo whispered without changing his face, but his voice echoed throughout the cave.

"Dispelling demons and defending Taoism?" Lin Sen snorted coldly, staring at Natura and shouting disdainfully, "I heard what you said, but where are the two schools of Confucianism and Taoism?"

Hearing Lin Sen's words, Nadara suddenly opened his eyes, golden light shone in his eyes, and his voice was loud and powerful, resounding throughout the world, "The great prosperity of my Buddhist school is determined by God, and those who hinder the great prosperity of my Buddhist school will It is walking against the sky, and those who defy the sky are demons!"


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