"Bullshit!" A cold snort sounded from inside the red tent, "What bullshit Buddhism, Tuo Luo, thank you for having the face to say that you are merciful, set up a big formation, and sneak attack with heavy hands, even my demon way is nothing more than that , cough cough..." Zha Nongying coughed feebly, and then said with a coquettish smile, "Old monk, why don't you betray Buddhism and join my demon way, I welcome it very much, there are many immortal masters in my demon way. ..”

"Shut up!" Toro was so humiliated, and immediately roared angrily, the sound was like a roar of a tiger, the whole cave was slightly shaken, and then seemed to realize that he had lost his composure, Toro clasped his hands together, and said a long time. "Namo Amitabha Buddha...It's a pity that there is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who puts his body in the hell, vows that the hell will not be empty, and vows not to become a Buddha. Now he teaches Dongjin to preach for me, so what's the problem if he falls into the Amitabha hell!"

"Excessive words..." Zha Nongying was in a hurry. This old monk has been completely driven by his own obsession. Now it is not to say that he is killing people like himself here. For the sake of Buddhism, I am afraid that this monk will kill someone. Corpses are strewn all over the field, and blood flows into rivers.

But seeing a faint smile suddenly appeared on Tuo Luojun's face, and then said, "How can my Buddhist compassion be lightly insulted, let's start with asking the benefactor today!"

However, Nadala squeezed out the ten-thousand-character Buddha seal with one hand at shoulder level, and it seemed to have a weight of ten thousand jun, and slowly pushed forward.

Immediately after this pose, the entire cave echoed, the golden Sanskrit characters on the rock walls shone, the sound of Sanskrit singing echoed in the sky, flowers fell from the sky, and golden lotuses gushed from the ground.

Not to mention how powerful it is, just this terrifying breath fluctuation is already extremely frightening.

I saw a golden ten thousand word slowly condensed on the Buddha seal of Nadala. As the Buddha seal moved forward, the ten thousand character became more and more clear before being typed out. It has been completely condensed into substance, which is about the size of a square table. Although it is resplendent and resplendent, the Buddha energy on it is completely restrained, and there is no slightest fluctuation.

The ten thousand-character seal seemed to fly out slowly, but it appeared in front of the red tent in an instant as if it had crossed space, causing the gauze on the soft sedan chair to violently twitch.

"Hum!!" Although Cha Nongying was seriously injured, he was not an easy person. He hummed softly. Although his own mana was hard to drive, he still had eight puppets.

I saw the eight puppets moving at his will, fluttering up in white clothes, standing still from all directions as if they were dancing immortals. These eight boys were already moving with Zha Nongying's will, and their cooperation was even more tacit.

The eight people stood still and their breaths were faintly connected, and a golden divine light slowly condensed between each other, and then based on the eight people, they condensed into a piece of golden gossip to block in front of the soft sedan chair.

Silently, the golden ten thousand characters did not make the slightest sound when the gossip met. Although it was trembling by the power of the ten thousand character Buddha seal, it was resisted after all.

"Refining such a vicious thing, you really deserve to die!" But seeing Tuo Luojun smiled slightly, his handsome appearance was set off by the Buddha's light, and it seemed that the world was also paled by it. It is like a big magnet, tightly sucked on the golden gossip, slowly turning with the gesture of Tuo Luo.

Every time you turn one point, the ten thousand-character seal will increase by one point, and the power on it will increase geometrically. If it is supported by Cha Nongying's super strong magic power on weekdays, this puppet gossip formation will be invincible. But at this moment, only relying on the power of the eight Earth Immortal puppets, how can they stop this Celestial Immortal.

I saw that the ten thousand character seal turned faster and faster, turned bigger and bigger, and grew to the size of a waterwheel in a short while. Under this strong pressure, I saw that the eight puppets were like golden glazed lights on each other. , Cracks suddenly appeared, and in an instant, it spread rapidly to the surroundings like the fire of the prairie fire.

Be loud! !There was a series of intensive breaking sounds, and the golden gossip suddenly turned into golden fragments all over the sky and slowly disappeared, and the eight puppets in white clothes were also instantly scattered and flew to the ground.

The Son of Blood God and Mr. Xuan, who were guarding in front of the sedan chair, immediately rubbed their bodies up, sacrificed to Xuanyin, and condensed out the claws of the blood-clotting god, and moved towards the ten-thousand-character Buddha seal to block it.

It's a pity that the Buddhist martial arts are very restrained to the two of them. What's more, one was seriously injured and the other was quite exhausted. The big seal with ten thousand characters let out a shrill cry, bursts of scorched green smoke billowed from his body, how could he dare to resist and hastily retreated.

"Hmm~~" There was a muffled groan in the red tent, and the eight puppets were connected to Cha Nongying mindfully. Although Cha Nongying cut off contact very quickly, they were still affected after all. The injuries were already serious. Immediately, the injury was compounded.

The eight puppets were shaken and flew in all directions.One of the puppets went straight to the fairy mountain and fell, seeing that it was frozen into a zombie by the clouds, Cha Nongying couldn't control it with distraction.

There is also a puppet that was knocked into the air, and it went straight to the light ball left by the water flow in the sky. The light ball did not know what it was. The body spread, and in just one breath, the puppet was frozen into a pure white ice-edge statue, and then touched!With a loud explosion, it turned into dots of icy edges all over the sky, and fell like snowflakes all over the sky, but there were no bones left.

Seeing the ten-thousand-character Buddha seal pressing towards him quickly, he was seriously injured at this time. If he was hit by this blow, he might not be able to escape death, but he is quite proud of himself, so he was forcibly pressed even with a cry of pain. In his throat, let alone something like calling for help, he saw a pink ropa slowly flying out of the tent, turning into pink clouds all over the sky, obviously preparing to take the blow of Tuo Luo.

boom!There was a loud noise, but a big black seal like a hill appeared at the side at some point, and it rushed out suddenly, smashing the ten thousand-character Buddha seal that was almost pressed on the soft sedan chair.

It was Lin Sen's big seal of Bichan, that big seal was almost as small as a hill, and even the ten thousand-character Buddha seal was so powerful that it was still smashed, slipping past the side of the soft sedan chair, and smashed into the lake. .

But seeing Lin Sen's figure suddenly appearing in front of Zha Nongying's sedan chair, protecting it behind his back, this is not because Lin Sen has a good impression of Old Monster Cha, but because of the large formation of the Buddhist sect, with the strength of people like himself, he wants to It is even more difficult to rush out, the current plan is to buy time, let the injured four angels regain some fighting power, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

"Monster~~" shouted angrily, but Tuo Luo stared at Lin Sen and said, "The Northern Zhou Dynasty killed my monks and destroyed my temples, all because of you, and I will let you go on the East China Sea once, and today I will kill you." You killed here!"


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